Topical Collection on Methods in Environmental Epidemiology

ISSN: 2196-5412 (Online)

In this topical collection (18 articles)

  1. Methods in Environmental Epidemiology (AZ Pollack and NJ Perkins, Section Editors)

    Understanding and Mitigating the Replication Crisis, for Environmental Epidemiologists

    Scott M. Bartell Pages 8-15
  2. Methods in Environmental Epidemiology (AZ Pollack and NJ Perkins, Section Editors)

    Complex Mixtures, Complex Analyses: an Emphasis on Interpretable Results

    Elizabeth A. Gibson, Jeff Goldsmith Pages 53-61
  3. Methods in Environmental Epidemiology (EF Schisterman and AZ Pollack, Section Editors)

    Concepts for Studying Urban Environmental Justice

    Jason Corburn Pages 61-67
  4. Methods in Environmental Epidemiology (AZ Pollack and NJ Perkins, Section Editors)

    Multiple Imputation for Incomplete Data in Environmental Epidemiology Research

    Prince Addo Allotey, Ofer Harel Pages 62-71
  5. Methods in Environmental Epidemiology (EF Schisterman and AZ Pollack, Section Editors)

    Measurement Error and Environmental Epidemiology: a Policy Perspective

    Jessie K. Edwards, Alexander P. Keil Pages 79-88
  6. Methods in Environmental Epidemiology (A Pollack and M Kioumourtzoglou, Section Editors)

    Exposure Assessment for Tropical Cyclone Epidemiology

    G. Brooke Anderson, Andrea Schumacher, James Done Pages 104-119