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Space Science Reviews - SSRv Regular Reviews & Special Communications

Space Science Reviews' standalone articles

In addition to Topical Collections, Space Science Reviews publishes Review Articles and Special Communications. The latter are papers linked to an earlier topical volume/collection, report-type papers, or timely papers dealing with a strong space-science-technology combination (such papers summarize the science and technology of an instrument or mission in one paper).

🟡 Solar physics | 🟤 Planets and planetary systems | 🔵 Magnetospheres | 🟠 Astrophysics


🔵 Liu, H., Qin, J., Kamaci, U. et al. A Bayesian Framework for Accurate Determination of the Nighttime Ionospheric Parameters from the ICON FUV Observations. Space Sci Rev 220, 71 (2024).

🟤 Wang, Y., Wang, J., Zhang, G. et al. Advances in Drill-Based Sampling Technology for Extraterrestrial Bodies. Space Sci Rev 220, 66 (2024).

McGranaghan, R.M. Complexity Heliophysics: A Lived and Living History of Systems and Complexity Science in Heliophysics. Space Sci Rev 220, 52 (2024).

🔵 Walsh, B.M., Kuntz, K.D., Busk, S. et al. The Lunar Environment Heliophysics X-ray Imager (LEXI) Mission. Space Sci Rev 220, 37 (2024).

🟤 Jiang, C., Ding, C., Su, Y. et al. Water Ice and Possible Habitability in the Landing Area of Tianwen-1 Mission. Space Sci Rev 220, 35 (2024).

Yang, X., Tang, Z., Yang, Y. et al. Design and Evaluation of a Monitoring Instrument for the High-Energy Proton and TID Effects in LEO. Space Sci Rev 220, 33 (2024).

Linsky, J.L., Redfield, S. Inferring Intrinsic Stellar EUV and Lyman-Alpha Fluxes and Their Effects on Exoplanet Atmospheres. Space Sci Rev 220, 32 (2024).

🟤 Pinot, B., Mimoun, D., Murdoch, N. et al. The In Situ Evaluation of the SEIS Noise Model. Space Sci Rev 220, 26 (2024).

🟤 Jones, G.H., Snodgrass, C., Tubiana, C. et al. The Comet Interceptor Mission. Space Sci Rev 220, 9 (2024).

🟤 Kovács, G., Nathues, A., Sierks, H. et al. The Scientific Calibration of the Dawn Framing Camera. Space Sci Rev 220, 4 (2024).


🔵 Loto’aniu, P.T.M., Davis, A., Jarvis, A. et al. Initial on-Orbit Results from the GOES-18 Spacecraft Science Magnetometer. Space Sci Rev 219, 84 (2023).

🟡 Klein, K.G., Spence, H., Alexandrova, O. et al. HelioSwarm: A Multipoint, Multiscale Mission to Characterize Turbulence. Space Sci Rev 219, 74 (2023).

🟡 Usoskin, I., Miyake, F., Baroni, M. et al. Extreme Solar Events: Setting up a Paradigm. Space Sci Rev 219, 73 (2023).

🟤 Henneke, J., Klevang, D., Liu, Y. et al. A Radiometric Correction Method and Performance Characteristics for PIXL’s Multispectral Analysis Using LEDs. Space Sci Rev 219, 68 (2023).

🟠🟤 Branchesi, M., Falanga, M., Harms, J. et al. Lunar Gravitational-Wave Detection. Space Sci Rev 219, 67 (2023).

Anger, M., Niemelä, P., Cheremetiev, K. et al. Foresail-2: Space Physics Mission in a Challenging Environment. Space Sci Rev 219, 66 (2023).

🔵 Cohen, I.J., Smith, E.J., Clark, G.B. et al. Plasma Environment, Radiation, Structure, and Evolution of the Uranian System (PERSEUS): A Dedicated Orbiter Mission Concept to Study Space Physics at Uranus. Space Sci Rev 219, 65 (2023).

🟤 Liu, X., Xu, W., Qi, H. et al. Development and Testing of the MarSCoDe LIBS Calibration Target in China’s Tianwen-1 Mars Mission. Space Sci Rev 219, 43 (2023).

