1 Introduction

The increasing discharge of electronic waste, including plastic waste, from discarded portable electronic and electrical equipment, has created a global environmental problem [1]. The e-waste problem is aggravated by the relatively short life expectancy of electronic equipment. Biodegradable polymeric materials are considered a viable alternative to non-degradable plastics [2,3,4,5]. Poly(lactic acid) (PLA), one of the most commonly used biodegradable polymeric materials, is a non-toxic and environmentally friendly polymer with high strength and excellent processability, biocompatibility, and biodegradability [6,7,8,9]. In recent years, many studies have investigated for preparing highly conductive PLA-based composites for electrical and electronic applications [10,11,12,13,14,15]. To improve their electrical conductivity, highly conductive fillers, such as metallic fillers and carbonaceous nanofillers, are incorporated into PLA composites to form a continuous conductive network skeleton in the PLA matrix [16,17,18]. Compared with other conductive fillers, carbonaceous nanofillers (e.g., one-dimensional (1D) fillers-carbon nanotubes (CNTs), two-dimensional (2D) fillers-graphene, and zero-dimensional (0D) fillers-carbon black (CB)) have been increasingly applied in conductive polymer composites because of their wide availability, lightweight, low cost, as well as excellent electrical and mechanical properties [19,20,21].

Numerous studies have demonstrated that direct melt blending of PLA and carbonaceous nanofillers is an economical and efficient method of preparation biodegradable PLA composites [22,23,24,25,26]. More recently, Guo et al. [23] prepared PLA/CB composites with an electrical conductivity of 14 S/m by melt blending it with 16 wt% CB. However, addition of a large amount of CB filler resulted in a significant decrease in the tensile strength of the composites. Usually, to prepare homogeneous composite systems, a high amount of nanofillers is used to lap the conductive fillers together to form a complete conductive network. This method not only increases cost but also causes a significant decrease in the mechanical properties of the composites due to the high content of nanofillers, making them prone to agglomeration. Researchers have explored methods for improving the dispersion of carbon nanofillers to resolve the problem of high-filler content and find a balance between mechanical performance, electrical conductivity, and the cost of conductive polymer composites. Urquijo et al. [26] incorporated CNTs into PLA/poly(butyleneadipate-co-terephthalate) (PBAT) blends and found that CNTs could selectively disperse within the PBAT matrix. At a PLA to a PBAT ratio of 6:4, PLA/PBAT/CNTs composites exhibited electrical conductivity of 1.0 × 10−5 S/m at lower loadings (2 wt%) of CNTs. These results suggest that a more complete conductive network can be achieved with the same total filling content by constructing co-continuous structures in two immiscible polymer blends and dispersing the conductive filler selectively. A vital feature of this approach is the filler enrichment created by structural design to increase the polymer’s electrical conductivity at a lower filler content. Another common strategy for filler enrichment distribution involves the creation of a segregated network structure between polymer and filler, i.e., adhering conductive filler to the surface of the polymer particles to improve conductivity at lower filler content. For example, Wang et al. [25] coated PLA particles with CNTs and graphene nanoplates (GNPs) using poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) as a binder and hot pressed them to form PLA nanocomposites. They found that composites with a segregated structure had a higher electrical conductivity than composites with randomly distributed fillers. Notably, the formation of continuous segregated conductive networks in the polymer matrix was influenced by filler content and distribution method as well as the morphological structure of the filler. A segregated ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE)/CNTs/CB composite containing different dimensions of carbon nanofillers was successfully prepared by Cui et al. With CNTs and CB contents of 3 wt% and 1 wt%, respectively, the hybrid CNTs/CB filler combines the advantages of both fillers over a single filler. Its electrical conductivity can reach 3.32 S/m, which is 14 times higher than that of pure UHMWPE. In this study, the CBs built independent conductive pathways and connected unconnected conductive CNTs, creating a better synergistic effect by adding more CB fillers. Of note, over-enrichment of filler on the segregated network resulted in weaker bonding between the polymer particles, decreasing the composite’s mechanical properties. Thus, an effective method to prevent performance defects associated with excessively enriched fillers in the segregated structure of PLA composites is required to maximize the synergy between multiple fillers [27].

