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Eye Animation

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Handbook of Human Motion


The synthesis of eye movements involves modeling saccades (the rapid shifts of gaze), smooth pursuits (object tracking motions), binocular rotations implicated in vergence, and the coupling of eye and head rotations. More detailed movements include dilation and constriction of the pupil (pupil unrest) as well as small fluctuations (microsaccades, tremor, and drift, which we collectively call microsaccadic jitter) made during fixations, when gaze is held nearly steady. In this chapter, we focus on synthesizing physiologically plausible eye rotations, microsaccadic jitter, and pupil unrest. We review concepts relevant to the animation of eye motions and provide a procedural model of gaze that incorporates rotations adhering to Donders’ and Listing’s laws, the saccadic main sequence, along with gaze jitter and pupil unrest. We model microsaccadic jitter and pupil unrest by 1/f α or pink noise.

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    The non-commutativity of rotations leads to false torsions from equivalent rotations around eye-fixed and head-fixed axes; under normal circumstances, the eye assumes orientations given by Euler rotations satisfying Listing’s law [50].

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This material is based in part upon work supported by the US National Science Foundation under Grant No. IIS-1423189. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF.

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Duchowski, A.T., Jörg, S. (2016). Eye Animation. In: Handbook of Human Motion. Springer, Cham.

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