🟤 Zhu, F., Zhang, Y., Zheng, Y. et al. Design and Verification of Multi-Functional Obstacle Avoidance Sensor for the Tianwen-1 Mars Probe. Space Sci Rev 219, 42 (2023).

🔵 Balasis, G., Balikhin, M.A., Chapman, S.C. et al. Complex Systems Methods Characterizing Nonlinear Processes in the Near-Earth Electromagnetic Environment: Recent Advances and Open Challenges. Space Sci Rev 219, 38 (2023).

🔵 Angelopoulos, V., Zhang, XJ., Artemyev, A.V. et al. Energetic Electron Precipitation Driven by Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves from ELFIN’s Low Altitude Perspective. Space Sci Rev 219, 37 (2023).

🟤 Cochrane, C.J., Murphy, N., Raymond, C.A. et al. Magnetic Field Modeling and Visualization of the Europa Clipper Spacecraft. Space Sci Rev 219, 34 (2023).

🟡 Gunár, S., Labrosse, N., Luna, M. et al. On the Physical Nature of the so-Called Prominence Tornadoes. Space Sci Rev 219, 33 (2023).

🟤 Hoppe, P., Rubin, M. & Altwegg, K. A Comparison of Presolar Isotopic Signatures in Laboratory-Studied Primitive Solar System Materials and Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko: New Insights from Light Elements, Halogens, and Noble Gases. Space Sci Rev 219, 32 (2023).

🟤 Golombek, M., Hudson, T., Bailey, P. et al. Results from InSight Robotic Arm Activities. Space Sci Rev 219, 20 (2023).

🔵 Patil, A.S., Nade, D.P., Taori, A. et al. A Brief Review of Equatorial Plasma Bubbles. Space Sci Rev 219, 16 (2023).

🔵 Wilson, R.J., Vogt, M.F., Provan, G. et al. Internal and External Jovian Magnetic Fields: Community Code to Serve the Magnetospheres of the Outer Planets Community. Space Sci Rev 219, 15 (2023).

🟡 Reames, D.V. How Do Shock Waves Define the Space-Time Structure of Gradual Solar Energetic Particle Events?. Space Sci Rev 219, 14 (2023).

🟤 Klevang, D.A., Liebe, C.C., Henneke, J. et al. Pre-flight Geometric and Optical Calibration of the Planetary Instrument for X-ray Lithochemistry (PIXL). Space Sci Rev 219, 11 (2023).

🟡 Raouafi, N.E., Matteini, L., Squire, J. et al. Parker Solar Probe: Four Years of Discoveries at Solar Cycle Minimum. Space Sci Rev 219, 8 (2023).

🟠 Brittain, S.D., Kamp, I., Meeus, G. et al. Herbig Stars. Space Sci Rev 219, 7 (2023).

🟤 Mimoun, D., Cadu, A., Murdoch, N. et al. The Mars Microphone Onboard SuperCam. Space Sci Rev 219, 5 (2023).

🟡 Tziotziou, K., Scullion, E., Shelyag, S. et al. Vortex Motions in the Solar Atmosphere. Space Sci Rev 219, 1 (2023).


🔵 Yu, Y., Cao, J., Pu, Z. et al. Meso-Scale Electrodynamic Coupling of the Earth Magnetosphere-Ionosphere System. Space Sci Rev 218, 74 (2022).

🟤 Spohn, T., Hudson, T.L., Marteau, E. et al. The InSight HP3 Penetrator (Mole) on Mars: Soil Properties Derived from the Penetration Attempts and Related Activities. Space Sci Rev 218, 72 (2022).

🟤 Goetz, C., Behar, E., Beth, A. et al. The Plasma Environment of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Space Sci Rev 218, 65 (2022).

Pommé, S., Pelczar, K. Neutrino-Induced Decay: A Critical Review of the Arguments. Space Sci Rev 218, 64 (2022).

🟤 Zhang, X., Zhang, G., Xie, H. et al. A Review of Sampling Exploration and Devices for Extraterrestrial Celestial Bodies. Space Sci Rev 218, 59 (2022).

🔵 Toldbo, C., Sushkova, J., Herceg, M. et al. Mapping High Energy Particles Using Augmented Star Trackers On-Board Swarm. Space Sci Rev 218, 58 (2022).

🟡 Lamy, P.L., Gilardy, H. & Llebaria, A. Observations of the Solar F-Corona from Space. Space Sci Rev 218, 53 (2022).