In the present study, we successfully constructed a continuously segregated double-filler network structure in PLA composites with improved electrical conductivity by adding small amounts of 1D CNTs and 0D CB hybrid fillers [5]. A masterbatch of PLA/CNTs composites with a continuous conductive network of CNTs was first obtained by melt blending. Then, by mechanically mixing a small amount of CB filler over the surface of the PLA/CNTs masterbatch, a thin layer of the segregated conductive network was formed. Analysis of electrical conductivity and mechanical properties showed that the PLA composites with the addition of 1 phr (parts per hundred of PLA) CNTs and 1 phr CB could maintain tensile strength of 70.1 MPa, impact toughness of 2.8 kJ/m2, and flexural strength of 91.3 MPa, while their electrical conductivity could reach 9.8 × 10−2 S/m. Thus, the PLA composites prepared in this study exhibited excellent electrical conductivity and mechanical properties at low addition of nanofillers, demonstrating their broad application prospects in electronic components and safety protection.

2 Experimental section

2.1 Materials

PLA, grade 4032D, was obtained from Nature Works Co., Ltd (USA). Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (CNTs) were purchased from Nanjing XFNANO Technology Co., Ltd. (China) (purity > 95%, diameter and length of 10–20 nm and 10–30 μm, true density of 2.1 g/cm3). Conductive carbon black (CB) (particle size of 30–45 nm) was also supplied by Nanjing XFNANO Technology Co., Ltd. (China).

2.2 Preparation of PLA/CNTs@CB composites with segregated double network structure

Figure 1 illustrates the schematic diagram of the preparation processes for PLA/CNTs@CB composites (PLA/xC@yB, where x and y denote CNTs and CB parts per hundred of PLA, respectively). All raw materials were dried in an oven at 70 °C for 8 h before composite preparation. To prepare composites, PLA pellets and CNTs were first melt blended in a Harker torque rheometer at a temperature of 180 °C and a speed of 60 r/min for 8 min. The blended PLA/CNTs mixtures were then crushed at 30,000 r/min for 1.5 min and sieved to obtain PLA/xC powder masterbatches with sizes less than 200 μm. The PLA/xC powder masterbatch and the CB filler were mechanically mixed in a high-speed mixer at 28,000 r/min for 6 min to create PLA/xC@yB composite particles. Finally, PLA/xC@yB composite sheets were prepared by compression molding of composite particles at 190 °C and 10 MPa.

Fig. 1
figure 1

The schematic diagram for the preparation procedures of the PLA/CNTs@CB composites

2.3 Electrical conductivity measurements

The volume conductivities for samples with a diameter of 25 mm and a thickness of 1 mm were measured using a four-point probe instrument (RTS-9, China) and a high-resistance meter (ZC36, China). Data reported were computed from the average conductivity of five repeated measurements at different locations, which were then converted to the average conductivity.

2.4 Rheological properties

Rheological properties were measured using a physical rheometer (Anton Paar MCR302, Austria) with a sample of 25 mm in a diameter and 1 mm in thickness. Rheological measurement was conducted at 190 °C from 0.1 to 100 rad/s with a strain amplitude of 1%.

2.5 Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)

An SEM (HITACHI Regulus 8100, Japan) was used to observe the fracture surface morphology of PLA, PLA/xC composites, and PLA/xC@yB composites. To obtain brittle fracture surfaces, the samples were first immersed in liquid nitrogen for 2 h before inducing a rapid brittle fracture. Before SEM observation, the samples were baked in a vacuum oven at 40 °C for 6 h and then sprayed with gold.

2.6 Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA)

For TGA, the thermal decomposition of PLA, PLA/xC composites, and PLA/xC@yB composites were investigated using a Netzsch 209 F1 thermal analyzer (Germany). All measurements were heated from 25 to 600 °C at a rate of 10 °C/min under a nitrogen (N2) atmosphere. The sample weight was about 5 mg.

2.7 Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)

DSC analysis was performed using a Q2000 TA Instrument (Delaware, USA) under a nitrogen (N2) atmosphere. Approximately 5 mg of the sample was placed in a sealed aluminum pan. To erase the thermal history of DSC, the temperature was increased from 25 to 200 °C at a rate of 10 °C/min followed by cooling to 25 °C at the same rate. Afterward, the second heating stage was performed under the same conditions as the first heating stage. Using DSC curves recorded in the second heating stage, the glass transition temperature (Tg), the cold crystallization temperature (Tcc), and the melting temperature (Tm) were determined. The degree of crystallinity (Xc) was calculated using Eq. (1):

$$Xc(\%)=\frac{\Delta Hm}{\Delta H\times wt\%\times 100}$$

where \(\Delta Hm\) represents the enthalpy of fusion of the composites, \(\Delta H=93.6 \mathrm{J}/\mathrm{g}\) represents the enthalpy of fusion when PLA is 100% crystallized, and wt% is the percentage of PLA in the composites [23].

