Topical Collection on Effects of Landscape Structure on Undesired/Over-Abundant Species and Ecological Processes

ISSN: 2364-494X (Online)

In this topical collection (3 articles)

  1. Effects of Landscape Structure on Undesired/Over-Abundant Species and Ecological Processes (S Collinge, Section Editor)

    Landscape Features and Processes Influencing Forest Pest Dynamics

    Scott Ferrenberg Pages 19-29
  2. Effects of Landscape Structure on Undesired/Over-Abundant Species and Ecological Processes (S Collinge, Section Editor)

    Direct and Indirect Interactions between Landscape Structure and Invasive or Overabundant Species

    Amanda D. Rodewald, Peter Arcese Pages 30-39
  3. Effects of Landscape Structure on Undesired/Over-Abundant Species and Ecological Processes (S Collinge, Section Editor)

    Landscape Effects on the Spread of Invasive Species

    Andrew O’Reilly-Nugent, Rakhi Palit Pages 107-114