🔵 Wood, A.G., Alfonsi, L., Clausen, L.B.N. et al. Variability of Ionospheric Plasma: Results from the ESA Swarm Mission. Space Sci Rev 218, 52 (2022).

🟤 Enya, K., Yoshimura, Y., Kobayashi, K. et al. Extraterrestrial Life Signature Detection Microscopy: Search and Analysis of Cells and Organics on Mars and Other Solar System Bodies. Space Sci Rev 218, 49 (2022).

🟡 Reames, D.V. Solar Energetic Particles: Spatial Extent and Implications of the H and He Abundances. Space Sci Rev 218, 48 (2022).

🟤 Zhang, Y., Zhang, T., Wei, H. et al. Advances in Extraterrestrial Drilling Technology to Discover the Secrets Hidden Inside Celestial Bodies. Space Sci Rev 218, 47 (2022).

🟤 Fries, M.D., Lee, C., Bhartia, R. et al. The SHERLOC Calibration Target on the Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover: Design, Operations, Outreach, and Future Human Exploration Functions. Space Sci Rev 218, 46 (2022).

🟤 Xu, R., Li, C., Yuan, L. et al. Lunar Mineralogical Spectrometer on Chang’E-5 Mission. Space Sci Rev 218, 41 (2022).

🔵 Zhang, H., Zong, Q., Connor, H. et al. Dayside Transient Phenomena and Their Impact on the Magnetosphere and Ionosphere. Space Sci Rev 218, 40 (2022).

🟤 Collinson, G., Glocer, A., Pfaff, R. et al. The Endurance Rocket Mission. Space Sci Rev 218, 39 (2022).

🔵 Pignalberi, A., Pietrella, M., Pezzopane, M. et al. The Ionospheric Equivalent Slab Thickness: A Review Supported by a Global Climatological Study Over Two Solar Cycles. Space Sci Rev 218, 37 (2022).

🟤 Haider, S.A., Mahajan, K.K., Bougher, S.W. et al. Observations and Modeling of Martian Auroras. Space Sci Rev 218, 32 (2022).

🟡 Sturrock, P.A. Neutrino-Flux Variability, Nuclear-Decay Variability, and Their Apparent Relationship. Space Sci Rev 218, 23 (2022).

🟤 Walsh, K.J., Bierhaus, E.B., Lauretta, D.S. et al. Assessing the Sampleability of Bennu’s Surface for the OSIRIS-REx Asteroid Sample Return Mission. Space Sci Rev 218, 20 (2022).

🟤 Vasavada, A.R. Mission Overview and Scientific Contributions from the Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity Rover After Eight Years of Surface Operations. Space Sci Rev 218, 14 (2022).

🟤 Nelson, D.S., Pelletier, F.J., Buie, M.W. et al. Navigation and Orbit Estimation for New Horizons’ Arrokoth Flyby: Overview, Results and Lessons Learned. Space Sci Rev 218, 11 (2022).

🟤 Golish, D.R., Simon, A.A., Reuter, D.C. et al. Cross-Instrument Comparison of MapCam and OVIRS on OSIRIS-REx. Space Sci Rev 218, 5 (2022).

Adams, J.H., Ahmad, S., Allard, D. et al. A Review of the EUSO-Balloon Pathfinder for the JEM-EUSO Program. Space Sci Rev 218, 3 (2022).


🟤 Zuo, W., Li, C., Zhang, Z. et al. China’s Lunar and Planetary Data System: Preserve and Present Reliable Chang’e Project and Tianwen-1 Scientific Data Sets. Space Sci Rev 217, 88 (2021).

🟤 Wei, H., Zhang, Y., Zhang, T. et al. Review on Bioinspired Planetary Regolith-Burrowing Robots. Space Sci Rev 217, 87 (2021).

🟤 Ramsley, K.R., Head, J.W. The Origins and Geological Histories of Deimos and Phobos: Hypotheses and Open Questions. Space Sci Rev 217, 86 (2021).

🔵 Pfaff, R., Uribe, P., Fourre, R. et al. The Vector Electric Field Investigation (VEFI) on the C/NOFS Satellite. Space Sci Rev 217, 85 (2021).