2.8 Mechanical properties

Mechanical testing of PLA/xC@yB composites was performed using a universal mechanical testing instrument (Instron5966, USA). The Notched Izod impact strength was tested using an XC-22 impact tester (Chengde, China). A total of 2-mm dumbbell-shaped spline was used for a tensile test and 80 × 10 × 4 mm3 rectangular-shaped samples were used for flexural and impact tests. The cross-head speeds for tensile and flexural tests were both 2 mm/min.

3 Results and discussion

3.1 Determination of CNTs content in PLA/xC/yB composites

Figure 2 shows the electrical conductivity change curves of PLA/xC composites with varying CNT contents. As the CNT content increases from 0 (PLA/0C) to 0.592 vol% (PLA/1C), the electrical conductivity of PLA/xC composites increases sharply and then stabilizes with a further increase in CNTs content. The percolation theory states that, in the process of filler dispersing in the polymer matrix, when the filler content reaches a level where it is able to bond together to form a conductive path, the conductivity begins to increase suddenly and will rise more than 10 orders of magnitude. The content of the filler is regarded as a critical value, which is called the percolation threshold [28]. Equation (2) is used to fit the electrical conductivity of the composites. [29,30,31]

Fig. 2
figure 2

Variation of electrical conductivity of PLA/xC composites with increasing CNTs content and the log–log plots of the electrical conductivity versus CNTs content of the composites

$$\sigma=\sigma_0\left(\varphi\:-\:\varphi c\right)^t$$

where σ is the electrical conductivity of the sample, σ0 is the electrical conductivity of CNTs, φ is the volume fraction of CNTs in the composites, φc is the percolation threshold, and t is the critical exponent.

Analysis of the fitting results showed that the percolation threshold for PLA/xC composites was 0.403 vol% (the mass fraction of CNTs of about 0.7 wt%). When the filler content reaches the percolation threshold, a complete conductive pathway is formed within the composite. To maintain a good conductive pathway in composites, the CNT content should be increased to above 0.7 wt%.

Rheological tests were conducted on the composites to determine their rheological behavior [32]. The results shown in Fig. 3a demonstrate that, at low frequencies, the storage modulus (G′) increases concomitantly with the increase in CNTs content. Higher CNTs content in the composite intensifies molecular entanglement, slows down polymer relaxation, and increases G′. An intensive molecular entanglement in a composites would slow down the flow of the melt, thereby increase the viscosity of the composites. As the viscous flow consumes more energy, the loss modulus (G′′) increases (Fig. 3b). Additionally, rheological testing demonstrates that, when a filler forms a percolation network in the composites, the elastic response of the melt increases substantially, and the dependence of the elastic response on the shear frequency decreases significantly. As a result, the melt displays a solid-like behavior, which usually forms a plateau in G′ and G′′ curves at low frequencies [33]. Furthermore, in the low-frequency region, tan δ gradually decreases to below 1 as the CNTs content increases (Fig. 3c), indicating the gradual formation of the filler network and the liquid–solid transition of the melt [34]. The processing ability of the composites was further determined based on their complex viscosity (η*). As shown in Fig. 3d, Newtonian behavior can be observed in the high frequency end region of PLA and PLA/0.5C composites. In contrast, other PLA/xC composites exhibit a strong tendency for shear thinning as the frequency is increased. This difference is caused by the gradual formation of the filler network, which limits the flow of the PLA matrix as the CNTs content increases. Furthermore, all composites exhibit lower viscosities at higher frequencies, implying better processing performance.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Rheological properties of PLA/xC composites: (a) storage modulus (G′), (b) loss modulus (G′′), (c) tan δ, and (d) complex viscosity (η*)

The brittle fracture surface morphology of the PLA/xC composites is shown in Fig. 4. Pure PLA in Fig. 4a exhibits typical brittle fracture characteristics [35, 36]. Conversely, as shown in Figs. 4b–g, the amount of CNTs on the fracture surface of the composites increase with an increase in CNT content. In contrast, significant agglomeration is observed on the fracture surface of composites when the CNTs content exceeds 3 wt% (Figs. 4e, f and g). On the basis of these results, PLA/1C and PLA/2C composites were selected as masterbatches for further investigation to maintain good conductive networks and prevent CNT agglomeration.

