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Laser-Induced Processing of Nanoparticles and Growth of Nanowires

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Handbook of Laser Micro- and Nano-Engineering


This chapter presents a review of work on the laser synthesis and functionalization of semiconductor nanowires and nanoparticles in the context of fabricating high-performance electronic devices. Laser-aided sintering of nanoparticles (NPs) is examined. Laser irradiation can access time scales from the continuous to ultrafast and length scales down to submicron, therefore enabling precise control of the induced temperature field. Furthermore, the coupling of the laser energy with the target material is a strong function of the wavelength and is sensitive to the size of the irradiated structure, particularly as the dimensions shrink to the nanoscale range. In this case, one may expect resonant effects allowing efficient radiant energy coupling and processing. Vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) mechanism has been adopted as a bottom-up approach in the synthesis of semiconducting nanowires (NWs). In contrast to blanket heating methods, laser irradiation offers high spatial selectivity and precise control of the heating mechanism in the time domain. These attributes enable elucidation of the fundamental process of nanowire nucleation and early stage of nanostructure growth. Site- and shape-selective on-demand direct integration of oriented NWs is accomplished. Growth of discrete silicon nanowires is reported with nanoscale location selectivity by employing near-field laser illumination in conjunction with highly localized electric fields. Control of the location-selective metal oxide NW growth is accomplished by modulated laser irradiation via an adaptation of hydrothermal growth. Understanding of kinetics of laser hydrothermal growth enabled optimization of efficient growth of various metal oxide NWs, and even heterostructures could be demonstrated on arbitrary substrates.

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The research done by C.G. and his co-workers at the Laser Thermal Laboratory of UC Berkeley was supported by the DARPA/MTO, the US Department of Energy, and the US National Science Foundation. The laser-induced nanowire growth and doping was conducted on the LACVD apparatus in the UC Berkeley Marvell Nanofabrication Laboratory.

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Rho, Y., Grigoropoulos, C.P. (2020). Laser-Induced Processing of Nanoparticles and Growth of Nanowires. In: Sugioka, K. (eds) Handbook of Laser Micro- and Nano-Engineering. Springer, Cham.

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  • Print ISBN: 978-3-319-69537-2

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