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Social Distribution of Occupational Hazards

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Handbook of Socioeconomic Determinants of Occupational Health

Part of the book series: Handbook Series in Occupational Health Sciences ((HDBSOHS))

  • 222 Accesses


In the present chapter, an overview of the social distribution of major occupational hazards is provided. To this end, the prevalence and/or incidence rates of selected chemical, physical, and organizational hazards across occupational categories are presented. The chapter focuses on chemical substances related to cancer and allergic reactions; physical hazards such as noise, biomechanical forces, and ultraviolet radiation; and organizational hazards related to job demands, decision latitude, working time arrangements, and leadership. In addition, several mediators and moderators of exposure to occupational hazards are discussed which encompass occupational inequalities of hazard control, simultaneous exposure to multiple hazards, and behaviors and attitudes toward safety procedures. The chapter ends with some concluding remarks for future research and practice.

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Montano, D. (2020). Social Distribution of Occupational Hazards. In: Theorell, T. (eds) Handbook of Socioeconomic Determinants of Occupational Health. Handbook Series in Occupational Health Sciences. Springer, Cham.

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