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Editorial board


Jonathan Breuer                                                                                             
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

Editorial Board

Yakar Kannai
Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel

Bo'az Klartag
Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel

Gady Kozma
Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel

Elon Lindenstrauss
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

Dan Mangoubi
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

Peter Sarnak
Princeton University, USA

Mikhail Sodin
Tel Aviv University, Israel

Barak Weiss
Tel Aviv University, Israel

Conseil de rédaction

Shmuel Agmon
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

Michael Aizenman
Princeton University, USA

Joseph Bernstein
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

Haïm Brezis
Rutgers University, USA

Percy Deift
New York University, USA

Charles Fefferman
Princeton University, USA

Hillel Furstenberg
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

Timothy Gowers
University of Cambridge, UK

Yitzhak Katznelson
Stanford University, USA

Donald S. Ornstein
Stanford University, USA

Barry Simon
California Institute of Technology, USA

Stanislav Smirnov
University of Geneva, Switzerland

Shlomo Sternberg
Harvard University, USA

Managing Editor
Eran London
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

Executive Editor
Daniel Kronberg
Magnes Press, Israel

General Editorial Board
H. M. Farkas
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
H. Furstenberg
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
R. Kupferman
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

A. Lubotzky
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

M. Magidor
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

S. Shelah
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel        
