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Literacies in Latin America

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Literacies and Language Education

Part of the book series: Encyclopedia of Language and Education ((ELE))

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Latin America is a heterogeneous region with deep cultural, social, economic, and linguistic differences, the dominant language in continental Latin America is Spanish, except for Brazil where Portuguese is spoken. Over 400 indigenous languages exist in the region, 76 some of them with fewer than 10,000 speakers. Latin American countries made universal literacy a national goal and began expanding their school systems in order to guarantee all children a place in a classroom. As a result, literacy rates climbed, reaching 89% region wide in 2005. During the last decade, definitions of what it means to literate have come under scrutiny, as researchers, policy makers and practitioners search for notions of what it means to be literate that reflect changing regional realities, the rise of digital culture and the growing participation of diverse populations in the public sphere.

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Kalman, J. (2016). Literacies in Latin America. In: Street, B., May, S. (eds) Literacies and Language Education. Encyclopedia of Language and Education. Springer, Cham.

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