
1 Introduction

Dealing with any aspect of a certain ecological group of plants could be a challenging business, due to the complexity of definitions, adaptive features, and subtle ecological interrelations between plants and their environments. Halophytes represent no doubt a very heterogeneous group of plants; they are widely distributed in many families and occur in various saline habitats (Grigore 2008a, b, 2011, 2012).

The interest in the study of halophytes is still argued by theoretical reasons and especially by the current context of human condition, regarded as a well-defined part of surrounding environment. Salinity has affected agriculture from millennia, having a deeply negative impact in agriculture and most likely being involved in the fall of some ancient flourishing civilizations (Grigore and Toma 2010a; see Grigore’s chapter on “A Botanical History of Halophytes: From Theophrastus to Nowadays,” this handbook).

A short description of the current scenario we are facing can help to get a large picture of the past, present, and future in the agricultural history.

The Earth’s total surface area covers about 13.2 billion ha, but no more than 7 billion ha are arable, and 1.5 billion are cultivated (Massoud 1981). Of the cultivated lands, about 340 million ha (23%) are saline (salt-affected), and another 560 million ha (37%) are sodic (sodium-affected) (Tanji 2002). There are many different projections, suggesting that human population will increase over eight billion by the year 2020 that will worsen the current scenario about food insecurity (Athar and Ashraf 2009). There are often not sufficient reservoirs of fresh water available, and most of the agronomical used irrigation systems are leading to a permanent increase in soil salinity and slowly to growth conditions unacceptable for most of the common crops (Koyro et al. 2009). A global study of land use over 45 years found that 6% had become saline (Ghasemi et al. 1995). Soil salinity expands, and some studies suggest that this process is almost irreversible and difficult to control. In Australia alone, 2 million ha have become saline since clearing began a century ago, and another 15 million ha are at risk of becoming saline in the next 50 years. Irrigation systems are especially prone to salinization; about half the existing irrigation systems in the world are under the influence of salinization, alkalization, or waterlogging (Szabolcs 1994). Irrigation schemes cover only 15% of the world’s agricultural land (227 million ha in 1987), but irrigated land has at least twice the productivity of rain-fed land. On the other hand, it is well known that the actual population of the world has about 6.7 billion people, but according to some calculations, in 2050, this could reach 9.5 billion. According to a FAO Report (2007), despite unprecedented global economic growth, 1.1. billion people continue to live in extreme poverty, and more than 850 million people suffer from chronic hunger while ecosystems are being threatened as never before. Not accidentally the first goal of The Millennium Development Goals Report (ONU Published, 2008) is to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger.

So, salinity is one of the most severe environmental factors limiting the productivity of agricultural crops, because most crops are sensitive to salinity induced by high concentrations of salts in the soil (Pitman and Läuchli 2002). The cost of salinity to agriculture was estimated to be about 12 billion USD per year (Ghasemi et al. 1995), but perhaps this value will be greater, since it is expected that soil salinity shall increase continuously.

This brief presentation of data suggests that salt-tolerant plants should be taken into consideration, since they could play an important role in biosaline agriculture (Grigore and Toma 2010a).

The potential use of salt-tolerant plants in the context of future agriculture strictly requires a good knowledge of species that might be used as crops or other resources; understanding their salt tolerance mechanisms and ecology also would be a sine qua non condition for introducing these taxa in agricultural practices.

The main objective of this contribution is to collate data referring on Romanian salt-tolerant plants and to review the literature which has been published over more than last century in botanical field.

2 Dealing with a List of Salt-Tolerant Plants: Challenges, Limitations, and Difficulties

In 2008, a list of Romanian salt-tolerant plants (Grigore 2008b) or plants susceptible to be salt-tolerant has been published, followed by an extended, increased, and revised version in 2012 (Grigore 2012). This compilation, derived mainly from data extracted from Romanian literature, has revealed that the number of salt-tolerant plants depends, inevitably, on definitions and characterizations attributed to halophytes by various authors. It has been proved that defining halophytes is a very complicated and tricky issue (Grigore 2008a, b, 2012, 2019; Grigore et al. 2010, 2012, 2014; Grigore and Toma 2017; Flowers et al. 1977, 1986; Flowers and Yeo 1995; Flowers and Colmer 2008), especially when there is a need for establishing a “standard” definition of halophytes in order to collate a list with halophytes (Santos et al. 2016). At global (mondial) level, eHALOPH (, a database of salt-tolerant plants (halophytes), has been established (Santos et al. 2016). There, records of plant species – tolerant of salt concentrations of around 80 mM sodium chloride or more – have been collected, along with data on plant type, life-form, ecotypes, maximum salinity tolerated, the presence or absence of salt glands, photosynthetic pathway, antioxidants, secondary metabolites, compatible solutes, habitat, economic use, and whether there are publications on germination, microbial interactions and mycorrhizal status, bioremediation, and molecular data. eHALOPH is based on “HALOPH,” a list of 1560 halophytes (Aronson 1989), which is then “compiled for anyone growing or planning to grow halophytes.” The primary criterion for inclusion of salt-tolerant species in Aronson’s list was “known or presumed tolerance to electrical conductivity measuring (or estimated to be) at least 7.8 dS m-1, during significant periods of the plant’s entire life” (Aronson 1989). A conductivity of 7.8 dS m-1 equates to a NaCl concentration of around 80 mM (Santos et al. 2016). The advantage of Aronson’s broad definition in HALOPH is that it includes more species than would be included using the more severe dividing line of 200 mM NaCl adopted by Flowers and Colmer (2008). According to Santos et al. (2016), the database include the euhalophytes, species that can grow in seawater (seawaters have electrical conductivities of 50–8 dS m-1) or that could, in Aronson’s (1989) words, be “cultivated successfully with seawater irrigation.” However, according to other opinion (Grigore and Toma 2017; Grigore 2019), euhalophytes would also cover salt-tolerant species that can tolerate elevated salinities, other than those found in seawater, stricto sensu.

In Romania, the experience and background in working with halophytes are quite limited, at least in terms of physiological and experimental approach, as it occurs in the foreign, western research tradition and experience. Apart from several scattered works (Bucur et al. 1957 – whose valuable results are included in the present list (see Grigore 2013) – and summarized data in Sandu et al. 1986), there are no results derived from testing halophytes under different salinity thresholds.

Instead, as Grigore et al. (2012) shows, in time, botanists were focused on floristic and basic ecological work, and as a result, many interesting results about halophytes have been accumulated. This trend was supported by an intuitive and ecological definition of halophytes, strictly related to saline environments. Anyway, the botanical works focused only on halophytes are limited. There are several difficulties when choosing the criteria used for including salt-tolerant species in this database. Some of them are related to the fact that ecological definitions are versatile and to some extent arbitrary. Then, this type of definitions had to be correlated with the habitats where these species vegetate and where they have been observed, described, and collected by botanists. Here again occurs a problem. Although the Romanian language associated with hypersaline environments is scarce compared to others, botanists used a nontechnical term (Grigore 2008b, 2019; Grigore and Toma 2017) when referring to this general type of ecosystem (sărătură). In addition, even when terms that are more precise were adopted from soil science (i.e., saline and alkali soils) to be used by botanists, they actually mistook them for the older, nontechnical term. In this way, a restricted and strong “tradition” in relation to definitions of halophytes and saline environments was created and preserved over time (see Table 1 for comparing correspondent terms between Romanian and English languages).

Table 1 Semantic field with different words related to halophytes (Grigore 2012)

These are the main difficulties that occurred in the attempt to compile a list of Romanian salt-tolerant plants (for a detailed description of each of them, see Grigore 2012):

  1. (a)

    The lack of a precise (and idealistically a single) definition of halophytes

  2. (b)

    Problems with the definition and features of saline environments

  3. (c)

    Possible misidentifications of several species growing in a certain habitat

  4. (d)

    Special nomenclatural situations due to some periods in Romanian history

  5. (e)

    Subjectivity of some Romanian botanists when offering some ecological notes

  6. (f)

    Technical issue in gathering data

3 Criteria for Selecting Salt-Tolerant Species and Including Them in the Actual List

In the lists from 2008 and 2012 (Grigore 2008b, 2012), based on an ecological, large definition of salt-tolerant plants, a rather high number of presumably salt-tolerant species has been recorded for Romanian flora (about 756 species). From Romanian literature, those species designated by different authors as halophytes lato sensu and/or those species found in saline environments have been selected. However, as underlined (Grigore 2012), many species from 2008 and 2012 lists may be subjected to several situations that would seriously question the real place of species within salt-tolerant species. These are:

  1. (a)

    Species with few citations within botanical literature. Paper lists are strongly based on many inputs, a large part of them extracted from “classic” Romanian botanical papers. When a given species is being mentioned by few authors, it can assume that its “halophytic” character is rather “weakened.” Contrarily, when a species has been regularly cited by many botanists during the time, the halophytic affinity of that species increases. In few situations, some taxa have been found only in one single paper, and the fact that further botanists do not include them in their works may be doubtful for maintaining such species in a list.

  2. (b)

    Species mentioned from habitats whose relation to salinity is unclear. In this situation, the lack of data related to these habitats is very important, since a degree of arbitrariness could arise.

  3. (c)

    Several species mentioned from halophytic associations, as “accompanying” species, next to some well-recognized halophytes. In this case, it is almost impossible to exactly delineate the precise relation of these species with salinity factor.

In the light of these observations, it is likely that the number of species included in 2008 and 2012 as being salt-tolerant is too high and perhaps in few situations even unrealistic.

For this reason and to adjust the previous lists, we have decided to keep in the actual list only the species that occur in the work of Sârbu et al. (2013) as being designated as “halophytes” or vegetating in saline environments (in sărături or salt-affected areas). As a natural effect, the number of salt-tolerant species is now considerably lower (about 215 species); however, it is worth mentioning that in the current list, as well as in the previously mentioned list (2008, 2012), we preferred to maintain the syntagm “salt-tolerant plants” (species), deliberately in the detriment of “halophytes.” From our point of view, this would be more convenient and would cover a more realistic ecological frame, since – without going further with subtle discussions and interpretations (already done in Grigore 2008a, b, 2010, 2019; Grigore and Toma 2010b, 2017; Grigore et al. 2014; and references therein) – a halophyte is salt-tolerant, by definition, but a salt-tolerant species is not always and necessarily a halophyte, as defined as ecological group, with specific and well-described morphological, anatomical, physiological, and biochemical adaptations. However, we have to admit that terms “halophytes” and “salt-tolerant plants” are often interchangeable in common language or even in many botanical works.

Thus, we maintained in our list the species extracted from the survey of Romanian botanical literature and that are certified and confirmed by Sârbu et al. (2013) as being halophytes or vegetating in salt-affected areas.

4 What Is Included in the List

Species name: The main species is listed in bold and italics, corresponding to Romanian actual, accepted taxonomical literature found in Sârbu et al. (2013). All the entries that are synonym species and identified in the consulted literature are given in the Authors with cited species/synonyms, where authors are chronologically mentioned for the main species and/or synonym species are listed with italics only and followed by the authors who mentioned them in their works. For practical purpose, only the first author has been mentioned for papers with multiple authors, followed by the year of publication.

Life-form (bioforms) could be useful in order to achieve a minimal idea about biology of salt-tolerant plants.

Halophyte type/ecological type contains a short ecological description, based especially on the terminology suggested by Prodan (1939), i.e., first, second, and third category (of halophytes), Țopa (1939a, 1954) and Bucur et al. (1957, 1960a, 1961), i.e., obligatory (euhalophyte), preferential, supporting, and accidental halophyte – followed by mentioning the author. For an attempt to harmonize all these terms and related classification, see Table 2.

Table 2 Equivalence attempt between major Romanian systems of halophyte classification (Grigore 2008a, 2012)

Habitat/ecological spectrum contains, when available, a short ecological description of the habitats the plants vegetate in.

Salinity tolerance threshold is very important for halophytes, but unfortunately, there are no data available for all included species. The main source for mentioned data is extracted from valuable work of Bucur et al. (1957, 1960a, 1961), (Grigore 2013; see Grigore’s chapter on “Definition and Classification of Halophytes as an Ecological Group of Plants,” this handbook). The results are given in milligram soluble salts (%). The conversion between different ways of expressing salinity level may represent a tricky issue, and for this reason, we decided not to deal with conversion relationships.

In the section, values for the salinity threshold are given in two distinct situations: (1) salinity measured on soil surface (rhizosphere) and (2) salinity measured on the top of roots. In both situations, three values can be found, separated by comas: a minimum, optimum, and maximum of salinity where salt-tolerant plants grow and develop. Sometimes, not all three values are available (explications in the Bucur’s paper not given). In this case, we included only existing data, with missing values separated by comas.

Distribution in Romania contains details about the distribution of a species in Romania. There are three distinct situations: the first situation a record of mentioned species in relation to its general distribution in Romanian counties (abbreviated with two letters in uppercase: for instance, SM, BV, IS, etc.), the second specific situation when the names of localities are given within a Romanian county (for instance, SB: Copșa Mică to Valea Viilor, Sibiu, Turnișor – SB is the abbreviation name of county, and the following names are the localities where a species has been mentioned in a botanical work), and the third situation when only the Romanian region is mentioned (for instance, Ban. – Banat). In order to simplify the entries and associated references, data about distribution of halophytes in Romania, from this section, has been extracted from the monographic work of Oprea (2005), thus without mentioning for every species the author(s) who recorded its distribution. For primary detailed information about each species and its distribution, Oprea’s work should be further addressed.

5 Abbreviations in the Text


TH, Therophyta; PH, Phanerophyta; HD, Hydrophyta; H, Hemycryptophyta; Ht, Hemytherophyta; Ch, Chamaephyta; G, Geophyta; h-h, Hydro-helophyta, Hydato-helophyta; Ann., annual; Per., perennial; Bisann., biannual.

Halophyte type/ecological type:

I categ., “first category”; II categ., “second category”; III categ., “third category” (for all these three types of halophytes, see explanations from above paragraphs and especially Table 2).

Salinity tolerance:

  1. 1.

    Salinity measured on soil surface (rhizosphere)

  2. 2.

    Salinity measured on the top of roots

Authors with cited species/synonyms:

Sch. Cent. = Schedae ad floram Romaniae Exsiccatum a Museo Botanico Universitatis Clusiensis editam Centuriae.

  • ap. (apud) – after, according to a certain author(s)

  • ssp. – subspecies

Flora is the monographic work of Romanian flora (see the reference input), followed by the number of volume (Roman number).

Distribution in Romania:

Standard abbreviations of the counties: AB Alba, AR Arad, AG Argeş, BC Bacău, BH Bihor, BN Bistriţa-Năsăud, BT Botoşani, BR Brăila, BV Braşov, BZ Buzău, CS Caraş-Severin, CL Călăraşi, CJ Cluj, CT Constanţa, CV Covasna, DB Dâmboviţa, DJ Dolj, GL Galaţi, GR Giurgiu, GJ Gorj, HR Harghita, HD Hunedoara, IL Ialomiţa, IS Iaşi, IF Ilfov, MM Maramureş, MH Mehedinţi, MS Mureş, NT Neamţ, OT Olt, PH Prahova, SM Satu Mare, SJ Sălaj, SB Sibiu, SV Suceava, TR Teleorman, TM Timiş, TL Tulcea, VS Vaslui, VL Vâlcea, VN Vrancea (see a map in Fig. 1).

Fig. 1
figure 1

Counties of Romania with a simplified distribution of major types of salinization (1, areas affected mainly by sulfate-sodic salinization; 2, different areas affected by local salinization, such as salt deposits, salt rocks, and salty springs; 3, areas affected mainly by sodic salinization; 4, areas affected mainly by chloride-sulfate salinization; 5, areas affected mainly by sulfate-chloride salinization; black color indicates areas affected mainly by chloride salinization) (Adapted and modified after Florea 1958)

Standard abbreviations of the regions: Ban. Banat, Bucov. Bucovina, Criş. Crişana, Dobr. Dobrogea, Maram. Maramureş, Mold. Moldova, Munt. Muntenia, Olt. Oltenia, Trans. Transylvania.

spor. – sporadic, Mas. Massif.

? – the presence of species is uncertain.

6 List of Romanian Salt-Tolerant Plants

6.1 Ranunculaceae

6.1.1 Myosurus minimus L.

  • Life-form: TH Ann.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: II categ. (Prodan 1939); supporting halophyte (Ţopa 1954; Andrei and Şerbănescu 1965); neohalophyte (Bucur et al. 1961).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Wet habitats, with stagnant more or less salinized water in the springs (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Salinity tolerance: (1) 75, 105, 125; (2) 80, 100, 110.

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Fuss 1866; Prodan 1922, 1923, 1939; Guşuleac 1933; Sch. Cent. XIX–XXI 1949; Răvăruţ 1941; Flora II; Ţopa 1954; Prodan 1956; Popescu and Bujorean 1957a, b; Samoilă 1957; Buia et al. 1959; Pop 1959, 1999–2000; Bucur et al. 1961; Bujorean et al. 1961; Andrei and Şerbănescu 1965; Şerbănescu 1965; Dobrescu et al. 1969, 1973; Mihai 1969; Mititelu et al. 1969; Mititelu 1987, 1971a; Pătraşcu 1973; Sanda et al. 1978; Doltu et al. 1979; Sanda and Popescu 1991; Coste et al. 1993; Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Sârbu et al. 2001.

  • Distribution in Romania: SM; BN; MS; BV; SB: Copșa Mică to Valea Viilor, Sibiu, Turnișor; AB; HD; BH; AR; TM; DJ; GR: Comana; IF; BR: Voinești; Corbul Vechi; GL: Piscu, Independența, Izvoarele, Mălina-Movileni Pond, Șendreni Lake, Tulucești, Frunzeasca; BC: Gioseni; IS: Mircești, Rediu in Mârzești meadow; BT: Borzești; TL: Tulcea and Crișan Sandbank; CT.

6.1.2 Ranunculus pedatus Waldst. & Kit.

  • Life-form: H Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: I categ. (Prodan 1939); oligotrophic, xeromesophilous, sometimes halophylous (Ciocârlan 2000).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Fuss 1866; Brandza 1879–1883; Grecescu 1898; Pax 1919; Prodan 1922; Sch. Cent I 1921; Prodan 1923, 1939; Isăcescu 1939; Răvăruţ 1941; Pop 1959, 1999–2000; Şerbănescu 1965; Sanda et al. 1978; Pop and Hodişan 1980; Mititelu 1987; Mititelu et al. 1988; Coste et al. 1993; Ciocârlan 2000; Sârbu et al. 2001.

  • Distribution in Romania: Trans. (CJ: Cheile Turzii, Băile Sărate-Turda, Cojocna; BN: Nimigea de Jos), Criş. (SM: frequent; BH: Adoni, Sălacea; AR: Şimand, Chişineu-Criş, Adea), Ban. (TM: Diniaş), Olt. (MH: Salcâmi; DJ: frequent), Munt. (incl. TR: Brânceni; GR: Comana), Mold. (incl. GL: Drăgăneşti, Tecuci, Dobrineşti; VN: Bogza-Sihlea; BC: Bibireşti, Tochilea, Podul Turcului; VS: Brodoc, Brăhăşoaia, Cănţălăreşti, Puşcaşi, Racovei Valley, Elan Stream Valley, Bârlad, Giurcani, Mânjeşti; IS: “Valea lui David” Reserve, “Valea Ilenei” Reserve, Uricani Forest), Bucov. (SV: “Frumoasa” Reserve), Dobr. (TL: Cheia-Măcinului Mountains) .

6.1.3 Ranunculus lateriflorus DC.

  • Life-form: TH Ann.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: II categ. (Prodan 1939); hygrophilous, halophylous (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Prodan 1922, 1923, 1939; Isăcescu 1939; Flora II; Prodan 1956; Popescu and Bujorean 1957a, b; Samoilă 1957; Pop 1959, 1999–2000; Popescu 1963; Şerbănescu 1965; Csűros et al. 1968; Sanda and Popescu 1991; Coste et al. 1993; Ciocârlan 2000.

  • Distribution in Romania: SM (frequent); CJ; MS: Mureşului riverside; BH: incl. Mărţihaz, Adoni; AR: Chşineu-Criş, Vânători, Turnu, Mâsca, Adea, Socodor, Şimand; TM: Peciul Nou, Dinaş, Ionel, Periam, Sânpetru Mare, Sânnicolau Mare, Sânandrei, Cerneteaz, Liebling, Torontal; MH: between Ieşelniţa and Orşova, Matorăţului Peak; DJ: between Murta and Glavacioc forests; OT: Blajului Forest, Baldovineşti, Sarului Forest; AG; DB; Bucureşti; GR: Comana; IF: Pantelimon, Snagov in Germăneşti-Barboşi Forest; VS: South of Bârlad; TL: Tulcea, Malcoci.

6.1.4 Ranunculus polyphyllus Waldst. & Kit. ex Willd.

  • Life-form: h-h.

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Salt marshes (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Prodan 1922, 1939; Ciocârlan 2000; Sârbu et al. 2001.

  • Distribution in Romania: SM: Satu Mare; AB: Alba Iulia; HD: Deva; MH: Argineşti; DJ: Glavacioc Forest, between Ţâmbureşti and Murta; GJ: Bâlteni-Peşteana; GR: Comana Forest; IF: Periş and Ciofliceni, Buftea; IS: Cristeşti-Iaşi, Dancu, Poiana Schitului; BT : Corni “La Curături .”

6.2 Caryophyllaceae

6.2.1 Sagina maritima G.Don.

  • Life-form : TH Ann.

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Sârbu et al. 2001.

  • Distribution in Romania: CT: Lupilor and Chituc Sandbanks; TL: Letea Sandbank, Răducu strictly protected area, Portiţa and Perişor Sandbanks.

6.2.2 Cerastium dubium (Bast.) Guépin

  • Life-form: TH Ann.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: II categ. (Prodan 1939); neohalophyte (Bucur et al. 1961).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: More or less salty habitats, temporarily flooded (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990); wet places, sandy and salinized meadows (Prodan 1922).

  • Salinity tolerance: (1) 60, 90, 340; (2) 55, 100, 600.

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Doltu et al. 1983; Mititelu 1987; Sanda and Popescu 1990b, 1991; Coste et al. 1993; Ciocârlan 1994; Pop 1999–2000; Sârbu et al. 2001; C. anomalum Waldst. & Kit. – Grecescu 1898; Pax 1919; Prodan 1922, 1939, 1956; Răvăruţ 1941; Todor 1947; Flora II; Pop 1959; Bucur et al. 1961; Bujorean et al. 1961; Andrei and Şerbănescu 1965; Şerbănescu 1965; Răvăruţ et al. 1968; Mititelu 1971a; Mihai and Sârbu 1972; Rusu and Bîrjoveanu 1972; Pătraşcu 1973; Doltu et al. 1979; Coste et al. 1993; Ciocârlan 2000.

  • Distribution in Romania: Maram. (MM: Coştiui), Trans. (incl. CJ: Băile Sărate Turda; SB), Criş., Ban., Olt, Munt., Mold. (incl. NT: Piatra Neamţ on Cârlomanu Mountain), Dobr. (rare in Danube Delta) .

6.2.3 Gypsophila muralis L.

  • Life-form: TH Ann.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: II categ. (Prodan 1939); neohalophyte (Bucur et al. 1961).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Meadows, temporarily flooded less salinized places (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Salinity tolerance: (1) 15, 60, 185; (2) 25, 230, 830.

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Prodan 1922, 1923, 1939, 1956; Guşuleac 1933; Todor 1948; Bucur et al. 1957, 1961; Samoilă 1957; Pop 1959, 1999–2000; Bujorean et al. 1961; Popescu 1963; Şerbănescu 1965; Răvăruţ et al. 1968; Mititelu 1987, 1971a; Mititelu and Barabaş 1972; Popescu and Sanda 1981; Sanda and Popescu 1984, 1991; Mititelu et al. 1988; Coste et al. 1993; Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Sârbu et al. 2001.

  • Distribution in Romania: Maram., Trans., Criş., Ban., Olt., Munt., Mold., Bucov., Dobr. (rare in Danube Delta) .

6.2.4 Gypsophila perfoliata L.

  • Life-form: Ch Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: I categ. (Prodan 1939).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Sandy soils (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990); in sandy, less salinized marshes; intermediary between halophytes and psammophytes (Prodan 1922).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: G. trichotoma Wender. – Prodan 1922, 1939; Popescu and Sanda 1975; Sanda and Popescu 1990a; G. scorzonerifolia auct. Non Ser. – Flora II; Sanda and Popescu 1973.

  • Distribution in Romania: GL: Tecuci S Railway Station; VS: Banca, Podeni-Vultureşti, Bârzeşti-Ştefan cel Mare; IS: Socola Railway Station, Podu Iloaiei; CT: Mamaia, Tuzla, Agigea, Mangalia, Vama Veche, Eforie N, Constanţa, Capul Midia, Corbu, Chituc Sandbank, Portiţa, shore of Lake Tatlageac, from Vadu to Histria Fortress; TL: on seaside at Portiţa, Tulcea, Mamaia, Babadag, Danube Delta – frequent .

6.2.5 Silene multiflora (Ehrh.) Pers.

  • Life-form: H. Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: III categ. (Prodan 1939).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Wet meadows, sometimes salinized, sandy soils (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990); found in sandy, wet salinized meadows (Prodan 1922).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Prodan 1922, 1939; Ciocârlan 1994, 2000.

  • Distribution in Romania: SM: Sanislău, Sanislău, at “Vermeş,” Pişcolt; HD: Mintia; TM: Timişoara; TL: Caraorman on Sf. Gheorghe Island .

6.2.6 Spergularia media (L.) C. Presl

  • Life-form: H. Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: I categ. (Prodan 1939); euhalophyte (Bucur et al. 1960a); halophyte, mesohygrophilous (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Coastal salt marshes, salt lakes (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990); annual plant, mesophilous to hygrophilous, mesothermophile heliophilous, alkaliphilous; it develops on salinized water meadow soils (Bucur et al. 1960a). Plant with shallow root, hygrophilous, with succulent leaves (Grigore and Toma 2010b) vegetating regularly as isolated individuals, preferring areas covered by a rich vegetation (Grigore pers. obs.). In Romania, this species is probably the most relevant halophyte from Caryophyllaceae.

  • Salinity tolerance: (1) 380, 510, 970; (2) 210, 850, 1830.

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Grecescu 1898; Prodan 1922; Mititelu et al. 1978–1980; Doltu et al. 1983, 1984; Mititelu 1987; Popescu et al. 1987; Sanda and Popescu 1991, 1992; Sârbu et al. 1995a, 2001; Ciocârlan 2000; Pop 1999–2000; S. marginata (Kitt.) Murb. – Grecescu 1898; Sch. Cent. XII–XIV 1934; Prodan 1939; Răvăruţ 1941; Todor 1947; Flora II; Bucur et al. 1960a; Andrei and Diaconescu 1962; Andrei and Şerbănescu 1965; Mititelu 1965; Şerbănescu 1965; Bucur and Turcu 1966; Sanda and Ciobanu 1967; Răvăruţ et al. 1968; Dihoru 1969; Turenschi 1970; Ciocârlan 1972; Mihai and Sârbu 1972; Dobrescu et al. 1973; Popescu and Sanda 1973, 1975, 1981; Pătraşcu 1973; Sanda and Popescu 1973, 1979, 1984, 1990b, 1991; Ivan et al. 1977–1978; Sanda et al. 1978; Doltu et al. 1979; Pop and Hodişan 1980; Popescu et al. 1984; S. marginata X S. salina Buchenau – Săvulescu and Rayss 1925; S. maritima (All.) Chiou – Ciocârlan 1994; Lepigonum marginatum Foch. – Fuss 1866; Lepigonum medium Whlbg. – Fuss 1866.

  • Distribution in Romania: CJ; BV; SB: Şeica Mare; AR; TM; DJ; GR: Comana; BZ; BR: Corbu Vechi, Latinu; GL (incl. Barboşi, Piscu, Brăneşti, Mălina Lake at Movileni-Şendreni, Vameş, Hanul Conachi, Frunzeasca, Fundeni, Munteni); SV: Broşteni; CT; TL (frequent in Danube Delta, Sulina).

  • Others: C3 species (Grigore and Toma 2010b) .

6.2.7 Spergularia salina J. et C. Presl.

  • Life-form: TH-H Ann.–Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: I categ. (Prodan 1939); obligatory halophyte (Ţopa 1954; Andrei and Şerbănescu 1965); halophylous, mesophilous (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Salinized meadows (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Brandza 1879–1883; Guşuleac 1933; Ţopa 1935, 1939a; Prodan 1937, 1939; Răvăruţ 1941; Sch. Cent. XXVI 1944; Todor 1947; Ţopa 1954; Flora II; Buia et al. 1959; Bujorean et al. 1961; Andrei and Diaconescu 1962; Popescu 1963; Páll 1964a, b; Andrei and Şerbănescu 1965; Csűros-Kaptalan 1965; Şerbănescu 1965; Borza 1966; Sanda and Ciobanu 1967; Mihai 1969; Mititelu et al. 1969, 1978–1980; Ţopa 1969; Ciocârlan 1972, 1994; Mihai and Sârbu 1972; Mititelu and Barabaş 1972, 1975b; Rusu and Bîrjoveanu 1972; Pătraşcu 1973; Mihai and Căpălnăşan 1977; Ivan et al. 1977–1978; Doltu et al. 1979; Pop and Hodişan 1980; Pop et al. 1983; Sanda and Popescu 1984, 1991; Coste et al. 1993; Sârbu et al. 1995a; Burac 1997; Ştefan et al. 2001; Ştefan and Oprea 2002; S. marina (L.) Griseb. – Hacquet 1790–1796; Prodan 1922; Borza 1964; Doltu et al. 1983, 1984; Mititelu 1987; Sanda and Popescu 1991; Ştefan et al. 1995; Burac 1997; Ciocârlan 2000; Pop 1999–2000; Ştefan and Oprea 2001; Arenaria salina Ser. – Guebhard 1848.

  • Distribution in Romania: Trans., Criş., Ban. (TM), Munt., Mold., Bucov., Dobr . (spor. in Danube Delta) .

6.3 Chenopodiaceae

6.3.1 Chenopodium glaucum L.

  • Life-form: TH Ann.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: II categ (Prodan 1939); neohalophyte (Bucur et al. 1961).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: More or less wet sometimes salinized habitats (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Salinity tolerance: (1) 65, 470, 530; (2) 120, 130, 375.

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Brandza 1879–1883; Prodan 1922, 1939; Flora I; Bucur et al. 1961; Popescu 1963; Andrei and Şerbănescu 1965; Csűros-Kaptalan 1965; Şerbănescu 1965; Mihai 1969; Pop 1969b, 1999–2000; Pătraşcu 1973; Sanda et al. 1977; Ivan et al. 1977–1978; Doltu et al. 1979; Pop et al. 1983; Popescu et al. 1984, 1987; Sanda and Popescu 1984, 1990b, 1991; Mititelu 1987; Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Sârbu et al. 2001; Ştefan and Oprea 2002; Blitum glaucum Koch – Grecescu 1898.

  • Distribution in Romania: Maram., Trans., Criş., Ban., Munt., Mold., Dobr. (Danube Delta – spor.) .

6.3.2 Chenopodium urbicum L.

  • Life-form: TH Ann.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: III categ. (Prodan 1939); euhalophyte (Bucur et al. 1960a); nitrophilic, mesophilous (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Mesophilous, xerophilous, mesothermophile, heliophilous, less sciophilous, alkaliphilous; it develops in saline environments with humid soil surface and indicates a clay soil, less salinized from surface to the depth of the soil; these soils could be cultivated with crops, beet, and sunflower (Bucur et al. 1960a).

  • Salinity tolerance: (1) 35, 230, 455; (2) 45, 170, 1455.

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Prodan 1939, Bucur et al. 1957, 1960a, b; Páll 1964a, b; Rusu and Bîrjoveanu 1972; Sanda and Popescu 1991; Coste et al. 1993; Sârbu et al. 2001.

  • Distribution in Romania: Maram., Trans., Criş., Ban., Olt., Munt., Mold., Dobr., Bucov .

