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Plant Molecular Biology

An International Journal on Molecular Biology, Molecular Genetics and Biochemistry

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Plant Molecular Biology - Meet the Editors of Plant Molecular Biology


Motoaki SekiNeuer Inhalt

1-7-22 Suehiro-cho, Tsurumi-ku, Yokohama 230-0045, Japan
Expertise: abiotic stress adaptation, epigenome, RNA, peptide, chemical regulation, cassava


Alessandra DevotoNeuer Inhalt

Department of Biological Sciences, Royal Holloway University of London, United Kingdom
Expertise: plant hormone biology, cell wall signalling, molecular plant-microbe interaction and responses to the environment, synthetic biology, high-throughput genomics (genome-wide chromatin remodelling)


Eva BenkovaNeuer Inhalt

Institute of Science and Technology Austria
Am Campus 1 A-3400 Klosterneuburg
Expertise: hormonal cross-talk, auxin, cytokinin, root system architecture

Mary ByrneNew Content Item

The University of Sydney
F22 Life Earth and Environmental Sciences Building, The University of Sydney, NSW 2006
Expertise: developmental biology, genetics, organ patterning, meristem function

Jorge CasalNew Content Item

IFEVA, Universidad de Buenos Aires and CONICET
Facultad de Agronomía, 1417 Buenos Aires, Argentina
Expertise: molecular network and cellular mechanisms involved in plant growth and developmental responses to their light and temperature environment; phytochrome, cryptochrome, photomorphogenesis, thermomorphogenesis, shade avoidance.

Harsh ChauhanNew Content Item

Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
Roorkee, Uttarakhand India, 247 667
Expertise: abiotic and biotic stress response in cereals, high-temperature stress, transgenic crops, transcriptomics, functional genomics

Mee-Len ChyeNew Content Item

University of Hong Kong
School of Biological Sciences, University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong
Expertise: plant lipid metabolism, lipid transfer proteins, isoprenoids, plant stress tolerance

Ive De SmetNeuer Inhalt

VIB-UGent Center for Plant Systems Biology
Technologiepark-Zwijnaarde 71 - 9052 Ghent - Belgium
Expertise: Signalling, (phospho)proteomics, abiotic stress

Vasileios FotopoulosVasileios Fotopoulos

Cyprus University of Technology
Department of Agricultural Sciences, Biotechnology & Food Science, PO BOX 50329, 3603 Limassol, Cyprus
Expetise: abiotic stress, cellular signaling, plant priming, reactive oxygen species, reactive nitrogen species, antioxidants,

Walter GassmannNew Content Item

University of Missouri
105 LSC Columbia, MO 65211-7310 USA
Expertise: plant-microbe interactions, plant immunity, signaling, protein-protein interactions, transcriptional regulation, electrophysiology

Hongwei GuoNew Content Item

Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech)
R408, Huiyuan Building #1, 1088 Xueyuan Avenue, Nanshan District,Shenzhen, Guangdong, 518055 China
Expertise: ethylene signaling, plant senescence and fruit ripening, RNA decay and gene silencing

Linda Hanley-BowdoinNew Content Item

North Carolina State
UniversityCampus Box 7651, Raleigh, NC 27695-7651
Expertise: plant virus/host interactions, plant DNA replication, chromatin

Tetsuya HigashiyamaNew Content Item

Nagoya University/ University of Tokyo
Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-8601, Japan
Expertise: reproduction, cell-to-cell communication, cell biology, live-cell imaging

Jinbu JiaNeuer Inhalt
South China Agricultural University
Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
Expertise: RNA biology, transcriptome, plant development, stress adaptation

Lars KamphuisNeuer Inhalt

Curtin University, Centre for Crop and Disease Management
Kent Street, WA 6102, Australia
Expertise: Oilseed and pulse pathology, legume genomics, Ascochyta blight, Sclerotinia stem rot, Botrytis grey mould

Abraham J. KooNeuer Inhalt
University of Missouri
127 Schweitzer Hall, Columbia, MO 65211, USA
Expertise: biotic stress, jasmonate signaling, wound response, insect defense, stress metabolism, lipids

