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Heterogeneous Rotational and Translational Dynamics in Glasses and Other Disordered Materials Studied by NMR

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Modern Magnetic Resonance


Disordered materials such as glass formers and amorphous solid electrolytes are characterized by ubiquitous nonexponential molecular and/or ionic dynamics. This chapter focuses mostly on their investigation via two-time stimulated-echo-based correlation functions. Underlying concepts are briefly reviewed and recent experimental examples from 2H, 7Li, 17O, 23Na, and 31P NMR are presented which encompass nonselective and selective central-transition excitation and a variety of relevant spin quantum numbers. Several recent methodological developments render also four-time stimulated-echo techniques applicable to a large array of probe nuclei. The higher-order correlation functions thus accessible enable quantitative insights into the origins of the nonexponentiality of atomic, ionic, or molecular motions. Provided that heterogeneous dynamics prevails, these experiments elucidate the temporal evolution of fast and slow subensembles, in particular by monitoring exchange processes among them. Together with corresponding frequency-domain techniques that are also touched upon, NMR methods to unravel the nature of nonexponentiality in a host of materials have become available for almost any probe nuclei.

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Mischa Adjei-Acheamfour and Ken R. Jeffrey are thanked for fruitful collaborations. Financial support provided by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft under Grants No. BO1301/10-1, BO1301/13-1, VO905/8-2, and VO905/12-1 is highly appreciated.

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Böhmer, R., Storek, M., Vogel, M. (2017). Heterogeneous Rotational and Translational Dynamics in Glasses and Other Disordered Materials Studied by NMR. In: Webb, G. (eds) Modern Magnetic Resonance. Springer, Cham.

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  • Publisher Name: Springer, Cham

  • Print ISBN: 978-3-319-28275-6

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  • eBook Packages: Springer Reference Chemistry and Mat. ScienceReference Module Physical and Materials ScienceReference Module Chemistry, Materials and Physics

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