Topical Collection on Updates in Parasitology from Argentina

ISSN: 2196-3045 (Online)

In this topical collection (4 articles)

  1. Updates in Parasitology from Argentina (A Sanchez and A Toloza, Section Editors)

    Global Pattern of kdr-Type Alleles in Musca domestica (L.)

    Gonzalo Roca-Acevedo, Ivana Boscaro Pages 1-10
  2. Updates in Parasitology from Argentina (A Sanchez and A Toloza, Section Editors)

    Chemical Communication of the Head Lice with the Human Host

    Federico Gabriel Galassi, Paola Gonzalez Audino Pages 11-16
  3. Updates in Parasitology from Argentina (A Sanchez and A Toloza, Section Editors)

    A Review of the Use of Pyriproxyfen for Controlling Aedes aegypti in Argentina

    Laura V. Harburguer, Jessica Mendoza Pages 261-266
  4. Updates in Parasitology from Argentina (A Sanchez and A Toloza, Section Editors)

    Parasites and Other Infectious Agents in Non-human Primates of Argentina

    Gimena Illia, Rodrigo Bay Jouliá, Lucila Citon Pages 267-277