Fig. 4
figure 4

SEM images of PLA/xC composites: (a) PLA, (b) PLA/0.5C, (c) PLA/1C, (d) PLA/2C, (e) PLA/3C, (f) PLA/4C, and (g) PLA/5C

3.2 Morphology and properties of PLA/xC@yB composites

The comprehensive performance of polymer composites with segregated structures depends not only on filler dispersion and concentration but also on particle size [37]. Lei et al. [38] prepared PVDF/GNP conductive composites with segregated structures by mixing PVDF particles ranging in size from 100 to 400 μm with GNP and found that samples prepared with smaller PVDF particles formed a more dense conductive network. Another study by Gao et al. [39] compounded GPPS particles of various different sizes with graphite flakes to prepare composites with a segregated structure. They observed that the mechanical properties of the composites decreased with the increase in GPPS particle size. Likewise, Fig. 5 displays the surface morphology and size distribution of PLA/1C powder (Fig. 5a, b) and PLA/2C powder (Fig. 5c, d). PLA/1C powder and PLA/2C powder with a size less than 200 μm are very similar and have little effect on the subsequent experiment. Therefore, to improve the composites’ electrical conductivity without compromising their mechanical properties, we sieved PLA/1C and PLA/2C composites to obtain PLA/xC powder masterbatches with sizes smaller than 200 μm.

Fig. 5
figure 5

SEM images and particle size distribution of (a, b) PLA/1C powder, (c, d) PLA/2C powder

After determining the particle sizes of PLA/1C and PLA/2C masterbatches, they were mechanically mixed with various CB contents to obtain PLA/xC/yB composites. The brittle fracture surfaces of PLA/1C/yB and PLA/2C/yB composites are shown in Fig. 6 and Fig. S1. As shown in Fig. 6a, the PLA/1C@1B composite can form a stable segregated network structure when a CB of 1 phr is added to the PLA/1C masterbatch. According to Fig. 6b–d, it is observed that the integrity of the conductive segregated network of the composites improves with the increase in CB content, and the width of the segregated zone increases with the increase in CB content, as can be seen from Fig. 6a1–d1. While the increase in CB content may contribute to improving the electrical conductivity of the sample, the overall structure of the polymer has not changed significantly. As a result, the electrical conductivity of the sample has not increased significantly. The morphology of PLA/2C/yB composites shown in Fig. S1 is similar to that of PLA/1C/yB composites. In addition, it can be clearly seen that, with increasing CB content, the segregated conductive network improves, and the width of the segregated zone increases, leading to higher electrical conductivity. Detailed results of electrical conductivity is provided in the following section.

Fig. 6
figure 6

SEM micrographs of PLA/1C@yB composites: (a, a1) PLA/1C@1B, (b, b1) PLA/1C@2B, (c, c1) PLA/1C@3B, and (d, d1) PLA/1C@4B

TGA was used to evaluate the thermal stability of PLA and PLA/xC@yB composites under nitrogen (N2) atmosphere [23]. The TGA and DTG curves are shown in Fig. 7 and the corresponding onset decomposition temperature (T5), maximum weight loss temperature (DTG peak), and residual char mass are listed in Table S1. Based on the residual char mass, the actual content of the filler of the composite material is consistent with the theoretical content. As shown in Figs. 7c, d and Table S1, the initial decomposition temperature of PLA/1C@1B is 339.5 °C, and the maximum weight loss temperature is 371.4 °C, which is an increase of 2.4 °C and 2.1 °C over pure PLA, respectively, and an increase of 0.3 °C and 1.0 °C over PLA/1C. And the initial decomposition temperature and maximum weight loss temperature increase with increasing CB and CNTs content. At high CB and CNTs content, the thermal conductivity of the matrix is enhanced, thus improving PLA/xC@yB composites’ thermal stability. According to these findings, adding CB and CNTs to composites improves their thermal stability and extends their service lives.