6.3.3 Chenopodium rubrum L.

  • Life-form: TH Ann.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: III categ (Prodan 1939).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Wet less salinized ruderal habitats (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Edel 1835; Prodan 1922, 1939; Flora I; Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Sârbu et al. 2001.

  • Distribution in Romania: Maram., Trans., Criş., Ban., Munt., Mold., Bucov. (incl. SV: Cârlibaba, Iacobeni), Dobr. (Danube Delta – rare) .

6.3.4 Chenopodium chenopodioides (L.) Aellen

  • Life form: TH Ann.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: II categ. (Prodan 1939).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Wet salinized habitats (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Ciocârlan 2000; C. crassifolium Hornem. – Prodan 1939.

  • Distribution in Romania: Maram. (MM: Sighetul Marmaţiei), Trans. (MS: Lunca Bradului), Criş. (SM: Sanislău), Ban., Olt. (incl. DJ: Craiova), Munt. (incl. GR: Greaca; IF; Mas. Cozia), Mold. (VS: Mânjeşti; IS: Grozeşti), Dobr. (Danube Delta: Letea and Sulina) .

6.3.5 Chenopodium polyspermum L.

  • Life form: TH Ann.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: Eutrophic, mesohygrophilous (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Sârbu et al. 2001; C. polyspermum L. f. simplex – Prodan 1956.

  • Distribution in Romania: Maram., Trans., Criş., Ban., Olt., Munt., Mold., Dobr., Bucov .

6.3.6 Atriplex rosea L.

  • Life-form: TH Ann.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: II categ. (Prodan 1939).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Ruderal, sandy, sometimes less salinized places (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Schur 1885; Grecescu 1898; Prodan 1922; Flora I; Ţopa 1969; Sanda and Popescu 1973; Pop et al. 1983; Mititelu 1987; Ciocârlan 2000; Sârbu et al. 2001; A. roseum – Pax 1919; Prodan 1939.

  • Distribution in Romania: Maram., Trans., Criş., Ban., Olt., Munt., Mold., Dobr., Bucov .

6.3.7 Atriplex littoralis L.

  • Life-form: TH Ann.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: I categ. (Prodan 1939).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Salinized soils (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990); prefers wet salinized areas, where water could be persistent for short time but later is drained (Prodan 1922); annual plant, mesophilous, heliophilous, and less sciophilous; strictly alckaliphilous, mesothermophile weakly to strongly euhalophilous. It develops on superficially, weakly to strongly, salinized areas – occurring in water meadows, with clay, humid soil. It suggests a dried or humid saline soil in his surface (Bucur et al. 1960a). We think that this is a species with a large ecological spectrum, occurring also in ruderalized and less salinized areas, where an anthropic activity may be involved; likely it is also a nitrophile species, since we noticed it is well grown in residuals rich in nitrogen (Grigore pers. obs.).

  • Salinity tolerance: (1) 35, 400, 965; (2) 90, 240, 1470.

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Edel 1835; Fuss 1866; Brandza 1879–1883; Schur 1885; Grecescu 1898; Prodan 1922; Sch. Cent. XVII–XVIII 1938; Csűros 1947; Flora I; Bucur et al. 1957, 1960b; Bujorean et al. 1961; Csűros et al. 1961; Popescu 1963; Páll 1964b; Mititelu 1965, 1971a, 1987; Şerbănescu 1965; Borza 1966; Popescu-Domogled 1966; Bucur et al. 1967; Morariu 1967; Mihai and Sârbu 1972; Mititelu and Barabaş 1972, 1975b; Pătraşcu 1973; Cîrţu et al. 1977; Doltu et al. 1979; Pop and Hodişan 1980; Pop et al. 1983, 1988; Popescu et al. 1984; Antohe 1986; Sanda and Popescu 1990b, 1991; Coste et al. 1993; Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Pop 1999–2000; A. littorale L. – Isăcescu 1939; Prodan 1939; Răvăruţ 1941; Ţopa 1939a; Samoilă 1957; Bucur and Turcu 1966; Mititelu et al. 1969; Sârbu et al. 2001; Ştefan and Oprea 2002; A. litoralis L. var. angustissima Moqu., var. serrata (Huds.) – Todor 1947; A. littoralis L. f. serrata – Ţopa 1969.

  • Distribution in Romania: Maram. (Oaş-Gutâi Mountains at Ocna Şugatag), Trans., Criş., Ban., Munt., Mold., Dobr .

6.3.8 Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC.

  • Life form: TH Ann.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: I categ. (Prodan 1939); supporting halophyte (Ţopa 1954).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Wet, more or less salinized habitats (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990); found in wet, clay alluvial soils and in wet salinized sandy soils (Prodan 1922); annual plant, relatively widespread, mesophilous to xerophilous, heliophilous, alkaliphilous; weakly to strongly euhalophilous. It develops on ruderalized salty areas, having a humid les or strongly salinized soil in its surface. This species indicates a clay salty area, with dry or humid soil, whose salinity largely varies. Sometimes, these soils could be cultivated with autumn cereals (Bucur et al. 1960a); this is a halophyte with a large ecological spectrum, which tends to be considered as a ruderal halophylous species; it vegetates on moderately humid saline soils, but we never found it in dry salty soils. We think that those older data considering it as an obligatory halophyte must be carefully checked (Grigore pers. obs.).

  • Salinity tolerance: (1) 65, 1040, 2410; (2) 65, 570, 2430.

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; A. hastata auct., non L. – Bujorean 1934; Csűros 1947; Flora I; Bucur et al. 1957; Buia et al. 1959; Csűros-Kaptalan 1965; Sanda and Ciobanu 1967; Mihai 1969; Mititelu 1971a, 1987; Mititelu and Barabaş 1972, 1975b; Dobrescu et al. 1973; Pătraşcu 1973; Cîrţu et al. 1977; Pop and Hodişan 1977, 1980; Ivan et al. 1977–1978; Doltu et al. 1979; Mititelu et al. 1978–1980, 1988; Pop et al. 1983; Sanda and Popescu 1991; Sârbu et al. 1995a, 2000, 2001; Pop 1999–2000; Ştefan and Oprea 2002; A. hastatum – Prodan 1922, 1939, 1956; Isăcescu 1939; Răvăruţ 1941; Ţopa 1954; Şerbănescu 1965; A. hastata L. var. microtheca C.F. Schumach – Doltu et al. 1983; A. microtheca Moqu-Tand – Prodan 1939; A. hastata L. var. heterosperma Gren. et. Godr., var. microtheca Schum., f. salina Wallr. – Todor 1947; A. hastata L. f. salina – Ţopa 1969; A. microsperum W. K. – Pax 1919; Prodan 1922; A. hastata L. var. heterosperma Gr. et Godr- Sch. Cent. XXVIII 1946; A. hastata L. f. triangularis (Willd.) A. et G. – Borza 1964; A. hastata L., var. microtheca C. F. Schumach; f. salina Wallr. – Doltu et al. 1984; A. latifolia Wahlenb. – Fuss 1866; Brandza 1879–1883; A. triangularis W. – Guebhard 1848; Schur 1885; A. hastata L. – Ciurchea 1962b; Sanda and Popescu 1979, 1990b; Ştefan and Sârbu 1995; Ştefan et al. 1995; A. hastata L., var. microtheca – Samú 1982.

  • Distribution in Romania: Maram. (incl. Oaş-Gutâi Mountains at Ocna Şugatag), Trans., Criş., Ban., Munt., Mold., Dobr .

6.3.9 Atriplex tatarica L.

  • Life form: TH Ann.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: I categ. (Prodan 1939); neohalophyte (Bucur et al. 1961); preferential halophyte (Ţopa 1954; Andrei and Şerbănescu 1965); eutrophic, nitrophilic, mesoxerophilous, preferential halophyte (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Meadows, ruderal, sandy more or less salinized areas (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990); a common species found near to anthropic places but can also occur in salinized drained marshes (Prodan 1922).

  • Salinity tolerance: (1) 45, 230, 1375; (2) 55, 450, 2420.

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Brandza 1879–1883; Grecescu 1898; Sch. Cent. XVII–XVIII 1938; Bucur et al. 1961; Flora I; Andrei and Diaconescu 1962; Popescu 1963; Páll 1964b; Andrei and Şerbănescu 1965; Şerbănescu 1965; Bucur and Turcu 1966; Sanda and Ciobanu 1967; Răvăruţ et al. 1968; Mititelu et al. 1969, 1978–1980; Pop 1969a, 1999–2000; Ţopa 1969; Turenschi 1970; Mititelu 1971a, 1987; Mititelu and Barabaş 1972; Mihai and Sârbu 1972; Dobrescu et al. 1973; Pătraşcu 1973; Ivan et al. 1977–1978; Sanda et al. 1978; Doltu et al. 1979; Pop and Hodişan 1980; Pop et al. 1983; Popescu et al. 1984, 1987; Sanda and Popescu 1984, 1990b, 1991; Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Sârbu et al. 1995a, 2001; Ştefan and Oprea 2002; A. tataricum L. var. diffusa Grecescu – Prodan 1939; A. tataricum L. – Prodan 1922, 1956; Răvăruţ 1941; Ţopa 1954; Bucur et al. 1957; Samoilă 1957; A. tatarica var. diffusa – Andrei and Diaconescu 1962; A. tatarica L. var. discolor (Koch) Graebn., f. integra (Moq.) Gürke, f. sinuata (Moq.) Gürke – Doltu et al. 1983; A. tatarica L. var. discolor (Koch), Atriplex tatarica G. f. sinuata (M.B.) Gürke, f. obtusiloba Beck, f. integra (Moqu.) Gürke – Todor 1947; A. tatarica L. var. diffusa (Terr.) Gürke, f. salina I. Mor – Oescu 1957; A. tatarica L. var. discolor (Koch) Graebn; f. sinuata (Moq.) Gürke – Doltu et al. 1984; A. laciniata L. – Fuss 1866; Schur 1885.

  • Distribution in Romania: Maram., Trans., Criş., Ban., Olt., Munt., Mold., Bucov., Dobr .

6.3.10 Halimione pedunculata (L.) Aellen

  • Life form: TH Ann.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: I categ (Prodan 1939); obligatory halophyte (Ţopa 1954).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Coastal and inland salines (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Sanda and Popescu 1990b, 1991, 1992; Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Sârbu et al. 1995a, 2001; Pop 1999–2000; Obione pedunculata (L.) Moq. – Grecescu 1898; Prodan 1922; Sch. Cent. II 1922; Prodan 1939; Isăcescu 1939; Flora I; Ţopa 1954; Andrei and Şerbănescu 1965; Şerbănescu 1965; Mihai and Sârbu 1972; Ivan et al. 1977–1978; Doltu et al. 1979; Popescu and Sanda 1981; Popescu et al. 1984, 1987; Sanda and Popescu 1984, 1990a, b; Sârbu et al. 2000; Ştefan et al. 2001; Ştefan and Oprea 2002; H. pedunculata (L.) Aellen f. triloba Beck, f. capselliformis Beck, f. verruculosa Mor – Doltu et al. 1983, 1984; Halimus pedunculatus Wallr. – Schur 1885.

  • Distribution in Romania: IL; BZ: Râmnicu Sărat River Basin; BR: Sărat Lake; GL: Piscu; VS: Giurcani; CT: Eforie-Năvodari, Istria, Saele Sandbank; TL: Periprava, Măcin .

6.3.11 Halimione verrucifera (M. Bieb.) Aellen

  • Life form: PH Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: I categ. (Prodan 1939); obligatory halophyte (Ţopa 1954); euhalophyte (Bucur et al. 1960a).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Coastal and inland salines (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990); a rare species, mesophilous to xerophilous, mesothermophile-megathermophilic, heliophilous, strongly alkaliphilous, strongly euhalophilous (Bucur et al. 1960a). This is a xero-halophyte, occurring only in very salinized areas, as isolated individuals or small patches, especially in full sun exposure; we newer found it in humid soil’ conditions (Grigore pers. obs.). A species with strong, deep penetrating roots, with salt hairs located on leaf petiole and lamina (Grigore and Toma 2010b, d).

  • Salinity tolerance: (1) 180, 250, 560; (2) 170, 920, 3220.

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Mititelu et al. 1978–1980; Mititelu 1987; Sanda and Popescu 1990b, 1991; Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Sârbu et al. 1995a, 2001; Pop 1999–2000; H. verrucifera (M. Bieb.) Aellen var. latifolia Fenzl., var. angustifolia Fenzl. – Doltu et al. 1984; Obione verrucifera (M. Bieb.) Moq. – Ţopa 1939a; Răvăruţ 1941; Flora I; Ţopa 1954; Dobrescu 1957; Moşneagă 1958; Bucur et al. 1960a; Mititelu 1965, 1967, 1971a; Şerbănescu 1965; Bucur and Turcu 1966; Ciocârlan 1972; Doltu et al. 1979; Popescu et al. 1984; Ştefan and Oprea 2002; O. portulacoides* Moq. – Brandza 1879–1883; Prodan 1922; Sch. Cent. II 1922; Prodan 1939; Isăcescu 1939; H. portulacoides* (L.) Aellen – Doltu et al. 1983.

  • Distribution in Romania: IL; BR; BZ: Râmnicu Sărat River Basin, “Pâclele” Reserve; VS: Giurcani; IS: “Valea lui David” Reserve, “Valea Ilenei” Reserve, Dorobanţi, Valea Largă, Valea Lungă-Holboca; BT: Bogdăneşti-Santa Mare; CT (incl. Saele Sandbank); TL: Danube Delta, rare, Măcin, Babadag, Hagilar, Turcoaia, Igliţa.

  • Others: C3 species (Grigore and Toma 2010b). *According to our observations, conducted in the field in saline areas from Romania and Spain, H. portulacoides is a different species from H. verrucifera. Even the foliar anatomy is different in these two species (Grigore and Toma 2017; Grigore et al. 2014) .

6.3.12 Krascheninnikovia ceratoides (L.) Gueldenst.

  • Life form: PH.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: I categ. (Prodan 1939).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Dry, less salinized habitats (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Ciocârlan 2000; Eurotia ceratoides (L.) C. A. Mey. – Grecescu 1898; Prodan 1939; Flora I; Eurotium ceratoides C. A. Mey. – Brandza 1898.

  • Distribution in Romania: CJ: Vultureni, Dealul cel Mare on Borşa River Valley at 491 m alt.; MS: Groapa Rădăii on “Coasta lui Orban”;? Dobr.: Jenichioi ap. Brândză .

6.3.13 Camphorosma annua Pall.

  • Life form: TH Ann.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: I categ. (Prodan 1939); obligatory halophyte (Ţopa 1954; Andrei and Şerbănescu 1965); euhalophyte (Bucur et al. 1960a).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Salinized soils, often flooded in the springs, riversides (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990); requires a significant amount of water during its development; this water is provided by soil upper layer. First, it germinates only in elevated places, but after spring, water is being drained; it also germinates in lower places (Prodan 1922); mesophilous to xerophilous, mesothermophile to megathermophilic, strongly heliophilous, strongly alkaliphilous and euhalophilous. It develops on salinized water meadows or slopes and indicates a soil that is dried in its surface during summer (Bucur et al. 1960a). We think that it is rather a xerophilous halophyte, vegetating as isolated individuals or in small patches (Grigore pers. obs.); a species with water storage tissues in the lamina structure (Grigore and Toma 2010b).

  • Salinity tolerance: (1) 65, 360, 1045; (2)110, 1750, 3310.

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Răvăruţ 1941; Ţopa 1954; Bucur et al. 1957, 1997; Samoilă 1957; Pop 1959, 1999–2000; Borza 1964; Andrei and Şerbănescu 1965; Mititelu 1965, 1971a, 1987; Şerbănescu 1965; Borza 1966; Dobrescu et al. 1969; Mihai 1969; Mititelu et al. 1969, 1978–1980; Turenschi 1970; Mihai and Sârbu 1972; Ivan et al. 1977–1978; Sanda et al. 1978; Dihoru 1969; Doltu et al. 1979, 1983, 1984; Popescu and Sanda 1981; Popescu et al. 1984; Sanda and Popescu 1984, 1990b, 1991; Coste et al. 1993; Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Sârbu et al. 2001; C. ovata Waldst. et Kit. – Brandza 1879–1883; Pax 1919; Prodan 1922; Sch. Cent. II 1922; Prodan 1923; Sch. Cent. XVII–XVIII 1938; Papp 1939; Prodan 1939, 1956; Flora I; Dobrescu 1957; Popescu and Bujorean 1957a, b; Căzăceanu and Turenschi 1959; Bucur et al. 1960a, b; Bujorean et al. 1961; Crişan 1962; Popescu 1963; Teşu 1964; Turenschi 1964; Bucur and Turcu 1966; Popescu-Domogled 1966; Mititelu 1967; Răvăruţ et al. 1968; Ciocârlan 1972; Pătraşcu 1973; Mititelu and Barabaş 1975a, b; C. annua f. faxiflora (Beck), f. densiflora (Beck), f. nana (Beck) – Ţopa 1939a; C. annua Pall. f. densiflora (Beck) E. Ţopa nova comb. – Sch. Cent. XXII–XXIII.

  • Distribution in Romania: Trans. (incl. SB; AB: Blaj), Criş., Ban., Munt. (incl. GR: Comana; BZ: Râmnicul Sărat River Basin), Mold. (GL: Galaţi, Independenţa, Piscu, Brăneşti, Izvoarele, Vameş; BC: Tg. Ocna; VS: Elan Stream Valley, Todireni on Sărata Valley; IS: “Valea Ilenei” Reserve, Uricani; BT; Nemira Mountains), Dobr. (incl. CT: Corbu and Saele); TL: Danube Delta.

  • Others: C4 species (Grigore and Toma 2010b) .

6.3.14 Camphorosma monspeliaca L.

  • Life form: Ch Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: I categ. (Prodan 1939).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Alluvial, sandy soils, temporarily flooded, sometimes salinized (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Săvulescu and Rayss 1925; Prodan 1939; Şerbănescu 1965; Borza 1966; Ghişa and Viţalariu 1969; Mititelu 1971a, 1987; Doltu et al. 1979, 1983, 1984; Popescu et al. 1984; Sanda and Popescu 1990b; Ciocârlan 2000; Pop 1999–2000; Sârbu et al. 2001; C. monspeliaca v. pilosa – Ţopa 1939a.

  • Distribution in Romania: AG: Glodul Mic, Glodul Mare; DJ: Cerneala Forest, North of Căciulăteşti; OT: Fărcaşele de Sus, Ghimpaţi, South of Romula Railway Station, Gostavăţ; DB: Glod; TR: Pielea Forest, Asan Aga, Atârnaţi; GR: Naipu, Bila, Cămineasca; IF: Strâmba; CL: Gălbinaşi, Budeşti; IL: Hereşti; BR: Plopul Lake; GL: Ghidigeni; VS: Jigălia, Frejeni-Şchiopeni, Mânjeşti, Bârlad; IS: “Valea Ilenei” Reserve, Ungheni; TL: Danube Delta at Chilia Veche.

  • Others: C4 species (Grigore and Toma 2010b) .

6.3.15 Bassia prostrata (L.) G. Beck

  • Life-form: Ch Per.

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Strictly xerophilous, mesothermophile-megathermophilic, heliophilous, less sciophilous, weakly to strongly euhalophilous; usually, it develops on dry, weakly to strongly, salinized soils (Bucur et al. 1960a).

  • Salinity tolerance: (1) 40, 190, 1410; (2) 350, 720, 2740.

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Kochia prostrata (L.) Schrad – Fuss 1866; Brandza 1879–1883; Isăcescu 1939; Răvăruţ 1941; Prodan 1956; Bucur and Dobrescu 1957; Pop 1959, 1960, 1999–2000; Bucur et al. 1960b; Mititelu 1965, 1967; Mititelu et al. 1969; Cîrţu et al. 1977; Viţalariu and Zanoschi 1972; Sanda and Popescu 1990b; Sârbu et al. 2000, 2001; Ştefan and Oprea 2002; K. prostrata (L.) Schrad. f. canescens Moq. – Oescu 1957.

  • Distribution in Romania: Trans. (incl. AB: Sebeş, Câlnic), Criş., Ban., Olt. (MH: Grinduri; DJ: Craiova), Munt. (incl. Râmnicul Sărat River Basin), Mold. (incl. GL: Blăjerii de Sus, Dorasca Forest, Barcea Forest, Fundeni Forest, Dobrineşti; BC: Tg. Ocna; VS: Crasna, Târzii, Mânjeşti, Elanului Valley; IS: “Valea lui David” Reserve; BT: Broscăuţi, Dângeni, Truşeşti; Nemira Mountains), Dobr. (incl. CT: Vama Veche, Tuzla, Eforie N, Agigea, Constanţa, Mamaia, Capul Midia, Corbu, Chituc and Saele-Istria Sandbanks) .

6.3.16 Bassia hirsuta (L.) Asch.

  • Life-form: TH Ann.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: I categ. (Prodan 1939); obligatory halophyte (Ţopa 1954).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Salinized areas, around salt lakes, seashore (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Pax 1919; Prodan 1939; Răvăruţ 1941; Flora I; Şerbănescu 1965; Ivan et al. 1977–1978; Doltu et al. 1979, 1983, 1984; Popescu and Sanda 1981; Popescu et al. 1984; Sanda and Popescu 1984, 1990b, 1991; Mititelu 1987; Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Sârbu et al. 1995a, b, 2001; Ştefan and Sârbu 1995; Pop 1999–2000; B. h. monspeliaca var. pilosa – Ţopa 1954; Kochia hirsuta Nolte – Brandza 1879–1883; Prodan 1922; Isăcescu 1939; Papp 1939; Doltu et al. 1979.

  • Distribution in Romania: IF; IL; BR; BZ: Râmnicul Sărat River Basin; GL: Galaţi; VS: Elan Stream Valley; IS: “Valea Ilenei” Reserve; CT: Techirghiol, Mamaia, Năvodari, Corbu, Chituc and Saele-Istria Sandbank, Tuzla; TL: Danube Delta – frequent.

  • Others: C3 species (Grigore and Toma 2010b) .

6.3.17 Bassia sedoides (Pall.) Asch.

  • Life form: TH Ann.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: I categ. (Prodan 1939); euhalophyte (Bucur et al. 1960a).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Salinized soils (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990); Xerophilous, mesothermophile, heliophilous or less sciophilous, alkaliphilous, weakly to strongly euhalophilous; indicates weakly or moderately salinized soils, fallowed or almost fallowed, sometimes ruderalized (Bucur et al. 1960a).

  • Salinity tolerance: (1) 65, 130, 480; (2) 50, 200, 840.

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Prodan 1939; Flora I; Bucur et al. 1957; Bucur et al. 1960b; Andrei and Şerbănescu 1965; Şerbănescu 1965; Bucur and Turcu 1966; Ivan et al. 1977–1978; Doltu et al. 1979, 1984; Sanda and Popescu 1984, 1979, 1990b, 1991; Mititelu 1971a, 1987; Popescu et al. 1984; Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Sârbu et al. 1995a, 2001; Pop 1999–2000.

  • Distribution in Romania: IL; BR: Sărat Lake; BZ: Râmnicul Sărat River Basin; VN: Măicăneşti; GL: Galaţi; VS: Găgeşti, Giurgeşti, Popeni, Tupilaţi; IS: Româneşti-Buţuluc on “Muchea Româneştilor” Hill, Avântul Româneşti, “Valea Ilenei” Reserve, Vlădiceni on “Dealul Blănarului”; CT: Agigea, Mamaia, Corbu, Chituc and Saele Sandbank; TL: Danube Delta, rare, Sacalin and Sf. Gheorghe .

6.3.18 Halocnemum strobilaceum (Pall.) M. Bieb.

  • Life-form: Ch Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: I categ. (Prodan 1939); obligatory halophyte (Ţopa 1954).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Seashores (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Săvulescu and Rayss 1925; Sch. Cent. XVII–XVIII 1938; Prodan 1939; Flora I; Ţopa 1954; Doltu et al. 1979, 1983; Sârbu et al. 1995a, b, 2001; Ciocârlan 2000; Pop 1999–2000; Ştefan et al. 2001.

  • Distribution in Romania: CT: Tuzla, Istria, Sinoe, Lupilor Sandbank, Saele Sandbank; TL: Jurilovca on Smeica Island .

6.3.19 Salicornia procumbens Sm.

  • Life form: TH Ann.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: Mesohygrohalophyte (Ciocârlan 2009).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: A rare species vegetating in lower, wet riversides of Delta Dunarii (Ciocârlan 2009).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Ştefan et al. 1995; Ciocârlan 2000.

  • Distribution in Romania: Danube Delta: Chilia Veche, Chituc Sandbank.

  • Others: In Romania, it is represented by var. stricta (G. Mey.) J. Duvign. et Lambinon Ciocârlan (2009) .

6.3.20 Salicornia ramosissima Woods

  • Life form: TH Ann.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: Mesohalophyte (Ciocârlan 2000).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Ciocârlan 1994, 2000.

  • Distribution in Romania: Danube Delta: Chilia Veche, Chituc Sandbank, very rare on Black Sea shore (species present only in West Europe) .

6.3.21 Salicornia europaea L.

  • Life-form: TH Ann.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: I categ. (Prodan 1939); obligatory halophyte (Ţopa 1954; Andrei and Şerbănescu 1965); euhalophyte (Bucur et al. 1960a); mesohalophyte-hygrohalophyte (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Wet salinized habitats (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990); a species closely related to water and humidity; its mechanical tissues are very rudimentary, and its erect position is mainly assured by cellular turgescence. When the water uptake ceases, the plant dies (Prodan 1922); strictly hygrophilous, mesothermophile, heliophilous, less sciophilous, strongly alkaliphilous, moderately to strongly halophyte. It develops on salinized wet meadow soils (Bucur et al. 1960a). This is a hygrohalophyte, vegetating only in wet, sometimes flooded, salinized areas. It is a succulent halophyte, presenting water storage tissues and tracheoidioblasts in its fleshy tissues (Grigore and Toma 2010b).

  • Salinity tolerance: (1) 545, 960, 1595; (2) 390, 740, 890.

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Todor 1947 (and) f. stricta (Willd.) F. G. W. Mey; Ciocârlan 1972, 1994, 2000; Popescu and Sanda 1973, 1975, 1981; Sanda and Popescu 1973, 1984, 1990a, b, 1991, 1992; Mititelu et al. 1978–1980, 1988; Doltu et al. 1979; Pop and Hodişan 1980; Pop et al. 1983, 1988; Popescu et al. 1984, 1987; Mititelu 1987; Sârbu et al. 1995a, b, 2000, et al. 2001; Ştefan and Sârbu 1995; Ştefan and Oprea 2002; S. herbacea (L.) L. – Edel 1835; Guebhard 1848; Fuss 1866; Brandza 1879–1883; Schur 1885; Grecescu 1898; Prodan 1922; Sch. Cent. IV et V 1924; Prodan1937; Sch. Cent. XVII–XVIII 1938; Isăcescu 1939; Prodan 1939; Ţopa 1939a, b; Răvăruţ 1941; Csűros 1947; Flora I; Ţopa 1954; Bucur et al. 1960a; Buia et al. 1959; Csűros et al. 1961; Andrei and Diaconescu 1962; Ciurchea 1962b; Borza 1964; Páll 1964a; Teşu 1964; Andrei and Şerbănescu 1965; Csűros-Kaptalan 1965; Mititelu 1965, 1971a; Şerbănescu 1965; Bucur and Turcu 1966; Sanda and Ciobanu 1967; Răvăruţ et al. 1968; Turenschi 1970; Mihai and Sârbu 1972; Rusu and Bîrjoveanu 1972; Cîrţu et al. 1977; Samú 1982); var. prostrata (Pall. Rchb.); S. prostrata Pall. – Mititelu and Barabaş 1972, 1975b; Pop 1999–2000; S. patula – Sârbu et al. 1995b; Pop 1999–2000.

  • Distribution in Romania: Trans., Olt., Munt., Mold., Dobr . (Danube Delta – frequent).

  • Others: C3 species (Grigore and Toma 2010b).

6.3.22 Petrosimonia triandra (Pall.) Simonk.

  • Life-form: TH Ann.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: I categ. (Prodan 1939); obligatory halophyte (Ţopa 1954; Andrei and Şerbănescu 1965); euhalophyte (Bucur et al. 1960a).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Salty soils (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990). Its branches are transported by the wind, thus assuring the plant dispersal, even in less salinized places (Prodan 1922). Xerophilous, strictly heliophilous, mesothermophile to megathermophilic, strongly alkaliphilous, and euhalophilous, developing only on dry salinized areas; indicates dried salinized areas in their superficial layer (Bucur et al. 1960a). This is a xero-halophyte, found by us only on dry, full sun areas, as isolated individuals (Grigore, pers. obs.). It presents succulence, due to the water storage tissue located in the lamina (Grigore and Toma 2010b).

  • Salinity tolerance: (1) 45, 170, 920; (2) 170, 920, 3220.

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Pax 1919; Sch. Cent I 1921; Sch. Cent. XVII–XVIII 1938; Isăcescu 1939; Prodan 1939; Ţopa 1939a; Răvăruţ 1941; Sch. Cent. XXIV–XXV 1943; Flora I; Todor 1947; Ţopa 1954; Bucur et al. 1957; Dobrescu 1957; Pop 1959; Bucur et al. 1960a, b; Csűros et al. 1961; Andrei and Şerbănescu 1965; Mititelu 1965, 1971a, 1987; Şerbănescu 1965; Bucur and Turcu 1966; Răvăruţ et al. 1968; Dihoru 1969; Mihai 1969; Csűros 1970; Turenschi 1970; Mihai and Sârbu 1972; Sanda et al. 1978; Doltu et al. 1979, 1983, 1984; Pop and Hodişan 1980; Popescu et al. 1984; Pop et al. 1988; Sanda and Popescu 1990a, b, 1991; Ciocârlan 2000; Pop 1999–2000; Sârbu et al. 2001; P. triandra (Pall.) Simonk. f. laxiflora Fenzl. – Oescu 1957; Halimocnemis triandra Moq. Tend. – Grecescu 1898; Prodan 1922; Halimocnemis volvox C.A.M. – Fuss 1866; Brandza 1898; H. volvix C. A. Mey. – Schur 1885.

  • Distribution in Romania: BH; CJ: Aiton Valley, at “Fânaţe,” Băile Sărate Turda, Cojocna; MS; IL: Feteşti; BZ: Râmnicu Sărat River Basin; BR: Sărat Lake; GL: Lungeşti; IS: Ciric-Iaşi, Iaşi in Copou Park, “Valea lui David” Reserve, “Valea Ilenei” Reserve, Dancaş on Surzilor Valley, Şorogari, Aroneanu, Dorobanţu, Băiceni, Cotnari, Valea Largă, Cucuteni); BT: Roşiori and Stăuceni; CT: Chituc and Saele Sandbanks; TL: between Măcin and Greci.

  • Others: C4 species (Grigore et al. 2014; Grigore and Toma 2010b) .

6.3.23 Petrosimonia oppositifolia (Pall.) Litv.

  • Life-form: TH Ann.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: I categ. (Prodan 1939); obligatory halophyte (Ţopa 1954).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Salty soils (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990); more succulent than P. triandra, preferring more wet salinized areas; found near to the sea but also in salt steppes (Prodan 1922). This species is also succulent, less frequent than P. triandra, occurring in dry saline soils (Grigore, pers. obs.).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Doltu et al. 1983, 1984; Sanda and Popescu 1990b; Ciocârlan 2000; Pop 1999–2000; Sârbu et al. 2001; P. crassifolia auct. – Prodan 1939; Răvăruţ 1941; Flora I; Ţopa 1954; Şerbănescu 1965; Halimocnemis crassifolia C.A. Mey – Brandza 1898; Grecescu 1898; Prodan 1922.

  • Distribution in Romania: BR and BZ in Călmăţui Riverside; IS: Larga Jijia, Iaşi, Valea Largă; CT: shore of the Razelm Lake, Saele and Chituc Sandbanks.

  • Others: C4 species (Grigore and Toma 2010b) .

6.3.24 ? Suaeda altissima (L.) Pall.

  • Life-form: TH Ann.

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Mesohalophyte (Ciocârlan 2009).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Ciocârlan 2000.

