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The Narrative Crisis Model of Suicide: A Novel and Empirically Grounded Diathesis-Stress Model of Suicide

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Suicide Risk Assessment and Prevention


The Narrative Crisis Model of suicide (NCM) is a dynamic multi-stage model of suicide which incorporates well-documented long- and short-term risk factors for suicide. Very innovative, and yet in continuous dialogue with the other models of suicide in the extant literature, the NCM emerged out of the urgent need to better understand, assess, and treat imminent risk for suicide. The goal of this chapter is to provide a comprehensive presentation of the NCM and establish its contribution to the conceptualization and the assessment of imminent suicide risk. The first section of the chapter provides a comprehensive review of the underlying reasons for the creation of this model and the ways in which its components address common pitfalls in clinical conceptualizations of and assessment of imminent risk for suicide. The second section presents the different components of the model and the empirical evidence that supports each component as well as the model as a whole. The third and the last section of this chapter proposes a comparison of the NCM and the other leading models of suicide in the extant literature.

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Bloch-Elkouby, S., Yanez, N., Chennapragada, L., Richards, J., Cohen, L., Galynker, I. (2021). The Narrative Crisis Model of Suicide: A Novel and Empirically Grounded Diathesis-Stress Model of Suicide. In: Pompili, M. (eds) Suicide Risk Assessment and Prevention. Springer, Cham.

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