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Metallic Magnetic Materials

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Handbook of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials


Metallic magnetic materials are based on the ferromagnetic metallic elements, and their alloys or intermetallic compounds , though non-ferromagnetic elements, may also play key roles in some of the ferromagnets. Metallic magnetic materials encompass many of the materials of greatest technological importance, including soft magnets and permanent magnets for energy conversion applications , as well as materials for functions such as magnetostriction, shape memory, and magnetorefrigeration.

This chapter, written by a team of authors, is organized as follows: we begin with Sect. 1 on amorphous iron- and iron–cobalt-based soft ferromagnetic materials and then, in Sect. 2, Alnicos, an important class of hard magnetic materials (permanent magnets) based on shape anisotropy of aligned nanoscale iron–cobalt needles embedded in a nonmagnetic matrix. These two sections illustrate how magnetic performance is related to specific phase structures and morphology of the ferromagnetic elements or simple alloys. However, most advanced magnetic materials are based on intermetallic compounds with complex crystalline and electronic structures where electronic interactions often govern the magnetic properties. Section 3 introduces the d-d and d-p intermetallic compounds. Then, Sect. 4 discusses magnetic shape memory materials that are dependent on d-electrons, and Sect. 5 summarizes recent progress in the magnetic intermetallic Heusler compounds. The 4f electrons are so important in forming magnetocrystalline anisotropy that is the key property for many hard magnetic materials. A comprehensive review on the 3d-4f intermetallic compounds is provided in Sect. 6, followed by Sects. 7 and 8 on specific discussions of two major types of rare-earth permanent magnets based on Sm-Co and Nd-Fe-B intermetallics. Section 9 reviews magnetocaloric compounds, and Sect. 10 is devoted to heavy-fermion compounds where 5f electron interactions often define the magnetic and other physical properties. The authors of each section are the leading researchers in the specific topic. The chapter is organized and edited by J. Ping Liu, with editorial assistance from Jeotikanta Mohapatra and Meiying Xing of the University of Texas at Arlington.

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Liu, J.P. et al. (2021). Metallic Magnetic Materials. In: Coey, M., Parkin, S. (eds) Handbook of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. Springer, Cham.

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