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Acta Informatica - Topical Collection on Selected Extended Papers of SMT 2024 and Related Papers

The aim of this topical collection is to collect, in a single volume, current state of the art research in Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT). The collection is intended to include extended versions of papers that appeared in the 2024 SMT workshop, as well as additional contributions in the area of SMT.

Determining the satisfiability of first-order formulas modulo background theories, known as the Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) problem, has proved to be an enabling technology for verification, synthesis, test generation, compiler optimization, scheduling, and other areas. The success of SMT techniques depends on the development of both domain-specific decision procedures for each background theory (e.g., linear arithmetic, the theory of arrays, or the theory of bit-vectors) and combination methods that allow one to obtain more versatile SMT tools, usually leveraging Boolean satisfiability (SAT) solvers. These ingredients together make SMT techniques well-suited for use in larger automated reasoning and verification efforts.

Guest Editors

Dr. Yoni Zohar, Bar-Ilan University, Israel,
Dr. Giles Reger, AWS and The University of Manchester, UK,

Manuscript Submission Deadline: 1st December 2024

Peer Review Process

All the papers will go through peer review,  and will be reviewed by at least two reviewers. A thorough check will be completed, and the guest editor will check any significant similarity between the manuscript under consideration and any published paper or submitted manuscripts of which they are aware. In such case, the article will be directly rejected without proceeding further. Guest editors will make all reasonable effort to receive the reviewer’s comments and recommendation on time. The final decision is taken by the Editor-in-Chief.

The submitted papers must provide original research that has not been published nor currently under review by other venues. Previously published conference papers should be clearly identified by the authors at the submission stage and an explanation should be provided about how such papers have been extended to be considered for this special issue (with at least 30% difference from the original works).

Submission Guidelines

Paper submissions for the topical collection should strictly follow the submission format and guidelines ( 

Manuscripts must be submitted via the 'Submit manuscript' button on the journal homepage.
During the submission process authors should select the appropriate collection title when asked if the manuscript belongs to a special issue.

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