  • Others: Cited from Ukraine and NE of Bulgaria; it is expected to be found also in Romania (Ciocârlan 2009) .

6.3.25 Suaeda splendens (Pourr.) Gren. et Godr.

  • Life-form: TH Ann.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: I categ. (Prodan 1939); obligatory halophyte (Ţopa 1954).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Salt areas (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Brandza 1898; Prodan 1939; Flora I; Ţopa 1954; Doltu et al. 1983; Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Ştefan et al. 1995; Sârbu et al. 2001; S. setigera (DC.) Moq. – Pax 1919.

  • Distribution in Romania: TL: shore of the Razelm Lake, Chilia Veche .

6.3.26 Suaeda maritima (L.) Dumort.

  • Life-form: TH Ann.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: I categ. (Prodan 1939); obligatory halophyte (Ţopa 1954, Andrei and Şerbănescu 1965); euhalophyte (Bucur et al. 1960a); mesohyrohalophyte (Ciocârlan 2000); mesohalophyte – hygrohalophyte (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Salty, sandy soils (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990); annual species, hygrophilous, heliophilous, strongly alkaliphilous, moderately to strongly euhalophilous. It develops on humid, water meadow soils, strongly salinized. This species indicates a salinized wet meadow soil, sometimes even flooded (Bucur et al. 1960a). This is a species with shallow root, succulent shoot, due to the water storage tissues (Grigore and Toma 2010b), strictly halophyte, occurring only in salinized soils where the water is always present. It is associated frequently with Salicornia europaea (Grigore, pers. obs.).

  • Salinity tolerance: (1) 130, 570, 1065; (2) 760, 165, 1780.

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Hacquet 1790–1796; Guebhard 1848; Grecescu 1898; Prodan 1922; Sch. Cent I 1921; Isăcescu 1939; Papp 1939; Prodan 1939; Ţopa 1939a; Răvăruţ 1941; Csűros 1947; Flora I; Ţopa 1954; Bucur et al. 1960a; Dobrescu 1957; Căzăceanu and Turenschi 1959; Andrei and Diaconescu 1962; Ciurchea 1962b; Borza 1964; Andrei and Şerbănescu 1965; Csűros-Kaptalan 1965; Şerbănescu 1965; Bucur and Turcu 1966; Mititelu 1967, 1971a, 1987; Sanda and Ciobanu 1967; Răvăruţ et al. 1968; Dihoru 1969; Mihai 1969; Mititelu et al. 1969, 1978–1980; Turenschi 1970; Ciocârlan 1972, 1994, 2000; Mihai and Sârbu 1972; Mititelu and Barabaş 1972, 1975a, b; Pătraşcu 1973; Popescu and Sanda 1973, 1975, 1981; Sanda and Popescu 1973, 1984, 1990a, b, 1991, 1992; Cîrţu et al. 1977; Ivan et al. 1977–1978; Sanda et al. 1978; Doltu et al. 1979, 1983; Pop and Hodişan 1980; Pop et al. 1983, 1988; Popescu et al. 1984, 1987; Antohe 1986; Sârbu et al. 1995a, b, 2000, 2001; Ştefan and Sârbu 1995; Ştefan et al. 1995; Pop 1999–2000; Ştefan and Oprea 2001, 2002; Schoberia maritima C.A.M. – Fuss 1866; Brandza 1879–1883; Schur 1885; S. maritima (L.) Dumort. ssp. salinaria, ssp. salsa – Prodan 1939; S. maritima (L.) Dumort var. salsa – Csűros 1947; S. maritima (L.) Dumort ssp. filiformis G. – Ţopa 1939a; S. prostrata Pall. – Edel 1835.

  • Distribution in Romania: Trans., Criş., Munt. (incl. BR: Câmpia Brăilei at Movila Miresii, Valea Iencii), Mold. (incl. BC: Tg. Ocna), Dobr. (incl. Danube Delta: Letea Sandbank, Caraorman Sandbank, Sf. Gheorghe, Sacalin, Ciotic, Jurilovca Islands; CT: Techirghiol-Eforie, Constanţa at “Tăbăcărie,” Chituc Sandbank, Lupilor Sandbank).

  • Others: C3 species (Grigore and Toma 2010b) .

6.3.27 Suaeda maritima ssp. pannonica (Beck) Soó ex P.W. Ball

  • Life-form: TH Ann.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: I categ. (Prodan 1939); obligatory halophyte (Ţopa 1954).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: S. pannonica Beck. – Săvulescu and Rayss 1925; Prodan 1939; Ţopa 1954; Flora I.

  • Distribution in Romania: GL: Galaţi, Tuluceşti? West of Tisei Plain .

6.3.28 Suaeda salsa (L.) Pall.

  • Life-form: TH Ann.

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Grecescu 1898; Pax 1919; Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Schoberia salsa C.A.M. – Fuss 1866; Schur 1885.

  • Distribution in Romania:? Trans, Munt. (?East of Bărăgan Plain), Mold. (GL: Fundeni, Hanul Conachi, Tudor Vladimirescu), Dobr. (Danube Delta: Sf. Gheorghe; CT: Techirghiol, Constanţa, Chituc and Saele Sandbanks) .

6.3.29 Suaeda confusa Iljin

  • Life-form: TH Ann.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: Mesohyrohalophyte (Ciocârlan 2000).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Sârbu et al. 2001.

  • Distribution in Romania: BZ: Amara Lake shore, Pâclele at “Vulcanii Noroioşi”; BR: Câmpia Brăilei; VS: Giurcani; Danube Delta: Sacalin-Zătoane, Periprava, shore of the Razelm Lake, Sf. Gheorghe, Calica, Sacalin Island, Ciotic, Sulina, Sfiştofca, Chituc Sandbank, Saele Sandbank .

6.3.30 Salsola kali L.

  • Life-form: TH Ann.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: III categ. (Prodan 1939); preferential halophyte (Ţopa 1954); neohalophyte (Bucur et al. 1961).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Sandy, sometimes saline soils (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Salinity tolerance: (1) 60, 120, 530, (2) 45, , 2170.

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Edel 1835; Fuss 1866; Brandza 1879–1883; Schur 1885; Brandza 1898; Pax 1919; Prodan 1922, 1939; Guşuleac 1933; Ţopa 1939a; Răvăruţ 1941; Borza 1964; Ciocârlan 2000; Sârbu et al. 2001; S. kali L. α hirsuta Hornem tenuiflora Tausch; S. kali L. β pseudotragus Beck – Ţopa 1939a; S. kali L. Α. crassifolia Fenzl l. C. – Grecescu 1898) ssp. ruthenica (Iljin) Soó - Pop 1999–2000; Sârbu 2003; S. ruthenica Iljin – Flora I; Ţopa 1954; Bucur et al. 1961; Mititelu 1965; Şerbănescu 1965; Pop 1969b; Sanda and Popescu 1991; S. australis R. Br. – Ciocârlan 1994 ssp. tragus (L.) Nyman – Ciocârlan 1994; Pop 1999–2000; S. tragus L. – Schur 1885.

  • Distribution in Romania: Trans., Criş., Ban., Olt., Munt. (incl. GR: Comana), Mold. (incl. GL: Hanul Conachi, Munteni in forest pond, Călmăţui Stream Valley, Dobrineşti, Geru Stream Valley, Ţepu de Jos; BC: Tg. Ocna), Bucov. (SV: Rădăuţi), Dobr. (Danube Delta – frequent) .

6.3.31 Salsola soda L.

  • Life-form: TH Ann.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: I categ. (Prodan 1939); obligatory halophyte (Ţopa 1954); euhalophyte (Bucur et al. 1960a); mesohalophyte-hygrohalophyte (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Sandy, saline continental and coastal areas (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Salinity tolerance: (1) 630, 830, 2420; (2) 1020, 1480, 2020.

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Schur 1885; Prodan 1922; Sch. Cent. XVII–XVIII 1938; Prodan 1939; Isăcescu 1939; Ţopa 1939a; Răvăruţ 1941; Flora I; Ţopa 1954; Bucur et al. 1960a; Popescu 1963; Teşu 1964; Mititelu 1965, 1971a, 1987; Şerbănescu 1965; Răvăruţ et al. 1968; Popescu and Sanda 1975; Doltu et al. 1979, 1983, 1984; Popescu et al. 1984; Sanda and Popescu 1984, 1990b, 1991; Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Sârbu et al. 2001; Pop 1999–2000; Ştefan and Oprea 2002.

  • Distribution in Romania: AR: between Grăniceri and Pilu; TM; DJ; IF; BZ: Râmnicu Sărat River Basin; BR: Brăila, Sărat Lake; IS: “Valea Ilenei” Reserve; CT (incl. Saele Sandbank, Mamaia-Năvodari, Corbu and Chituc Sandbank); TL: Sulina, between Portiţa and Perişor .

6.4 Polygonaceae

6.4.1 Polygonum aviculare L.

  • Life-form: TH Ann.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: III categ. (Prodan 1939); supporting halophyte (Ţopa 1954); neohalophyte (Bucur et al. 1961).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Ruderal places, sometimes salt areas (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Salinity tolerance: (1) 35, 80, 515; (2) 55, 100, 2430; (1) 75, 390, 960; (2) 95, 670, 1510.

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Prodan 1922, 1923, 1939; Isăcescu 1939; Csűros 1947; Flora I; Ţopa 1954; Prodan 1956; Bucur et al. 1957; Popescu and Bujorean 1957a; Samoilă 1957; Buia et al. 1959; Pop 1959, 1969a, 1999–2000; Bucur et al. 1961; Bujorean et al. 1961; Andrei and Diaconescu 1962; Crişan 1962; Popescu 1963; Páll 1964a, b; Turenschi 1964; Mititelu 1965, 1971a; Şerbănescu 1965; Bucur and Turcu 1966; Bucur et al. 1967; Csűros et al. 1968; Răvăruţ et al. 1968; Mihai 1969; Turenschi 1970; Mihai and Sârbu 1972; Rusu and Bîrjoveanu 1972; Dobrescu et al. 1973; Pătraşcu 1973; Mihai and Căpălnăşan 1977; Ivan et al. 1977–1978; Sanda et al. 1978; Doltu et al. 1979; Samú 1982; Pop et al. 1983; Popescu et al. 1984; Sanda and Popescu 1984, 1991; Coste et al. 1993; Sârbu et al. 2001; Ştefan and Oprea 2002; P. aviculare L. var. littorale Mert. et Koch; var. erectum (Roth) Hayne Arzneigew; var. condensatum Becker – Flora I; P. aviculare L. var. erectum (Roth.) Hayne – Todor 1947; Bucur et al. 1957; P. aviculare var. latifolium – Andrei and Şerbănescu 1965; P. avicularecondensatum – Cîrţu et al. 1977; P. virgatum Schur – Fuss 1866; Schur 1885.

  • Distribution in Romania: Maram., Trans., Criş., Olt., Munt., Mold., Bucov., Dobr .

6.4.2 Polygonum maritimum L.

  • Life-form: H Per.

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Coastal salty sands (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Flora I; Pop and Hodişan 1977; Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Sârbu et al. 2001.

  • Distribution in Romania: Black Sea shore: CT: Mangalia, between Techirghiol and Tuzla, Vama Veche, Eforie N, Eforie S, Agigea, Mamaia, Capul Midia, Corbu and Chituc Sandbank, between Eforie and Movila; TL: Sulina and Sf. Gheorghe, Jurilovca, Portiţa .

6.4.3 Polygonum patulum M. Bieb.

  • Life-form: TH Ann.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: II categ. (Prodan 1939).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Sands, sometimes salinized alluvial soils (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Salinity tolerance: (1) 55, 66, 90; (2) 55, 60, 90.

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Sch. Cent. XIX–XXI 1949; Răvăruţ 1941; Bucur et al. 1957; Flora I; Pop and Hodişan 1980; Mititelu 1987; Ciocârlan 2000; Pop 1999–2000; Sârbu et al. 2001; P. bellardi All. – Brandza 1898; Prodan 1922, 1939; ssp. patulum; ssp. kitaibelianum (Sadl.) Asch. et. Graebner – Prodan 1939; Ciocârlan 1994; P. kitaibelianum Sadler – Şerbănescu 1965.

  • Distribution in Romania: Trans. (CJ: Cojocna, Cospodea, Sucutard, Cojocna; SB: Guşteriţa, Ruşi and Sibiu), Olt. (DJ: Desa and Calafat; OT: Pietrişu), Munt. (incl. IF: Chitila), Mold. (incl. GL: Cuza Vodă, Galaţi, Hanul Conachi, Independenţa, Pechea; VS: Bulboaca, Negreşti; IS: Mârzeşti, Valea Ilenei-Leţcani), Bucov. (SV: Gura Humorului), Dobr. (incl. CT: Saele Sandbank; TL: Denis Tepe Hill, Culmea Pricopanului, Letea) .

6.4.4 Rumex stenophyllus Ledeb.

  • Life-form: H Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: I categ. (Prodan 1939); mesohalophyte-hygrohalophyte (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Meadows, ruderal more or less salinized places (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Salinity tolerance: (1) 30, 100, 1380; (2) 45, 120, 1940.

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Prodan 1939; Răvăruţ 1941; Flora I; Prodan 1956; Bucur et al. 1957; Popescu and Bujorean 1957a, b; Pop 1959, 1999–2000; Popescu 1963; Popescu-Domogled 1966; Mititelu 1971a; Mititelu and Barabaş 1971, 1975b; Sanda et al. 1977; Samú 1982; Pop et al. 1983; Sanda and Popescu 1991; Ciocârlan 2000; R. odontocarpus Sándor – Prodan 1922.

  • Distribution in Romania: Trans., Criş., Ban., Olt., Munt., Mold. (incl. BC: Borzeşti and Tg. Trotuş); NT: Răuceşti), Bucov. (SV: Cârlibaba, Cristişor Peatbog, Siret), Dobr .

6.4.5 Rumex maritimus L.

  • Life-form: TH Ann.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: II categ. (Prodan 1939); supporting halophyte (Ţopa 1954); hygrohalophyte (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Bordering the waters, lakes; marshes, seashore, on soils often salinized (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990); sandy, wet salinized areas and seashores (Prodan 1922).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Fuss 1866; Schur 1885; Prodan 1922, 1939; Ţopa 1954; Flora I; Popescu and Sanda 1973, 1975; Popescu et al. 1984; Sanda and Popescu 1990b, 1992; Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Sârbu et al. 1995a, 2001; Ştefan et al. 1995; Pop 1999–2000.

  • Distribution in Romania: Trans. (incl. BV: between Măieruş and Apaţa; SB), Criş., Ban., Olt., Munt., Mold. (incl. GL: Brateş-Galaţi Lake, Cosmeşti, Măstăcani, Rogojeni, Tecuci, on Suhurlui Railway at Piscu; VS: Tutova; IS: Iaşi at Beldiman), Dobr. (incl. Black Sea shore , Danube Delta) .

6.5 Plumbaginaceae

6.5.1 ?Armeria maritima (Mill.) Willd.

  • Life-form : H Per.

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Salt areas, rare species (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Sanda and Popescu 1973; Doltu et al. 1979; Ciocârlan 2000; Sârbu et al. 2001.

  • Distribution in Romania: BN: Blăjenii de Jos.

  • Others: It looks that it was erroneously mentioned, instead of Armeria pocutica Pawł.; see the book chapter on Armeria maritima (Mill.) Willd. in Romania’s Flora” made by Oprea et al. in this handbook.

6.5.2 Limonium bellidifolium (Gouan) Dumort.

  • Life-form: H Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: I categ. (Prodan 1939); obligatory halophyte (Ţopa 1954).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Sandy wet and salinized soils (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Sanda and Popescu 1990b; Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Sârbu et al. 1995a, 2000, 2001; Pop 1999–2000; Ştefan et al. 2001; Ştefan and Oprea 2002; Statice caspia Willd. – Prodan 1922, 1937, 1939; Flora VII; Popescu and Sanda 1975, 1981; Doltu et al. 1983; L. bellidifolium var. danubiale – Pop 1999–2000; Limonium caspium (Willd.) Gams – Ţopa 1954.

  • Distribution in Romania: CT: Histria, Sinoie, Lupilor Sandbank, Chituc Sandbank, Smeica and Curbea Islands, Năvodari, Corbu, Saele Sandbank, from Vadu to Histria Fortess; TL: Jurilovca, Razelm Lake, Letea, Sfiştofca, Chilia Veche, Perişor, Portiţa (entire Danube Delta).

  • Others: In Romania, occurs as ssp. danubiale (Klokov) Roman (Ciocârlan 2009) .

6.5.3 Limonium tomentellum (Boiss.) Kuntze

  • Life-form: H Per.

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Very rare, in wet salinized meadows (Ciocârlan 2009).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Ciocârlan 2000.

  • Distribution in Romania: DJ: between Bratovoieşti and Malu Mare, Popoveni near Craiova; OT: Romula-Caracal .

6.5.4 Limonium gmelinii (Willd.) O. Kuntze

  • Life-form: H Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: I categ. (Prodan 1939); obligatory halophyte (Ţopa 1954; Andrei and Şerbănescu 1965); euhalophyte (Bucur 1960a); mesohygrophilous, halophyte (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Salinized meadows (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990); perennial plant, very common in salty areas, mesohygrophilous (its tap root develops deeply in the soil, thus exploiting the salinized water table); mesothermophile, from less to strongly alkaliphilous. It can develop on salinized water meadows, as well as on dry slopes (Bucur et al. 1960a).

  • Salinity tolerance: (1) 45, 150, 1065; (2) 120, 1450, 260.

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Ţopa 1954; Bucur et al. 1957; Dobrescu 1957; Popescu and Bujorean 1957a; Căzăceanu and Turenschi 1959; Bucur et al. 1960b; Crişan 1962; Mititelu et al. 1978–1980, 1988; Pop et al. 1983; Antohe 1986; Mititelu 1987, 1965, 1967, 1971a; Sanda and Popescu 1990a, 1991, 1992; Coste et al. 1993; Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Sârbu et al. 1995a, 2001; Ştefan and Sârbu 1995; Burac 1997; Pop 1999–2000; Ştefan and Oprea 2002; Statice gmelinii Willd. – Guebhard 1848; Fuss 1866; Brandza 1879–1883; Schur 1885; Grecescu 1898; Pax 1919; Prodan 1922, 1923; Sch. Cent. II 1922; Prodan 1937, 1939; Papp 1939; Isăcescu 1939; Răvăruţ 1941; Sch. Cent. XXII–XXIII; Ţopa 1939a; Csűros 1947; Todor 1948; Prodan 1956; Flora VII; Moşneagă 1958; Pop 1959; Bucur et al. 1960a; Bujorean et al. 1961; Popescu 1963; Páll 1964a, b; Teşu 1964; Turenschi 1964; Andrei and Şerbănescu 1965; Csűros-Kaptalan 1965; Şerbănescu 1965; Bucur and Turcu 1966; Popescu-Domogled 1966; Bucur et al. 1967; Sanda and Ciobanu 1967; Răvăruţ et al. 1968; Dihoru 1969; Dobrescu et al. 1969; Mihai 1969; Mititelu et al. 1969; Ţopa 1969; Csűros 1970; Turenschi 1970; Ciocârlan 1972; Mihai and Sârbu 1972; Mititelu and Barabaş 1972, 1975b; Dobrescu et al. 1973; Popescu and Sanda 1973, 1975; Sanda and Popescu 1973, 1990a, b, 1984; Ivan et al. 1977–1978; Doltu et al. 1979, 1983; Pop and Hodişan 1980; Samú 1982; Popescu et al. 1984; Pop et al. 1988.

  • Distribution in Romania: Trans., Criş., Ban., Olt., Munt., Mold., Bucov., Dobr. (incl. TL: Măcin, Carcaliu, Turcoaia, cited as Statice rehmanni Procop. from Murfatlar).

  • Others: This species has a strong rhizome, coriaceous leaves with typical salt glands (Grigore and Toma 2010b, d) .

6.5.5 Limonium meyeri (Boiss.) O. Kuntze

  • Life-form: TH

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Sanda and Popescu 1992; Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Sârbu et al. 2001; Ştefan et al. 2001; Ştefan and Oprea 2002.

  • Distribution in Romania: SE Rm (BR: Sărat Lake; TL: incl. Danube Delta, frequent, Letea Sandbank, Enisala; CT: Saele Sandbank, Cetatea Histria, Techirghiol, Agigea, Chituc Sandbank, Năvodari) .

6.5.6 Limonium vulgare Mill

  • Life-form: H Per.

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Meadows, sandy, wet and salinized soils (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Statice limonium L. – Edel 1835; Fuss 1866; Răvăruţ 1941; Flora VII; Borza 1966; Doltu et al. 1979, 1983; Popescu et al. 1984; Limonium vulgare Mill. – Sârbu et al. 1995a.

  • Distribution in Romania: GR: Vasilaţi and Ghimpaţi; IS: Mârzeşti; TL: Letea; CT: Mamaia.

  • Others: Erroneously mentioned from Delta Dunarii by some confusion with other species; then it was adopted by many botanical papers. Actually, it does not grow in Romania; there is a lack of herbarium material from Romania (Ciocârlan 2009) .

6.5.7 Goniolimon tataricum (L.) Boiss

  • Life-form: Per.

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Dry meadows, sometimes salinized (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Pax 1919; Ciocârlan 2000, 2009; Sârbu et al. 2001; Statice tatarica L. – Schur 1885.

  • Distribution in Romania: CJ; MS: Zau de Câmpie Reserve, Miheşu de Câmpie on Dealul Mare/Coada Tăului; SB: Miercurea Sibiului and Ocna Sibiului; AB: Sebeş at Râpa Roşie and “Viile Românilor,” Draşov, Roşia de Secaş; HD; MH: between Gura Văii and Dudaşul Schelei; DJ ; CT: Nistoreşti .

6.6 Fabaceae

6.6.1 Trigonella procumbens (Besser) Rchb.

  • Life-form: TH Ann.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: Mesotrophic, mesophilous-mesohygrophilous (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Meadows, more or less ruderalized sometimes salinized places (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Flora V; Buia and Păun 1960; Bucur et al. 1967; Răvăruţ et al. 1968; Turenschi 1970; Doltu et al. 1979; Sanda and Popescu 1990b; Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Trigonella besserana Ser. – Ţopa 1954.

  • Distribution in Romania: Trans. (incl. SB; AB: Sebeş, Miercurea-Băi), Ban., Olt. (frequent in DJ), Munt. (incl. GR: Comana), Mold. (incl. GL: Galaţi, Măstăcani, between Vameş and Piscu, Tuluceşti, Vlădeşti; NT: Tg. Neamţ), Bucov. (SV: Vatra Dornei), Dobr. (incl. CT: Saele Sandbank, Mamaia and Chituc Sandbank, between Mangalia and Constanţa; TL: Zebil, rare in Danube Delta, Letea) .

6.6.2 Melilotus dentata (Waldst. et Kit.) Pers.

  • Life form: Ht Bisann.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: Mesophilous-mesohygrophilous (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Wet more or less salinized meadows (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Prodan 1922, 1939; Flora V; Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; M. dentatus – Ştefan et al. 1995.

  • Distribution in Romania: SM (frequent); CJ; MS; BV; HD; BH: between Şilindru and Cheşereu, Galoşpetreu; AR; AG; GR: Comana; VS: Jigălia on Movila Roşie Hill; CT; TL: spor. in Danube Delta, Măcin near Igliţa Lake .

6.6.3 Melilotus altissima Thuill.

  • Life-form: Ht Bisann.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: Eutrophic-mesotrophic, mesohygrophilous (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Watersides, wet meadows, alluvial soils, more or less salinized places (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Flora V; Ciocârlan 1994, 2000.

  • Distribution in Romania: SM: Supuru de Jos; CJ; HR; BV; SB: Ocna Sibiului, Arpaşu de Jos and Mt. Arpaş; BH (incl. Răbăgani); AR; MH; GL: Galaţi; IS: Mârzeşti; SV; BT: Suharău, Lozna; TL: Letea; Codru-Moma Mountains on Brusturei Valley at confluence with Huta Bălătesei Valley .

6.6.4 Trifolium micranthum Viv.

  • Life form: TH Ann.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: II categ. (Prodan 1939); oligotrophic, subtermophilic (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Wet, often salinized meadows (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Flora V; Prodan 1956; Samoilă 1957; Pop 1959, 1999–2000; Bujorean et al. 1961; Popescu 1963; Grigore et al. 1965; Ţopa 1969; Doltu et al. 1979; Ardelean 1980; Sanda and Popescu 1991; Coste et al. 1993; Sârbu et al. 2001; T. dubium Sibth. – Samoilă 1960; Grigore et al. 1965; T. minus Sm. – Prodan 1923; T. filiforme L. – Prodan 1923, 1939; Ciocârlan 1994, 2000.

  • Distribution in Romania: SM: Carei, Căuaş, Hotoan, Chilia, Aliceni, Ghenci; MS: Stânceni-Meştera; AR: Arad, Buteni-Bocsig, Şimand, Nădab, Socodor, Chişineu-Criş; TM: Timişoara, Deta and Sânnicolaul Mare, Liebling, Diniaş; MH: Cazanele Mari, Dubova depression, Mraconiei Valley, Ogradena Valley; GL: Ghidigeni Railway Station, Piscu; VS: Bârlad; IS: Chipereşti, Prut River Basin; Dobr. (incl. TL: Danube Delta; CT); Bihor-Vlădeasa Mountains: Fundătura .

6.6.5 Trifolium fragiferum L.

  • Life-form: H Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: II categ. (Prodan 1939); preferential halophyte (Ţopa 1954; Andrei and Şerbănescu 1965); neohalophyte (Bucur et al. 1961); eutrophic, mesohygrophilous (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Wet meadows, watersides, often in more or less salinized habitats (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Prodan 1922, 1939; Răvăruţ 1941; Csűros 1947; Todor 1948; Ţopa 1954; Prodan 1956; Flora V; Popescu and Bujorean 1957a, b; Samoilă 1957; Buia et al. 1959; Pop 1959, 1969a, 1999–2000; Samoilă 1960; Bucur et al. 1961; Csűros et al. 1961; Popescu 1963; Páll 1964a, b; Andrei and Şerbănescu 1965; Csűros-Kaptalan 1965; Grigore et al. 1965; Mititelu 1965, 1987; Şerbănescu 1965; Borza 1966; Răvăruţ et al. 1968; Mihai 1969; Mititelu et al. 1969, 1978–1980; Ţopa 1969; Csűros 1970; Turenschi 1970; Mihai and Sârbu 1972; Dobrescu et al. 1973; Pătraşcu 1973; Cîrţu et al. 1977; Pop and Hodişan 1977; Ivan et al. 1977–1978; Sanda et al. 1978; Doltu et al. 1979; Popescu and Sanda 1981; Popescu et al. 1984, 1987; Sanda and Popescu 1984, 1990b, 1991; Antohe 1986; Coste et al. 1993; Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Sârbu et al. 1995a; Burac 1997; Ştefan and Oprea 2001, 2002; T. neglectum C.A. Mey. – Mititelu 1965.

  • Distribution in Romania: Maram., Trans., Criş., Ban., Olt., Munt., Mold. (incl. Mas. Ceahlău), Bucov., Dobr. (incl. CT: Mamaia-Năvodari, Corbu, Chituc Sandbank and Saele Sandbank, Danube Delta) .

6.6.6 Trifolium resupinatum L.

  • Life-form: TH-Ht, Ann.–Bisann.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: Eutrophic-mesotrophic, mesophilous-mesohygrophilous (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: More or less wet meadows, riversides, sometimes more or less salinized places (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Buia et al. 1959; Şerbănescu 1965; Sanda and Popescu 1991; Ciocârlan 2000; Pop 1999–2000.

  • Distribution in Romania: SM: Carei, Hotoan; HD; TM: between Timişoara and Sânandrei, Stamora Română, Jebel, Sânmihai; CS: in Caraşului Riverside, Vrani, Vărădia, Milcoveni, Comorâşte, Moldova Nouă, Oraviţa, Bozovici; MH (incl. between Cazanele Mari and Plavişeviţa along Danube River, Orşova, between Sviniţa and Tri-Kule, between Orşova and Ieşelniţa, Coşuştiţei Valley); GJ; DJ: Lascăr Catargiu, Popoveni, Gighera; OT: between Osica de Sus and Greci, relatively frequent; VL; AG: Piteşti in Trivale Forest; TR; GR: Comana, Naipu, Călugăreni in Neajlov Riverside; BZ: Rubla, Topliceni; IS: Erbiceni; SV: Voroneţ; CT: Canaraua Fetii Reserve and Esechioi .

6.6.7 Trifolium ornithopodioides Oeder.

  • Life-form: TH Ann.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: I categ. (Prodan 1939); oligotrophic, mesohygrophilous, halophylous, subtermophilic (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Wet salinized meadows (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Prodan 1922, 1939; Flora V; Prodan 1956; Samoilă 1957; Bujorean et al. 1961; Popescu 1963; Grigore et al. 1965; Şerbănescu 1965; Dihoru 1969; Ardelean 1980; Doltu et al. 1983; Sanda and Popescu 1990b, 1991; Coste et al. 1993; Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Pop 1999–2000.

  • Distribution in Romania: BH; AR (Crişul Alb Valley, Arad, Chişineu-Criş, Şimand, Nădab, Pădureni, Sânmartin, Grăniceri, Mâsca, Adea, Ciala Forest, between Buteni and Bocsig, Şiclău, Socodor); TM: Sânandrei in Ciala Forest, Becicherecul Mic, Sânmartinul Sârbesc, Diniaş, Timişoara in Mehala Forest, Deta, Sânnicolaul Mare, Diniaş; DJ: Gighera, Piscul Sadovei, Sadova, Căciuleşti; Zarand Mountains .

6.6.8 Trifolium strictum L.

  • Life-form: TH Ann.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: I categ. (Prodan 1939); xeromesophilous-mesohygrophilous, halophylous, calciphobous (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: More or less wet and salinized meadows (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Prodan 1923, 1939, 1956; Bujorean et al. 1961; Grigore et al. 1965; Flora V; Doltu et al. 1979; Sanda and Popescu 1991; Coste et al. 1993; Ciocârlan 2000.

  • Distribution in Romania: SM; CJ; BH: incl. Ierului Valley; AR (Crişul Alb Valley, Arad); TM: Deta, Timişoara, Diniaş; MH: Danube Valley between Mraconiei Valley and Cazanele Mari, Orşova on Olimp Hill, between Sviniţa and Tri-Kule, Vârciorova; IS: Dancaş on Surzilor Valley, Mârzeşti, Prut River Valley; Parâng Mountains: between Cernădia and Baia de Fier, Cărpiniş .

6.6.9 Trifolium retusum L.

  • Life-form: TH Ann.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: I categ. (Prodan 1939); xeromesophilous, halophilous (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Dry, often more or less salinized meadows (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Pop 1999–2000; Sârbu et al. 2001; T. parviflorum Ehrh. – Prodan 1922, 1923, 1939, 1956; Răvăruţ 1941; Flora V; Buia et al. 1959; Pop 1959; Samoilă 1960; Bujorean et al. 1961; Popescu 1963; Grigore et al. 1965; Mititelu 1965, 1971a; Turenschi 1964; Şerbănescu 1965; Ţopa 1969; Turenschi 1970; Doltu et al. 1979; Sanda and Popescu 1990b, 1991; Coste et al. 1993.

  • Distribution in Romania: SM (frequent); CJ (incl. Băile Sărate Turda); SB: Ocna Sibiului and Vizei Valley; BH; AR: Arad; TM: Sânnicolaul Mare, Deta, Timişoara; CS: between Moldova Veche and Măceşti on Lipopoleaua Valley; MH and between Orşova and Eşelniţa; DJ: Popoveni, “Popii Mărculescu” Lake; OT: between Rumâna and Oboga, Braneţ, Greci, Blaj Forest, Dobrun; GR: Comana; BZ; GL: Berheci Railway Station, Hanul Conachi, Fundeni Forest; VS: Tutova Railway Station, Bârlad, Todireni on Sărata River Valley, Mânjeşti; IS: Iaşi on Vulpoiu Valley, “Valea lui David” Reserve; BT: Ciornohal-Călăraşi Forest, Pogorăşti, Răuseni; TL: Chilia Veche; CT: Tariverdi .

