
Allodynia is a nociceptive reaction and/or pain due to a stimulus that does not normally evoke pain („allo“ – „other“; „dynia“ – pain), like mild touch or moderate cold. The definition of allodynia by the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) is: “Pain induced by stimuli that are not normally painful” If this definition is taken literally, it means that any drop in pain threshold is allodynia, whereas increases in pain to suprathreshold stimuli are hyperalgesia. Allodynia is based on sensitized central neurons with increased excitability to A-beta fiber input, and is critically dependent on the ongoing activity of nociceptive afferent units, particularly mechano-insensitive C-fibers. It is one of the most distressing symptoms of neuropathic pain.

Allodynia and Alloknesis

Anesthesia Dolorosa Model, Autotomy

Calcium Channels in the Spinal Processing of Nociceptive Input

Chronic Pelvic Pain, Musculoskeletal Syndromes

Clitoral Pain

Cognitive Behavioral Treatment of Pain

Complex Regional Pain Syndromes, Clinical Aspects

CRPS, Evidence-Based Treatment

CRPS-1 in Children

Deafferentation Pain

Descending Circuits in the Forebrain, Imaging

Diagnosis and Assessment of Clinical Characteristics of Central Pain

Dietary Variables in Neuropathic Pain

Drugs Targeting Voltage-Gated Sodium and Calcium Channels

Drugs with Mixed Action and Combinations, Emphasis on Tramadol

Freezing Model of Cutaneous Hyperalgesia

Functional Changes in Sensory Neurons Following Spinal Cord Injury in Central Pain

Human Thalamic Response to Experimental Pain (Neuroimaging)

Hyperaesthesia, Assessment



Hyperpathia, Assessment

Inflammatory Neuritis

Metabotropic Glutamate Receptors in Spinal Nociceptive Processing

Neuropathic Pain Model, Tail Nerve Transection Model

Nociceptive Circuitry in the Spinal Cord

Nociceptive Processing in the Amygdala, Neurophysiology and Neuropharmacology

Opioid Receptor Trafficking in Pain States

Pain Modulatory Systems, History of Discovery

Percutaneous Cordotomy

PET and fMRI Imaging in Parietal Cortex (SI, SII, Inferior Parietal Cortex BA40)

Postherpetic Neuralgia, Etiology, Pathogenesis and Management

Postherpetic Neuralgia, Pharmacological and Non-Pharmacological Treatment Options

Post-Stroke Pain Model, Thalamic Pain (Lesion)

Psychiatric Aspects of Visceral Pain

Purine Receptor Targets in the Treatment of Neuropathic Pain

Satellite Cells and Inflammatory Pain

Spinal Cord Injury Pain Model, Contusion Injury Model

Sympathetically Maintained Pain in CRPS II, Human Experimentation

Thalamotomy, Pain Behavior in Animals

Thalamus, Dynamics of Nociception

Transition from Acute to Chronic Pain