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Flow Boiling in Tubes

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  • First Online:
Handbook of Thermal Science and Engineering
  • 761 Accesses


Flow boiling in tubes is a highly efficient heat transfer regime, which is used for thermal management in various engineered systems with high energy density, from power electronics to heat exchangers in power plants and nuclear reactors. Flow boiling can occur in different two-phase flow patterns under a wide range of flow conditions, including transient and developing flows. Thus, analysis of flow boiling in tubes is built upon a broad knowledge base on related processes in two-phase flow and heat transfer mechanisms that have been a subject of numerous experimental, theoretical, and computational investigations over many decades. The main quantities of interest for design, operation, and safety of such systems are boiling heat transfer and the limit of coolability associated with boiling crisis and burnout that occur at critical heat fluxes. This chapter provides an overview of a wide range of phenomena that govern heat transfer in flow boiling in tubes, highlighting the multiscale complexity of flow boiling. The main content of the chapter discusses approaches to modeling of flow boiling, including traditional one-dimensional models and an emerging class of multidimensional treatments. Associated issues, remaining uncertainties, and perspectives are also discussed.

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A :

(tube) cross-sectional area; interfacial area

d :

bubble diameter

c p :

heat capacity at constant pressure

c v :

heat capacity at constant volume

D :

tube inner diameter

e :

internal energy

f :

friction factor

f TP :

friction factor for two-phase flow

g :

gravitational acceleration

G :

mass flux

h :

enthalpy; heat transfer coefficient

k :

thermal conductivity; turbulent kinetic energy

p :


q :

heat flux

Q :

flow rate per unit periphery of the liquid film in annular flow

S :

slip ratio

t :


T :


u :


u gs :

gas superficial velocity

u ls :

liquid superficial velocity

v :

specific volume

x :

thermodynamic quality

z :

flow direction

α :

phasic fraction by volume


interfacial mass change rate

δ :

film thickness

ε :

turbulent dissipation rate

θ :


μ :

dynamic viscosity

ρ :


σ :

surface tension

ϕ :

representation of a general scalar quantity / contact angle

\( {\Phi}_{fo}^2 \) :

two-phase frictional multiplier

c :

convective heat transfer component

e :

evaporation heat transfer component

q :

quenching heat transfer component

t :


b :


f :

g property difference between fluid and gas (both in saturation state)

g :


i :


l :


r :

relative motion

sat :

saturation state

sub :

subcooled state

sup :

superheat state

w :


Nu :

Nusselt number (=hD/k)

Pr :

Prandtl number (=c p μ/k)

Re :

Reynolds number (=ρvD/μ)

Re b :

Bubble Reynolds number (=ρ l (v g  − v l )d/μ l )

We :

Weber number (=ρv 2 d/σ)


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Liu, Y., Dinh, N. (2017). Flow Boiling in Tubes. In: Kulacki, F. (eds) Handbook of Thermal Science and Engineering. Springer, Cham.

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  • Publisher Name: Springer, Cham

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