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Religion and Entrepreneurship

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Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics
  • 102 Accesses


The idea that religious values may impact on economic behavior and activity can be traced at least as far back as the work of Max Weber. However, there has been a recent advance of interest in religion and entrepreneurship as an important facet of this wider issue. At a global level religion remains an important sociocultural force. This has led in turn to the development of a range of ideas about the potential linkage between religious affiliation, the acquisition of religious beliefs and values, and their impact on entrepreneurial intentions, choices, and performance. Researchers have evaluated and investigated these ideas along various methodological paths. Within the entrepreneurship field, qualitative methods have been used extensively. However, econometric studies using large-scale microdata are more limited in number, and an assessment of findings to date is mixed and not firmly conclusive. The role of religion is also explored through the lens of institutional theory, producing ideas about the role of religious organizations as an important source of social and networking capital. This leads to empirical predictions which might more appropriately be assessed with multilevel analysis and points to important ways in which the current literature might be developed and extended. Finally, the role of religion as a source of entrepreneurial opportunity is discussed, both for individual religiously motivated entrepreneurs and for religious organizations themselves behaving in an entrepreneurial manner, consistent with established ideas about rational choice and religion.

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Henley, A. (2022). Religion and Entrepreneurship. In: Zimmermann, K.F. (eds) Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics. Springer, Cham.

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