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Fine Motor Skill Development in Children and Youth with Unilateral Cerebral Palsy

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Cerebral Palsy


Hand and upper extremity skill development varies in children and youth with unilateral cerebral palsy. The sensorimotor control and function available during childhood and adolescence can significantly influence participation in a range of activities and environments. Following an overview of the development of neural integrity in this population, this chapter reviews the typical components of prehension and characteristics of upper extremity function. We then review typical and atypical prehension patterns as well as the key factors that influence function in children with unilateral cerebral palsy. These factors include muscle activation, prehension sensibility, anticipatory control, and selective motor control. Based on available evidence, the chapter reviews methods of assessment including the use of classification procedures and standardized outcome measures. It concludes with a brief overview of intervention strategies targeted to improve prehensile function.

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Duff, S.V., Wolff, A.L. (2018). Fine Motor Skill Development in Children and Youth with Unilateral Cerebral Palsy. In: Miller, F., Bachrach, S., Lennon, N., O'Neil, M. (eds) Cerebral Palsy. Springer, Cham.

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