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Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review - Call for Papers "Nobuo Okishio and The Theory of Accumulation: A Critical Assessment"

Associate Editor: Toichiro Asada (Chuo University)
Guest Editor: Yasutaka Niisato (Former Professor, University of Toyama)

Due Date: May 31, 2024
Planned publication issue: The September 2024 Issue

Nobuo Okishio, an internationally famous mathematical Marxian Economist, published a book Chikusekiron (The Theory of Accumulation) in 1967 from the publisher Chikuma Shobo, Tokyo in Japanese, and the second edition of this book was published in 1976 also in Japanese. This is a very important contribution to mathematical Marxian economic theory, because this book contains a unique integration of Marxian theory of crises and mathematically formulated Keynesian / Harrodian macrodynamic theory. However, until recently, this important book was not accessible to non-Japanese researchers because of the language barrier. In this sense, the publication of the English version of this book by Springer in 2022, with subtitle of “A Marxian Approach to the Dynamics of Capitalist Economy”, will be welcomed by a wide range of non-Japanese researchers including Keynesian macroeconomists as well as Marxian-oriented economists.

The Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review (EIER) plants to publish a special issue on “Nobuo Okishio and The Theory of Accumulation: A Critical Assessment”. The special issue calls for papers on the following topics:

  1. Extension of Okishio theory
  2. Criticism on Okishio theory
  3. Empirical research
  4. Application and policy.

Please follow the submission guidelines (this opens in a new tab) when preparing your manuscript.

Papers must be submitted to the journal's submission system. Please select “Yes” for the question “Does this manuscript belong to a special issue?” found at the bottom of the Additional Information tab and then select the special issue “S.I. :  Nobuo Okishio and The Theory of Accumulation: A Critical Assessment”.