6.6.10 Trifolium angulatum Waldst. et. Kit.

  • Life-form: TH Ann.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: I categ. (Prodan 1939); hygrohalophyte (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Salinized meadows (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Fuss 1866; Prodan 1923, 1939, 1956; Popescu and Bujorean 1957b; Samoilă 1957; Buia et al. 1959; Bujorean et al. 1961; Şerbănescu 1965; Dihoru 1969; Doltu et al. 1979; Grigore et al. 1965; Ardelean 1980; Samú 1982; Sanda and Popescu 1991; Coste et al. 1993; Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Pop 1999–2000.

  • Distribution in Romania: SM: Ganaş, Hotoan; CJ: Someşeni; BH: Tarcea, Adoni, Cadea; AR (Crişul Alb Valley, Arad, between Bocsig and Răpsig, Sodoma, Şimand, Pilu, Chişineu-Criş, Macea); TM: Sânnicolaul Mare, Timişoara, Deta, Diniaş; CS; DJ, Popoveni, Craiova, Leamna de Sus, Piscul Sadovei, between Bechet and Zaval; OT: Greci; TR; GR: Comana, Ghimpaţi; IF: Pantelimon; Bucureşti; BZ; VS: Băcani, Mânjeşti, Todireni; BC: Nemira Mountains at Tg. Ocna; IS: Glăvăneşti on Jijia Riverside, Valea Lungă; CT .

6.6.11 Trifolium subterraneum L.

  • Life-form: TH Ann.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: II categ. (Prodan 1939); xerophilous, xeromesophilous, halophylous (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Meadows, sandy and more or less salinized soils (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Prodan 1922, 1939; Samoilă 1957; Grigore et al. 1965; Popescu 1963; Sanda and Popescu 1991; Coste et al. 1993; Ciocârlan 2000; Pop 1999–2000.

  • Distribution in Romania: AR: Arad; TM: Deta, Timişoara, Sânnicolaul Mare, Ciacova, Diniaş; MH: Schela Cladovei and Drobeta-Turnu Severin, between Gruia and Izvoarele, Vârciorova at Porţile de Fier; DJ: Gighera .

6.6.12 Lotus angustissimus L.

  • Life-form: TH Ann.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: I categ. (Prodan 1939); oligotrophic, xerophilous, halophylous (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Ruderalized meadows, more or less salinized (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Prodan 1939; Flora V; Samoilă 1957; Pop 1959, 1999–2000; Samoilă 1960; Popescu 1963; Doltu et al. 1979; Mititelu et al. 1978–1980; Sanda and Popescu 1990b; Coste et al. 1993; Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; L. angustissimum L. – Sanda and Popescu 1991; L. gracilis W. K. – Prodan 1922, 1923, 1939; L. angustissimus L. var. brachypodus Candargy – Horeanu 1972.

  • Distribution in Romania: Criş. (SM – frequent), Ban. (MH: Orşova on Olimp Hill), Dobr. (incl. TL: Danube Delta, in Letea Forest “La Tablă,” Corugea in Osumbei Forest, on Haidin Forest between Km 72and 73 along the road Tulcea-Constanţa, N of Tariverde) .

6.6.13 Lotus tenuis Waldst. et Kit. ex Willd.

  • Life-form: H Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: I categ. (Prodan 1939); preferential halophyte (Ţopa 1954, Andrei and Şerbănescu 1965); mesotrophic, mesohygrophilous, halophylous (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Wet, salinized meadows (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Sch. Cent I 1921; Csűros 1947; Flora V; Prodan 1956; Popescu and Bujorean 1957a, b; Samoilă 1957; Samoilă 1960; Bujorean et al. 1961; Csűros et al. 1961; Popescu 1963; Páll 1964a, b; Andrei and Şerbănescu 1965; Şerbănescu 1965; Borza 1966; Sanda and Ciobanu 1967; Răvăruţ et al. 1968; Pop 1969a, 1999–2000; Ţopa 1969; Mititelu 1971a, 1987; Popescu 1971; Mititelu and Barabaş 1972, 1975b; Rusu and Bîrjoveanu 1972; Pătraşcu 1973; Popescu and Sanda 1973, 1981; Sanda and Popescu 1973, 1984, 1990b, 1991; Pop and Hodişan 1977, 1980; Ivan et al. 1977–1978; Mititelu et al. 1978–1980; Samú 1982; Pop et al. 1983; Popescu et al. 1984; Coste et al. 1993; Sârbu et al. 1995a, 2001; Ştefan et al. 1995; Ştefan and Oprea 2002; Sârbu 2003; L. tenuifolius L. – Fuss 1866; Prodan 1922, 1939; Bujorean 1934; Ţopa 1939a, 1954; Pop 1959; Csűros-Kaptalan 1965; L. glaber Mill. – Ciocârlan 1994, 2000.

  • Distribution in Romania: Trans. (incl. SB; AB: Sebeş at “Glod”), Criş., Ban, Olt. (incl. DJ: frequent), Munt. (incl. BR: Voineşti and Latinu), Mold. (incl. GL: Şendreni, Hanul Conachi; VN: Rădăcineşti; BC: Nemira Mountains, Tg. Ocna; NT: Tarcău; BT: Dorohoi, Stăuceni, Pomârla, and Stânceşti), Bucov., Dobr. (incl. CT: Mamaia-Năvodari, Corbu, Chituc and Saele Sandbanks, Sinoie; TL: spor. in Danube Delta, near Babadag Lake, Greci) .

6.6.14 Tetragonolobus maritimus (L.) Roth.

  • Life-form: H Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: II categ. (Prodan 1939); supporting halophyte (Ţopa 1954); oligotrophic, mesohygrophilous-hygrophilous (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: More or less wet meadows, often salinized (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Sârbu et al. 2001; Lotus siliquosus L. – Prodan 1922, 1939; Ţopa 1954; Csűros 1970; Tetragonolobus siliquosus (L.) Roth – Todor 1948; Flora V.

  • Distribution in Romania: Trans. (incl. CJ: Suatu Reserve, Rediu, Cluj-Napoca at “Şapte Cetăţi”; BN: Bistriţa, Archiud, Sărata, and Monariu; BV: Hărman and Prejmer Reserve; SB – relatively frequent), Criş. (incl. SM and BH), Ban., Munt., Mold. (incl. NT: P. F. Vânători, Neamţ Monastery; IS: NE of Borşa), Dobr. (incl. TL: Danube Delta on Saele Sandbank, Letea, Periprava, Caraorman, C. A. Rosetti, Sfiştofca) .

6.7 Lythraceae

6.7.1 Lythrum hyssopifolia L.

  • Life-form : TH Ann.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: II categ. (Prodan 1939); hygrophilous (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990.

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Wet places, watersides (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Prodan 1922, 1939; Ţopa 1969; Ciocârlan 1994; Pop 1959, 1999–2000; Boşcaiu 1966; Coste et al. 1993; Sârbu et al. 2001.

  • Distribution in Romania: MM; SM: frequent, incl. Ierului Valley; CJ (incl. Cheile Turzii Nature Reserve); BN: Nimigea de Jos, Ţăgşor, Bistriţa, Jeica, Domneşti, Mărişelu; MS; HR (incl. Căpâlniţa); CV; BV; SB – relatively frequent, incl. Apoldu de Jos; AB: Blaj and Valea Lungă; HD: Cheile Mada; BH: rare (incl. Mărţihaz); AR (valley of Crişul Alb, Mocrea, Ineu, Sebiş, Chişineu-Criş, Debela Gora and Ceala Forest); TM: Lugoj, Liebling, Diniaş, Margina; CS: Moldova Nouă, Ostrovul Moldova Veche; MH: valley of Danube between valley of Mraconia and Cazanele Mari, between Sviniţa and Tri-Kule, Vânjului meadow; OT: Baldovineşti; VL: Govora; AG: Piteşti in Trivale Forest; DB; PH; GR: Comana, Greaca; IF: Hotarele; GL: Balinteşti, Băneasa, Fârţăneşti, Măstăcani, Umbrăreşti-Tg. Bujor; IS: Chiriţa-Iaşi; CT: Hagieni Nature Reserve; TL: Letea; Iezer-Păpuşa mountains : Târgului Stream Valley; Ţarcu-Petreanu; Zarandului; Plopiş – frequent .

6.8 Santalaceae

6.8.1 Thesium arvense Horv.

  • Life-form : Ht-H Bienn.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: Xeromesophilous (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Sârbu et al. 2001.

  • Distribution in Romania: Trans. (incl. CJ: Cheile Turzii Nature Reserve; SB: Boarta, Buia, Guşteriţa, and Sibiu), Criş., Ban. (TM: Periam and Sânpetrul Mare), Olt., Munt., Mold. (incl. GL: Balinteşti, Nicoreşti; VN: Adjud, Văleni-Străoane; NT:? Mas. Ceahlău, Costişa), Bucov. (SV: Ponoare Nature Reserve, Frumoasa Nature Reserve , Siminicea), Dobr. (CT: Agigea; TL: rare Danube Delta, incl. Letea Sandbank) .

6.9 Elaeagnaceae

6.9.1 Hippophaë rhamnoides L.

  • Life-form: PH Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: Oligotrophic, xerophilous-mesohygrophilous (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Riversides, stony soils, saline areas (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Flora IV; Ciocârlan 1994, 2000.

  • Distribution in Romania: Maram., Trans., Criş., Ban., Olt ., Munt., Mold ., Bucov .

6.10 Euphorbiaceae

6.10.1 Euphorbia paralias L.

  • Life-form: H Per.

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Maritime sands (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Ciocârlan 1994.

  • Distribution in Romania: CT: Vama Veche; TL: Sulina, Sf. Gheorghe, C. A. Rosetti .

6.10.2 Euphorbia peplis L.

  • Life-form: TH Ann.

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Pop 1969b; Ciocârlan 1994.

  • Distribution in Romania: GL: Hanul Conachi Nature Reserve, Galaţi; VS: Huşi, Vaslui; CT: Vama Veche, Tuzla, Capul Midia, Corbu, Chituc and Saele Sandbanks , Mamaia, Eforie N; TL: between Portiţa and Perişor, Sulina, Sf . Gheorghe .

6.11 Zygophyllaceae

6.11.1 Zygophyllum fabago L.

  • Life-form : H Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: III categ. (Prodan 1939).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum:

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Prodan 1922, 1939.

  • Distribution in Romania:? GL: Galaţi; TL: Casimcea, Letea, C. A. Rosetti, Mihail Kogălniceanu; CT: Istria, Mihail Kogălniceanu, Constanţa, incl. in Tomis Harbor, in “Pescărie” area, Poarta 2 – Constanţa Harbor.

6.11.2 Nitraria schoberi L.

  • Life-form: Ph.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: I categ. (Prodan 1939); obligatory halophyte (Ţopa 1954).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Highly salinized meadows (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Grecescu 1898; Pax 1919; Prodan 1922; Sch. Cent. XV–XVI 1936; Prodan 1939; Ţopa 1954; Moşneagă 1958; Flora VI; Ciocârlan 1972, 2000; Doltu et al. 1979; Mititelu et al. 1978–1980; Sanda and Popescu 1990b; Pop 1999–2000.

  • Distribution in Romania: BZ: Policiori in Pâclele Mari and Mici Nature Reserve .

6.12 Geraniaceae

6.12.1 Geranium collinum Stephan

  • Life-form: H Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: Mesohygrophilous (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Ruderalized sometimes less salinized meadows (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Flora VI; Ciocârlan 2000; Sârbu et al. 2001.

  • Distribution in Romania: CJ; MS; DB; PH; TR; IL: Siliştea Cotorca-Urziceni stream; VN: Sihlea; GL: Balinteşti, Umbrăreşti, Zărneşti; TL: Babadag within vineyards of shore of the Babadag Lake ; CT: Istria .

6.13 Apiaceae

6.13.1 Eryngium maritimum L.

  • Life-form: H Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: I categ. (Prodan 1939).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Maritime sands (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Prodan 1939; Sârbu et al. 2000.

  • Distribution in Romania: Dobr. (littoral sands: CT: Saele Sandbank, Vama Veche, Tuzla, Eforie N, Eforie S, Mamaia, Capul Midia and Chituc Sandbank, Constanţa, Tuzla; TL: rare in Danube Delta, incl. Sulina, Tulcea).

6.13.2 Bupleurum tenuissimum L.

  • Life-form: TH Ann.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: I categ. (Prodan 1939); preferential halophyte (Ţopa 1954; Andrei and Şerbănescu 1965); euhalophyte (Bucur et al. 1960a); xerophilous-xeromesophilous, xeroxalophilous (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Ruderalized, less salinized meadows (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990); annual plant, quite frequent in salty areas; mesophilous to xerophylous, mesothermophile, heliophilous, sometimes sciophilous, less alkaliphilous; less to moderately halophytic species. Indicates less salinized water meadows that could be cultivated (Bucur et al. 1960a). This gracile species occurs as isolated individuals in areas well covered by vegetation (Grigore pers. obs.).

  • Salinity tolerance: (1) 40, 90, 505; (2) 90, 110, 1210.

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Prodan 1922; Sch. Cent. VIII–IX 1928; Guşuleac 1933; Ţopa 1935; Prodan 1939; 1956; Răvăruţ 1941; Csűros 1947; Ţopa 1954; Samoilă 1957; Bucur et al. 1960a; Flora VI; Csűros et al. 1961; Andrei and Diaconescu 1962; Popescu 1963; Borza 1964; Andrei and Şerbănescu 1965; Şerbănescu 1965; Borza 1966; Ţopa 1969; Mititelu 1971a, 1987; Ciocârlan 1972; 1994, 2000; Sanda and Popescu 1973, 1984, 1990b, 1991; Ivan et al. 1977–1978; Mititelu et al. 1978–1980, 1988; Pop et al. 1983; Popescu et al. 1984; Coste et al. 1993; Pop 1999–2000; Sârbu et al. 2001; B. tenuissimum L. ssp. eutenuissimum Wolff a genuinum Godr. – Ţopa 1939a, 1939b; B. tenuissimum L., var. salinum Fr. f. longibracteatum (H. Wolff.) Thell. – Andrei and Şerbănescu 1965.

  • Distribution in Romania: SM: Ganaş, Eriu-Sâncrai, Ady Endre, Ghenci, Căuaş, Hotoan, Dindeşti; CJ (incl. Băile Sărate Turda); BN: Domneşti, Neţeni, Monariu, Figa, Cepari, and Chiuza; MS: Zau de Câmpie Nature Reserve; SB, relatively frequent; AB: Miercurea Băi, Tiur-Blaj; HD; BH (incl. Cherechiu); AR; TM: Liebling, Diniaş; MH; DJ: Rast, between Negoi and Catane; GR: Comana; IF: Băneasa at cca. 90 m alt.; IL; BZ: Pâclele depression, “Pâclele” Nature Reserve; BR; GL: Brăneşti, Măstăcani, Dobrineşti; BC: Călcâi-Oituz (personal communication by M. Gurău, 2005); IS: “Valea Ilenei” Nature Reserve, Cotnari, Golăeşti; BT: Gorovei Forest, Săveni, Stăuceni, Şendriceni, Broscăuţi, and Răuseni; TL: Chilia Veche; CT: Techirghiol-Tuzla Lake; Ţibleş Mountains; Plopiş on Peştiş Valley and Cornul Pleşului; “Porţile de Fier” Natural Park: valley of Danube – downstream of Iuţi, Satului Valley .

6.13.3 Apium graveolens L.

  • Life-form: Ht Bienn.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: II categ. (Prodan 1939); preferential halophyte (Ţopa 1954).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Wet, less salinized places (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Fuss 1866; Prodan 1939; Flora VI; Ţopa 1954; Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Ştefan et al. 1995; Sârbu et al. 2000.

  • Distribution in Romania: SB: Ocna Sibiului in salt marshes, Păuca; MH: Broşteni, Corcova; DJ: Craiova, Calapăr; SV: Fălticeni at Ciorsaci river meadow; CT: Mangalia (at Herghelie) and Mamaia, Medgidia, Eforie S toward Techirghiol Lake, Tuzla; TL: seashores of Black Sea (Sulina, Sf. Gheorghe on “Oleanca” Island) .

6.13.4 Silaum silaus (L.) Schinz et Thell.

  • Life-form: H Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: Oligotrophic, mesophilous-mesohygrophilous (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: More or less wet, sometimes salinized meadows (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Salinity tolerance: (1) 65, 80, 880; (2) 90, 210, 1380.

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Dobrescu et al. 1969; Turenschi 1970; Ciocârlan 2000; Sârbu et al. 2001; Silaum flavescens Bennh. – Bucur et al. 1957.

  • Distribution in Romania: Trans. (incl. MS), Ban., Olt. (MH: Gorge of Ţesna River, Vânjului river meadow), Mold. (incl. GL: Torceşti Forest, Berheci Railway Station, Ghidigeni Railway Station; VN: Ploscuţeni-Homocea; BC: Tg. Trotuş and Urecheşti; IS: “Valea lui David” Nature Reserve (Iaşi); BT: Botoşani and Mihălăşeni, Botoşani at Luizoaia Pond, Zlătunoaia; Nemira Mountains) .

6.13.5 Peucedanum latifolium (M. Bieb.) DC.

  • Life-form: H Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: I categ. (Prodan 1939); obligatory halophyte (Ţopa 1954); euhalophyte (Bucur et al. 1960a).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Wet, less salinized meadows (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Salinity tolerance: (1) 55, 70, 520; (2) 65, 160, 1710.

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Brandza 1879–1883; Prodan 1922; Guşuleac 1933; Sch. Cent. XII–XIV 1934; Prodan 1939; Ţopa 1939a; Răvăruţ 1941; Csűros 1947; Ţopa 1954; Bucur et al. 1960a; Flora VI; Csűros et al. 1961; Teşu 1964; Mititelu 1965; Şerbănescu 1965; Bucur and Turcu 1966; Bucur et al. 1967; Csűros 1970; Ciocârlan 1972, 1994, 2000; Mihai and Sârbu 1972; Pătraşcu 1973; Doltu et al. 1979; Sanda and Popescu 1990b, 1991; Sârbu et al. 2001.

  • Distribution in Romania: CJ; SB: Ţapu; VL; DB; GR: Comana, Ghimpaţi in Slătioare Forest; BZ: Pâclele depression; GL (incl. Şendreni); VS; IS (incl. Mirceşti, Icuşeni); BT: Havârna, Hilişeu-Crişan, Leorda, Stăuceni, and Şendriceni; SV: Ponoare-Bosanci Nature Reserve; TL: rare in Danube Delta, Caraorman .

6.13.6 Palimbia rediviva (Pall.) Thell.

  • Life-form: H Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: I categ. (Prodan 1939).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Salinized meadows (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Flora VI; Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Sârbu et al. 2001; Ferula salsa – Prodan 1939.

  • Distribution in Romania: VS: Todireni on Sărata valley ; Danube Delta .

6.14 Tamaricaceae

6.14.1 Tamarix ramosissima Ledeb.

  • Life-form: PH Per .

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: II categ. (Prodan 1939); preferential halophyte (Ţopa 1954).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Alluvial sands, riversides, sometimes less salinized (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Ţopa 1954; Flora III; Andrei and Şerbănescu 1965; Şerbănescu 1965; Rusu and Bîrjoveanu 1972; Sanda and Popescu 1973; Doltu et al. 1979; Mititelu et al. 1978–1980; Popescu et al. 1987; Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Pop 1999–2000; Sârbu et al. 2001; T. pallasii Desv. – Prodan 1922, 1939; Ţopa 1939a.

  • Distribution in Romania: Trans. (SB: Ocna Sibiului), Olt., Munt., Mold., Bucov. (SV: Fălticeni), Dobr.

6.15 Frankeniaceae

6.15.1 Frankenia pulverulenta L.

  • Life-form: Th Ann.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: II categ. (Prodan 1939); obligatory halophyte (Ţopa 1954).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Maritime sands and salinized habitats (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Pax 1919; Prodan 1922, 1939; Ţopa 1954; Flora III; Andrei and Diaconescu 1962; Popescu and Sanda 1981; Doltu et al. 1983; Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Sârbu et al. 2001.

  • Distribution in Romania: CT: Capul Midia, around Sinoie Lake, Histria fortified town, Saele Sandbank, Corbu, Chituc Sandbank; TL: Danube Delta (Chilia Veche and Sulina, shore of the lake Zmeica) .

6.15.2 Frankenia hirsuta L.

  • Life-form: Ch Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: II categ. (Prodan 1939); obligatory halophyte (Ţopa 1954).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Maritime sands, more or less wet salinized places (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Doltu et al. 1983; Popescu et al. 1987; Sanda and Popescu 1990b; Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Pop 1999–2000; Ştefan et al. 2001; F. hspida DC. – Flora III; Sârbu et al. 2001; Prodan 1922; Ţopa 1954; F. hirsuta L. ssp. hispida – Prodan 1939; Pop 1999–2000.

  • Distribution in Romania: CT: around Sinoie Lake, Şerpilor Island, Lupilor Island toward Portiţa, Histria fortified town, from Vadu toward Histria fortified town, Saele Sandbank, Chituc Sandbank and Periboina? Sinoie; Danube Delta (Chilia Veche and Perişor) .

6.16 Brassicaceae

6.16.1 Euclidium syriacum (L.) W. T Aiton.

  • Life-form: TH Ann.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: II categ. (Prodan 1939); eutrophic, xeromesophilous (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Ruderalized, more or less salinized meadows (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Prodan 1922, 1939; Flora III; Csűros et al. 1961; Sanda and Ciobanu 1967; Ciocârlan 1972, 2000; Sârbu et al. 2001.

  • Distribution in Romania: SM: Sânmiclăuş, Ghirolt; CJ; MS: Zau de Câmpie Nature Reserve; SB: Târnava; AB; HD; TM; DJ: Craiova, Leamna de Sus; AG; Bucureşti; IF; BR; VN: Bogza-Sihlea; GL, incl. Cosmeşti, Dorasca Forest, Frunzeasca, Hanul Conachi; BC: Urecheşti; VS; NT: Gâdinţi, Ion Creangă, Roman; IS: “Valea lui David” Nature Reserve (Iaşi); BT: Dorohoi, Botoşani; SV: Liteni; CT; TL: Tulcea .

6.16.2 Erysimum repandum L.

  • Life-form: TH Ann.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: Euhalophyte (Bucur et al. 1960a); xerophilous-xeromesophilous, eutrophic, subtermophilic (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Ruderal, less salinized places (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990); mesophilous to xerophilous, mesothermophilc less sciophilous, weakly alkaliphilous, very weakly to moderately halophilous, passing to neohalophilous. It develops on salinized strongly ruderalized water meadow soils. It indicates salinized wet meadow soils, humid in the spring, dried in the summer (Bucur et al. 1960a).

  • Salinity tolerance: (1) 55, 85, 315; (2) 55, 80, 1930.

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Edel 1835; Brandza 1879–1883; Bucur et al. 1960a; Şerbănescu 1965; Bucur et al. 1967; Sanda et al. 1978; Doltu et al. 1979; Sanda and Popescu 1984, 1990b; Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Pop 1999–2000.

  • Distribution in Romania: Maram., Trans., Criş., Ban., Olt., Munt., Mold., Bucov., Dobr .

6.16.3 Rorippa austriaca (Crantz) Besser

  • Life-form: H Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: Neohalophyte (Bucur 1961); hygrophilous (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Wet places, riversides (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Salinity tolerance: (1) 35, 89, 347; (2) 45, 70, 620.

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Prodan 1956; Bucur et al. 1957, 1961; Samoilă 1957; Şerbănescu 1965; Bucur et al. 1967; Răvăruţ et al. 1968; Mihai and Căpălnăşan 1977; Ştefan et al. 1995; Pop 1999–2000.

  • Distribution in Romania: Maram., Trans., Criş., Ban., Olt., Munt., Mold., Dobr .

6.16.4 Cardamine parviflora L.

  • Life-form: Ht Bienn.

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Watersides, sometimes salinized places (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Ciocârlan 2000.

  • Distribution in Romania: MM: Valea Gârbova; SM: between Sânmiclăuş and Ghenci? HR: Borsec; SB: Cisnădie and Orlat, Râul Sadului; HD: Dobra, Deva? Roşcani; BH: Rădvani Forest, Mărţihaz, Mărţihaz lângă Forest Rădvani (leg. I. Pop, 1955), Budureasa, Tulca (herbarium of Botanic Garden of Iași); GR: Comana Forest; SV: Poiana Mărului-Mălini, Rădăuţi (cf. herbarium of Botanic Garden of Iași) .

6.16.5 Hymenolobus procumbens (L.) Nutt. ex Torr. et Gray

  • Life-form: TH Ann.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: I categ. (Prodan 1939).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Salinized meadows, sandy soils (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Ciocârlan 2000; Capsella procumbens (L.) Fr. – Prodan 1922, 1939; Ciocârlan 1994; Hutchinsia procumbens (L.) Desv. – Sanda and Popescu 1984; Ştefan et al. 1995.

  • Distribution in Romania: GL: Movileni-Şendreni, Movileni; VN: Bogza-Sihlea; CT: seashore of Black Sea between Mamaia and Corbu, Istria in Kaleh Peninsula, Capul Midia, Chituc Sandbank, Saele Sandbank, “Gura Dobrogei” Nature Reserve, from Vadu toward Histria fortified town; TL: Sarinasuf, Danube Delta, frequent, Nicolae Bălcescu on Sepelgin Hill, Agighiol, Sulina, Sf. Gheorghe .

6.16.6 Lepidium crassifolium Waldst. et Kit.

  • Life-form: H Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: I categ. (Prodan 1939); obligatory halophyte (Ţopa 1954); euhalophyte (Bucur et al. 1960a); mesophilous-mesohygrophilous, obligatory halophyte (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Wet, salinized meadows (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990); perennial, mesophilous to hygrophilous, mesothermophile to megathermophilic, heliophilous, strongly alkaliphilous. It develops on salinized wet meadow soils, which dry on surface during summer (Bucur et al. 1960a). Species with deep penetrating rhizome (Grigore and Toma 2008c; Grigore and Toma 2010b) and root, vegetating in patches or belts (following the water table). This species is a rare Romanian halophyte and is the most halophylous among all the Lepidium species. It develops mainly in wet salinized soils, yet on their depth (Grigore pers. obs.). Sometimes these soils could be flooded, and dried, as well, during drought seasons.

  • Salinity tolerance: (1) 135, 320, 465; (2) 150, 870, 1100.

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Brandza 1879–1883; Grecescu 1898; Prodan 1922, 1939; Papp 1939; Răvăruţ 1941; Ţopa 1954; Mititelu 1965; Şerbănescu 1965; Ivan et al. 1977–1978; Doltu et al. 1979; Sanda and Popescu 1984, 1990b; Pop 1999–2000 Lepidium crassifolium (Waldst. & Kit.) Thell. – Ţopa 1939a; Răvăruţ 1948; Mititelu 1987; Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Sârbu et al. 2001; Lepidium cartilagineum (J. C. Mayer) Thell. – Sch. Cent. XIX–XXI 1949; Flora III; Bucur et al. 1960a; Căzăceanu and Turenschi 1959; Mititelu 1967, 1971a, 1975; Răvăruţ et al. 1968; Pătraşcu 1973; Sanda et al. 1978; Popescu et al. 1984; Pop 1999–2000.

  • Distribution in Romania: BZ: Spătaru Forest, Costeşti salt marshes; GL: Piscu, Geru Stream Valley at N from Vameş, Independenţa; VS: Elan Stream Valley at Giurcani; IS: “Valea Ilenei” Nature Reserve, Prisăcii Valley at SE from Focuri; BT: between Bogdăneşti and Santa Mare; CT (incl. Saele Sandbank, Năvodari); TL: Danube Delta .

6.16.7 Lepidium perfoliatum L.

  • Life-form: TH-Ht Ann.–Biann.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: III categ. (Prodan 1939); facultative halophyte (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Ruderalized, less salinized meadows (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Salinity tolerance: (1) 60, 80, 330; (2) 5, 90, 970.

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Prodan 1922, 1939; Isăcescu 1939; Răvăruţ 1941; Flora III; Prodan 1956; Bucur et al. 1957; Popescu and Bujorean 1957b; Samoilă 1957; Bujorean et al. 1961; Şerbănescu 1965; Bucur et al. 1967; Dobrescu et al. 1973; Mititelu and Barabaş 1975b; Mititelu 1987; Sanda and Popescu 1990b; Coste et al. 1993; Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Pop 1999–2000; L. perfoliatum L. f. ramosissima O. Kuntze – Todor 1948.

  • Distribution in Romania: Maram., Trans. (incl. CJ: Băile Sărate–Turda), Criş., Ban., Munt., Mold., Dobr. (rare in Danube Delta) .

6.16.8 Lepidium latifolium L.

  • Life-form: H Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: I categ. (Prodan 1939); preferential halophyte (Ţopa 1954); euhalophyte (Bucur et al. 1960a); mesohalophyte-hygrohalophyte (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Wet, salinized meadows (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990); perennial, mesophilous to hygrophilous, mesothermophile, heliophilous, weakly alkaliphilous, weakly to moderately euhalophilous. It develops on alluvial soils, weakly or moderately salinized, in water meadows and slopes. It indicates alluvial soils, less salinized (Bucur et al. 1960a). Rhizomatous plant (Grigore and Toma 2008, 2010b), perhaps the less halophylous from all Lepidium species. Our observations suggest that it is a ruderal halophylous species preferring mainly the borders of salinized areas; we never found it toward the center of a saline habitat, where the salinization is more intense (Grigore pers. obs.).

  • Salinity tolerance: (1) 80, 160, 380; (2) 105, 240, 570.

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Grecescu 1898; Pax 1919; Prodan 1922, 1939; Ţopa 1939a; Răvăruţ 1941; Ţopa 1954; Flora III; Bucur et al. 1960a; Şerbănescu 1965; Bucur et al. 1967; Răvăruţ et al. 1968; Dobrescu et al. 1969; Mihai 1969; Mititelu and Barabaş 1972, 1975b; Rusu and Bîrjoveanu 1972; Pătraşcu 1973; Mititelu et al. 1978–1980; Mititelu 1987; Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Ştefan et al. 1995; Burac 1997; Pop 1999–2000; Sârbu et al. 2000, 2001; Ştefan and Oprea 2001; L. latifolium L. ssp. eu-latifolium Thell. – Ţopa 1939a.

  • Distribution in Romania: SB: Ocna Sibiului, Roşia; DJ; BZ; GL: Şendreni, Geru river meadow, near Ghidigeni Rail Station on cca. 50 m alt.; VN; VS: Elan Stream Valley; IS: “Valea Ilenei” Nature Reserve; SV: Suceava; CT (incl. Saele Sandbank, Mangalia (la Herghelie), Chituc Sandbank); TL: frequent in Danube Delta .

6.16.9 Lepidium ruderale L.

  • Life-form: Th-Ht Ann.–Bienn.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: II categ. (Prodan 1939); supporting halophyte (Ţopa 1954; Andrei and Şerbănescu 1965); neohalophyte (Bucur et al. 1961); xeromesophilous-mesophilous, facultative halophyte (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Ruderal places, less salinized (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Salinity tolerance: (1) 55, 90, 1400; (2) 55, 80 (340), 2480.

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Prodan 1922, 1939, 1956; Ţopa 1939a; Todor 1948; Ţopa 1954; Flora III; Bucur et al. 1957; Samoilă 1957; Buia et al. 1959; Pop 1959, 1999–2000; Samoilă 1960; Bucur et al. 1961; Bujorean et al. 1961; Csűros et al. 1961; Andrei and Diaconescu 1962; Popescu 1963; Páll 1964a, b; Turenschi 1964; Andrei and Şerbănescu 1965; Şerbănescu 1965; Popescu-Domogled 1966; Răvăruţ et al. 1968; Mihai 1969; Ţopa 1969; Turenschi 1970; Mititelu 1971a, 1987; Mihai and Sârbu 1972; Mititelu and Barabaş 1972; Rusu and Bîrjoveanu 1972; Dobrescu et al. 1973; Pătraşcu 1973; Sanda et al. 1978; Doltu et al. 1979; Mititelu et al. 1978–1980; Popescu and Sanda 1981; Popescu et al. 1984, 1987; Sanda and Popescu 1984, 1991; Coste et al. 1993; Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Ştefan et al. 1995; Burac 1997.

