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General Relativity and Gravitation - New Associate Editors 2024

GRG welcomes new Editorial Board members

At General Relativity and Gravitation, Associate Editors play an important part in shaping the journal's scope and, most importantly, organizing the peer-review process of submissions. 

We are proud to work with a great Editorial Board formed by renowned experts from a wide range of gravitational research!

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In 2024, we are happy to welcome these new Associate Editors to the journal: 

Mariafelicia De Laurentis, Steffen Gielen, David Kubizňák, and Valerio Faraoni.

The Editors-in-Chief and the Publisher would like to express their gratitude to the departing board members Astrid Eichhorn, Claus Kiefer, and Thomas Sotiriou.

Mariafelicia De Laurentis is a professor of astronomy and astrophysics at the University of Naples “Federico II” and a researcher at the National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN), Italy. She was professor of theoretical physics at the Tomsk State Pedagogical University (Russia), visiting professor at the Institut für Theoretische Physik of the Goethe-University of Frankfurt (Germany), where in 2015 she began to be part of the Black Hole Cam (BHCam) project and Event Horizon Telescope (EHT). She is also a member of the Italian TEONGRAV (Theory of GRAVitational Waves) initiative. Her scientific activity is focused on theories of gravitation in their theoretical and phenomenological aspects.

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Valerio Faraoni is Professor in the Physics and Astronomy Department of Bishop's University, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada since 2005. The subject of his research are theories of gravity alternative to general relativity in a broad sense, with particular attention to cosmology and black-hole physics. He has co-authored the 2010 Reviews of Modern Physics article "𝑓⁡(𝑅) theories of gravity" with Thomas Sotiriou, and published five books with Springer.

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Steffen Gielen is a Senior Research Fellow in the Gravitation and Cosmology group at the School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Sheffield. His research focuses on how quantum physics might change our understanding of the beginning of the Universe, in particular, how the Big Bang of classical cosmology could be replaced by a “Big Bounce” in quantum theories of gravity. He held the first part of his fellowship at the University of Nottingham. Previously, he was working as a postdoctoral researcher at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, the Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics, and the Albert Einstein Institute. He was also a Marie Curie fellow at Imperial College London.

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David Kubizňák is an associate professor in the Institute of Theoretical Physics at Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic. Previously, after a postdoc position at University of Cambridge, he worked at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics and the University of Waterloo, Canada. His research focuses on black holes and their hidden symmetries, black hole thermodynamics, modified gravity theories, and nonlinear electrodynamics. 

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