Topical Collection on Climate Change and Conflicts

ISSN: 2198-6061 (Online)

In this topical collection (14 articles)

  1. Climate Change and Conflict (E Gilmore and E Tennant, Section Editors)

    The Nexus of Climate Change, Land Use, and Conflicts

    Rebecca Froese, Janpeter Schilling Pages 24-35
  2. Climate Change and Conflicts (E Gilmore, Section Editor)

    Climate Change, the Economy, and Conflict

    Vally Koubi Pages 200-209
  3. Climate Change and Conflicts (E Gilmore and E Tennant, Section Editors)

    Bridging Research and Policy on Climate Change and Conflict

    Elisabeth A. Gilmore, Lauren Herzer Risi Pages 313-319
  4. Climate Change and Conflicts (E Gilmore and E Tennant, Section Editors)

    Taking Stock: the Field of Climate and Security

    Joshua Busby Pages 338-346