Limits and formation of beach features

When discussing the types of features that can be observed along a beach, it is important to first consider the boundaries in the coastal zone that define the limits of a beach. In everyday usage and in the scientific literature, there are some differences in defining these limits, primarily with regard to the seaward limit. Recreational beach users will often consider the beach to extend no farther seaward than the shoreline, and thus limit the beach to an entirely emergent feature, having a width that varies with changing water level. Scientific usage typically extends the beach out to the maximum limit of low water regardless of the water level at any particular time. In some scientific usage, such as in the discussion of coastal sediment dynamics, the seaward limit of the beach may be considered to extend out to the breaker zone (Figure B22) well beyond the low-water shoreline. The most useful definition, and the one used here, is that the beach refers to the zone containing unconsolidated material that extends from the limit of ordinary low-water (or mean low-tide level) on its seaward side to the limit of influence by storm waves on its landward side (Figure B22) (Hunt and Groves, 1965; Baker et al., 1966; Coastal Engineering Research Center, 1984).

Figure B22
figure 1_1-4020-3880-1_34

Generalized beach and nearshore profile showing names of major beach features and zones.

Based on morphology, the beach is divisible into two zones. The backshore is the more landward and higher part of the beach and is typically a near-horizontal to gently landward-sloping surface. The backshore is not affected by the run-up of waves except during storm events, and so this is the typically dry part of the beach. The landward limit of the beach, which is the limit of influence of storm waves, generally is marked by a change in material, a change in morphology, or a change to a zone of permanent vegetation. Examples of such a landward limit include dunes, cliffs or bluffs, or even engineered structures such as bulkheads or revetments. The foreshore, also called the beachface, is the more seaward part of the beach. The foreshore has an overall seaward slope, but may include one or more ridges and troughs on its lower slope. Because the foreshore extends to the limit of ordinary low-water, at times of high-water the lower part of the foreshore is submerged.

Critical in the definition of a beach is the presence of unconsolidated materials. These unconsolidated materials are what make a beach, and it is the erosion, transport, and deposition of these materials that results in beach features. Worldwide, the most common beach material is sandsize sediments composed of mineral, shell, or rock fragments. Coarser beach materials include gravel, cobbles, shingle, and even boulders. The beach will be made from whatever is locally available for the waves to rework. Along shores impacted by commercial or industrial activity, it is not uncommon to find beaches composed in part or completely of bricks, broken concrete, demolition debris, or any other material that may have been dumped along the shore and subjected to movement and redistribution by wave action.

The types of features that may occur along and across a beach vary in time, scale, and relative position. The primary agent in forming beach features is wave action (Davis, 1985). Other important agents are the rise and fall of water level, currents, wind, and ice in settings where coastal ice can form. Some beach features can form and persist indefinitely with minimal change in shape or location, but these are the exception. Because the beach is a dynamic setting, most beach features are ephemeral. Once formed, most beach features will only persist until new wave, water level, current, or wind conditions destroy them and replace them with new features.

Beach slope

Beach slope, which refers to the slope of the foreshore or beachface, deserves special mention as a beach feature because it is one of the characteristics used to distinguish different beaches. Slope is a dynamic feature that changes with changes in wave conditions as well as the gain or loss of different sediment sizes on the beach face. In general, the slope angle, measured relative to a horizontal plane, increases as the grain size increases; thus beaches composed of material such as pebbles or cobbles will tend to have a steeper beach face than ones made of sand. This slope difference relates to the greater permeability of the larger materials (Bagnold, 1940; Bascom, 1951; King, 1972). The wave run-up (or swash) can percolate downward through the interstitial spaces of the larger materials, and this minimizes the erosional influence of the runback (or backwash). Storm conditions will flatten the beach slope as beach sediment is eroded and transported seaward. In the calmer wave conditions following the storm, beach slope recovers to a steeper slope as material is accreted to the beach.

Major beach features

Major beach features are here defined as those having large topographic expression or large areal extent. One of the beach features that can have the largest vertical expression on a beach is a beach scarp. Beach scarps are erosional features that occur when the slope of the beachface is lowered during storm events, and the beachface migrates landward by cutting into the backshore. The result is a near-vertical slope along the limit of this erosion (Figure B23). The height of a beach scarp may be just a few centimeters or a meter or more depending on the degree of wave action and the type of beach material. Beach scarps are commonly observed in areas where a new supply of sediment (i.e., beach nourishment) has recently been applied in an effort to replenish and build up the beach and wave action has cut into this nourishment and redistributed the sediment in the process of reestablishing an equilibrium beach profile.

Figure B23
figure 2_1-4020-3880-1_34

Beach scarp resulting from recent storm erosion along a sand beach on the Illinois shore of Lake Michigan at Illinois Beach State Park. (photo by Michael Chrzastowski, Illinois State Geological Survey.)

One of the reasons that beach scarps are prominent beach features is that these near-vertical erosional features are cut into a near-horizontal area of the upper beach. This upper beach, in many cases, is a broad, near-horizontal to gently landward-sloping area called a beach berm, or simply a berm (Figure B22). Berms are depositional features formed from the wave-induced onshore accumulation of sediment. Local coastal conditions may preclude formation of a berm along some beach segments, while other beach segments may have two or more berms at different elevations. When more than one berm occurs, the lower berm(s) (sometimes called the ordinary berm) is a result of average or more typical waves, and the higher berm(s) (sometimes called the storm berm) is a result of the less frequent larger waves. A beach scarp may exist between two berms having different elevations. The seaward margin of the berm is typically defined by a rather abrupt change in slope from the near horizontal surface of the berm to the inclined surface of the beachface. The line defined by this change in slope is called the berm crest or berm edge. The berm crest is the distinguishing beach feature that divides the beach into the foreshore and backshore zones (Figure B22).