  • Distribution in Romania: Maram., Trans., Criş., Ban., Olt., Munt., Mold., Bucov., Dobr .

6.16.10 Coronopus squamatus (Forssk.) Asch.

  • Life-form: Th-Ht Ann.-Bienn.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: II categ. (Prodan 1939); mesophilous-mesohygrophilous, facultative halophyte (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Ruderalized, more or less wet, salinized meadows (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Salinity tolerance: (1) 60, , 75; (2) 60, , 75.

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Mititelu 1987; Ciocârlan 2000; Sârbu et al. 2001; Senebiera coronopus (L.) Poir. – Grecescu 1898; Prodan 1922, 1939; Coronopus procumbens Gilib. – Bucur et al. 1957; Răvăruţ et al. 1968.

  • Distribution in Romania: CJ: Feleac, Cojocna (Băile Sărate); BN; MS; SB: Ocna Sibiului and Sibiu; SM: Ghirolt; BH; AR: Nădab, Chilineu-Criş, Socodor, and Grăniceri; TM; MH: between Sviniţa and Tri-Kule; DJ: Craiova; PH; GR: Comana, Greaca; GL: Piscu, Tuluceşti, Vameş, Frunzeasca, Coasta Lupei, Ţepu de Jos; BC: Bacău on Măgura hill; NT: Başta, Ion Creangă; SV: Fălticeni, Mân. Humorului; IS: “Valea Ilenei” Nature Reserve, “Valea lui David” Nature Reserve; BT: Botoşani, Suliţa, Vlădeni; CT (incl. Saele Sandbank, Corbu; Mamaia); Mountains Nemira .

6.16.11 Cakile maritima Scop. ssp. euxina (Pobed.) Nyár.

  • Life-form: TH Ann.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: I categ. (Prodan 1939); preferential halophyte (Ţopa 1954).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Salinized maritime sands (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Ciocârlan 2000; Pop 1999–2000; C. maritima Scop. – Prodan 1922, 1937, 1939; Ţopa 1954; Morariu 1967; Pop 1969b; Doltu et al. 1979, 1983; Sanda and Popescu 1990b; Sârbu et al. 1995b; Ciocârlan 1999; Ştefan et al. 2001.

  • Distribution in Romania: Nis. lit. – CT: Constanţa, Mangalia, Eforie-Năvodari, Agigea, Tuzla, Mamaia, Saele Sandbank, Eforie S., Eforie N., Capul Midia and Chituc Sandbank, Vama Veche; TL: Sf. Gheorghe, Jurilovca, Sulina .

6.16.12 Crambe maritima L.

  • Life-form: H Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: I categ. (Prodan 1939).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Maritime sands (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Prodan 1922, 1939; Doltu et al. 1979; Ciocârlan1994; C. maritima L. var. pontica (Stev.) O. E. Schulz – Doltu et al. 1983.

  • Distribution in Romania: Nis. lit. – CT: Constanţa, between Black Sea and Sinoie Lake, Saele Sandbank, Mamaia, Techirghiol, Eforie-Năvodari, Tuzla, Eforie N, Eforie S, Agigea, Constanţa, Capul Midia, and Chituc Sandbank ; TL: Jurilovca , Babadag, Dunavăţ .

6.17 Primulaceae

6.17.1 Glaux maritima L.

  • Life-form: H Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: I categ. (Prodan 1939); obligatory halophyte (Ţopa 1954); mesohalophyte-hygrohalophyte (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Wet, salinized meadows (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Fuss 1866; Schur 1885; Bujorean 1934; Prodan 1939; Ţopa 1954; Flora VII; Sanda and Popescu 1973; Ciocârlan 2000; Pop 1999–2000.

  • Distribution in Romania: CJ: Someşeni; MS: Ogra; HR: Sânpaul, Petreni, Mărtiniş; BC: Slănic and Tg. Ocna; Mountains Nemira; Danube Delta.

  • Others: Salt glands at the level of leaves (Grigore and Toma 2010d; Grigore, unpublished data) .

6.17.2 Anagallis arvensis L.

  • Life-form: TH-Ht Ann.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: Mesophilous, mesotrophic (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Salinity tolerance: (1) 30, , 60; (2) 45, , 100.

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Bucur et al. 1957; Rusu and Bîrjoveanu 1972; Sârbu et al. 2001.

  • Distribution in Romania: Maram., Trans., Criş., Ban., Olt., Munt., Mold., Bucov., Dobr .

6.17.3 Samolus valerandi L.

  • Life-form: H Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: Mesohygrophilous-hygrophilous (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Wet depressions, often in salinized habitats (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Schur 1885; Brandza 1898; Grecescu 1898; Prodan 1922; Flora VII; Popescu and Sanda 1973; Sanda and Popescu 1990a; Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Ştefan et al. 1995; Pop 1999–2000; Sârbu et al. 2000, 2001; Ştefan and Oprea 2001; Ştefan et al. 2006.

  • Distribution in Romania:? MS: Ocna Mureşului; DB; Bucureşti; BZ; GL: Brateş-Galaţi Lake; CT: Mamaia, Tuzla, Chituc Sandbank, Saele Sandbank; TL: frequent in Danube Delta.

6.18 Gentianaceae

6.18.1 Blackstonia acuminata (W. D. J. Koch et Ziz) Domin

  • Life-form: TH Ann.

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Wet alluvial sandy soils (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Ciocârlan 1994, 2000, 2009.

  • Distribution in Romania: TL: Sf. Gheorghe; CT: Constanţa, Mangalia.

6.18.2 Centaurium spicatum (L.) Fritsch

  • Life-form: TH-Ht Ann.-Bienn.

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Wet salinized meadows (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Flora VIII; Popescu and Sanda 1973, 1975; Sanda and Popescu 1990b, 1991; Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Pop 1999–2000; Sârbu et al. 2001.

  • Distribution in Romania: CT: Constanţa, Tuzla, Eforie N at “Belona” Lake, Techirghiol, Istria, Mangalia (at Herghelie), Mamaia, Chituc Sandbank, Saele Sandbank, Lupilor Sandbank (personal communication by Sârbu, 2005); TL: Sărăturile Sandbank.

6.18.3 Centaurium pulchellum (Sw.) Druce

  • Life-form: TH Ht, Ann.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: II categ. (Prodan 1939); supporting halophyte (Ţopa 1954; Andrei and Şerbănescu 1965); mesophilous-mesohygrophilous (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Wet, sometimes salinized meadows (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Salinity tolerance: (1) 155, , 425; (2) 145, ,635.

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Prodan 1922, 1939, 1956; Todor 1948; Ţopa 1954; Bucur et al. 1957; Flora VIII; Andrei and Şerbănescu 1965; Csűros-Kaptalan 1965; Şerbănescu 1965; Ţopa 1969; Popescu 1971; Rusu and Bîrjoveanu 1972; Sanda and Popescu 1973, 1984; Pop and Hodişan 1980; Popescu and Sanda 1981; Pop et al. 1983; Mititelu 1987; Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Pop 1999–2000; Sârbu et al. 2001; Ştefan et al. 2001; Erythraea pulchella (Sw.) Fr. – Fuss 1866.

  • Distribution in Romania: MM; SM, frequent, incl. on Ierului Valley; CJ (incl. Băile Sărate Turda); BN; MS; HR; CV (incl. between Cătălina and Ruseni); BV; SB, frequent; AB: Blaj, Laz; HD: Zănoaga-Deva Hill; BH (incl. Şoimi and Ierului Valley); AR; TM; CS; MH; DJ; VL; AG; PH; BZ; TR; GR: Comana, Greaca; IF; CL; BR: Latinu, Corbul Vechi; GL: Cosmeşti, Movileni, Furceni, Torceşti, Salcia, Siliştea, Condrea; VN: Doaga, Suraia; BC: Cleja, Holt; VS; NT: Gâdinţi, Ion Creangă; IS: Mirceşti, Hălăuceşti, Heci; BT: Lozna, Dângeni, Iezer, Vicoleni; CT: Mamaia, Chituc Sandbank, Saele Sandbank, Galiţa and Ostrov; TL (frequent in Danube Delta, Caraorman, Letea Forest, Stipoc); Mountains: Ceahlău; Nemira; Hăşmaş; Parâng: Cărpiniş; Ţarcu-Petreanu; Codru-Moma (Dumbrăviţa on Fieghiului Valley).

6.18.4 Centaurium littorale (Turner) Gilmour ssp. uliginosum (Waldst. et Kit.) Melderis

  • Life-form: TH-Ht Ann.-Bienn.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: II categ. (Prodan 1939).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Wet salinized meadows (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Ciocârlan 2000; C. uliginosum (Waldst. & Kit.) Beck ex Ronniger – Prodan 1939; Flora VIII; Sârbu et al. 2001.

  • Distribution in Romania: CJ; BV, SB: Ocna Sibiului and Sibiu; AB; Criş. (incl. SM), Ban., Dobr. (CT: Chituc and Saele Sandbanks , Mamaia) .

6.19 Apocynaceae

6.19.1 Trachomitum venetum (L.) Woodson

  • Life-form: Ch.

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Ciocârlan 1994.

  • Distribution in Romania: TL: Danube Delta, Perişor Sandbank.

6.20 Boraginaceae

6.20.1 Argusia sibirica (L.) Dandy

  • Life-form: H Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: I categ. (Prodan 1939).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Maritime sands (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Tournefortia sibirica L. – Prodan 1939; Doltu et al. 1979, 1983; T. arguzia – Prodan 1937.

  • Distribution in Romania: Lit. Mării N. (CT: Eforie-Năvodari, between Portiţa and Perişor, Vama Veche, Mangalia, Tuzla, Eforie N, Agigea, Constanţa, Mamaia, Corbu, Chituc and Saele Sandbanks. Sacalin islands (personal communication by I. Sârbu, 2005); TL (Sulina).

6.20.2 Heliotropium curassavicum L.

  • Life-form: H Per.

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Wet, salty sands (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Flora VII; Ciocârlan 1994, 2000.

  • Distribution in Romania: TL: Danube Delta at Sulina, Letea, Caraorman.

6.20.3 Heliotropium supinum L.

  • Life-form: TH Ann.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: Mesohygrophilous, subtermophilic (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Alluvial soils, sometimes more or less salinized (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Popescu 1963; Şerbănescu 1965; Ciocârlan 2000; Sârbu et al. 2001.

  • Distribution in Romania: AR: Pecica; TM: Sânpetrul Mare, Ivanda, Conacul Iosif, Liebling; CS: Baziaş, Pojejena-Moldova Veche; MH: Sviniţa, between Sviniţa and Tri-Kule, between Vârciorova and Schela Cladovei; DJ: Rast; Radovan; OT: Orlea on riverside of Potelu pond; TR; GR: Greaca; IF; GL; TL (incl. Culmea Pricopan) .

6.21 Verbenaceae

6.21.1 Verbena supina L.

  • Life-form: TH Ann.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: II categ. (Prodan 1939); mesohygrophilous halophyte (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Wet, more or less salinized habitats (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Prodan 1939; Flora VIII; Doltu et al. 1979; Ciocârlan 2000.

  • Distribution in Romania: TM: Rudna; MH: Gura Văii-Schela Cladovei, between Sviniţa and Tri-Kule .

6.22 Plantaginaceae

6.22.1 Plantago coronopus L.

  • Life-form: TH-Ht Ann.-Bienn.

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Maritime, salinized sands (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Flora VIII; Sanda and Popescu 1973, 1990a, b, 1992; Doltu et al. 1979, 1983; Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Pop 1999–2000; Sârbu et al. 2001; Sârbu 2003.

  • Distribution in Romania: TL: Danube Delta at Sulina, between Sulina and” Pescărie,” Sf. Gheorghe, Letea, Sărăturile Sandbank, Sacalin islands, C. A. Rosetti, Sfiştofca.

6.22.2 Plantago maritima L.

  • Life-form: H Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: I categ. (Prodan 1939); obligatory halophyte (Ţopa 1954); mesohalophyte (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: More or less wet, salinized habitats (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Hacquet 1790–1796; Fuss 1866; Brandza 1879–1883; Schur 1885; Grecescu 1898; Pax 1919; Prodan 1922, 1923; Bujorean 1934; Sch. Cent. XII–XIV 1934; Prodan 1937, 1939, 1956; Isăcescu 1939; Csűros 1947; Ţopa 1954; Popescu and Bujorean 1957a, b; Samoilă 1957; Pop 1959; Flora VIII; Samoilă 1960; Csűros et al. 1961; Borza 1964; Páll 1964a, b; Csűros-Kaptalan 1965; Şerbănescu 1965; Ţopa 1969; Csűros 1970; Mititelu 1971a; Pătraşcu 1973; Popescu and Sanda 1973, 1975; Sanda and Popescu 1973, 1979, 1990a, b, 1991; Mititelu and Barabaş 1975b; Sanda et al. 1978; Doltu et al. 1979, 1983; Samú 1982; Popescu et al. 1984; Coste et al. 1993; Ciocârlan 2000; Pop 1999–2000; Sârbu et al. 2001; Ştefan et al. 2001; P. maritima L. f. maritima – Doltu et al. 1984).

  • Distribution in Romania: SM: Sanislău “Vermeş”; CJ; AB: Tiur, Miercurea Băi; MS; HR (incl. Sânpaul birds refugee); CV; BV; SB: Haşag, Miercurea Sibiului, Ocna Sibiului, Ruşi, Sărata, Sibiu, Târnăvioara, Vizei and Ţapu valleys; BH; AR: Buteni, Bocsig, Şimand, Nădab, Pilu, and Adea; TM; GR: Comana, Grădiştea; IF; BZ; GL: Piscu; BC: Tg. Ocna; IS: Iaşi; TL: Danube Delta; CT: Mamaia, Capul Midia, Corbu, Chituc and Saele Sandbanks, Constanţa, Mangalia; Nemira Mountains.

6.22.3 Plantago tenuiflora Waldst. et Kit.

  • Life-form: TH Ann.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: I categ. (Prodan 1939); obligatory halophyte (Ţopa 1954); euhalophyte (Bucur et al. 1960a); mesohalophyte (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Wet salinized meadows (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990); annual plant, common, mesophilous to xerophilous, mesothermophile heliophilous, strictly alkaliphilous, less or moderately euhalophyte; a species with small tap root, with slightly succulent leaves, indicating a salinized areas that could be cultivated (Bucur, 1960a).

  • Salinity tolerance: (1) 71, 100, 265; (2) 115, 130, 1640.

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Schur 1885; Grecescu 1898; Pax 1919; Prodan 1922, 1923, 1939, 1956; Isăcescu 1939; Ţopa 1939a, 1954; Răvăruţ 1941; Popescu and Bujorean 1957a, b; Samoilă 1957; Pop 1959; Bucur et al. 1960a; Bujorean et al. 1961; Flora VIII; Popescu 1963; Turenschi 1964; Andrei and Şerbănescu 1965; Mititelu 1965, 1971a, 1987; Şerbănescu 1965; Borza 1966; Mihai 1969; Mititelu et al. 1969; Ţopa 1969; Turenschi 1970; Mihai and Sârbu 1972; Pătraşcu 1973; Sanda et al. 1978; Doltu et al. 1979, 1983, 1984; Popescu et al. 1984; Antohe 1986; Sanda and Popescu 1990b, 1991; Coste et al. 1993; Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Pop 1999–2000; Sârbu et al. 2001; P. tenuiflora Waldst. & Kit. f. densiflora Răvăruţ – Răvăruţ 1948.

  • Distribution in Romania: SM (frequent); HD; BH: Adoni; AR; TM; DJ: Rast; GR: Ghimpaţi; CL; BZ; BR: Sărat Lake; GL: Piscu, Berheci Railway Station, Ghidigeni; VN; BC; VS: at N from Zorleni; IS: “Valea Ilenei” Nature Reserve, “Valea lui David” Nature Reserve, Valea Lungă, Uricani; BT: Rediu-Răuseni, Bogdăneşti-Rânghileşti; TL: rare in Danube Delta: Chilia Veche; CT: Tariverde at Haidin Hill at 160 m alt.; Mountains: Nemira; Harghita.

6.22.4 Plantago schwarzenbergiana Schur

  • Life-form: H Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: I categ. (Prodan 1939); obligatory halophyte (Ţopa 1954); euhalophyte (Bucur et al. 1960a); mesohalophyte (Ciocârlan 2000).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Annual plant, common, mesophilous, meothermophile, heliophilous, alkaliphilous; it develops on less or strongly salinized water meadows (Bucur, 1960a). This species is rather a xero-halophyte, with strongly developed underground system (root and rhizome) and with coriaceous leaves; it occurs rather as isolated individuals, but the distance among them could be variable; it prefers areas free from other species (Grigore and Toma, 2010 b; Grigore, pers. obs.).

  • Salinity tolerance: (1) 95, 110, 515; (2) 145, 170, 1640.

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Fuss 1866; Schur 1885; Sch. Cent I 1921; Prodan 1939, 1956; Ţopa 1939a; Răvăruţ 1941; Ţopa 1954 Popescu and Bujorean 1957a, b; Căzăceanu and Turenschi 1959; Bucur et al. 1960a; Bujorean et al. 1961; Flora VIII; Turenschi 1964; Mititelu 1965, 1971a, 1987; Bucur and Turcu 1966; Popescu-Domogled 1966; Şerbănescu 1965; Răvăruţ et al. 1968; Dihoru 1969; Dobrescu et al. 1969; Mihai 1969; Mititelu et al. 1969; Ţopa 1969; Turenschi 1970; Mihai and Sârbu 1972; Pătraşcu 1973; Sanda et al. 1978; Doltu et al. 1979, 1984; Pop et al. 1983; Sanda and Popescu 1990a, 1991; Coste et al. 1993; Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Pop 1999–2000; Sârbu et al. 2001; Ştefan and Oprea 2002; P. sibirica auct. Eur., non Poir. – Grecescu1898; Pax 1919; Prodan 1922, 1923; Papp 1939; P. schwarzenbergiana. Schur f. microphylla Schur, f. macrophylla Schur, f. pilosula Schur – Todor 1948.

  • Distribution in Romania: SM; CJ (incl. Băile Sărate Turda); MS; SB: Ocna Sibiului; AB; BH; AR: Nădlac and Socodor; TM, incl. Diniaş; CS; GR: Comana; PH; BZ; BR, incl. Voineşti; GL: near Ghidigeni Rail Station at cca. 50 m alt., Şendreni, Piscu, Izvoarele, Mălina Pond to Movileni-Şendreni, Valea Mărului, Vameş, Dobrineşti, Frunzeasca, Munteni; VN; BC; NT; VS: Puşcaşi and Buhăeşti, Elan Stream Valley, Todireni at Sărata Valley; IS: “Valea lui David” Nature Reserve, “Valea Ilenei” Nature Reserve, Valea Lungă; BT: Tătărăşeni, Roşiori, Stăuceni, Şendriceni, Bogdăneşti-Rânghileşti; SV: Rădăuţi; TL: N from Sf. Gheorghe .

6.22.5 Plantago cornuti Gouan

  • Life-form: H Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: I categ. (Prodan 1939); obligatory halophyte (Ţopa 1954); euhalophyte (Bucur et al. 1960a); mesohygrohalophilous (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: More or less wet, salinized meadows (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990); perennial, hygrophilous, mesothermophile heliophilous yet sciophilous, strictly alkaliphilous, less euhalophytic (Bucur, 1960a).

  • Salinity tolerance: (1) 85, 160, 275; (2) 90, 120, 235.

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Guebhard 1848; Fuss 1866; Brandza 1879–1883; Brandza 1898; Grecescu 1898; Pax 1919; Prodan 1922; Sch. Cent. XII–XIV 1934; Prodan 1939; Răvăruţ 1941; Csűros 1947; Todor 1948; Ţopa 1954; Bucur et al. 1960a; Flora VIII; Csűros et al. 1961; Csűros-Kaptalan 1965; Şerbănescu 1965; Răvăruţ et al. 1968; Mititelu et al. 1969, 1978–1980; Csűros 1970; Turenschi 1970; Mititelu and Barabaş 1975b; Doltu et al. 1979, 1983, 1984; Pop and Hodişan 1980; Mititelu 1987; Pop et al. 1988; Sanda and Popescu 1990a, b, 1991; Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Ştefan et al. 1995; Pop 1999–2000; Ştefan et al. 2001.

  • Distribution in Romania: CJ (incl. Sic, Aiton Stream Valley, Cojocna, Băile Sărate Turda); MS; HR; SB; AB: Tiur; PH; BZ; IF; IL; GL: Brateş-Galaţi Lake; BC: Bacău, Tg. Ocna, Lunca-Filipeşti; NT: Ion Creangă; IS: “Valea lui David” Nature Reserve, “Valea Ilenei” Nature Reserve; SV: Rădăuţi, Slobozia-Zvoriştea; BT: Lisna and Stăuceni, Roşiori; CT: Mamaia, Chituc Sandbank, Saele Sandbank, Constanţa, Techirghiol, Tuzla; TL (rare in Danube Delta, incl. Caraorman); Nemira Mountains .

6.23 Scrophulariaceae

6.23.1 Veronica acinifolia L.

  • Life-form: TH Ann.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: Mesophilous-mesohygrophilous, subtermophilic, facultative halophyte (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: More or less wet meadows (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Şerbănescu 1965; Coste et al. 1993; Sârbu et al. 2001.

  • Distribution in Romania: SM: Moftinul Mare; BN; MS; SB: Ruşcioru and Şelimbăr streams toward Veştem; HD; BH; AR (Crişului Alb, Ghioroc, Ineu, Chişineu-Criş, Cernei, Curtici, Arad, Lipova valleys); TM, Torontal in “Casa Verde” Forest (cf. herbarium of Botanic Garden of Iași); CS: Băile Herculane ap. Schwarzott, 1831); MH: Ţesna Valley River, Hinova spre Cişmeaua Trăsnită, Podul din Vale ; DJ .

6.24 Asteraceae (Compositae)

6.24.1 Aster oleifolius (Lam.) Wagenitz

  • Life-form: H Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: I categ. (Prodan 1939); supporting halophyte (Ţopa 1954); euhalophyte (Bucur et al. 1960a); xerophilous, subtermophilic, oligotrophic (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Dry, sometimes salinized meadows (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Salinity tolerance: (1) 30, 55, 230; (2) 30, 260, 1480.

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Ciocârlan 2000; Sârbu et al. 2001; A. villosus (L.) Sch. Bip., non Thunb. – Răvăruţ 1941; Ţopa 1954; A. oleifolius ssp. canus – Mititelu 1987; A. cinereus Korsh. – Prodan 1939; Bucur et al. 1957; Bucur et al. 1960b; Mititelu 1965; Mititelu et al. 1969; Turenschi 1970.

  • Distribution in Romania: CJ; SB; BZ; GR; IL; GL: Sârbi, Bârlad river meadow; VS: Elan Stream Valley, Todireni at Sărata Valley; IS; BT: Botoşani, Călăraşi; CT: Agigea, Capul Midia and Chituc Sandbank, Băltăgeşti at Alah-Bair Hill, Constanţa; TL: Ciucurova, Măcin at Bujorul Hill.

6.24.2 Aster sedifolius L.

  • Life-form: H Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: II categ. (Prodan 1939); preferential halophyte (Ţopa 1954); euhalophyte (Bucur et al. 1960a); mesohalophyte-mesohygrohalophyte (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Salinity tolerance: (1) 55, 220, 1210; (2) 205, 700, 2145.

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Ţopa 1954; Flora IX; Dobrescu et al. 1969; Ciocârlan 1972, 2000; Sanda and Popescu 1991; Pop 1999–2000; A. punctatus Waldst. & Kit. – Edel 1835; Pax 1919; Sch. Cent. VII 1926; Guşuleac 1933; Prodan 1939, 1956; Răvăruţ 1941; Dobrescu 1957; Popescu and Bujorean 1957a, b; Bucur et al. 1960a; Popescu 1963; Doltu et al. 1979; Mititelu et al. 1978–1980; Sanda and Popescu 1990b, 1991; Sârbu et al. 2001; A. punctatum – Ţopa 1969; Galatella punctata Cass. – Brandza 1879–1883; Schur 1885; A. sedifolius L. ssp. sedifolius; var. latifolius (Rochel) Borbás – Doltu et al. 1984.

  • Distribution in Romania: SM: Ganaş, between Ghenci and Căuaş, Hotoan; CJ: at “Valea Florilor”; MS; HR; BV; SB, rară; AB: Miercurea Băi, Sebeş ap. Janka; HD; BH: Baz. Stâna de Vale, Galoşpetreu, Ciocaia, Cherechiu; AR; TM; MH (incl. Cerătu hill); DJ; TR; GR; BZ; CL; IL; GL: near Ghidigeni Rail Station la cca. 50 m alt., Măstăcani, Tecuci, Ţigăneşti, Rotunda-Movileni Forest; VN: Sării-Jitia Hill on Sării Stream; BC; IS; BT: Pădureni-Şendriceni; CT: Capul Midia, Corbu and Saele Sandbank, Constanţa.

6.24.3 Aster canus Waldst. et Kit.

  • Life-form: H Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: I categ. (Prodan 1939).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Wet, salinized meadows (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Prodan 1922, 1939; Flora IX; Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Galatella cana Nees. – Schur 1885.

  • Distribution in Romania: SB: Biertan, Buzd, Richiş, and Ţapu; AB (incl. Boz); TM; MH (incl. Orşova); GJ; GR; GL: Geru river meadow, Rotunda-Movieni Forest; IS: Cotnari, Gorun; CT.

6.24.4 Aster tripolium L.

  • Life-form: H Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: I categ. (Prodan 1939); obligatory halophyte (Ţopa 1954; Andrei and Şerbănescu 1965); euhalophyte (Bucur et al. 1960a); mesohygrohalophyte-hygrohalophyte (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Wet, salinized meadows (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990); perennial, very common, mesothermophile, heliophilous and less sciophilous, less and strictly alkaliphilous, from less to strongly euhalophyte. It generally develops on salinized humic gley soils, temporarily or permanently humid (Bucur et al. 1960a). Plant with well-developed underground system (root, rhizome) and slightly succulent leaves (Grigore, pers. obs.); resistant to flooding, due to the aerenchyma located especially in rhizome (Grigore and Toma 2010b).

  • Salinity tolerance: (1) 220, 300, 1600; (2) 245, 430, 2140.

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Hacquet 1790–1796; Edel 1835; Brandza 1879–1883; Grecescu 1898; Sch. Cent. VII 1926; Bujorean 1934; Ţopa 1935; Sch. Cent. XV–XVI 1936; Prodan 1939; Răvăruţ 1941; Csűros 1947; Todor 1948; Dobrescu 1957; Popescu and Bujorean 1957a; Samoilă 1957; Bucur et al. 1960a; Flora IX; Csűros et al. 1961; König 1961; Ciurchea 1962a; Ciurchea 1962b; Páll 1964a, b; Teşu 1964; Andrei and Şerbănescu 1965; Csűros-Kaptalan 1965; Mititelu 1965, 1987; Şerbănescu 1965; Bucur and Turcu 1966; Sanda and Ciobanu 1967; Csűros-Kaptalan and Peterfi 1966; Răvăruţ et al. 1968; Dobrescu et al. 1969; Mihai 1969; Mititelu et al. 1969; Ţopa 1969; Csűros 1970; Turenschi 1970; Ciocârlan 1972, 1994, 2000; Mihai and Sârbu 1972; Mititelu and Barabaş 1972, 1975b; Dobrescu et al. 1973; Popescu and Sanda 1973, 1975; Sanda and Popescu 1973, 1984, 1990a, b, 1991, 1992; Cîrţu et al. 1977; Pop and Hodişan 1977, 1980; Rudescu et al. 1977; Ivan et al. 1977–1978; Sanda et al. 1978; Doltu et al. 1979; Mititelu et al. 1978–1980; Samú 1982; Pop et al. 1983, 1988; Popescu et al. 1984, 1987; Coste et al. 1993; Sârbu et al. 1995a, b, 2000; Ştefan and Sârbu 1995; Ştefan et al. 1995; Burac 1997; Pop 1999–2000; Ştefan and Oprea 2001, 2002; A. tripolium L., ssp. tripolium; f. solstitialis (Docke) Morariu et. Nyár., ssp. pannonicus (Jacq.) Soó – Doltu et al. 1984; A. pannonicus Jacq. – Prodan 1922, 1939, 1956; Răvăruţ 1941; Popescu and Bujorean 1957a, b; Popescu 1963; A. tripolium var. pannonicus – Ţopa 1939a, 1954; Dobrescu 1957; Bujorean et al. 1961; Doltu et al. 1983; Pop 1999–2000; A. tripolium L. var. typicus – Csűros 1947; A. tripolium L. var. tripolium f. diffusus – Pătraşcu 1973; Tripolium vulgare N. a. E – Fuss 1866; Schur 1885; T. vulgare Nees. var. diffusum – Guebhard 1848); ssp. tripolium, ssp. pannonicus (Jacq.) Soó – Popescu-Domogled 1966; Pătraşcu 1973; Mititelu et al. 1988; Sanda and Popescu 1991; Coste et al. 1993; Sârbu et al. 1995a; Ştefan et al. 2006.

  • Distribution in Romania: Trans., Criş., Ban., Olt., Munt. (incl. Mas. Penteleu), Mold., Bucov., Dobr. (incl. Danube Delta – frequent).

  • Others: The “obligatory” halophytic character of this species must be carefully reconsidered. Although a great number of botanists always mentioned this species as “obligatory” halophyte, our observations in the field suggest that it also grows in less salinized areas, together with non-halophytic taxa .

6.24.5 Brachyactis ciliata (Ledeb.) Ledeb.

  • Life-form: TH Ann.

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Wet, more or less salinized habitats (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Sârbu et al. 2001.

  • Distribution in Romania: BZ: Baz. Râmnicu Sărat River; GL: Tecuci-Sud Rail Station, Ghidigeni, Prodăneşti, Chinejii Basin, Fârţăneşti, Măstăcani, Tg. Bujor, Cosmeşti; VS: Buhăeşti, Tanacu, Crasna Railway Station (leg. A. Oprea, 2002), Creţeşti, Tutova, Bârlad, Codăeşti, Mânjeşti, Soleşti, Berezeni, Urlaţi, Valea Grecului; IS: Iaşi at Bahlui river plains, Socola Railway Station, Paşcani Railway Station, Grajduri, Scânteia, Gorban, Podul Iloaiei, Răducăneni; BT: Truşeşti, Dângeni and Ungureni; SV: Dornişoara Railway Station, Gura Humorului; TL: Sulina, Sacalinul Mic Island, Sf. Gheorghe, Tulcea Harbor; CT: Aurora.

6.24.6 Inula britannica L.

  • Life-form: Ht Bienn.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: III categ. (Prodan 1939); supporting halophyte (Ţopa 1954; Andrei and Şerbănescu 1965); neohalophyte (Bucur et al. 1961); mesophilous-mesohygrophilous, facultative halophyte (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Wet, flooded habitats (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Salinity tolerance: (1) 32, 100, 640; (2) 30, 90, 1930.

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Prodan 1922, 1923, 1939, 1956; Guşuleac 1933; Csűros 1947; Todor 1948; Ţopa 1954; Bucur et al. 1957; Popescu and Bujorean 1957a, b; Samoilă 1957; Pop 1959, 1999–2000; Bucur et al. 1961; Csűros et al. 1961; Teşu 1964; Turenschi 1964; Andrei and Şerbănescu 1965; Şerbănescu 1965; Bucur and Turcu 1966; Boşcaiu 1966; Bucur et al. 1967; Răvăruţ et al. 1968; Mihai 1969; Turenschi 1970; Mihai and Sârbu 1972; Mititelu and Barabaş 1972; Rusu and Bîrjoveanu 1972; Dobrescu et al. 1973; Pătraşcu 1973; Mititelu et al. 1978–1980, 1988; Samú 1982; Mititelu 1987; Sanda and Popescu 1991; Coste et al. 1993; Ciocârlan 2000.

