Topical Collection on HEAD & NECK: Non-melanoma Skin Cancer of the Head and Neck

ISSN: 2167-583X (Online)

In this topical collection (5 articles)

  1. HEAD & NECK: Non-melanoma Skin Cancer of the Head and Neck (J Moyer, Section Editor)

    Mohs Micrographic Surgery for Treatment of Non-melanoma Skin Cancer

    Josephine Quintanilla-Dieck Pages 115-119
  2. HEAD & NECK: Non-melanoma Skin Cancer of the Head and Neck (J Moyer, Section Editor)

    High-Risk Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma

    Harriet E. Gee, Michael J. Veness Pages 120-128
  3. HEAD & NECK: Non-melanoma Skin Cancer of the Head and Neck (J Moyer, Section Editor)

    Principles of Reconstruction After Mohs Surgery

    Edward Z. Zhang, J. Jared Christophel Pages 129-139
  4. HEAD & NECK: Non-melanoma Skin Cancer of the Head and Neck (J Moyer, Section Editor)

    Management of the Neck for Non-melanoma Skin Cancer

    Mirko Manojlovic-Kolarski, Christopher M. K. L. Yao Pages 318-329