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Acta Neurochirurgica

The European Journal of Neurosurgery

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Showing 51-100 of 13,479 articles
  1. Descriptive epidemiology of 399 histologically confirmed newly diagnosed meningeal solitary fibrous tumours and haemangiopericytomas in France: 2006–2015

    • Charles Champeaux Depond
    • Sonia Zouaoui
    • French Brain Tumour DataBase (FBTDB) Participants and Investigators with the participation of the Société française de neurochirurgie (SFNC), Club de neuro-oncologie de la société française de neurochirurgie, Société française de neuropathologie (SFNP), Association des neuro-oncologues d’expression française (ANOCEF)
    Research 02 August 2024 Article: 320
