Radiation Therapy and Radiation Therapy Innovations in Colorectal Cancer

ISSN: 1556-3790 (Print) 1556-3804 (Online)

In this topical collection (3 articles)

  1. Radiation Therapy and Radiation Therapy Innovations in Colorectal Cancer (PP Lee and AC Raldow, Section Editors)

    Local Therapies for Colorectal Cancer Oligometastases to the Lung

    Eric M. Chung, Jun Gong, Karen Zaghiyan Pages 45-53
  2. Radiation Therapy and Radiation Therapy Innovations in Colorectal Cancer (pp Lee and Ac Raldow, Section Editors)

    What Rectal Cancer Patients May Be Able to Safely Avoid Radiation?

    Daniel R. Dickstein, Michael Buckstein Pages 61-67
  3. Radiation Therapy and Radiation Therapy Innovations in Colorectal Cancer (PP Lee and AC Raldow, Section Editors)

    Emerging Role of Brachytherapy in the Non-operative Management of Rectal Cancer

    Samuel C. Zhang, Katelyn M. Atkins, Eric M. Chung Pages 68-74