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Applied Physics B

Lasers and Optics

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Applied Physics B - Article Highlights

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Measurement and modeling of ionization in a cesium diode pumped alkali laser (DPAL)
Benjamin Oliker, Hal Cambier, Greg Pitz, David A. Hostutler, Timothy Madden & Wolfgang Rudolph 
Applied Physics B volume 130, Article number: 134 (2024)

See past highlights here:

A Hanbury Brown and Twiss renascence: measurement of photon correlations yields spatio-temporal coherence

Simple method for determining quantum efficiency and background propagation loss in thulium-doped fibres

Determination of the absorption function of laser-heated soot particles from spectrally resolved laser-induced incandescence signals using multiple excitation wavelengths

Laser irradiation of differently aged carbon nanoparticles: effect on optical properties

UV 20W-class single-mode nanosecond pulse delivery using a vacuum-free/ambient air inhibited-coupling hollow-core fiber

Relativistic approach to Balazs’s thought experiment and the Abraham’s form of photon momentum in medium

Single molecule photonic transistor and router through plasmonic nanocavity

femtoPro: virtual-reality interactive training simulator of an ultrafast laser laboratory 

Holographic ultraviolet nanosecond laser processing using adaptive optics

Two-dimensional laser-induced fluorescence thermometry in a medium- to high-enthalpy CO2 flow

Femtosecond tunable-wavelength photoassisted cold field emission

Analogy of harmonic modelocked pulses to trapped Brownian particles improves laser performance

Time-resolved laser-induced incandescence on metal nanoparticles: effect of nanoparticle aggregation and sintering

Design, construction and characterisation of a diode-pumped, three-element, 1-GHz Kerr-lens-modelocked Ti:sapphire oscillator

Effect of magnetorheological polishing on laser-induced damage in ZnSe and ZnSe:Cr polycrystals 

Cavity locking with spatial modulation of optical phase front for laser stabilization

High-speed mid-infrared laser absorption spectroscopy of CO22 for shock-induced thermal non-equilibrium studies of planetary entry 

Low frequency-to-intensity noise conversion in a pulsed laser cavity locking by exploiting carrier envelope offset

Roadmap of incoherent digital holography

The influence of resonator outcoupling and losses on the photon statistics of the LASER

Optical parametric oscillator and amplifier providing tunable, narrowband nanosecond laser pulses in the mid-infrared with mJ pulse energy

Characterization of a pulsed, supersonic gas jet by absorption of high-order harmonics in the extreme ultraviolet spectral range

Mode-hop compensation for intracavity sensing via chip voltage in an external-cavity QCL

Measurement of acetylene concentration in laminar flat flames by diode laser cavity ring-down spectroscopy

Burst-mode 1-methylnaphthalene laser-induced fluorescence: extended calibration and measurement of temperature and fuel partial density in a rapid compression machine

An architecture for quantum networking of neutral atom processors

Quantum statistics of light emitted from a pillar microcavity

Intra-cavity wavelength multiplexing of high-brightness thin-disk laser beams

One-dimensional arrays of optical dark spot traps from nested Gaussian laser beams for quantum computing 

High power, tunable hybrid fiber/bulk laser at 1030 nm and parametric frequency conversion in the near and mid-infrared 

High-power, high-brightness solid-state laser architectures and their characteristics 

Bright and dark diffractive focusing

On the assessment of de-noising algorithms in digital holographic interferometry and related approaches

Roadmap on chaos-inspired imaging technologies (CI2-Tech)