🟤 Hong, J., Binzel, R.P., Allen, B. et al. Calibration and Performance of the REgolith X-Ray Imaging Spectrometer (REXIS) Aboard NASA’s OSIRIS-REx Mission to Bennu. Space Sci Rev 217, 83 (2021).

🟡 Reames, D.V. Sixty Years of Element Abundance Measurements in Solar Energetic Particles. Space Sci Rev 217, 72 (2021).

🟠 Bambi, C., Brenneman, L.W., Dauser, T. et al. Towards Precision Measurements of Accreting Black Holes Using X-Ray Reflection Spectroscopy. Space Sci Rev 217, 65 (2021).

🟤 Trattner, K.J., Petrinec, S.M. & Fuselier, S.A. The Location of Magnetic Reconnection at Earth’s Magnetopause. Space Sci Rev 217, 41 (2021).

🟡 Pezzi, O., Pecora, F., le Roux, J. et al. Current Sheets, Plasmoids and Flux Ropes in the Heliosphere. Part II: Theoretical Aspects. Space Sci Rev 217, 39 (2021).

🟡 Khabarova, O., Malandraki, O., Malova, H. et al. Current Sheets, Plasmoids and Flux Ropes in the Heliosphere. Part I. 2-D or not 2-D? General and Observational Aspects. Space Sci Rev 217, 38 (2021).

🟤 Li, C., Zuo, W., Wen, W. et al. Overview of the Chang’e-4 Mission: Opening the Frontier of Scientific Exploration of the Lunar Far Side. Space Sci Rev 217, 35 (2021).

🔵 Zong, QG., Yue, C. & Fu, SY. Shock Induced Strong Substorms and Super Substorms: Preconditions and Associated Oxygen Ion Dynamics. Space Sci Rev 217, 33 (2021).

🟠 Zaqarashvili, T.V., Albekioni, M., Ballester, J.L. et al. Rossby Waves in Astrophysics. Space Sci Rev 217, 15 (2021).

Mifsud, D.V., Kaňuchová, Z., Herczku, P. et al. Sulfur Ice Astrochemistry: A Review of Laboratory Studies. Space Sci Rev 217, 14 (2021).

🟤 Liu, J., Zeng, X., Li, C. et al. Landing Site Selection and Overview of China’s Lunar Landing Missions. Space Sci Rev 217, 6 (2021).


🟡 van den Berg, J., Strauss, D.T. & Effenberger, F. A Primer on Focused Solar Energetic Particle Transport. Basic Physics and Recent Modelling Results. Space Sci Rev 216, 146 (2020).

🟡 Patsourakos, S., Vourlidas, A., Török, T. et al. Decoding the Pre-Eruptive Magnetic Field Configurations of Coronal Mass Ejections. Space Sci Rev 216, 131 (2020).

🟤 Ingersoll, A.P. Cassini Exploration of the Planet Saturn: A Comprehensive Review. Space Sci Rev 216, 122 (2020).

🟡 Antonucci, E., Harra, L., Susino, R. et al. Observations of the Solar Corona from Space. Space Sci Rev 216, 117 (2020).

🔵 Magnes, W., Hillenmaier, O., Auster, HU. et al. Space Weather Magnetometer Aboard GEO-KOMPSAT-2A. Space Sci Rev 216, 119 (2020).

🟤 Burks, M.T., Drury, O.B., Goldsten, J.O. et al. GeMini: A High-Resolution, Low-Resource, Gamma-Ray Spectrometer for Planetary Science Applications. Space Sci Rev 216, 115 (2020).

🟤 Kikuchi, S., Watanabe, Si., Saiki, T. et al. Hayabusa2 Landing Site Selection: Surface Topography of Ryugu and Touchdown Safety. Space Sci Rev 216, 116 (2020).

🟤 Soldini, S., Yamaguchi, T., Tsuda, Y. et al. Hayabusa2’s Superior Solar Conjunction Phase. Space Sci Rev 216, 108 (2020).

🟤 Wimmer-Schweingruber, R.F., Yu, J., Böttcher, S.I. et al. The Lunar Lander Neutron and Dosimetry (LND) Experiment on Chang’E 4. Space Sci Rev 216, 104 (2020).

🔵 Angelopoulos, V., Tsai, E., Bingley, L. et al. The ELFIN Mission. Space Sci Rev 216, 103 (2020).

