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Mathematical Programming Computation

A Publication of the Mathematical Optimization Society

Publishing model:

Mathematical Programming Computation - MPC "Outstanding Paper of the Year" Award

This award is made annually to the outstanding paper that appeared in print during the previous calendar year.


2023 Winner 

  • Daniel Rehfeldt, Thorsten Koch &Yuji Shinano:
    Faster exact solution of sparse MaxCut and QUBO problems.
    Mathematical Programming Computation 15(3):445–470(2023) (Read the article here)

2022 Winner

  • Jordan Jalving, Sungho Shin & Victor M. Zavala:
    A graph-based modeling abstraction for optimization: concepts and implementation in Plasmo.jl.
    Mathematical Programming Computation 14(4):699–747 (2022) (Read the article here)

2021 Winner

  • Ashutosh Mahajan, Sven Leyffer, Jeff Linderoth, James Luedtke, Todd Munson:
    Minotaur: a mixed-integer nonlinear optimization toolkit.
    Mathematical Programming Computation. 13(2): 301–338(2021) (Read the article here)

2020 Winner

  • Bartolomeo Stellato, Goran Banjac, Paul Goulart, Alberto Bemporad, Stephen Boyd:
    OSQP: an operator splitting solver for quadratic programs.
    Mathematical Programming Computation. 12(4): 637–672(2020) (Read the article here)

2019 Winners

  • Marc Pfetsch, Thomas Rehn:
    A computational comparison of symmetry handling methods for mixed integer programs.
    Mathematical Programming Computation 11(1):37-93 (2019) (Read the article here)
  • Coralia Cartis, Lindon Roberts:
    A derivative-free Gauss–Newton method.
    Mathematical Programming Computation 11(4):631–674 (2019) (Read the article here)

2018 Winner

  • Qi Huangfu, J. A. J. Hall:
    Parallelizing the dual revised simplex method.
    Mathematical Programming Computation. 10(1): 119-142 (2018) (Read the article here)

2018 Honorable Mention

  • Pierre Bonami, Oktay Günlük, and Jeff Linderoth:
    Globally solving nonconvex quadratic programming problems with box constraints via integer programming methods.
    Mathematical Programming Computation. 10(3): 333–382 (2018) (Read the article here)

2017 Winner

  • Diego Pecin, Artur Pessoa, Marcos Poggi, Eduardo Uchoapp:
    Improved branch-cut-and-price for capacitated vehicle routing. 
    Mathematical Programming Computation. 9(1): 61-100, (2017) (Read the article here)