  • Distribution in Romania: Maram., Trans., Criş., Ban., Olt., Munt., Mold., Bucov., Dobr.

  • Others: Medicinal plant.

6.24.7 Achillea asplenifolia Vent.

  • Life-form: H Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: I categ. (Prodan 1939); mesohygrohalophyte (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Wet meadows, less salinized marshes (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Prodan 1922, 1939, 1956; Ciocârlan 1994; Sârbu et al. 2001.

  • Distribution in Romania: MM; SM: Ghenci, Dindeşti; CJ (incl. Băile Sărate Turda); HR; SB: Catrina-Sibiu Forest, Sibiu; AB: Laz, Sebeş in riverside coppice; BH: between Pişcolt and Văşad; TM: Timişoara; CS: Belobreşca; MH: Salcâmi, Oglănicului Valley; GJ; DJ; GR: Comana; IF; BC: Iaz, Lărguţa, Nadişa; NT: Mas. Ceahlău, Piatra Neamţ, Mitocaş; VS: Tătărăni; IS: Crăsniţa-Ciorteşti, Lunca Prut, Scânteia; BT: Jijia plains at Dorohoi, Lozna; SV: Broşteni, Mitocaşi, and Suceava; CT: Mamaia and Chituc Sandbank; TL: rare in Danube Delta; “Porţile de Fier” Natural Park; Oglănicului Valley .

6.24.8 Matricaria recutita L.

  • Life-form: TH Ann.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: II categ. (Prodan 1939); supporting halophyte (Ţopa 1954); neohalophyte (Bucur et al. 1961); xeromesophilous-mesophilous, facultative halophyte (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Sometimes salinized meadows (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Sârbu et al. 2001; M. chamomilla L.p.p. – Prodan 1922, 1923, 1939; Ţopa 1939a; Răvăruţ 1941; Ţopa 1954; Bucur et al. 1957; Popescu and Bujorean 1957a, b; Samoilă 1957; Buia et al. 1959; Căzăceanu and Turenschi 1959; Pop 1959; Flora IX; Bucur et al. 1961; Csűros et al. 1961; Crişan 1962; Popescu 1963; Páll 1964a, b; Turenschi 1964; Mititelu 1965, 1971a, 1987; Şerbănescu 1965; Bucur and Turcu 1966; Popescu-Domogled 1966; Morariu 1967; Răvăruţ et al. 1968; Mihai 1969; Mititelu et al. 1969, 1978–1980; Turenschi 1970; Mihai and Sârbu 1972; Mititelu and Barabaş 1972, 1975b; Rusu and Bîrjoveanu 1972; Dobrescu et al. 1973; Pătraşcu 1973; Sanda et al. 1978; Doltu et al. 1979; Pop and Hodişan 1980; Popescu et al. 1984; Sanda and Popescu 1990b, 1991; Coste et al. 1993; Burac 1997; Pop 1999–2000; M. chamomilla f. salina – Coste et al. 1993; Todor 1948; Bujorean et al. 1961; Rusu and Bîrjoveanu 1972; Pop 1999–2000; M. recutita f. salina – Ţopa 1969; M. salina Schur. – Schur 1885.

  • Distribution in Romania: Maram., Trans., Criş., Ban., Olt., Munt., Mold., Bucov., Dobr.

  • Others: Medicinal plant .

6.24.9 Matricaria perforata Mérat

  • Life-form: TH-Ht Ann.-Bienn.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: Neohalophyte (Bucur et al. 1961); mesophilous (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Salinity tolerance: (1) 65, 110, 970; (2) 55, 100, 1540.

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Matricaria inodora L. – Bucur et al. 1957; Samoilă 1957; Bucur et al. 1961; Popescu 1963; Páll 1964a, b; Şerbănescu 1965; Bucur and Turcu 1966; Bucur et al. 1967; Dobrescu et al. 1969; Mihai 1969; Mihai and Sârbu 1972; Rusu and Bîrjoveanu 1972; Dobrescu et al. 1973; Pătraşcu 1973; Tripleurospermum inodorum (L.) Sch. Bip. – Sârbu et al. 2001.

  • Distribution in Romania: Maram., Trans., Criş., Ban., Olt., Munt., Mold., Bucov., Dobr.

6.24.10 Artemisia santonica L.

  • Life-form: Ch (H), Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: I categ. (Prodan 1939); euhalophyte (Bucur et al. 1960a); supporting halophyte (Andrei and Şerbănescu 1965); xeromesophilous-mesophilous, obligatory halophyte (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum:

  • Salinity tolerance: (1) 30, (400) 90, 910; (2) 120, 430, 2410.

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Sanda and Popescu 1992; Ciocârlan 2000; Ştefan and Oprea 2001; A. monogyna Waldst. & Kit. – Fuss 1866; Schur 1885; Prodan 1922, 1956; Isăcescu 1939; Ţopa 1939a; Samoilă 1957; Bujorean et al. 1961; Popescu 1963; Borza 1966; Pătraşcu 1973; Mititelu 1975; Doltu et al. 1979; A. maritima L. – Fuss 1866; Brandza 1879–1883; Schur 1885; Pax 1919; Csűros 1947; Bucur et al. 1957; Dobrescu 1957; Moşneagă 1958; Bucur et al. 1960a; Csűros et al. 1961; Andrei and Diaconescu 1962; Ciurchea 1962a; Ciurchea 1962b; Crişan 1962; Popescu 1963; Andrei and Şerbănescu 1965; Csűros-Kaptalan 1965; Turenschi 1964; Şerbănescu 1965; Bucur and Turcu 1966; Flora IX; Sanda and Ciobanu 1967; Răvăruţ et al. 1968; Dihoru 1969; Mititelu et al. 1969, 1978–1980; Ţopa 1969; Turenschi 1970; Mititelu 1971a; Mititelu and Barabaş 1972, 1975b; Sanda and Popescu 1973, 1984, 1990a, b; Popescu and Sanda 1975; Ivan et al. 1977–1978; Sanda et al. 1978; Doltu et al. 1979; Pop et al. 1983; Popescu et al. 1984; Sârbu et al. 1995a; Burac 1997; Pop 1999–2000; A. maritima L. (including A. salina Willd.) var. pendula (Schur.) Hayek – Doltu et al. 1984; A. maritima L. ssp. salina (Willd.) Nyman – Mihai 1969; Mihai and Sârbu 1972; Dobrescu et al. 1973; Pătraşcu 1973; Pop and Hodişan 1980; Mititelu 1987; Sanda and Popescu 1991; A. maritima L. ssp. maritima, ssp. salina (Willd) Gams, ssp. monogyna (Waldst. & Kit.) Gams – Doltu et al. 1983; A. maritima L. var. salina (Willd.) Koch, f. pendula (Schur) Nyar, var. monogyna (Waldst. & Kit.) Fritsch – Todor 1948; A. santonicum L. – Grecescu 1898; Sch. Cent I 1921; Sanda and Popescu 1991; Coste et al. 1993; Ciocârlan 1994; Sârbu et al. 2001; Ştefan et al. 2001; Pop 1999–2000; Ştefan and Oprea 2002; A. maritima L. ssp. monogyna (Waldst. & Kit.) Gams – Pop 1959, 1999–2000; Popescu 1963; Pătraşcu 1973; Ciocârlan 1972; Sanda et al. 1978; Popescu and Sanda 1981; Popescu et al. 1984; Sanda and Popescu 1984; A. maritima L. ssp. salina (Willd.) Nyman – Ciocârlan 1972; A. maritima – salina – Cîrţu et al. 1977; A. maritima L. var. erecta – Popescu and Bujorean 1957a, b; Ciurchea 1962a; Popescu-Domogled 1966; A. salina Willd. – Edel 1835; Guebhard 1848; Schur 1885; Pax 1919; Papp 1939; Răvăruţ 1941; Samoilă 1957; Mititelu 1965; Pop et al. 1988; A. salina Willd. ssp. monogyna; ssp. pendula – Prodan 1939; A. salina Willd. ssp. monogyna Waldst. & Kit. – Sch. Cent. XVII–XVIII 1938; A. maritima L. ssp. salina (Willd) Gms. var. pendula (Schur) Hay – Andrei and Şerbănescu 1965.

  • Distribution in Romania: Maram., Trans., Criş., Ban., Olt., Munt., Mold., Bucov., Dobr .

  • Others: A. maritima L. grows actually in the NV of Europe (Ciocârlan 2009). Although it was mentioned for many years by Romanian botanists, most likely, he was erroneously identified or assimilated with A. santonica; these are distinct taxa (Ciocârlan 2009). Anyway, A. maritima is here listed, assuming that in fact it refers to A. santonica.

6.24.11 Petasites spurius (Retz.) Rchb.

  • Life-form: G Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: III categ. (Prodan 1939).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Maritime sands (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Petasites tomentosus DC. – Prodan 1939.

  • Distribution in Romania: BR: Mărăraşu; TL in Danube Delta: Letea, Sfiştofca, Cardon-Sulina, Sf. Gheorghe, Sărăturile Sandbank, Sulina; CT: Chituc Sandbank.

6.24.12 Cirsium brachycephalum Juratzka

  • Life-form: Ht Bienn.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: II categ. (Prodan 1939); hygrophilous (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Marshes, sometimes salinized (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Prodan 1922, 1939; Pop 1959; Ciocârlan 2000; Flora IX.

  • Distribution in Romania: SM (frequent, incl. Sanislău at “Vermeş,” Ierului Valley); CJ: Ciucea ap. J. Barth, 1879; BN: Rodna; SB: Răşinari; BH: Cadea, Salonta, and Ierului Valley; AR: Şimand, Chişineu-Criş, Şiria, and Turnu; TM: Moşniţa and Sânmihaiul Român .

6.24.13 Cirsium alatum (S. G. Gmel.) Bobrov

  • Life-form: G Per.

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Wet, marshy, less salinized meadows (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Popescu et al. 1987; Sanda and Popescu 1992; Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Sârbu et al. 1995a, 2001; Ştefan et al. 1995.

  • Distribution in Romania: Danube Delta: between C. A. Rosetti and Cardon, Letea Forest, Sf. Gheorghe, Sulina; CT: Mamaia, Corbu, and Chituc Sandbank, Năvodari.

6.24.14 Serratula bulgarica Acht. et Stoj.

  • Life-form: H Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: Mesohalophyte (Ciocârlan 2000).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: More or less wet, less salinized meadows (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Sanda et al. 1978; Ciocârlan 2000; Sârbu et al. 2001; S. caput-najae Zahar. – Flora IX; Şerbănescu 1965.

  • Distribution in Romania: BZ: between Tăbărăşti and Pogoanele, Ţinteşti, Frasinu Forest, Spătaru Forest, Orjeneasca, Buzău in Crâng; VN: Bogza, Coteşti Railway Station, Urseşti Forest, Proca Mare Forest, Proca Mică Forest, Hâria pasture, Vernescu Forest, Vlăduleasa pasture, Gologanu-Milcovul; GL: Iacomi-Ghidigeni near Railway Station of Ghidigeni at cca. 50 m alt.

6.24.15 Stemmacantha serratuloides (Georgi) M. Dittrich

  • Life-form: H Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: I categ. (Prodan 1939); obligatory halophyte (Ţopa 1954); mesohygrohalophilous (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Wet, salinized meadows (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Salinity tolerance: (1) 65, 100, 520; (2) 200, 260, 2111.

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Ciocârlan 2000; Leuzea altaica (Fisch. ex. Spreng.) Link – Ciocârlan 1994; Sârbu et al. 2001; L. salina Spreng. – Sch. Cent. IV et V 1924; Prodan 1939; Ţopa 1939a; Răvăruţ 1941; Ţopa 1954; Bucur et al. 1957; Mititelu 1965, 1967, 1987; Bucur et al. 1967; Pătraşcu 1973; Doltu et al. 1979; Popescu et al. 1984; Sanda and Popescu 1990b; Pop 1999–2000.

  • Distribution in Romania: PH; IL: Armăşeşti; BZ: Spătaru and Frasinu Forest, Călmăţui Valley at Caragele; BR; VN: Maluri-Vulturu; GL: Şendreni, Piscu, Vameş; VS: Vădeni, Raiu, Bârlad, Murgeni, Bârlad river plains; IS: Iaşi, Bahlui valley, Brătuleni, Jijia valley, Cotnari, “Valea Ilenei” Nature Reserve, Cucuteni, between Şorogari and Dorobanţu, Movileni, between Larga Railway Station and Vlădeni, between Vlădeni and Şoldana Railway Station, “Valea lui David” Nature Reserve, Valea Lungă, Uricani; BT: Ştefăneşti, Murguţa, and Stolniceni; TL: Jurilovca, Danube Delta at Portiţa .

6.24.16 Centaurea pontica Prod. et Nyár

  • Life-form: Ht Bienn.

  • Habitat/Ecological spectrum: Maritime sands (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited Species/Synonyms: Sârbu 2003.

  • Distribution in Romania: TL: Sulina, Sf. Gheorghe la Ciotic.

6.24.17 Scorzonera cana (C. A. Mey.) Hoffm.

  • Life-form: G Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: I categ. (Prodan 1939); obligatory halophyte (Ţopa 1954; Andrei and Şerbănescu 1965); euhalophyte (Bucur et al. 1960a); xeromesophilous-mesohygrophilous, subtermophilic (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Dry, more or less salinized meadows (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990); perennial, mesophilous, sometimes xerophilous and less hygrophilous, heliophilous and less sciophilous, strictly and strongly alkaliphilous, varying from less to strongly euhalophytic (Bucur, 1960a); plant with deep underground system (root, rhizome) (Grigore and Toma 2010b) developing mostly on dry salinized areas, as isolated individuals in patches free of vegetation (Grigore, pers. obs.).

  • Salinity tolerance: (1) 30, 110, 460; (2) 30, 180, 2175.

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Pax 1919; Prodan 1939, 1956; Răvăruţ 1941; Csűros 1947; Csűros et al. 1961; Teşu 1964; Csűros-Kaptalan 1965; Turenschi 1964; Mititelu 1965; Ţopa 1969; Csűros 1970; Doltu et al. 1984; Sanda and Popescu 1990b, 1991; Coste et al. 1993; Burac 1997; Ciocârlan 2000; Pop 1999–2000; Sârbu et al. 2001; S. cana f. simplex – Csűros 1947; Podospermum canum C. A. Mey. – Prodan 1923; Ţopa 1954; Bucur et al. 1957; Dobrescu 1957; Căzăceanu and Turenschi 1959; Pop 1959; Bucur et al. 1960a, b; Bujorean et al. 1961; Flora X; Andrei and Şerbănescu 1965; Şerbănescu 1965; Bucur and Turcu 1966; Borza 1966; Bucur et al. 1967; Răvăruţ et al. 1968; Mihai 1969; Mititelu et al. 1969, 1978–1980; Turenschi 1970; Mititelu 1971a, 1987; Mihai and Sârbu 1972; Mititelu and Barabaş 1972, 1975b; Dobrescu et al. 1973; Pătraşcu 1973; Ivan et al. 1977–1978; Sanda et al. 1978; Doltu et al. 1979; Pop and Hodişan 1980; Popescu and Sanda 1981; Pop et al. 1983; Popescu et al. 1984; Antohe 1986; Sanda and Popescu 1990b; P. canum C.A. Mey., var. tenuissima Borb – Doltu et al. 1983; Podospermum jacquinianum Koch. – Grecescu 1898; Prodan 1922.

  • Distribution in Romania: SM; SJ; CJ (incl. Băile Sărate Turda, Cluj-Napoca at “Şanţul Turcului”); MS; HR; SB; AB: Sebeş, Petreşti, Laz, Câlnic; HD; AR; TM; DJ; OT; DB; BZ; TR; GR; IF; CL; IL; BR; GL: Cosmeşti, Ghidigeni Railway Station, Izvoarele, Slobozia Conachi, Tecuci, Geru river meadow, Călmăţui river meadow; VN (incl. Lespezi); VS; IS: “Valea lui David” Nature Reserve, Cucuteni; BT; SV, Bosanci, Rădăuţi .

6.24.18 Scorzonera laciniata L.

  • Life-form: Ht-H Bienn., Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: I categ. (Prodan 1939); xeromesophilous-mesophilous, subtermophilic, facultative halophyte (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Meadows, sometimes salinized (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Pax 1919; Sch. Cent. VII 1926; Isăcescu 1939; Prodan 1939, 1956; Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Pop 1999–2000; Podospermum laciniatum (L.) D. C. – Fuss 1866; Grecescu 1898; Guşuleac 1933; Popescu and Bujorean 1957a, b; Samoilă 1957; Moşneagă 1958; Samoilă 1960; Bujorean et al. 1961; Borza 1964; Şerbănescu 1965; Popescu-Domogled 1966; Pătraşcu 1973; Sanda et al. 1978; Pop and Hodişan 1980; Sanda and Popescu 1984.

  • Distribution in Romania: CJ; MS; HR; SB; AB; HD; TM; DJ; BZ; TR; GR; IF: Armăşeşti; BR; GL: Piscu; BC; IS; VS; BT; TL (yet rare in Danube Delta: Sulina, C. A. Rosetti-Letea); CT: Constanţa at “Tăbăcărie,” Saele Sandbank .

6.24.19 Scorzonera parviflora Jacq.

  • Life-form: H (Ht) Per. Bienn.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: I categ. (Prodan 1939); obligatory halophyte (Ţopa 1954); mesohygrohalophyte (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Wet salinized meadows (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Fuss 1866; Schur 1885; Bujorean 1934; Prodan 1939; Sch. Cent. XXIV–XXV 1943; Csűros 1947; Todor 1948; Ţopa 1954; Csűros et al. 1961; Borza 1964; Páll 1964a, b; Csűros-Kaptalan 1965; Borza 1966; Flora X; Csűros 1970; Mititelu et al. 1978–1980, 1988; Doltu et al. 1979, 1983; Pop and Hodişan 1980; Samú 1982; Sanda and Popescu 1990b; Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Pop 1999–2000; Sârbu et al. 2001.

  • Distribution in Romania: CJ (incl. Băile Sărate Turda, Aiton Stream Valley, Cojocna); BN; MS: Zau de Câmpie Nature Reserve; HR; CV; SB: Păuca, Bazna and Miercurea Sibiului, Păucii River Valley; AB: Cunţa, Cut, Draşov; GR: Comana; BZ, “Pâclele” Nature Reserve; BR; BC: Tg. Ocna; VS: Pribeşti; TL: rare in Danube Delta, Letea Forest; CT: Chituc and Saele Sandbanks; Nemira Mountains.

6.24.20 Taraxacum bessarabicum (Hornem.) Hand. – Mazz.

  • Life-form: H Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: I categ. (Prodan 1939); obligatory halophyte (Ţopa 1954); euhalophyte (Bucur et al. 1960a); mesohygrophilous-hygrophilous (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Wet, salinized meadows (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Salinity tolerance: (1) 80, 300, 630; (2) 100, 300, 580.

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Prodan 1922, 1923, 1939; Guşuleac 1933; Ţopa 1935, 1939a, 1954; Răvăruţ 1941; Dobrescu 1957; Pop 1959; Bucur et al. 1960a; Flora X; Csűros et al. 1961; Andrei and Diaconescu 1962; Şerbănescu 1965; Bucur and Turcu 1966; Borza 1966; Răvăruţ et al. 1968; Mihai 1969; Turenschi 1970; Mititelu et al. 1969, 1978–1980; Mititelu 1971a; 1987; Mihai and Sârbu 1972; Dobrescu et al. 1973; Pătraşcu 1973; Ivan et al. 1977–1978; Sanda et al. 1978; Doltu et al. 1979, 1983, 1984; Pop and Hodişan 1980; Popescu and Sanda 1981; Samú 1982; Pop et al. 1983; Popescu et al. 1984; Sanda and Popescu 1984, 1990a, b, 1991; Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Ştefan et al. 1995; Burac 1997; Pop 1999–2000; Sârbu et al. 2001.

  • Distribution in Romania: SM: Căuaş, Dindeşti, Andrid, Pir; CJ; HR; SB: between Sebeş and Miercurea Sibiului, Ocna Sibiuluiand Târnăvioara; AB: Secaş river meadow, Sebeş toward Miercurea ap. Schur; HD; BH; AR; TM; BZ; TR; GR; CL; IL: Făcăeni; BR, incl. Voineşti and Corbu Vechi; GL: Chinejii Basin, Şendreni and Piscu, Geru river meadow; VN; NT; IS (incl. Iaşi at Valea lui Conachi); BT: Dorohoi, Hilişeu-Crişan, Răchiţi, Răuseni, Roşiori, Stăuceni and Şendriceni; SV: Rădăuţi, Slatina; CT: Mamaia, Chituc and Saele Sandbanks; TL: frequent in Danube Delta, Tulcea .

6.24.21 Lactuca tatarica (L.) C. A. Mey.

  • Life-form: H Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: II categ. (Prodan 1939); mesohygrohalophyte (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Popescu et al. 1987; Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Sârbu et al. 1995a; Mulgedium tataricum DC. – Pax 1919; Prodan 1922, 1939; Pop 1999–2000.

  • Distribution in Romania: PH; BZ; IL: Slobozia Veche, Cotul Dochiţei Forest; BR: Corbu Vechi and Voineşti; GL: Siretului river meadow (Spahiu Forest)-Braniştea, Brateş-Galaţi Lake; VS: Movileni-Coroieşti; IS: Iaşi, Zagavia; BC: Căiuţi Railway Station; TL: Danube Delta, Sulina, Jurilovca, Sacalin; CT: Mamaia, Tuzla, Agigea, Năvodari-Eforie, Techirghiol Lake, Mangalia, nature reserve: Hagieni, Dumbrăveni, Canaraua Fetii and Esechioi, Saele Sandbank, Vama Veche, Eforie N, Eforie S, Constanţa, Mamaia, Capul Midia, Corbu and Chituc Sandbank .

6.24.22 Lactuca saligna L.

  • Life-form: TH-Ht Bienn.-Ann.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: II categ. (Prodan 1939); supporting halophyte (Ţopa 1954; Andrei and Şerbănescu 1965); euhalophyte (Bucur et al. 1960a); xeromesophilous, subtermophilic, facultative halophyte (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Quite common, xerophilous to mesophilous, mesothermophile, heliophilous and less sciophilous, from less to moderately euhalophytic (Bucur, 1960a). We found it almost always in dry salinized areas (Grigore, pers. obs.).

  • Salinity tolerance: (1) 30, 75, 535; (2) 20, 85, 1120.

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Grecescu 1898; Pax 1919; Guşuleac 1933; Prodan 1939, 1956; Răvăruţ 1941; Ţopa 1954; Bucur et al. 1957; Dobrescu 1957; Popescu 1957; Samoilă 1957; Bucur et al. 1960a,b; Bujorean et al. 1961; Andrei and Diaconescu 1962; Borza 1964; Páll 1964a, b; Andrei and Şerbănescu 1965; Şerbănescu 1965; Mititelu et al. 1969; Mititelu and Barabaş 1972; Rusu and Bîrjoveanu 1972; Pătraşcu 1973; Mititelu 1987; Coste et al. 1993; Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Burac 1997; Pop 1999–2000.

  • Distribution in Romania: Maram., Trans., Criş., Ban., Olt., Munt., Mold., Bucov ., Dobr . (spor. in Danube Delta) .

6.25 Juncaginaceae

6.25.1 Triglochin maritima L.

  • Life-form: H Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: I categ. (Prodan 1939); obligatory halophyte (Ţopa 1954); hygrohalophyte (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Marshy salinized meadows (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Prodan 1922; Guşuleac 1933; Csűros 1947; Flora XI; Doltu et al. 1979, 1984; Pop and Hodişan 1980; Mititelu et al. 1988; Pop et al. 1988; Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Sârbu et al. 2001; T. maritimum L. – Schur 1885; Bujorean 1934; Prodan 1939; Ţopa 1939a; Ţopa 1954; Csűros et al. 1961; Páll 1964a, b; Csűros-Kaptalan 1965; Csűros 1970; Samú 1982; Pop et al. 1983; Popescu et al. 1984; Todor 1947; T. maritima L. f. elata Nutt – Doltu et al. 1983; T. maritimus – Sanda and Popescu 1990a, b.

  • Distribution in Romania: CJ: Vâlcele, Băile Sărate Turda, Aiton Stream Valley; BN; MS; HR: Sâncrăieni “Borsáros,” Dumbrava Harghitei swamp; CV; BV: Şinca Nouă; SB, rară, Ocna Sibiului; AB: Tiur at Gura Padinii, Cunţa, Draşov, Cut; HD: Orăştie; VL; BZ: Buzăului and Şuteşti river meadow; BC: Poiana Sărată, Huta cabin at Leşunţ (leg. M. Gurău, 2002); VS: Sterian Dumbravă, Bădeana; SV: Frătăuţii Noi, Marginea; TL in Danube Delta: Sf. Gheorghe; CT: Mamaia, Chituc and Saele Sandbanks, Mangalia at “1 Mai,” and Mangalia Lake .

6.25.2 Triglochin palustris L.

  • Life-form: H Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: III categ. (Prodan 1939); preferential halophyte (Ţopa 1954); neohalophyte (Bucur et al. 1961); mesohygrophilous-hygrophilous (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Regularly associated with P. maritima and Aster tripolium; grows in wet meadows, sandy, and less salinized. When soil is rich in sand, it strongly develops, because it has shallow roots, thus deeply penetrating the soil surface (Prodan 1922).

  • Salinity tolerance: (1) 270, 360, 430; (2) 80, 170, 240.

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Prodan 1922, 1939; Ţopa 1939a, 1954; Bucur et al. 1957, 1961; Flora XI; Csűros-Kaptalan 1965; Bucur and Turcu 1966; Ţopa 1969; Mititelu and Barabaş 1971, 1975b; Pătraşcu 1973; Doltu et al. 1979; Sanda and Popescu 1984; Ciocârlan 2000; T. palustris L. – Răvăruţ et al. 1968; Popescu and Sanda 1973; Ivan et al. 1977–1978; Doltu et al. 1983, 1984; Sanda and Popescu 1991; Ciocârlan 1994; Pop 1999–2000; Sârbu et al. 2001.

  • Distribution in Romania: Maram., Trans., Criş, Olt ., Munt., Mold., Bucov., Dobr. (incl. Danube Delta – spor.)

6.26 Potamogetonaceae

6.26.1 Potamogeton pusillus L. em. Fieber

  • Life-form: HD Per.

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Stagnant salinized waters (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Guebhard 1848; Grecescu 1898; Flora XI; Ciocârlan 2000; Sârbu et al. 2001.

  • Distribution in Romania: SM: Certeze and Prilog; CJ: Cluj lake; SB, rare; AB: Sebeş at Arini; HD: Brad; BH: Sălacea; TM: Uliuc at Otelec; TR; GR; IF; BR; GL: Cosmeşti; BC: Bacău; NT: “Izvorul Muntelui” Lake, Bicaz; BT: Balinţi and Botoşani; CT: Nuntaşi Lake; TL: Danube Delta, incl. Caraorman; Mountains: Ceahlău; Codru-Moma (Huta on Bălătesei River Valley) .

6.27 Ruppiaceae

6.27.1 Ruppia cirrhosa (Petagna) Grande

  • Life-form: HD Per.

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Ciocârlan 2000; Sârbu et al. 2001.

  • Distribution in Romania: Seashore of Black Sea littoral area of lakes: Techirghiol, Eforie, Agigea, Mamaia, Sinoie (between Portiţa and Periboina), Grindul Lupilor.

6.27.2 Ruppia maritima L.

  • Life-form: HD Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: I categ. (Prodan 1939).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Marine waters, salt lakes (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990); completely immersed in clear stagnant salty (marine or lacustrine) waters (Prodan 1922).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Sârbu et al. 2001; R. rostellata W. D. J. Koch. – Brandza 1879–1883; Grecescu 1898; Sch. Cent I 1921; Prodan 1922, 1939; Flora XI; R. rostellata W. D. J. Koch ssp. obliqua – Prodan 1939; R. rostellata Koch var. transsilvanica (Schur) Soo – Todor 1947.

  • Distribution in Romania: CJ: Cluj-Napoca in Calda Valley, Someşeni, Cheţianu-Someşeni Lake, Turda at Băile Sărate, Someşul Rece; BN: Sărata and Mogoşeni; BV: Perşani Mountains; SB: Ocna Sibiului; BR: Sărat Lake; CT: Constanţa, Agigea, Tuzla, Techirghiol, Eforie Lake, Sinoie Lake, Mamaia, Nuntaşi Lake, Lupilor Sandbank ; TL: Sulina .

6.28 Najadaceae

6.28.1 Najas marina L.

  • Life-form: TH Ann.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: II categ. (Prodan 1939); hydrophilous (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Stagnant or less flowing fresh or saline waters (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Prodan 1922, 1939; Flora XI; Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Sârbu et al. 2001.

  • Distribution in Romania: SM: Cămin; CJ; MS; SB: Sărata-Olt, Sibiu in Dumbrava Lake, Şelimbăr in Şopa Lake; BH (incl. Salonta, Diosig); AR: between Ineu and Bocsig; TM; DB; GR: Greaca, Fântânele-Comana Forest; IF; Bucureşti; BR; GL: Slobozia Oancei at Maicăş Pond, Brateş Lake, Tuluceşti; VN: Bilieşti-Suraia; VS: Râşeşti-Drânceni; CT: Mangalia Lake; TL in Danube Delta (incl. Tureţcaia, Meleaua Sacalin, Sfiştofca rivulet) .

6.28.2 Najas minor All.

  • Life-form: TH Ann.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: II categ. (Prodan 1939); hydrophilous (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Stagnant or less flowing fresh or saline waters (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Prodan 1922, 1939; Flora XI; Mititelu 1975, 1971b; Ciocârlan 1994; Sanda and Şerbănescu 1969; Ciocârlan 2000; Sârbu et al. 2001.

  • Distribution in Romania: MM; SM: Moftinul Mic and Potău; MS; AB; HD; BH (incl. Văşad Lake, Galoşpetreu); AR: between Ineu and Bocsig; TM; MH: Burila-Mare at “Cârcel” pond; GR: Comana, Greaca; IF; Bucureşti; BR; VN: Bilieşti-Suraia; VS: Berezeni, Stănileşti; IS: Vladomirna, Cornu; TL: Danube Delta, branches of Chilia and Sulina, Litcov rivulet, between Sulina and Sf. Gheorghe .

6.29 Zannichelliaceae

6.29.1 Zannichellia palustris L.

  • Life-form: HD Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: I categ. (Prodan 1939).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Stagnant or less flowing fresh or saline waters (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Burduja 1939; Prodan 1939; Flora I; Mititelu 1971b, 1987; Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Sârbu et al. 2001; Z. major Boeningh ap. Rchb. – Grecescu 1898; ssp. palustris ssp. pedicellata (Wahlenb. & Rosén) Arcang. – Prodan 1922; Z. pedicellata (Wahlenb. & Rosén) Fr. – Csűros 1947; Z. palustris L. ssp. pedicellata (Wahlemb. Et Rosen) Hegi f. aculeata (Schur) A. u. G. – Todor 1947; Z. pedicellata (Wahlenb. & Rosén) Fr. var. aculeata Schur – Burduja 1939.

  • Distribution in Romania: CJ; MS; SB; BH: Sălacea, Otomani; AR: Grăniceri, Şiclău, and Pilu; TM: Liebling, Pădureni; MH: Lacul lui Vlad; OT; PH; GR: Comana; IL: Amara Lake; BR; GL: Şendreni, Brateş Lake, Brăneşti, Măstăcani, Mălina Pond at Movileni-Şendreni, Rotunda-Tuluceşti Pond; VN: Adjudu Vechi; VS: Berezeni, Cârja, Dumeşti; BC: Tg. Trotuş, Buhoci, and Verşeşti; NT: Mas. Ceahlău; IS: Cristeşti; BT: Botoşani; SV: Marginea; CT: incl. Sinoie Lake, Cetatea Histria; TL in Danube Delta: Letea , Măcin .

6.30 Zosteraceae

6.30.1 Zostera marina L.

  • Life-form: HD Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: I categ. (Prodan 1939).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: In seawater, seashore, littoral lakes (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Grecescu 1898; Sch. Cent X 1931; Prodan 1939; Ciocârlan 2000.

