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BMC Health Services Research
Publishing model:
Open access

Volumes and issues

Search all BMC Health Services Research articles
  • Volume 24

  • Volume 23

  • Volume 22

  • Volume 21

    • Issue 1
    • Issue 2 supplement

      Health facility data to monitor national and subnational progress - Part 2

    • Issue 1 supplement

      Health facility data to monitor national and subnational progress

  • Volume 20

  • Volume 19

    • Issue 1
    • Issue 1 supplement

      CISBETI 2019 - International Congress of Health, Well-Being, Technology and Innovation

  • Volume 18

  • Volume 17

    • Issue 4 supplement

      Improving health and wellness in medically underserved communities: insights, innovations, and applications

    • Issue 3 supplement
    • Issue 1
    • Issue 2 supplement

      Research for health systems strengthening in Africa: studies by fellows of the African Doctoral Dissertation Research Fellowship (ADDRF) program

    • Issue 1 supplement

      Enhancing the depth and breadth of healthcare services in communities: insights, innovations, and applications

  • Volume 16

  • Volume 15

    • Issue 3 supplement

      User Fee Exemption Policies

    • Issue 2 supplement

      Patient Classification Systems International 2014 - Patient information for better choice: abstracts

    • Issue 1 supplement

      Improved access to maternal, newborn and child health services: strengthening human resources for health

    • Issue 1
  • Volume 14

    • Issue 1
    • Issue 2 supplement

      Health Services Research: Evidence-based practice

    • Issue 1 supplement

      Uptake and impact of research for evidence-based practice: lessons from the Africa Health Systems Initiative's research component

  • Volume 13

  • Volume 12

    • Issue 1
    • Issue 1 supplement

      Proceedings of the 6th International Casemix Conference 2012 (6ICMC2012) - Moving Beyond The Casemix Frontier: Towards Sub-Acute and Non-Acute Classifications

  • Volume 11

    • Issue 2 supplement

      Social audit: building the community voice into health service delivery and planning

    • Issue 1
    • Issue 1 supplement

      Patient Classification Systems International: 2011 Case Mix Conference

  • Volume 10

    • Issue 1
    • Issue 2 supplement

      Patient Classification Systems International: 2010 Case Mix Conference

    • Issue 1 supplement

      Scaling-up health services in low- and middle-income settings

  • Volume 9

    • Issue 1
    • Issue 1 supplement

      Patient Classification Systems International: 2009 Case Mix Conference

  • Volume 8

    • Issue 1
    • Issue 1 supplement

      Patient Classification Systems International: 2008 Case Mix Conference

  • Volume 7

    • Issue 1
    • Issue 1 supplement

      Patient Classification Systems International: 2007 Case Mix Conference

  • Volume 6

  • Volume 5

  • Volume 4

  • Volume 3

  • Volume 2

  • Volume 1
