CAS Registry Number: 21490-21-1

Taxonomy: Physicochemical and Biological Properties of Phytoecdysteroids – Phytoecdysteroids and Their Conjugates

Biological sources: Ajuga incisa [1], Ajuga iva [2], A. reptans [3], A. turkestanica [4]

C29H46O7: 506.3243

Mp: 240°C [1]

[α]D + 54.7° (c, MeOH) [1]

IR (KBr) νmax cm−1: 3400, 1650 [1]

UV λ MeOHmax nm (ε): 244 (10675) [1]

EI-MS m/z: 506 [M]+, 363, 345, 327, 143 [M-C22-C27]+, 125, 107 [1]

1 H NMR (J/Hz, C5D5N): 4.05 (Ha-2), 4.14 (He-3), 6.18 (H-7), 1.16 (CH3-18), 1.05 (CH3-19), 1.54 (CH3-21), 3.85 (dd, H-22), 0.86 (t, J = 7.0, CH3-29), 4.36 (CH2–OH), 5.03, 5.33 (CH2=) [1]

Pharm./Biol.: Chilo test: highly active [1].