  • Distribution in Romania: CT: Constanţa, Mamaia, Eforie S, Sinoie Lake, Cetatea Histria .

6.30.2 Zostera noltii Hornem.

  • Life-form: HD Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: I categ. (Prodan 1939).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: In seawater, seashore, littoral lakes (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Cic. 2000; Z. nana Roth pro parte – Prodan 1939.

  • Distribution in Romania: CT: Constanţa, Mamaia, Eforie S, Sinoie Lake, Mangalia, Cetatea Histria; TL: Razelm Lake , Goloviţa Lake .

6.31 Liliaceae

6.31.1 Scilla autumnalis L.

  • Life-form: G Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: II categ. (Prodan 1939); mesophilous, facultative halophyte (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: More or less salinized meadows (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990); regarded by many authors as a calciphilous plant; it grows in lower salinized plains (Prodan 1922).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Grecescu 1898; Pax 1919; Prodan 1922, 1939; Şerbănescu 1965; Flora XI; Ciocârlan 2000.

  • Distribution in Romania: PH: Fulga; TR: Alexandria; GR: Comana, Grădiştea, Neajlov river meadow.

6.31.2 Asparagus brachyphyllus Turcz.

  • Life-form: G Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: II categ. (Prodan 1939); mesohalophyte (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Wet, salinized maritime sands (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Ciocârlan 2000; A. pallasii Miscz. – Flora XI; Sârbu et al. 2001; A. trichophyllus auct. Ross., non Bunge – Prodan 1922, 1939.

  • Distribution in Romania: CT: Năvodari, Corbu, Vadu, Istria, Saele Sandbank, Chituc Sandbank.

6.31.3 Allium vineale L.

  • Life-form: G Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: II categ. (Prodan 1939); xeromesophilous-mesophilous (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Sometimes on salinized areas (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990); it grows in sandy, sun-exposed areas but sometimes prefers salinized clay soils (Prodan 1922); it occurs as rare, isolated individuals in less salinized areas, in patches covered by abundant vegetation (Grigore, pers. obs.).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Prodan 1922, 1939, 1956; Flora XI; Ciocârlan 2000; Sârbu et al. 2001.

  • Distribution in Romania: SM; CJ; BN; MS; BV; SB, rare; AB; HD; BH; AR (incl. Rănuşa at Culmea Osoiul, Archiş); TM; CS: Moldova Veche, Golovârf Hill, Pescari-Berzasca; MH: Cazanele Mici, Mraconia River Valley; DJ, incl. Craiova, Radovan and Perişor Forest; VL (incl. Baz. Cernei de Olteţ); DB; PH; TR; GR: Ghimpaţi, Greaca; IF: Crevedia; GL, incl. Cosmeşti; VS: Paiu-Vaslui Forest; NT: P. F. Vânători, Tg. Neamţ, Tarcău; IS: Verşeni; SV: Lucina Nature Reserve, Suceava; CT: Chituc and Saele Sandbanks, between Sarijurt and Tariverde.

6.31.4 Allium paniculatum L.

  • Life-form: G Per.

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Mititelu 1987.

  • Distribution in Romania: CJ: Dealul Mare on Borşa River Valley at 491 m alt.; MS: Zau de Câmpie Nature Reserve; AB: Căpâlna, Tartărău; CS; DJ; GL: Torceşti, Blăjerii de Sus, Hanul Conachi, Fundeni Forest; VS: “Movila lui Burcel” Nature Reserve; BC: Valea Uzului, Caraclău and Oneşti; IS: “Valea lui David” Nature Reserve; BT: Gorovei Forest; CT: Hagieni Nature Reserve, Dumbrăveni, Canaraua Fetii and Esechioi, Constanţa at Japcea, Gârliţa, Murfatlar, Adamclisi, Ostrov; TL: Măcin and Cerna, Letea Forest, between Greci and Nifon; Hăşmaş Massif; “Porţile de Fier” Natural Park: Cazanele Mici .

6.32 Iridaceae

6.32.1 Iris spuria L.

  • Life-form: G Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: I categ. (Prodan 1939); preferential halophyte (Ţopa 1954); mesohygrophilous halophyte (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Wet, less salinized meadows (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Schur 1885; Prodan 1939; Ţopa 1954; Flora XI; Ciocârlan 2000; Sârbu et al. 2001.

  • Distribution in Romania: CJ; MS; BV; SB: Ruşcioru stream, Sibiu, Şura Mică; AB; BH: Mărţihaz; AR: Buteni, Bocsig, Vinga; TM: Ghiroda and Albina, Liebling; CS: between Măceşti and Pojejena; VS: Bălteni; IS: Iaşi, Probota.

6.32.2 Iris halophila Pall.

  • Life-form: G Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: II categ. (Prodan 1939); obligatory halophyte (Ţopa 1954); euhalophyte (Bucur et al. 1960a); mesohalophyte-mesohygrophilous halophyte (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Perennial, mesophilous, mesothermophile, heliophilous, less alkaliphilous, from less to strongly halophylous; it develops on salinized water meadows, exposed to drought in the summer, but wet and even flooded in the spring (Bucur et al. 1960a). This species has a strong rhizome, assuring it to survive during the flooding (Grigore and Toma 2010b).

  • Salinity tolerance: (1) 45, 70, 515; (2) 70, 170, 1860.

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Prodan 1939; Ţopa 1939a, 1954; Răvăruţ 1941; Bucur et al. 1960a; Mititelu 1965; Flora XI; Mititelu 1967, 1971a; Răvăruţ et al. 1968; Doltu et al. 1979, 1984; Popescu et al. 1984; Sanda and Popescu 1990b; Burac 1997; Ciocârlan 2000; Pop 1999–2000; Sârbu et al. 2001.

  • Distribution in Romania: DJ; PH; IL; VN: Hânguleşti-Vulturul; GL (incl. Zăvoiul Siretului-Piscu Forest, Camniţa-Independenţa Forest , Pechea); VS; IS (incl. Cotul Morii – personal communication by I. Sârbu, 2004) .

6.33 Juncaceae

6.33.1 Juncus acutus L.

  • Life-form: H.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: I categ. (Prodan 1939).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Prodan 1939; Flora XI; Popescu and Sanda 1973, 1975; Doltu et al. 1979; Sanda and Popescu 1990a, 1991; Pop 1999–2000; J. acutus L. ssp. littoralis – Pop 1999–2000.

  • Distribution in Romania: Seashore of Black Sea and Danube Delta (TL: Periprava, Sfiştofca, Mosurat, Satu Nou, Letea, Sf. Gheorghe); CT: Mangalia (at Herghelie), Mamaia, Corbu, Chituc, and Saele Sandbanks, Sinoie Lake, Eforie? Canara, Tuzla, Istria .

6.33.2 Juncus bufonius L.

  • Life-form: TH Ann.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: III categ. (Prodan 1939); supporting halophyte (Ţopa 1954); mesohygrophilous (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Wet, sandy, sometimes salinized places (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Prodan 1922, 1939; Ţopa 1954; Flora XI; Csűros et al. 1968; Ţopa 1969; Rusu and Bîrjoveanu 1972; Pătraşcu 1973; Ciocârlan 2000; Sârbu et al. 2001.

  • Distribution in Romania: Maram., Trans., Criş., Ban., Olt., Munt., Mold., Bucov., Dobr.

6.33.3 Juncus compressus Jacq.

  • Life-form: G Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: II categ. (Prodan 1939); mesohygrophilous, facultative halophyte (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Wet, sometimes salinized meadows (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Prodan 1922, 1923, 1939; Guşuleac 1933; Răvăruţ 1941; Pop 1959; Csűros et al. 1961; Csűros-Kaptalan 1965; Flora XI; Mihai 1969; Mihai and Sârbu 1972; Ştefan et al. 1995; Ciocârlan 2000; Pop 1999–2000.

  • Distribution in Romania: CJ (incl. Cheile Turzii Nature Reserve); BN; MS; HR; CV; BV; SB; HD: Cheile Mada, Cheile Ardeu, Râul Mare; BH; AR; TM; GJ; VL; AG; DB; PH; BZ; TR; GR; IF; GL (incl. Cosmeşti, Munteni); BC; NT; IS; BT: Botoşani; SV; CT; TL: rare – Danube Delta.

6.33.4 Juncus gerardi Loisel.

  • Life-form: G Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: I categ. (Prodan 1939); preferential halophyte (Ţopa 1954, Andrei and Şerbănescu 1965); euhalophyte (Bucur et al. 1960a); mesohygrophilous halophyte (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Wet, salinized meadows, sands (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990); perennial, common, hygrophilous, mesothermophile to subthermophile, heliophilous, from less to strongly halophytic; it develops on salinized humic gley soils, indicating a permanent wet saline soil (Bucur, 1960a). A species occurring only in wet saline areas, sometimes flooded; it has well-developed aerenchyma at rhizome level (Grigore and Toma 2010b).

  • Salinity tolerance: (1) 75, 120, 1380; (2) 65, 500, 2370.

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Fuss 1866; Schur 1885; Grecescu 1898; Prodan 1922, 1923, 1939; Ţopa 1939a; Sch. Cent. XIX–XXI 1949; Răvăruţ 1941; Todor 1947; Ţopa 1954; Popescu and Bujorean 1957b; Samoilă 1957; Bucur et al. 1960a; Samoilă 1960; Bujorean et al. 1961; Csűros et al. 1961; Andrei and Diaconescu 1962; Popescu 1963; Borza 1964; Teşu 1964; Andrei and Şerbănescu 1965; Csűros-Kaptalan 1965; Mititelu 1965, 1967, 1971a, 1975, 1987; Bucur and Turcu 1966; Borza 1966; Popescu-Domogled 1966; Bucur et al. 1967; Păun 1967; Flora XI; Răvăruţ et al. 1968; Mihai 1969; Mititelu et al. 1969; Ţopa 1969; Csűros 1970; Turenschi 1970; Mititelu and Barabaş 1971, 1972, 1975b; Mihai and Sârbu 1972; Rusu and Bîrjoveanu 1972; Dobrescu et al. 1973; Pătraşcu 1973; Sanda and Popescu 1973, 1984, 1990a, b, 1991, 1992; Popescu and Sanda 1975, 1981; Mihai and Căpălnăşan 1977; Pop and Hodişan 1977, 1980; Sanda et al. 1977, 1978; Grigore and Coste 1978; Ivan et al. 1977–1978; Doltu et al. 1979; Mititelu et al. 1978–1980, 1988; Samú 1982; Pop et al. 1983, 1988; Popescu et al. 1984, 1987; Sârbu et al. 1995a, 2000, 2001; Ştefan and Sârbu 1995; Ştefan et al. 1995, 2001, 2006; Burac 1997; Ciocârlan 2000; Pop 1999–2000; Ştefan and Oprea 2002; J. gerardi Loisel., var. ponticus (Stev.) A. et G. – Doltu et al. 1983; J. gerardi Loisel. var. salsuginosus Buchen. – Doltu et al. 1984.

  • Distribution in Romania: CJ; MS; HR; BV; SB; AB; HD; BH; AR; DJ; PH; IF; IL; BR; GL; BC; VS; IS; BT; CT; TL: spor. – Danube Delta.

  • Others: A species classified as “amphibious halophyte” (Grigore and Toma 2010b, c) based especially on the presence of bulliform cells .

6.33.5 Juncus maritimus Lam.

  • Life-form: G (H) Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: I categ. (Prodan 1939); preferential halophyte (Ţopa 1954); mesohygrophilous-hygrophilous, obligatory halophyte (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Marshy, salinized meadows (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Prodan 1922, 1939; Sch. Cent. XIX–XXI 1949; Ţopa 1954; Popescu and Sanda 1973; Sanda and Popescu 1973, 1990a, 1992; Doltu et al. 1979; Popescu et al. 1987; Sârbu et al. 1995a, b, 2000; Ştefan and Sârbu 1995; Ciocârlan 2000; Pop 1999–2000; J. maritimus Lam. var. ponticus (Stev.) A. et G. – Doltu et al. 1983.

  • Distribution in Romania: Seashore of Black Sea and Danube Delta (TL: Periprava, Sfiştofca, Mosurat, Sulina, and Sf. Gheorghe); CT: Mamaia, Corbu, Chituc and Saele Sandbank, Istria.

6.33.6 Juncus littoralis C.A. Mey.

  • Life-form: H Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: Xeromesophilous-mesohalophyte (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Sanda and Popescu 1992; Sârbu et al. 1995b, 2000, 2001; Ciocârlan 2000; J. acutus L. ssp. tommasini – Prodan 1939; Doltu et al. 1983; J. acutus L. ssp. tyraicus Pacz – Doltu et al. 1983.

  • Distribution in Romania: Seashore of Black Sea and Danube Delta (TL: Periprava, Sfiştofca, Mosurat, Satu Nou, Letea, Sf. Gheorghe); CT: Mangalia (at Herghelie), Mamaia, Corbu, Chituc, and Saele Sandbanks, Sinoie Lake, Eforie? Canara, Tuzla , Istria .

6.34 Cyperaceae

6.34.1 Schoenoplectus littoralis (Schrad.) Palla

  • Life-form: G (H) Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: Hygrophilous, thermophile, facultative halophyte (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Ciocârlan 2000.

  • Distribution in Romania: TL rare in Danube Delta; CT: Năvodari.

6.34.2 Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani (C.C. Gmel.) Palla

  • Life-form: G (H) Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: II categ. (Prodan 1939); eutrophic, hygrophilous, facultative halophyte (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Schur 1885; Bujorean 1934; Prodan 1939; Ciurchea 1962b; Popescu 1963; Csűros-Kaptalan 1965; Flora XI; Răvăruţ et al. 1968; Grigore 1971; Mititelu and Barabaş 1971; Mihai and Sârbu 1972; Popescu and Sanda 1973; Doltu et al. 1979; Samú 1982; Mititelu 1987; Ştefan et al. 1995; Pop 1999–2000; Sârbu et al. 2000, 2001; Ştefan and Oprea 2001.

  • Distribution in Romania: Maram., Trans., Criş., Ban., Olt., Munt., Mold., Dobr., Bucov.

6.34.3 Bolboschoenus maritimus (L.) Palla

  • Life-form: G (H) Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: II categ. (Prodan 1939); preferential halophyte (Ţopa 1954); neohalophyte (Bucur et al. 1961); mesohygrophilous, facultative halophyte (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Salinity tolerance: (1) 255, 345, 645; (2) 240, 300, 345.

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Sch. Cent. XII–XIV 1934; Prodan 1939; Csűros 1947; Bucur et al. 1957, 1961; Andrei and Diaconescu 1962; Ciurchea 1962b; Popescu 1963; Csűros-Kaptalan 1965; Şerbănescu 1965; Flora XI; Bucur and Turcu 1966; Boşcaiu 1966; Csűros-Kaptalan and Peterfi 1966; Răvăruţ et al. 1968; Mihai 1969; Ţopa 1969; Csűros 1970; Turenschi 1970; Grigore 1971; Mititelu and Barabaş 1971, 1972, 1975b; Mihai and Sârbu 1972; Dobrescu et al. 1973; Popescu and Sanda 1973; Mititelu 1975, 1987; Mihai and Căpălnăşan 1977; Pop and Hodişan 1977; Grigore and Coste 1978; Ivan et al. 1977–1978; Doltu et al. 1979; Sanda and Popescu 1980, 1984, 1990b, 1991; Popescu and Sanda 1981; Samú 1982; Popescu et al. 1984, 1987; Ciocârlan 1994; Sârbu et al. 1995a, b, 2000, 2001; Ştefan and Sârbu 1995; Ştefan et al. 1995, 2006; Pop 1999–2000; Scirpus maritimus L. – Schur 1885; Ţopa 1939a, 1954; Prodan 1956; Ştefan and Oprea 2001, 2002.

  • Distribution in Romania: Maram., Trans., Criş., Ban., Olt., Munt., Mold., Bucov., Dobr.

6.34.4 Scirpoides holoschoenus (L.) Soják

  • Life-form: G Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: II categ. (Prodan 1939); mesophilous-hygrophilous, psammophyte, subtermophilic (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Continental sands, maritime dunes (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Pax 1919; Scirpus holoschoenus L., Grecescu 1898; Holoschoenus vulgaris Link f. australis – Prodan 1939; H. vulgaris Link – Popescu and Sanda 1973, 1975; Sanda and Popescu 1991; Sârbu et al. 2000.

  • Distribution in Romania: SM (frequent); BH: Văşad; AR: Ghioroc; TM; CS: Valea lui Pârvu, Moldova Veche-Pescari; MH; DJ; AG: Podu Dâmboviţei; GR: Comana; IF; BR; GL: Hanul Conachi, Buceşti, Drăgăneşti, Iveşti, Blăjerii de Sus; IS: Vlădiceni; TL (incl. Danube Delta – frequent); CT: Agigea Nature Reserve, Mamaia, Corbu and Chituc Sandbank, “Gura Dobrogei” Nature Reserve, Eforie S;? Ban .

6.34.5 Eleocharis uniglumis (Link) Schult.

  • Life-form: G (H) Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: II categ. (Prodan 1939); mesohygrophilous-hygrophilous, facultative halophyte (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Marshes, sometimes salinized (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Mititelu et al. 1988; Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Ştefan et al. 1995, 2006; Eleocharis uniglumis (Link) Schult. – Prodan 1939; Doltu et al. 1979.

  • Distribution in Romania: SM: frequent, Foieni, Piru Nou; CJ (incl. “Valea Morii” Nature Reserve, Vâlcele, Băile Sărate Turda); BN: Nimigea de Jos; HR; CV; BV: Postăvarul Mountains; SB: Ocna Sibiului, Sibiu, Tălmaciu, and Turnişor, between Sădinca and Broşteni; BH; Bucureşti at Andronache; VS: Crasna-Albeşti, Crasna Railway Station; IS: Cristeşti-Iaşi; TL: between Mocani and Baia, Letea, Sacalin islands, Caraorman; CT: Mamaia, Năvodari-Capul Midia? Ban.

6.34.6 Eleocharis parvula (Roem. et Schult.) Link ex Bluff, Ness et Schauer

  • Life-form: H Per.

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Sanda 1991; Ciocârlan 1994; Eleocharis parvula (Roem. & Schult.) – Flora XI.

  • Distribution in Romania: Seashore of Black Sea: TL: Sulina and Sacalin islands.

6.34.7 Cyperus pannonicus Jacq.

  • Life-form: TH Ann.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: I categ. (Prodan 1939); oligotrophic, mesohygrohalophilous (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Wet, salinized sands (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990). It occurs in temporary waters and drained marshes, muddy places, and areas flooded during spring (Prodan 1922).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Schur 1885; Grecescu 1898; Pax 1919; Şerbănescu 1965; Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Ştefan et al. 1995; Sârbu et al. 2001; Ştefan and Oprea 2001; Acorellus pannonicus (Jacq.) Palla – Prodan 1922, 1939; Flora XI; Ivan et al. 1977–1978; Doltu et al. 1979; Popescu and Sanda 1981; Popescu et al. 1984; Sanda and Popescu 1984, 1990b, 1991; Pop 1999–2000; Pycreus pannonicus Rchb. – Fuss 1866.

  • Distribution in Romania: SM: Carei; CJ; HR; BV; HD; AR: Grăniceri and Pilu; DJ: Gighera; OT: Orlea on shore of pond Potelu; IF; IL; BZ: Bodu; BR: Amara Lake; GL: Fundeni on shore of the lake Negru, Băneasa, Moscu-Tg. Bujor; TL: Babadag, Razelm Lake, Danube Delta, frequent, Sulina; CT: Mamaia, Agigea, Eforie S, Saele Sandbank, Constanţa, Chituc Sandbank .

6.34.8 Carex stenophylla Wahlenb.

  • Life-form: G Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: Oligotrophic, xeromesophilous, facultative halophyte (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Dry places, wet, salinized meadows (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Flora XI; Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Sârbu et al. 2001.

  • Distribution in Romania: SM (frequent, incl. Hotoan); CJ; HR; BV; SB – relatively rare; HD; BH, incl. between Şilindru and Cheşereu, Văşad; AR: Nădab; GL: Hanul Conachi; IS; Călimani Mountains .

6.34.9 Carex divisa Huds.

  • Life-form: G Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: II categ. (Prodan 1939); preferential halophyte (Ţopa 1954); hygrophilous, facultative halophyte (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Marshy meadows, sometimes sandy salinized habitats (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990); very common in salinized environments. It prospers where soil is less flooded but rich in soluble salts. It has a very strong rhizome and grows both in clay and sandy soil (Prodan 1922).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Prodan 1922, 1939; Ţopa 1954; Andrei and Diaconescu 1962; Şerbănescu 1965; Flora XI; Mititelu 1971a, 1975b; Ciocârlan 1972; Doltu et al. 1979; Mititelu et al. 1978–1980; Popescu et al. 1984; Sanda and Popescu 1991; Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Sârbu et al. 2001.

  • Distribution in Romania: SM; CJ; HR; AB; HD; BH: Adoni, between Şilindu and Cheşereu; AR; TM: Diniaş, Rudna, and Giulvăz; MH; GJ; DJ, incl. Craiova, Livezi, Bistreţ; AG; BZ (incl. Pâclele depression); TR; GR: Comana; IF; CL; IL; BR; GL: Brateş-Galaţi Lake; VN: Ciorăşti; IS: on Jijia and Brateşului plains, Iaşi; BT: Cişmăneşti; TL: rare in Danube Delta, Măcin, Jurilovca; CT (incl. Dumbrăveni Nature Reserve, Mamaia, Chituc and Saele Sandbank, Mangalia) .

6.34.10 Carex hordeistichos Vill.

  • Life-form: H Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: II categ. (Prodan 1939); preferential halophyte (Ţopa 1954); mesohygrophilous (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Wet, sometimes salinized habitats (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Prodan 1939; Ţopa 1939a, 1954; Flora XI; Mititelu and Barabaş 1971, 1975b; Ciocârlan 2000; Sârbu et al. 2001.

  • Distribution in Romania: SM, incl. between Ianculeşti and Tiream, Vezendiu, Pir, Dindeşti; CJ (incl. Băile Sărate Turda, between Dumbrava and Păniceni, Cheile Turzii Nature Reserve); MS; BV; SB: Biertan, Săcădate, Sibiu, and Şura Mică; BH: Văşad; AR; CS; DJ (incl. Valea Rea-Radovan); TR: Naipu; GL: Berheci Railway Station, Ghidigeni Railway Station, Nicoreşti, Tecucelul Sec; VS: Vetrişoaia, Cârţibaşi; NT: Tarcău; IS: Chiriţa, Cârlig Pond; BT: Stăuceni, Balinţi, Oroftiana Forest; SV: Grăniceşti; CT; Nemira Mountains .

6.34.11 Carex secalina Willd. ex Wahlenb.

  • Life-form: H Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: II categ. (Prodan 1939); mesohygrophilous, facultative halophyte (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Wet, salinized meadows (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Prodan 1939; Flora XI; Mititelu 1971a; Doltu et al. 1979; Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Sârbu et al. 2001.

  • Distribution in Romania: MS; SB: Dumbrăveni, Sibiu, Târnăvioara, and Turnişor; AB: Mănărade; AR: Şimand; DJ; IL: Fundata Lake; GL: Vădeni-Cavadineşti, Hanul Conachi; IS: “Valea Ilenei” Nature Reserve, at Prut river meadow, Belceşti, “Valea lui David” Nature Reserve, Iaşi at Nicolina Prut river meadow; SV: between Dorneşti and Calafindeşti, Capu Câmpului, Zamostea; BT: between Murguţa and Ştefăneşti, Vulturi; CT; TL: rare in Danube Delta, incl. between Letea and C. A. Rosetti (personal communication by V. Ciocârlan, 2004), Caraoman Sandbank (personal communication by V. Ciocârlan, 2004) .

6.34.12 Carex melanostachya Willd.

  • Life-form: G Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: Neohalophyte (Bucur et al. 1961); mesohygrophilous-hygrophilous, facultative halophyte (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Salinity tolerance: (1) 210, 230, 270; (2) 560, 650, 680.

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Pop 1959, 1999–2000; Răvăruţ et al. 1968; Mititelu and Barabaş 1971; Dobrescu et al. 1973; Mihai and Căpălnăşan 1977; Grigore and Coste 1978; Popescu et al. 1984; Sanda and Popescu 1991; Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; C. nutans Host – Guşuleac 1933; Bucur et al. 1957; Pop 1959; Bucur et al. 1961; Bucur and Turcu 1966.

  • Distribution in Romania: Maram., Trans., Criş., Ban., Olt., Munt. (incl. GR: Călugăreni in. Neajlov river meadow), Mold. (incl. GL: Lunca Mare-Braniştea Forest, Suceveni, Balta-Munteni Forest, T. Vladimirescu, Dobrineşti, Dorasca Forest, Frunzeasca, Munteni; BT: Lozna, Cozanca River Valley), Bucov., Dobr. (incl. CT: Saele Sandbank; TL: Danube Delta, Malcoci) .

6.34.13 Carex extensa Gooden.

  • Life-form: H Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: II categ. (Prodan 1939); obligatory halophyte (Ţopa 1954); hygrohalophyte (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Salt marshes, sands (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Prodan 1922, 1939; Ţopa 1954; Flora XI; Sanda and Popescu 1973, 1990a; Doltu et al. 1979; Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Sârbu et al. 1995a, 2000, 2001; Ştefan and Sârbu 1995; Ştefan et al. 1995, 2001; Pop 1999–2000; Ştefan and Oprea 2001, 2002.

  • Distribution in Romania: DJ: Boroaica (Calafat); IS: Bârnova, Ezăreni; CT: Mamaia, Agigea, Techirghiol, Eforie S, Saele Sandbank, Mangalia (at Herghelie), Mamaia, Corbu and Chituc Sandbank, Agigea Nature Reserve; TL: Portiţa, Sf. Gheorghe, Sărăturile Sandbank .

6.34.14 Carex distans L.

  • Life-form: H Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: II categ. (Prodan 1939); preferential halophyte (Ţopa 1954); mesohygrophilous, facultative halophyte (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Wet, often salinized meadows (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990); wet, salinized clay, and sometimes in less sandy soils (Prodan 1922). This species is confined to wet salinized areas, sometimes exposed even to flooding, but in summer, it can be very dry, when plant is subjected to water stress (Grigore, pers. obs.).

  • Salinity tolerance: (1) 90, 110, 280; (2) 95, 100, 235.

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Prodan 1922, 1939; Ţopa 1939a, 1954; Csűros 1947; Bucur et al. 1957; Andrei and Diaconescu 1962; Popescu 1963; Csűros-Kaptalan 1965; Şerbănescu 1965; Bucur and Turcu 1966; Borza 1966; Flora XI; Răvăruţ et al. 1968; Mititelu et al. 1969, 1978–1980, 1988; Ţopa 1969; Csűros 1970; Turenschi 1970; Mititelu and Barabaş 1971, 1975b; Mihai and Sârbu 1972; Rusu and Bîrjoveanu 1972; Popescu and Sanda 1973, 1975; Mititelu 1975, 1987; Sanda et al. 1978; Doltu et al. 1979; Samú 1982; Pop and Hodişan 1980; Sanda and Popescu 1990a, 1991; Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Ştefan and Sârbu 1995; Ştefan et al. 1995, 2006; Pop 1999–2000; Sârbu et al. 2001; Ştefan and Oprea 2002.

  • Distribution in Romania: Maram., Trans., Criş., Ban., Olt., Munt., Mold., Bucov., Dobr. (incl. Danube Delta – Letea Forest).

  • Others: An amphibious halophyte, with bulliform cells located on lamina level (Grigore and Toma 2010b, c) .

6.34.15 Carex vulpina L.

  • Life-form: H Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: Neohalophytes (Bucur et al. 1961); mesohygrophilous-hygrophilous (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Marshy meadows (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Salinity tolerance: (1) 80, 95, 375; (2) 60, 90, 610.

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Guşuleac 1933; Csűros 1947; Todor 1947; Prodan 1956; Pop 1959, 1999–2000; Bucur et al. 1961; Şerbănescu 1965; Răvăruţ et al. 1968; Mihai 1969; Csűros 1970; Turenschi 1970; Mititelu and Barabaş 1971; Mihai and Sârbu 1972; Mihai and Căpălnăşan 1977; Sârbu et al. 2001.

  • Distribution in Romania: Maram., Trans. (incl. SB – relatively frequent), Criş., Ban., Olt., Munt., Mold., Bucov., Dobr .

6.34.16 Carex otrubae Podp.

  • Life-form: H Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: Mesohygrophilous-hygrophilous (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Marshy meadows (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Sârbu et al. 2001.

  • Distribution in Romania: SM: Ganaş, Piru Nou, and Dindeşti; SB: Cârţişoara, Arpaşu Mare Valley; MH: Cerneţi pond; GL: Munteni at Balta Forest; BC: Brusturoasa; IS: Rateş Cuza, Bârzeşti, Pocreaca at Georza Lake, Dobrovăţ, Cârlig, Cacaina Stream Valley; CT: Mamaia, Chituc, and Saele Sandbanks; TL (incl. Danube Delta, rare, Letea Forest, Babadag at “Două Cantoane”); Rarău Massif .

6.35 Poaceae

6.35.1 Festuca pulchra Schur

  • Life-form: H Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: II categ. (Prodan 1939); supporting halophyte (Ţopa 1954, Andrei and Şerbănescu 1965); neohalophyte (Bucur et al. 1961); xeromesophilous (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Salinized meadows (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990); it prefers warm, sun-exposed places, on clay and sandy soils (Prodan 1922).

  • Salinity tolerance: (1) 15, 55, 160; (2) 25, 50, 445.

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Festuca pseudovina Hack. ex Wiesb. – Prodan 1922, 1923; Isăcescu 1939; Csűros 1947; Ţopa 1954; Bucur  et al. 1957; Popescu and Bujorean 1957a, b; Samoilă 1957; Popescu 1957b; Pop 1959, 1999–2000; Samoilă 1960; Bucur et al. 1961; Bujorean et al. 1961; Csűros et al. 1961; Crişan 1962; Popescu 1963; Andrei and Şerbănescu 1965; Csűros-Kaptalan 1965; Flora XII; Popescu-Domogled 1966; Mititelu 1971a, 1987; Mihai and Sârbu 1972; Rusu and Bîrjoveanu 1972; Sanda et al. 1978; Pop and Hodişan 1980; Pop et al. 1983, 1988; Popescu et al. 1984; Sanda and Popescu 1984, 1990b, 1991; Coste et al. 1993; Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Sârbu et al. 2001; F. pseudovina var. rutila – Prodan 1939, 1956; F. pseudovina var. salina – Mititelu 1965; Sanda and Popescu 1991; F. pseudovina ssp. salina – Mititelu and Barabaş 1975b; Mititelu et al. 1978–1980.

  • Distribution in Romania: Maram., Trans., Criş., Ban., Olt., Munt., Mold. (incl. Ceahlău Massif), Bucov. (SV: Căldăruşa and Bosanci on Strâmbu Hill), Dobr. (CT: Agigea, Chituc, and Saele Sandbanks) .

6.35.2 Lolium rigidum Gaudin ssp. lepturoides (Boiss.) Sennen & Mauricio

  • Life-form: TH Ann.

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Maritime sands (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited Species/Synonyms: L. loliaceum (Bory & Chaub.) Hand. – Mazz. – Ciocârlan 1994.

  • Distribution in Romania: TL: Portiţa, between Sulina and “Pescărie.”

6.35.3 Puccinellia distans (L.) Parl.

  • Life-form: H Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: I categ. (Prodan 1939); preferential halophyte (Ţopa 1954, Andrei and Şerbănescu 1965); euhalophyte (Bucur et al. 1960a); mesophilous-mesohygrohalophilous (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Perennial, hygrophilous to mesophilous, mesothermophile, heliophilous, strongly alkaliphilous; it develops on wet salinized areas, resistant to flooding (Bucur, 1960a); a hygrohalophyte (Grigore, pers. obs.), vegetating mainly in wet salinized areas.

  • Salinity tolerance: (1) 70, 320, 1300; (2) 60, 520, 5420.

