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Lipids of Halophyte Species Growing in Lake Elton Region (South East of the European Part of Russia)

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Handbook of Halophytes


The chapter describes the specificity of lipid composition of halophytes growing in Prieltonie, one of the saline regions of the northern part of the Caspian lowland of Russia. In addition to salinization, the plants growing in this region experience the effects of intense insolation and high temperature – throughout most of their vegetative season. Soil salinization is one of the main factors affecting on the dominance of halophytes in the region. The adaptation of plants to salt stress is based on the ability of cells to control the transport of salt across membranes. The structural basis for cell membranes is provided by amphiphilic lipids with a polar hydrophilic group and nonpolar hydrophobic fatty acids, as well as steroid compounds. The halophyte groups (eu-, cryno-, and glycohalophytes) differ in their lipid composition: the contents of different groups and classes of lipids – as well as in the fatty acid composition. Lipids are specifically allocated in the plant cell. Glyceroglycolipids are predominantly concentrated in the cell plastids. Glycerophospholipids form the matrix of extra-chloroplastic membranes. The content of glycerolipids in the chloroplast membranes positively correlates with the size of the chloroplast and the content of photosynthetic pigments. The chloroplast and mitochondrial membranes of halophytes contain detergent-resistant regions enriched in sterols, ceramides, and saturated lipids. The differences in the lipid composition in membranes of cells, organelles, and microdomenes are associated with the specifics of salt metabolism of the halophyte species and indicate involvement of lipids in the adaptation of plants to the abiotic environmental factors.

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Chl (a, b):

Chlorophylls (a, b)






Detergent-resistant microdomenes


Esterified sterols


Fatty acids




Light-harvesting complexes


Malonic dialdehyde




Membrane lipids


Neutral lipids


Phosphatidic acid


Photosynthetic apparatus












Reactive oxygen species


Standard error






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Rozentsvet, O.A., Nesterov, V.N., Bogdanova, E.S. (2020). Lipids of Halophyte Species Growing in Lake Elton Region (South East of the European Part of Russia). In: Grigore, MN. (eds) Handbook of Halophytes. Springer, Cham.

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