Topical collection on Patient Engagement, Education, and Literacy for Pelvic Floor Disorders

ISSN: 1931-7212 (Print) 1931-7220 (Online)

In this topical collection (7 articles)

  1. Patient Engagement, Education, and Literacy for Pelvic Floor Disorders (J Anger, Section Editor)

    Patient Engagement in the Management of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

    Tenny R. Zhang, Spyridon P. Basourakos Pages 125-130
  2. Patient Engagement, Education, and Literacy for Pelvic Floor Disorders (J Anger, Section Editor)

    Improving Health Literacy Among Underserved Latinas with PFDs

    Alexandra Chavez, Aqsa Khan Pages 131-138
  3. Patient Engagement, Education, and Literacy for Pelvic Floor Disorders (J Anger, Section Editor)

    Enhancing Third-Line Therapies for Overactive Bladder Using Patient Education Strategies

    Ron Ron Cheng, Una J. Lee Pages 139-142
  4. Patient Engagement, Education, and Literacy for Pelvic Floor Disorders (J Anger, Section Editor)

    The Patient Perspective on Adverse Surgical Events After Pelvic Floor Surgery

    Michele O’Shea, Cindy L. Amundsen Pages 143-148
  5. Patient Engagement, Education, and Literacy for Pelvic Floor Disorders (J Anger, Section Editor)

    Patient Engagement in Management of Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections

    Gabriela Gonzalez, Paige Kuhlmann, Victoria Scott Pages 204-209
  6. Patient Engagement, Education, and Literacy for Pelvic Floor Disorders (J Anger, Section Editor)

    Patient-Centered Goals for Treatment of Pelvic Floor Disorders

    Angela Dao, Gena Dunivan Pages 210-218