🟤 Vicente-Retortillo, A., Martínez, G.M., Rennó, N.O. et al. In Situ UV Measurements by MSL/REMS: Dust Deposition and Angular Response Corrections. Space Sci Rev 216, 97 (2020).

🟤 Nunn, C., Garcia, R.F., Nakamura, Y. et al. Lunar Seismology: A Data and Instrumentation Review. Space Sci Rev 216, 89 (2020).

🟤 Kollmann, P., Cohen, I., Allen, R.C. et al. Magnetospheric Studies: A Requirement for Addressing Interdisciplinary Mysteries in the Ice Giant Systems. Space Sci Rev 216, 78 (2020).

🟤 Wieser, M., Barabash, S., Wang, XD. et al. The Advanced Small Analyzer for Neutrals (ASAN) on the Chang’E-4 Rover Yutu-2. Space Sci Rev 216, 73 (2020).

🟤 Withers, P., Felici, M., Mendillo, M. et al. The MAVEN Radio Occultation Science Experiment (ROSE). Space Sci Rev 216, 61 (2020).

🟡 Bučík, R. 3He-Rich Solar Energetic Particles: Solar Sources. Space Sci Rev 216, 24 (2020).

🟡 Shalchi, A. Perpendicular Transport of Energetic Particles in Magnetic Turbulence. Space Sci Rev 216, 23 (2020).

🟡 Reames, D.V. Four Distinct Pathways to the Element Abundances in Solar Energetic Particles. Space Sci Rev 216, 20 (2020).

🟤 Lejosne, S., Kollmann, P. Radiation Belt Radial Diffusion at Earth and Beyond. Space Sci Rev 216, 19 (2020).

🔵 Seon, J., Chae, KS., Na, G.W. et al. Particle Detector (PD) Experiment of the Korea Space Environment Monitor (KSEM) Aboard Geostationary Satellite GK2A. Space Sci Rev 216, 13 (2020).

🟤 Lee-Payne, Z., Kollmann, P., Grande, M. et al. Correction of Galileo Energetic Particle Detector, Composition Measurement System High Rate Data: Semiconductor Dead Layer Correction. Space Sci Rev 216, 5 (2020).

Wu, J., Giménez, A. On the Maximization of the Science Output of Space Missions. Space Sci Rev 216, 3 (2020).


🟤 Garcia, R.F., Khan, A., Drilleau, M. et al. Lunar Seismology: An Update on Interior Structure Models. Space Sci Rev 215, 50 (2019).

🟤 Dehant, V., Debaille, V., Dobos, V. et al. Geoscience for Understanding Habitability in the Solar System and Beyond. Space Sci Rev 215, 42 (2019).

🟡 Lamy, P.L., Floyd, O., Boclet, B. et al. Coronal Mass Ejections over Solar Cycles 23 and 24. Space Sci Rev 215, 39 (2019).

Shi, Q.Q., Tian, A.M., Bai, S.C. et al. Dimensionality, Coordinate System and Reference Frame for Analysis of In-Situ Space Plasma and Field Data. Space Sci Rev 215, 35 (2019).

🟤 Lopes, R.M.C., Wall, S.D., Elachi, C. et al. Titan as Revealed by the Cassini Radar. Space Sci Rev 215, 33 (2019).

🔵 Loto’aniu, T.M., Redmon, R.J., Califf, S. et al. The GOES-16 Spacecraft Science Magnetometer. Space Sci Rev 215, 32 (2019).

🔵 Sitnov, M., Birn, J., Ferdousi, B. et al. Explosive Magnetotail Activity. Space Sci Rev 215, 31 (2019).

🟤 Kite, E.S. Geologic Constraints on Early Mars Climate. Space Sci Rev 215, 10 (2019).

Angelopoulos, V., Cruce, P., Drozdov, A. et al. The Space Physics Environment Data Analysis System (SPEDAS). Space Sci Rev 215, 9 (2019).


🟤 Kovtyukh, A.S. Ion Composition of the Earth’s Radiation Belts in the Range from 100 keV to 100 MeV/nucleon: Fifty Years of Research. Space Sci Rev 214, 124 (2018).