Eric LamNeuer Inhalt

Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey
59 Dudley Road, New Brunswick, NJ 08901, USA
Expertise: programmed cell death, stress tolerance, transcription response and chromatin, genomics, duckweed

Sibongile MafuSibongile Mafu - University of Massachusetts – Amherst Massachusetts USA

University of Massachusetts – Amherst
240 Thatcher Way Life Science Laboratories N431, Amherst MA 01003
Expertise: Specialized metabolites, terpenes, chemical diversity, plant metabolism, plant biotic interactions

James MurrayNew Content Item

Cardiff University
School of Biosciences, Sir Martin Evans Building, Museum Avenue, Cardiff CF10 3AX, UK
Expertise: cell division, Arabidopsis, chromatin, systems biology, bioluminescence

Misato OhtaniNew Content Item

The University of Tokyo
5-1-5 Kashiwanoha, Kashiwa 277-8561, Japan
Expertise: totipotency, RNA metabolism, cell differentiation, woody biomass, omics analysis

Oren OstersetzerNew Content Item

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Jerusalem 91904. Israel
Expertise: plant organellar gene expression, group II introns splicing, biogenesis of the OXPHOS system

Sayantan Panda

Neuer InhaltLeibniz Institute of Plant Biochemistry (IPB)
Weinberg 3, 06120 Halle (Saale), Germany
Expertise: Chemical Defense, Plant Specialized Metabolism, Growth vs.  Defense tradeoff, Hormone Metabolism, Reproductive development

Youn-Il ParkNew Content Item

Chungnam National University
99 Daehagro, Youseong, Daejon, Korea, 34134
Expertise: photobiology in cyanobacteria, algae, and higher plants, specifically photosynthesis and phytochrome dependent light signaling

Feng QINNew Content Item

China Agricultural University
No.2 Yuanmingyuan West Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100193, China
Expertise: abiotic stress response, drought tolerance, transcriptional regulation, natural variation, maize

Rosangela SozzaniNew Content Item

North Carolina State University
112 Derieux Pl, 2552 Tomas Hall, Raleigh, NC, 27695
Expertise: systems biology, computational biology, stem cell biology, mathematical modeling, developmental biology, plant physiology, plant molecular biology

Jedrzej SzymanskiJedrzej Szymanski

Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research
Department of Molecular Genetics, OT Gatersleben, Corrensstraße 3, D-06466 Seeland, Germany
Expertise: plant genetics, systems biology, plant lipid metabolism, plant specialized metabolism, transcriptomic and metabolomic data analysis, machine learning

Hirokazu TanNew Content Itemaka

Meiji UniversityHigashimita 1-1-1, Tama-ku, Kawasaki 214-8571, Japan
Expertise: plant development, plant cell biology, Arabidopsis

Takayuki TohgeNew Content Item

Nara Institute of Science and Technology
8916-5 Takayama-cho, Ikoma, Nara 630-0192, Japan
Expertise: secondary metabolism, functional genomics, omics, polymorphism, metabolites

Andrzej WierzbickiNeuer Inhalt

University of Michigan
1105 N. University Ave., Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1085, USA
Expertise: chromatin, epigenetics, small RNA, long non-coding RNA, transcription, chloroplast genome and its regulation

Neuer InhaltTing-Ying Wu

Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology, Academia Sinica
128 Sec. 2, Academia Rd. Nankang, Taipei 115201 Taiwan
Expertise: Abiotic stress, plant evolution, systems biology, predictive biology

Liming XiongNew Content Item

Hong Kong Baptist University
Cha Chi-ming Science Tower, Ho Sin Hang Campus, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong, China
Expertise: plant abiotic stress tolerance, gene regulation, mineral nutrition

Jian XuNew Content Item

National University of Singapore
14 Science Drive 4, Singapore 117557, Singapore
Expertise: plant regenerative biology, plant stress biology

Kentaro YanoNew Content Item

WellGreen-I Co. Ltd., Japan
Expertise: bioinformatics, systems biology, plant breeding, databases
