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Stratum Corneum Desquamation

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Agache’s Measuring the Skin


Desquamation is a regular process participating in the stratum corneum self-renewal. It is globally correlated with the intercorneocyte cohesion and binding forces. Scaliness and xerosis represent frequent disorders of desquamation. The methods of assessment rely either on spontaneous or forced desquamation. Presently, the most common procedures involve specially designed tapes and cyanoacrylate skin surface strippings. The corneocytes are possibly stained in vivo using fluorescent or chromatic dyes. Assessments rely on visual, gravimetric, photometric, specular light reflectance, and image analysis methods.

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Adhesive-coated disk


Cyanoacrylate skin surface stripping


Dansyl chloride




Epidermal turnover time


Natural moisturizing factor


Stratum corneum


Skin capacitance mapping/imaging


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Piérard, G.E., Hermanns-Lê, T., Piérard-Franchimont, C. (2015). Stratum Corneum Desquamation. In: Humbert, P., Maibach, H., Fanian, F., Agache, P. (eds) Agache’s Measuring the Skin. Springer, Cham.

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