Aspazoma N.E.Br. GC 1925: 413; Bittrich 1987: 5–116; Gerbaulet 2001 in Hartmann 2001: 80–81; Klak et al. 2006: 353–400, Klak et al. 2007: 737–756; Gerbaulet 2012: 187–198; Klak & Bruyns 2013: 197–206 Typus A. amplectens (L.Bolus) N.E.Br. Etym Gk aspazomai, to embrace, referring to the leaf sheaths clasping the stems.

Bushily branched, erect small shrubs with fibrous roots, I weakly lignified, articulate, young cortex green and succulent, drying with age and branches lignifying, with additional vascular bundles, with tall, isodiametric, closely packed, xeromorphic bladder cells; L cylindrical or slightly flattened on the upper surface, decussate, basally free, but each leaf with an overlapping stem-clasping sheath, deciduous, with central water-storing tissue as well as enlarged water storing cells in the chlorenchyma, with loosely arranged, mesomorphic, somewhat flattened bladder cells; Fl large, solitary, K 4–5, basally shortly connate, petals white to cream, basally connate into a tube, few filamentous staminodes present, nectaries shell-shaped; Fr a hygrochastic capsule with the valve wings inflexed over the expanded valves, 4–5 locules; S usually only 2 per locule, large, broadly egg-shaped, light brown to whitish, testa almost smooth; Ecol on quartzite hills, 300–600 m, rain in winter (Fig. 1); Distr Namaqualand, NC, S Africa.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Distribution of Aspazoma. The genus occurs throughout the western parts of Namaqualand within the winter rainfall region (Copyright: H.E.K. Hartmann)

Note: The monotypic genus Aspazoma was established by Brown (1925) for a species with basally free, decussate leaves forming a large, stem-clasping overlapping sheath. According to Klak et al. (2006), Aspazoma is most closely related to Dactylopsis. Both genera form a monophylum which in turn is the sister group to Brownanthus. All three share a green and succulent cortex with tall, closely packed, xeromorphic bladder cells and deciduous or marcescent leaves.

A. amplectens (L.Bolus) N.E.Br. 1926 in Phillips 1926: 244 ≡ M. amplectens L.Bolus in Pearson ASAM 1913: 153 LT, designated by Gerbaulet 2001 in Hartmann 2001: 81, Pearson 6064 (BOL!).

Shrub to 25 cm h, ∅ to 50 cm; L decussate, broadly overlapping (Fig. 2); I cylindrical, pith with styloids; Fl ∅ to 45 mm, vanilla-scented; Fr 7–9 mm, locules shallow; S usually only 2 per locule, to 2.2 mm l; Ecol as for genus; Distr as for genus.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Aspazoma amplectens. A fruiting plant; the stem-clasping sheaths of the leaves are overlapping (Copyright: M. Struck)

Note: Flowering time is around September. Aspazoma may dominate the vegetation in places.