🟡 Young, P.R., Tian, H., Peter, H. et al. Solar Ultraviolet Bursts. Space Sci Rev 214, 120 (2018).

Streltsov, A.V., Berthelier, J.-J., Chernyshov, A.A. et al. Past, Present and Future of Active Radio Frequency Experiments in Space. Space Sci Rev 214, 118 (2018).

🟡 McComas, D.J., Christian, E.R., Schwadron, N.A. et al. Interstellar Mapping and Acceleration Probe (IMAP): A New NASA Mission. Space Sci Rev 214, 116 (2018).

🟤 Hoppe, P., Rubin, M. & Altwegg, K. Presolar Isotopic Signatures in Meteorites and Comets: New Insights from the Rosetta Mission to Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko. Space Sci Rev 214, 106 (2018).

🟡 Yeates, A.R., Amari, T., Contopoulos, I. et al. Global Non-Potential Magnetic Models of the Solar Corona During the March 2015 Eclipse. Space Sci Rev 214, 99 (2018).

🟤 Aboudan, A., Colombatti, G., Bettanini, C. et al. ExoMars 2016 Schiaparelli Module Trajectory and Atmospheric Profiles Reconstruction. Space Sci Rev 214, 97 (2018).

🟡 Oka, M., Birn, J., Battaglia, M. et al. Electron Power-Law Spectra in Solar and Space Plasmas. Space Sci Rev 214, 82 (2018).

🟡 Plaschke, F., Hietala, H., Archer, M. et al. Jets Downstream of Collisionless Shocks. Space Sci Rev 214, 81 (2018).

🟡 Sibeck, D.G., Allen, R., Aryan, H. et al. Imaging Plasma Density Structures in the Soft X-Rays Generated by Solar Wind Charge Exchange with Neutrals. Space Sci Rev 214, 79 (2018).

🟤 Stern, S.A., Weaver, H.A., Spencer, J.R. et al. The New Horizons Kuiper Belt Extended Mission. Space Sci Rev 214, 77 (2018).

🟤 Hoang, H., Clausen, L.B.N., Røed, K. et al. The Multi-Needle Langmuir Probe System on Board NorSat-1. Space Sci Rev 214, 75 (2018).

Masson, A., Nykyri, K. Kelvin–Helmholtz Instability: Lessons Learned and Ways Forward. Space Sci Rev 214, 71 (2018).

🟡 Reames, D.V. Abundances, Ionization States, Temperatures, and FIP in Solar Energetic Particles. Space Sci Rev 214, 61 (2018).

🟤 Lammer, H., Blanc, M. From Disks to Planets: The Making of Planets and Their Early Atmospheres. An Introduction. Space Sci Rev 214, 60 (2018).

🟡 Ballester, J.L., Alexeev, I., Collados, M. et al. Partially Ionized Plasmas in Astrophysics. Space Sci Rev 214, 58 (2018).

Aschwanden, M.J., Scholkmann, F., Béthune, W. et al. Order out of Randomness: Self-Organization Processes in Astrophysics. Space Sci Rev 214, 55 (2018).

🟡 McLaughlin, J.A., Nakariakov, V.M., Dominique, M. et al. Modelling Quasi-Periodic Pulsations in Solar and Stellar Flares. Space Sci Rev 214, 45 (2018).

🟤 Plainaki, C., Cassidy, T.A., Shematovich, V.I. et al. Towards a Global Unified Model of Europa’s Tenuous Atmosphere. Space Sci Rev 214, 40 (2018).

🟤 Jones, G.H., Knight, M.M., Battams, K. et al. The Science of Sungrazers, Sunskirters, and Other Near-Sun Comets. Space Sci Rev 214, 20 (2018).

🟠 Degenaar, N., Ballantyne, D.R., Belloni, T. et al. Accretion Disks and Coronae in the X-Ray Flashlight. Space Sci Rev 214, 15 (2018).

🟤 Denevi, B.W., Chabot, N.L., Murchie, S.L. et al. Calibration, Projection, and Final Image Products of MESSENGER’s Mercury Dual Imaging System. Space Sci Rev 214, 2 (2018).

🟡 Greco, A., Matthaeus, W.H., Perri, S. et al. Partial Variance of Increments Method in Solar Wind Observations and Plasma Simulations. Space Sci Rev 214, 1 (2018).