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Sch. Cent. XVII–XVIII 1938; Ţopa 1939a, 1954; Răvăruţ 1941; Todor 1947; Dobrescu 1957; Samoilă 1957; Moşneagă 1958; Buia et al. 1959; Căzăceanu and Turenschi 1959; Pop 1959, 1969a, 1999–2000; Bucur et al. 1960a,b; Csűros et al. 1961; Andrei and Diaconescu 1962; Ciurchea 1962b; Popescu 1963; Flora XII; Teşu 1964; Andrei and Şerbănescu 1965; Csűros-Kaptalan 1965; Mititelu 1965, 1967, 1971a, 1975, 1987; Şerbănescu 1965; Bucur and Turcu 1966; Bucur et al. 1967; Sanda and Ciobanu 1967; Răvăruţ et al. 1968; Dihoru 1969; Dobrescu et al. 1969; Mihai 1969; Mititelu et al. 1969, 1978–1980, 1988; Turenschi 1964; Ţopa 1969; Csűros 1970; Turenschi 1970; Popescu 1971; Mititelu and Barabaş 1972, 1975b; Rusu and Bîrjoveanu 1972; Dobrescu et al. 1973; Pătraşcu 1973; Mihai and Căpălnăşan 1977; Pop and Hodişan 1977; Sanda et al. 1977; Ivan et al. 1977–1978; Doltu et al. 1979, 1983; Samú 1982; Pop et al. 1983; Popescu et al. 1984; Sanda and Popescu 1984, 1990a, 1991; Antohe 1986; Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Sârbu et al. 1995b, 2000, 2001; Ştefan et al. 1995; P. distans (L.) ssp. limosa (Schur) Jáv. – Prodan 1939; Páll 1964a, b; Ştefan et al. 2001; Ştefan and Oprea 2002; Atropis distans (L.) Griseb. – Schur 1885; Pax 1919; Sch. Cent I 1921; Guşuleac 1933; Ţopa 1935; Prodan 1956; Popescu and Bujorean 1957a, b; Bujorean et al. 1961; Crişan 1962; Popescu 1963; Popescu-Domogled 1966; Gliceria distans Boiss. – Isăcescu 1939; P. distans (L.) Parl. sp. dstans – Doltu et al. 1984; P. dstans ssp. pseudobulbosa, P. dstans ssp. pocera – Prodan 1939; P. dstans var. limosa – Samoilă 1960.

  • Distribution in Romania: Maram., Trans., Criş., Ban., Olt., Munt., Mold., Bucov., Dobr. (incl. Danube Delta).

  • Others: Classified as “amphibious halophyte,” especially on the basis of bulliform cells (Grigore and Toma 2010b, c); Puccinellia genus is problematic (Ciocârlan 2009), and this could explain the large diversity of subspecies and forms and sometimes the tendency to make synonyms between P. distans and P. limosa (see next paragraphs) .

6.35.4 Puccinellia limosa (Schur) Holmb.

  • Life-form: H Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: Obligatory halophyte (Ţopa 1954); Mesohalophyte (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/Ecological spectrum: Salinized meadows (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Răvăruţ 1941; Csűros 1947; Ţopa 1939a; Ţopa 1954; Flora XII; Csűros et al. 1961; Păun 1967; Csűros 1970; Mititelu 1971a, 1987; Mihai and Sârbu 1972; Dobrescu et al. 1973; Popescu and Sanda 1973, 1975; Sanda et al. 1978; Doltu et al. 1979, 1983; Sanda and Popescu 1979, 1984, 1990a, b, 1991, 1992; Mititelu et al. 1978–1980; Pop and Hodişan 1980; Popescu and Sanda 1981; Pop et al. 1983, 1988; Popescu et al. 1984, 1987; Coste et al. 1993; Ciocârlan 1994; Ştefan and Sârbu 1995; Burac 1997; Pop 1999–2000; Sârbu et al. 2000, 2001; Ştefan and Oprea 2001; P. limosa f. pallens – Ţopa 1969; A. transilvanica Schur. – Prodan 1956.

  • Distribution in Romania: MM: Rona de Jos; SM: Carei and Hotoan; CJ; MS; HR; SB: Miercurea Sibiului, Ocna Sibiului, Cisnădie on Tocilelor Valley, Sadu at Tocilelor Valley, and Veştem on Sărata Valley; AB; HD; BH; TM; BR: Voineşti; GL: Baz. Chinejii, Vameş, Geru river meadow toward T. Vladimirescu; VN: Dealul Sării on Sării stream; BC: Magazia, Parincea, and Tg. Trotuş; IS; SV; CT: Techirghiol, Agigea, Constanţa, Mamaia, Chituc and Saele Sandbank; TL: rare in Danube Delta .

6.35.5 Puccinellia convoluta (Hornem.) Hayek

  • Life-form: H Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: Obligatory halophyte (Ţopa 1954); mesohygrohalophilous (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum:

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Isăcescu 1939; Ţopa 1954; Mititelu 1971a, 1987; Cîrţu et al. 1977; Doltu et al. 1983; Ciocârlan 1994; Sârbu et al. 1995a, b, 2001; Ştefan et al. 1995; Pop 1999–2000; P. convoluta (Hornem.) Hayek ssp. pseudobulbosa (Nyár.) Borza – Ciocârlan 2000; P. convoluta (Hornem.) Hayek var. pseudobulbosa – Andrei and Diaconescu 1962.

  • Distribution in Romania: SB: Sibiu;? BH: Salonta; AR: at V from Arad; TM: Timişora, Jebel; DJ: Zăval in Chişchilăuvorchard, between Malu Mare and Bratovoeşti; BR: Lacul Sărat, Canalul Filipoiu, Voineşti, Latinu, and Corbu Vechi; VN: Ciorăşti; VS: Giurcani, Todireni; IS: “Valea Ilenei” Nature Reserve, Leţcani-Iaşi; TL: Greci, Măcin, Danube Delta – rare (incl. Letea); CT: Istria fortified town, Saele Sandbank, Medgidia, Constanţa, Eforie S, Mangalia (at Herghelie), Techirghiol Lake .

6.35.6 Puccinellia intermedia (Schur) Holmb

  • Life-form: H Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: I categ. (Prodan 1939); mesohalophyte (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Salinized meadows.

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Sârbu et al. 1995a, 2001; Ciocârlan 2000; Puccinellia festuciformis (Host) Parl. ssp. intermedia (Schur) W. E. Hughes – Prodan 1939; P. festuciformis ssp. minor – Prodan 1939; P. transsilvanica (Schur) Jáv. Nom. Invalid. – Prodan 1939; Todor 1947; Flora XII; Doltu et al. 1983; P. festuciformis – Pop 1999–2000; P. festuciformis (Host.) Parl., P. convoluta (Hornem.) Hayek var. pseudobulbosa Nyár – Doltu et al. 1984; Atropis intermedia Schur – Schur 1885; P. convoluta (Hornem) Hayek p.p. – Flora X.

  • Distribution in Romania: CJ (incl. Băile Sărate Turda, Cojocna); BN (incl. Mogoşeni); MS; HR; BV; SB: Guşteriţa, Ocna Sibiului, and Şelimbăr (514); TM; GL: Izvoarele, Piscu, Slobozia Conachi; VS: Zorleni; CT: Constanţa (Tăbăcărie), Eforie S, Chituc, and Saele Sandbank; TL .

6.35.7 Puccinellia gigantea (Grossh.) Grossh.

  • Life-form: H Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: Mesohyrohalophilous (Ciocârlan 2000).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Sârbu et al. 2000.

  • Distribution in Romania: TL in Danube Delta: Caraorman Sandbank, Letea Sandbank, Sf. Gheorghe, Sacalin islands, Sulina, Babadag; CT: Constanţa and Chituc Sandbank .

6.35.8 Beckmannia eruciformis (L.) Host

  • Life-form: H Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: II categ. (Prodan 1939); preferential halophyte (Ţopa 1954); euhalophyte (Bucur et al. 1960a); mesohygrohalophilous (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Marshy meadows, wet and salinized habitats (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990); it grows on the border of less salinized stagnant waters; also vegetates in salinized small depressions, dried, but flooded in the spring. Its height varies with environmental conditions: in less salinized areas, it grows vigorously, and in lower places (where salinity is higher), the plants are smaller (Prodan 1922).

  • Salinity tolerance: (1) 100, 120, 810; (2) 70, 90, 875.

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Pax 1919; Prodan 1922, 1939, 1956; Guşuleac 1933; Ţopa 1939a; Popescu and Bujorean 1957a, b; Samoilă 1957; Pop 1959; Popescu 1963; Flora XII; Teşu 1964; Şerbănescu 1965; Păun 1967; Răvăruţ et al. 1968; Dobrescu et al. 1969; Mititelu 1971a, 1975, 1987; Dobrescu et al. 1973; Nedelcu 1973; Mititelu and Barabaş 1975b; Seghedin 1977; Doltu et al. 1979, 1983; Samú 1982; Popescu et al. 1984; Sanda and Popescu 1991; Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Pop 1999–2000; Sârbu et al. 2001; B. eruciformis – Ţopa 1954; Bucur et al. 1960a; B. eruciformis (L.) Host. f. vivipara Morariu – Doltu et al. 1984.

  • Distribution in Romania: SM; BH; AR; TM; DJ; OT; AG; GR; IF; IL; BZ; BR; GL; BC (incl. Cotu Grosului); VS; NT: Timişeşti, Vânători; IS; BT; TL: Danube Delta .

6.35.9 Leymus sabulosus (M. Bieb.) Tzvelev

  • Life-form: G Per.

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Elymus sabulosus Bieb. – Ciocârlan 1994; Sârbu et al. 1995a.

  • Distribution in Romania: On littoral sands (CT: between Eforie and Năvodari, Saele Sandbank, Tuzla, Eforie S, Eforie N, Agigea, Constanţa, Mamaia, Tuzla, Capul Midia, Corbu, and Chituc Sandbank); TL: Danube Delta, Sulina (type species grows in SE of Russia and Bulgaria).

6.35.10 Elymus elongatus (Host) Runemark

  • Life-form: H Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: II categ. (Prodan 1939).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: More or less salinized meadows, maritime sands (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Salinity tolerance: (1) 20, 80, 1210; (2) 20, 90, 2200.

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Doltu et al. 1984; Ştefan et al. 2001; Agropyron elongatum (Host.) Beauv. – Prodan 1939; Flora XII; Andrei and Diaconescu 1962; Şerbănescu 1965; Sanda et al. 1978; Doltu et al. 1979, 1983; Popescu et al. 1984; Sanda and Popescu 1984, 1990b, 1991; Ciocârlan 1994; Sârbu et al. 1995a, 2001; Ştefan et al. 1995; Pop 1999–2000; Agropyrum elongatum P. Beauv. – Prodan 1922; Sârbu et al. 1995b.

  • Distribution in Romania: MH; AG: Piteşti in Trivale Forest; DB; PH; GR; IF; Bucureşti; BR; BZ; BC; CT: incl. Saele Sandbank, Mangalia, Tuzla, Eforie S, Constanţa, Chituc Sandbank; TL (frequent in Danube Delta, Portiţa).

6.35.11 Elymus farctus (Viv.) Runemark ex Melderis

  • Life-form: G Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: II categ. (Prodan 1939).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Maritime sands (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Agropyron junceum (L.) P. Beauv. – Prodan 1922, 1939; Sârbu et al. 1995a; A. junceum (L.) P. Beauv. var. sartorii Boiss et Heldr., var. junceum, var. bessarabicum – Doltu et al. 1983.

  • Distribution in Romania: CT: between Eforie and Năvodari, Capul Midia, Eforie N–Eforie S, Techirghiol, Agigea, incl. Danube Delta on Chituc and Perişor Sandbank, Sacalin islands, Vama Veche, Mangalia pond; TL: Letea and Sulina.

6.35.12 Elymus athericus (Link) Kerguélen

  • Life-form: G Per.

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Agropyron pycnanthus (Godr.) Melderis – Ciocârlan 1994; Ştefan et al. 1995; Agropyron litorale Dumort., nom. illeg. – Doltu et al. 1983.

  • Distribution in Romania: TL: Danube Delta on Sărăturile Sandbank.

6.35.13 Agropyron orientale (L.) Roem. et Schult.

  • Life-form: TH Ann.

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Sandy, less salinized soils (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Eremopyrum orientale (L.) Jaub. & Spach – Sârbu et al. 2001.

  • Distribution in Romania: VS: Ştefan cel Mare in Bălteni Railway Station, toward railways (cf. herbarium of Botanic Garden of Iași) .

6.35.14 Hordeum geniculatum All.

  • Life-form: TH Ann.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: Xero-mesohalophyte (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/Ecological spectrum: Dry, ruderalized, less salinized meadows (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Ciocârlan 2000; H. hystrix Roth. –Popescu and Bujorean 1957a, b; Samoilă 1957; Buia et al. 1959; Pop 1959; Bujorean et al. 1961; Crişan 1962; Popescu 1963; Borza 1966; Popescu-Domogled 1966; Păun 1967; Mititelu 1971a, 1975; Sanda et al. 1978; Doltu et al. 1979; Popescu et al. 1984; Sanda and Popescu 1984, 1990b, 1991; Coste et al. 1993; Ciocârlan 1994; Sârbu et al. 1995a, 2001; Ştefan and Oprea 2002; Sârbu 2003.

  • Distribution in Romania: SM: Ierului River Valley; CJ; BV; SB: Ocna Sibiului and Sibiu; AB; BH (incl. Ierului Valley); AR; TM; DJ; OT; AG; PH; GR; IF; BR; GL: Slobozia Oancei, Galaţi; VS; IS; TL: rare in Danube Delta; CT: Nuntaşi, Eforie, Constanţa, Mamaia, Capul Midia, Chituc, and Saele Sandbanks.

6.35.15 Hordeum marinum Huds.

  • Life-form: TH Ann.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: I categ. (Prodan 1939); preferential halophyte (Ţopa 1954, Andrei and Şerbănescu 1965).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: More or less salinized and ruderalized meadows (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990). It grows in clay sun-exposed soils, prefers areas free of vegetation and less salinized, and sometimes can endure habitats less flooded (Prodan 1922).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Flora XII; Pop and Hodişan 1977; Doltu et al. 1983; Popescu et al. 1984; Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Sârbu et al. 2001; H. maritimum Stokes. – Fuss 1866; Brandza 1879–1883; Schur 1885; Brandza 1898; Prodan 1922, 1939; Ţopa 1954; Andrei and Şerbănescu 1965; Şerbănescu 1965; Dihoru 1969; Popescu 1971; Pătraşcu 1973; Popescu and Sanda 1975; Doltu et al. 1979; Popescu et al. 1984; Sanda and Popescu 1991; H. marinum ssp. gussoneanum (Parl.) Asch, & Graebn. – Prodan 1939; Ivan et al. 1977–1978; Mititelu et al. 1978–1980; H. marinum ssp. hystrix – Sanda and Popescu 1984; H. marinum ssp. marinum – Pop 1999–2000; H. gussoneanum Parl. – Prodan 1923, 1956; Şerbănescu 1965.

  • Distribution in Romania: SB: Ocna Sibiului and Sibiu-Altenberg; AR; TM; CS (incl. Moldova Veche); MH: Schela Cladovei); Bucureşti; BR; GL; IS: Podu Iloaiei; TL: Sulina; CT (incl. Eforie S, Mangalia).

6.35.16 Hordeum jubatum L.

  • Life-form: H Per.

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Wet salinized meadows (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Sârbu et al. 2001.

  • Distribution in Romania: MM; TL in Danube Delta: Stipoc, Letea, and Sulina .

6.35.17 Hordeum secalinum Schreb.

  • Life-form: H Per.

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Wet salinized meadows (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Doltu et al. 1984; Ciocârlan 2000; H. pratense Huds., H. nodosum auct. Non L. – Flora X.

  • Distribution in Romania: GR: Călugăreni in Neajlov water meadow, Fântânele-Comana Forest.

6.35.18 Hordeum murinum L.

  • Life-form: TH Ann.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: Xeromesophilous (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Salinity tolerance: (1) 40, , 70; (2) 55, , 85.

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Todor 1947; Bucur et al. 1957; Sanda and Popescu 1984; Sârbu 2003.

  • Distribution in Romania: Maram., Trans., Criş., Ban., Olt., Munt., Mold., Bucov., Dobr.

6.35.19 Pholiurus pannonicus (Host) Trin.

  • Life-form: TH Ann.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: I categ. (Prodan 1939); preferential halophyte (Andrei and Şerbănescu 1965); mesohygrohalophilous (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Wet salinized meadows (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Prodan 1939; Popescu and Bujorean 1957a, b; Samoilă 1957; Pop 1959; Flora XII; Bujorean et al. 1961; Crişan 1962; Popescu 1963; Andrei and Şerbănescu 1965; Mititelu 1965, 1971a; Şerbănescu 1965; Popescu-Domogled 1966; Dihoru 1969; Cîrţu et al. 1977; Doltu et al. 1979, 1983, 1984; Ardelean 1980; Popescu et al. 1984; Sanda and Popescu 1990b; Coste et al. 1993; Ciocârlan 2000; Sârbu et al. 2001; Lepturus pannonicus (Host.) Kunth. – Prodan 1922, 1956; Isăcescu 1939.

  • Distribution in Romania: SM (frequent, incl. Răduleşti); BH (incl. Galoşpetreu, Otomani, Adoni, Săcueni, Cadea, Roşiori); AR: Pilu, Adea, Macea, Pecica, Sânmartin, Şimand; TM, Liebling; CS; DJ, incl. Craiova in Jiu river meadow, Popoveni, Rast; BZ: Ruşeţu; BR: Sărat Lake, Însurăţei; PH; GR: Ghimpaţi, Comana at Neajlov; IF; VS: Zorleni, 23 August Murgeni, Trestiana; CT: Saele Sandbank, Eforie N, Tariverde.

6.35.20 Parapholis incurva (L.) C. E. Hubb.

  • Life-form: Ann.

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Sandy, salinized meadows (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Pholiurus incurvus (L.) Schinz et Thell – Pop 1999–2000; P. incurvatus (L.) Hitchc. – Doltu et al. 1983.

  • Distribution in Romania: CT: Histria fortified city, Saele-Istria Sandbank, Chituc Sandbank, Lupilor Sandbank, Periboina, Portiţa, Perişor;? TL: Razelm Lake.

6.35.21 Molinia caerulea (L.) Moench

  • Life-form: H Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: Oligotrophic, mesohygrophilous-hygrophilous (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Wet marshy sometimes salinized soils (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Ţopa 1954; Flora X; Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Sârbu et al. 2001.

  • Distribution in Romania: Maram., Trans., Criş., Ban., Olt., Munt. (incl. AG: Stroeşti at “Lacul cu Ochiu”), Mold. (incl. mountains: Călimani; Ceahlău; NT: Cheile Şugăului Nature Reserve; IS: Lacuri-Deleni Forest, Verşeni; BT: Gorovei, Hilişeu-Horia, “Lozna-Dersca” Nature Reserve), Bucov.

6.35.22 Aeluropus littoralis (Gouan) Parl.

  • Life-form: H Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: I categ. (Prodan 1939); obligatory halophyte (Ţopa 1954); mesophilous-mesohygrohalophilous (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: It grows especially in wet sandy areas (Prodan 1922).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Grecescu 1898; Prodan 1922; Sch. Cent. III 1923; Prodan 1939; Ţopa 1954; Flora XII; Andrei and Diaconescu 1962; Popescu and Sanda 1973, 1975; Sanda and Popescu 1973, 1984, 1990a, b, 1992; Ivan et al. 1977–1978; Doltu et al. 1979, 1983, 1984; Popescu et al. 1984; Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Sârbu et al. 1995a, b, 2000, 2001; Ştefan and Sârbu 1995; Ştefan et al. 1995, 2001; Pop 1999–2000; Ştefan and Oprea 2001, 2002.

  • Distribution in Romania: BR: Lutul Alb pond, Movila Miresei; BZ; CT: Năvodari, Mamaia, Agigea, Chituc Sandbank, Saele Sandbank, Corbu; TL: Danube Delta (incl. Sulina, C. A. Rosetti, Letea toward Sulimanca, Sfiştofca).

6.35.23 Eragrostis pilosa (L.) Beauv

  • Life-form: TH Ann.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: III categ. (Prodan 1939); accidental halophyte (Ţopa 1954); xeromesophilous (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Brandza 1898; Prodan 1939, 1956; Ţopa 1954; Pop 1959, 1999–2000; Popescu 1963; Şerbănescu 1965; Coste et al. 1993; Sârbu et al. 2001.

  • Distribution in Romania: CJ; HR; CV; SB; AB; HD; BH; TM; CS, Gornea; MH: between Sviniţa and Tri-Kule, Schela Cladovei; DJ; VL; AG; PH; BZ; IF; Bucureşti; IL; BR; GL; IS; VS; CT; TL: rare in Danube Delta.

6.35.24 Polypogon monspeliensis (L.) Desf.

  • Life-form: TH Ann.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: I categ. (Prodan 1939); supporting halophyte (Ţopa 1954).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Ţopa 1954; Pop and Hodişan 1977; Sârbu et al. 1995a, 2000, 2001; Pop 1999–2000; Polypogon monspeliense – Grecescu 1898; Prodan 1939.

  • Distribution in Romania: littoral sands (CT: between Eforie and Năvodari, Mangalia (at Herghelie), Eforie S, Eforie N at Techirghiol Lake, Agigea, Constanţa, Chituc and Saele Sandbanks, Mamaia; TL: Sulina, Letea at Cardon); rarely ruderal (BV: in Poiana Braşov) .

6.35.25 Alopecurus arundinaceus Poir.

  • Life-form: H Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: Preferential halophyte (Ţopa 1954); neohalophyte (Bucur et al. 1961); mesohygrophilous-hygrophilous, facultative halophyte (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Marshy, sometimes salinized meadows (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Salinity tolerance: (1) 280, 320, 475; (2) 200, 220, 250.

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Sârbu et al. 2000, 2001; Ştefan and Oprea 2001; A. ventricosus Pers. – Ţopa 1954; Bucur et al. 1957, 1961; Şerbănescu 1965; Răvăruţ et al. 1968; Turenschi 1970; Mihai and Sârbu 1972; Mititelu 1975, 1987; Doltu et al. 1979; Ştefan et al. 1995.

  • Distribution in Romania: BZ: Rubla; VN: Adjudu Vechi; GL: Balinteşti, Berheci Railway Station, Vlădeşti; BC: Luncani, Fichiteşti, Oneşti and Tarniţa; IS: Iaşi, Mârzeşti, Ciurea, Cristeşti, “Valea lui David” Nature Reserve, “Valea Ilenei” Nature Reserve, Coada Stâncii, Aroneanu, Hlincea; BT: Podriga, Săveni, Sârbi, Hăneşti and Ştefăneşti, Luizoaia pond, Borzeşti; CT: Medgidia; TL: frequent in Danube Delta.

6.35.26 Alopecurus geniculatus L.

  • Life-form: TH H Ann.–Bienn.–Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: Neohalophyte (Bucur et al. 1961); mesohygrophilous, facultative halophyte (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Salinity tolerance: (1) 80, 150, 390; (2) 60, 120, 340.

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Prodan 1923; Bucur et al. 1957, 1961; Pop 1959, 1999–2000; Bujorean et al. 1961; Mihai 1969; Schneider-Binder 1970; Mititelu 1971a, 1975; Mititelu and Barabaş 1975b; Doltu et al. 1979; Mititelu et al. 1988; Sanda and Popescu 1991; Ciocârlan 1994; Ştefan et al. 1995.

  • Distribution in Romania: MM; SM; CJ; BN; HR; SB; BV; HD; BH; AR; TM; DJ; PH; GL: Hanu Conachi-Fundeni, Dobrineşti, Frunzeasca, Munteni; VN: Adjudu Vechi, Ploscuţeni; BC: Bereşti, Cleja; NT; BT: Joldeşti, Luizoaia pond, Botoşani; TL: rare in Danube Delta – Rusca.

6.35.27 Crypsis aculeata (L.) Aiton

  • Life-form: TH Ann.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: I categ. (Prodan 1939); obligatory halophyte (Ţopa 1954, Andrei and Şerbănescu 1965); euhalophyte (Bucur et al. 1960a); mesohalophyte-mesohygrohalophilous (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Wet salinized meadows (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990). Prefers clay or clay-sandy soils; individuals growing within other compact species have an erect position, long branches, and broader leaves, while those growing in patches free of vegetation and sun-exposed have long prostrate branches (Prodan 1922).

  • Salinity tolerance: (1) 120, 230, 230; (2) 90, 160, 510.

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Fuss 1866; Brandza 1879–1883; Schur 1885; Brandza 1898; Prodan 1922; Sch. Cent. VIII–IX 1928; Prodan 1939, 1956; Ţopa 1939a, 1954; Răvăruţ 1941; Csűros 1947; Bucur et al. 1960a; Flora XII; Csűros et al. 1961; Andrei and Diaconescu 1962; Andrei and Şerbănescu 1965; Csűros-Kaptalan 1965; Mititelu 1965, 1971a, 1987; Şerbănescu 1965; Bucur and Turcu 1966; Sanda and Ciobanu 1967; Mihai 1969; Dobrescu et al. 1973; Pătraşcu 1973; Sanda and Popescu 1973, 1984, 1990b, 1991; Cîrţu et al. 1977; Rudescu et al. 1977; Ivan et al. 1977–1978; Doltu et al. 1979, 1983; Popescu et al. 1984; Coste et al. 1993; Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Sârbu et al. 1995a, 2001; Ştefan et al. 1995; Pop 1999–2000; Ştefan and Oprea 2001, 2002; C. aculeata (L.) Aiton; f. incrassata Borza – Doltu et al. 1984.

  • Distribution in Romania: Maram., Trans., Criş., Ban., Olt., Munt., Mold., Bucov. (SV: Marginea), Dobr. (rare in Danube Delta) .

6.35.28 Crypsis alopecuroides (Piller et Mitterp.) Schrad.

  • Life-form: TH Ann.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: I categ. (Prodan 1939); supporting halophyte (Ţopa 1954); mesohygrophilous, facultative halophyte (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Wet, alluvial, sometimes salinized soils (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Ţopa 1954; Samoilă 1957; Andrei and Şerbănescu 1965; Sanda and Popescu 1991; Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Sârbu et al. 2001; Heleochloa alopecuroides (Piller & Mitterp.) Host ex Roem. – Pax 1919; Prodan 1922, 1939, 1956; Buia et al. 1959; Crişan 1962; Popescu 1963; Flora XII; Şerbănescu 1965; Pătraşcu 1973; Ardelean 1980; Doltu et al. 1983; Mititelu 1987; Coste et al. 1993; Pop 1999–2000.

  • Distribution in Romania: Maram., Trans., Criş., Ban., Olt., Munt., Mold., Bucov. (SV: Dolhasca); Dobr. (rare in Danube Delta) .

6.35.29 Crypsis schoenoides (L.) Lam.

  • Life-form: TH Ann.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: I categ. (Prodan 1939); preferential halophyte (Ţopa 1954); euhalophyte (Bucur et al. 1960a); mesohygrohalophilous (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: Wet, salinized habitats (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Salinity tolerance: (1) 220, 260, 1200; (2) 140, 180, 1580.

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Guebhard 1848; Brandza 1879–1883; Brandza 1898; Ţopa 1939a; Ţopa 1954; Andrei and Şerbănescu 1965; Sanda and Popescu 1991; Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Ştefan et al. 1995; Sârbu et al. 2001; Heleochloa schoenoides (L.) Host – Prodan 1922, 1939; Răvăruţ 1941; Prodan 1956; Bucur et al. 1960a; Flora XII; Andrei and Şerbănescu 1965; Mititelu 1965, 1971a, 1987; Şerbănescu 1965; Mihai 1969; Ciocârlan 1972; Dobrescu et al. 1973; Pătraşcu 1973; Doltu et al. 1979, 1983; Mititelu et al. 1978–1980; Popescu et al. 1984; Sanda and Popescu 1984; Coste et al. 1993; Pop 1999–2000; Ştefan and Oprea 2001.

  • Distribution in Romania: SM (frequent); CJ; SB: Bazna, Târnăvioara, and Ţapu; BH; AR; TM: Diniaş and Giulvăz; MH: between Sviniţa and Tri-Kule; DJ; DB; PH; BZ; IF; BR: Sărat Lake; GL: Baz. Chinejii, Cosmeşti-Deal, Independenţa, Mândreşti; VN; BC: Bacău; IS: “Valea Ilenei” Nature Reserve, Hodora; SV: Iacobeni; BT; TL: rare in Danube Delta, Sulina, Letea .

6.35.30 Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.

  • Life-form: G Per.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: III categ. (Prodan 1939); supporting halophyte (Ţopa 1954, Andrei and Şerbănescu 1965); neohalophyte (Bucur et al. 1961); xeromesophilous, subtermophilic, facultative halophyte (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Habitat/ecological spectrum: More characteristic to sandy areas, where might be involved in soil stabilization; it also occurs on the border of salty lakes and even higher places (Prodan 1922).

  • Salinity tolerance: (1) 25, 80, 265; (2) 45, 90, 570.

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Pax 1919; Prodan 1922, 1939, 1956; Todor 1947; Ţopa 1954; Bucur et al. 1957; Popescu and Bujorean 1957a, b; Samoilă 1957; Buia et al. 1959; Samoilă 1960; Bucur et al. 1961; Andrei and Diaconescu 1962; Crişan 1962; Popescu 1963; Flora XII; Andrei and Şerbănescu 1965; Şerbănescu 1965; Răvăruţ et al. 1968; Turenschi 1970; Mititelu 1971a, 1987; Mititelu and Barabaş 1972; Rusu and Bîrjoveanu 1972; Pătraşcu 1973; Popescu and Sanda 1973, 1975; Sanda and Popescu 1973, 1984, 1990b, 1991; Ivan et al. 1977–1978; Sanda et al. 1978; Popescu et al. 1984, 1987; Coste et al. 1993; Ciocârlan 1994, 2000; Sârbu et al. 1995a, 2000, 2001; Pop 1999–2000; Sârbu 2003.

  • Distribution in Romania: Maram., Trans., Criş., Ban., Olt., Munt., Mold ., Bucov., Dobr.

6.35.31 Apera spica-venti (L.) Beauv.

  • Life-form: TH Ann.

  • Halophyte type/ecological type: Xeromesophilous-mesophilous, calciphobous (Ciocârlan 1988, 1990).

  • Authors with cited species/synonyms: Buia et al. 1959; Sanda and Popescu 1973; Sârbu et al. 1995a, 2001; ssp. spica-venti, ssp. maritima (Klokov) Tzvelev – Ciocârlan 1994; Apera maritima – Sârbu et al. 1995b.

  • Distribution in Romania: Maram., Trans., Criş., Ban., Olt., Munt., Mold., Bucov ., Dobr .

7 Concluding Remarks

Following a brief analysis of this list, 215 salt-tolerant species have been recorded, which are related to saline environments (Table 3). As already underlined, this number is much lower comparatively with that from previously published lists (Grigore 2008b, 2012). Again, it should be emphasized that expressions of halophyte, salt-tolerant plants, as well as saline environments, must be regarded in the context of discussions carried out in the introductory part of this work. Sometimes, even species that are traditionally regarded as halophytic may not require salts for their growth and development as would be expected or even are inhibited by salt in a larger extent comparatively with species that are known to be less tolerant to salinity (Grigore et al. 2012). With the lack of data about salinity tolerance thresholds in halophytic species, we have to rely on chosen criteria, despite their limitations. Likely, if more results would be available in this direction, some of the included species could be eliminated from the list, while others included within.

Table 3 Number of Romanian salt-tolerant species and their botanical distribution (Note: Chenopodiaceae has been here maintained separately from Amaranthaceae)

However, the number of euhalophytes (obligatory halophytes) is considerably lower than that of other types of halophytes.

Pop (1999–2000) states that about 100 species of halophytes vegetate in Romania.

As regards Aronson’s list of salt-tolerant plants of the world (1650 species), Romanian species would represent 13.03%. As noticed from Table 3, more than a half of Romanian halophyte species are restricted to six to seven botanical families that are recognized as highly halophytic: Chenopodiaceae, Poaceae, Asteraceae, Cyperaceae, Fabaceae, Juncaceae, and Brassicaceae.