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Coarctation of the aorta (CoA) is the sixth most common congenital heart disease (CHD). It consists of a narrowing in the proximal descending aorta that encompasses a variety of severity, from a mild discrete stenosis to severe tubular hypoplasia. CoA results from abnormal ductal tissue surrounding the descending aorta and altered fetal blood flow patterns. It was one of the first successfully treated forms of CHD. There are currently several surgical and transcatheter techniques available to treat coarctation. Management strategy depends on several factors including patient age, morphology of the CoA, presence of coexisting defects, and confounding risk factors. Despite adequate relief of the stenosis, patients with CoA remain with significant long-term morbidity related to an altered blood pressure phenotype as vascular dysfunction, which underline that CoA is not a mere focal stenosis but a challenging systemic arterial disease.

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Ascending aorta


Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring


Balloon dilation


Body mass index


Blood pressure


Congenital heart disease


Cardiovascular magnetic resonance


Coarctation of the aorta


Computed tomography




Cardiovascular disease




Heart rate




Left ventricle




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Martins, J.D., Prakash, A., Trigo, C., Fragata, J., Geva, T. (2021). Coarctation of the Aorta. In: da Cruz, E.M., Ivy, D., Hraska, V., Jaggers, J. (eds) Pediatric and Congenital Cardiology, Cardiac Surgery and Intensive Care. Springer, London.

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