When low-water occurs, large-scale beach features are exposed that formed underwater and have a morphology influenced by waves, water-level changes, and associated currents. Ridges and runnels are the most common of these features. Ridges are elongate low mounds of beach material that are parallel or subparallel to the shore; runnels are the low areas or troughs that occur between the ridges and on the landward side of the shoremost ridge. A single ridge-runnel set may occur with the runnel on the landward side of the ridge or, if the lower foreshore is a broad, low-slope area, multiple sets of ridges and runnels may extend across this area. Such multiple sets of ridges and runnels form a washboard or corrugated topography across the lower beachface that contrasts with the smoother surface across the upper beachface. Another term for these features is “ball” referring to the ridge, and “low” referring to the runnel. The term “trough” is also sometimes applied to the runnel.

Ridges and runnels, when present in multiple sets, are one example of the types of repetitive patterns that can be observed in beach features. Another major beach feature with a repetitive nature is the beach cusp. Beach cusps are low mounds of beach material, separated by crescent-shaped troughs, occurring in a series along the shore. Yet another repetitive feature, and one of potentially large vertical scale, is the beach ridge. Beach ridges are depositional features, formed by the mounding of beach material by wave action, usually during storm events. Beach ridges are formed in the backshore zone, in some places at the most landward limit of wave influence, and they can extend as a nearly continuous linear feature for many kilometers along the shore. Wind transport may contribute sand to the tops of these ridges and form superimposed dunes (i.e., dune ridges). A single beach ridge may develop, persist for some time, and then be destroyed by renewed storm action. Sequential beach ridges may form through a series of depositional events and, with time, the juxtaposition of these ridges will contribute to the progradation of the coast.

A major beach feature common to barrier island beaches is the washover fan. During storm events, elevated water levels and large wave run-up can combine to transport large volumes of beach material across the beach to be deposited in broad, lobate accumulations on the landward margin of the beach. These deposits, called washover fans, essentially extend the landward limit of the beach and play an important role in the landward and upward migration of the beach during conditions of rising sea level (Kraft and Chrzastowski, 1985). On barrier island beaches, the formation of washover fans results in the burial of back-barrier marshes and filling along the barrier margin of lagoons.

Coasts that are subject to seasonal ice formation, such as the Great Lakes coasts of North America, can have various beach features that are related to the presence of coastal ice. A hummocky topography may develop along the upper foreshore as a result of sediment pushed into ridges and mounds by wave-thrusted ice. Shallow depressions may also develop across the upper foreshore where wave run-up may remove thin slabs of ice-cemented sand. Once an ice complex forms along the shore, a hummocky topography may develop in the lower foreshore by the action of grounded ice and the scour and fill by waves and currents around the edges of the ice. On the outer edge of the ice, an erosional trough may develop caused by the downward deflection of wave energy as waves impact the ice face. This trough can be a half-meter deep and 2–3 m wide (Barnes et al., 1994). The trough location will shift toward or away from shore as the ice margin shifts in these directions. These troughs and all other ice-related beach features are relatively short-lived. Once the ice conditions cease, any ice-induced modifications to the beach morphology are quickly eliminated by ice-free wave conditions.

Minor beach features

Minor beach features are defined here as those with minimal topographic expression or small areal extent. Although limited in height and area, some of these beach features can be visually prominent because of contrast in color, texture, or materials compared to the surrounding beach. Prime examples of such prominent, small-scale beach features are the tidemark which is the high-water mark left by tidal water, and swash marks formed along the landward limit of wave swash on the beach face. The tide mark is generally a nearly continuous wavy line defined by an accumulation of driftwood, seaweed, and other floatable debris collectively called flotsam, left on the beach by the previous highest tide level. Swash marks are a series of superimposed scalloped or fan-shaped patterns defined by fine sand, mica flakes, or bits of seaweed deposited along the most landward reach of the swash. Swash marks are beach features that are in a nearly continuous state of formation and destruction with each new swash event. So too are backwash patterns which are diagonal patterns formed on the beach by the dispersion of backwash flowing around small obstacles such as a shell or pebble. A falling tide or the lowering of water level after a storm can contribute to the formation of rill marks which are small, erosional furrows or channels across the beachface caused by the seaward flow of water as the water table in the beach lowers and water percolates out onto the beachface in a spring-like manner. Air holes may also occur on the beachface as water percolates and forces air from the pore spaces up to the surface.

Near the ridge and runnel on the lower foreshore slope, a subtle linear feature may occur called the step or plunge step. This is a subtle decline in the foreshore profile that is caused by the final plunge of waves before running up the beachface. The plunge step is best developed in settings of low tidal range and steep foreshore slope (Davis, 1985).

Because one or more of the berms of a beach are elevated above the influence of the swash, fine sand across these berms is typically dry and can be influenced by wind action. Although the berms are located on the beach, features can develop here that are common to dunes and desert settings. Sand ripples may develop, small dunes may form in wind shadows such as behind logs or other driftwood, and wind deflation areas may occur where the fine sand has been removed to lower the surface and leave a concentration of coarser particles similar to a desert pavement.