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Emotional Intelligence, Performance, and Fulfillment

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The Palgrave Handbook of Workplace Spirituality and Fulfillment
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There are several ways to look at what constitutes and brings us fulfillment. In this chapter, we argue that emotional intelligence may be one of its major prerequisites. Self-actualization is the realization of the potential of the self, becoming the most one can be. This may be an ultimate goal, but remains elusive even if lower levels of need are met, and are typically only achieved when previous levels are “mastered.” Being skilled at understanding and handling emotions in others and in oneself, channeling them into productive outcomes, and the ability and willingness to connect all play an essential role in success, even over technical skills and capabilities. Possessing emotional intelligence helps us recognize how sensitive events can help or hinder other processes. In examining what contributes to happiness, research has found support for the impact of both wisdom and emotional intelligence on levels of happiness.

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Wood, A., Holt, S.S. (2018). Emotional Intelligence, Performance, and Fulfillment. In: Dhiman, S., Roberts, G., Crossman, J. (eds) The Palgrave Handbook of Workplace Spirituality and Fulfillment. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

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