Topical Collection on Stem Cell Biology for Tooth and Periodontal Regeneration

ISSN: 2196-3002 (Online)

In this topical collection (7 articles)

  1. Stem-cell Biology for Tooth and Periodontal Regeneration (M Bartold, Section Editor)

    Periodontal Ligament Stem Cells for Periodontal Regeneration

    In Seok Song, Yoon Sic Han, Joo-Hee Lee, Soyoun Um Pages 236-244
  2. Stem-cell Biology for Tooth and Periodontal Regeneration (M Bartold, Section Editor)

    Immunomodulatory Properties of PDLSC and Relevance to Periodontal Regeneration

    Naohisa Wada, Atsushi Tomokiyo, Stan Gronthos Pages 245-251
  3. Stem-cell Biology for Tooth and Periodontal Regeneration (M Bartold, Section Editor)

    Cell Sheets for Periodontal Tissue Engineering

    Takanori Iwata, Masayuki Yamato, Kaoru Washio, Tomohiro Ando Pages 252-256
  4. Stem-cell Biology for Tooth and Periodontal Regeneration (M Bartold, Section Editor)

    Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells and Periodontal Regeneration

    Mi Du, Xuejing Duan, Pishan Yang Pages 257-265
  5. Stem-cell Biology for Tooth and Periodontal Regeneration (M Bartold, Section Editor)

    Is There a Role for Neural Crest Stem Cells in Periodontal Regeneration?

    Atsushi Tomokiyo, Kim Hynes, Stan Gronthos, Naohisa Wada Pages 275-281