Fig. 7
figure 7

TGA (a, b) and DTG (c, d) curves of pure PLA, PLA/xC composites and PLA/xC@yB composites

The effect of 0D CB-1D CNTs hybrid fillers on the crystallization properties of PLA nanocomposites is further investigated using DSC. A second heating curve can be seen in Fig. 8, and the composites’ Tcc, Tm, ∆Hcc, ∆Hm, and Xc are listed in Table S2. Compared with pure PLA, PLA/xC@yB composites have a slightly higher Tg, since the CNTs and CBs inhibit the free movement of PLA chain segments. Notably, the Tcc of PLA composites is lower than that of pure PLA. This is caused by the heterogeneous nucleation role of CNTs and CB, which lowers the nucleation barrier and allowing molecular chain segments to crystallize at lower temperatures. In addition, the crystallinity of PLA/xC@yB composites is significantly higher than that of pure PLA due to the heterogeneous nucleation effect of the hybrid nanofillers. PLA, for example, has a lower crystallinity of about 3.5% because of its slow crystallization and formation of crystals by cold crystallization during the second heating process. In contrast, the addition of CNTs and CB reduces the ∆Hcc and increases the melting enthalpy, leading to higher crystallinity. In PLA/2C@4B composites, the crystallinity is 18.5%, which is 5.3 times greater than that of pure PLA. Furthermore, the degree of crystal perfection is improved by adding CNTs and CB fillers, leading to an increase in Tm.

Fig. 8
figure 8

The second heating curves of pure PLA and PLA/xC@yB composites

The mechanical properties of pure PLA and PLA/xC@yB composites are presented in Fig. 9. In comparison with the 3D-printed pure PLA sample, it is evident that all PLA/xC@yB composites have a higher tensile strength [40, 41]. A small amount of CNTs added to PLA could enhance its tensile strength. As a result of their reinforcing effect and good dispersion, PLA/1C composite (71.4 MPa) and PLA/2C composite (70.1 MPa) have higher tensile strength than PLA (68.6 MPa). By covering PLA/xC particles with CB, the tensile strength of PLA/xC@yB composites is decreased. For instance, PLA/1C@1B composite (70.1 MPa) has a lower tensile strength than PLA/1C composite (71.4 MPa). When PLA/xC particles are covered with a higher CB filler content, the decrease in tensile strength is more significant. Accordingly, the tensile strengths of PLA/1C@1B composite, PLA/1C@2B composite, PLA/1C@3B composite, and PLA/1C@4B composite are 70.1 MPa, 68.7 MPa, 66.7 MPa, and 63.3 MPa, respectively. Possibly, this inverse relationship can be attributed to the mechanical bonding between the CB fillers and the PLA/xC particles, which inhibits their interfacial adhesion. However, PLA/1C@4B composite has only a slight decrease in tensile strength with respect to PLA. Likewise, as the CB content increases in PLA/xC@yB composites, the composites’ flexural strength gradually decreases (Fig. 9b, e). As compared to the flexural strength of PLA (95.1 MPa), the flexural strength of PLA1C/1B composite (91.3 MPa) is only reduced by approximately 4%. Figure 9c, f illustrates that there were no significant differences in impact strength between PLA and PLA/xC@yB composites. The PLA/1C/1B compositekJ/m has a similar impact strength (2.8 kJ/m2) to pure PLA (2.9 kJ/m2). To summarize, the addition of CNTs and CB does not significantly alter PLA’s mechanical properties. The prepared composites are still able to maintain the high mechanical properties needed for most applications.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Mechanical properties of pure PLA and PLA/xC@yB composites: (a, d) tensile strength, (b, e) flexural strength, and (c, f) impact strength

The electrical conductivity of pure PLA is 2.0 × 10−14 S/m, which is typical for insulating material, as illustrated in Fig. 10. After CNTs were added to PLA/xC composites, the electrical conductivity increased rapidly with increasing CNTs content. For example, the electrical conductivity of PLA/1C and PLA/2C was 2.9 × 10−4 S/m and 4.0 × 10−2 S/m, respectively, 10 and 12 times higher than that of pure PLA. This suggests that CNTs with good conductivity form a better conductive network with a uniform distribution in the PLA matrix. The electrical conductivity of PLA/xC@yB composites was further improved by mechanically coating the surface of PLA/xC particles with CB. The electrical conductivity of PLA/1C@1B composites and PLA/2C@1B composites was 9.8 × 10−2 S/m and 9.7 × 10−1 S/m, respectively, which was more than 12 and 13 times higher than that of pure PLA. It is worth noting that, at CB content exceeding 1 phr, increasing the CB content does not significantly enhance the electrical conductivity of PLA/xC@yB composites. These results demonstrate that 1 phr of CB is adequate to form a complete conductive network on the surface of PLA/xC particles. Mechanically coating 0D CB filler on the surface of the PLA/xC particles can improve the conductive network and connect far-apart CNTs on the surface of the particles, thus shortening the spacing of the conductive fillers and improving their connectivity. Therefore, we conclude that the high electrical conductivity of PLA/xC@yB composites at a low filler content is due to the formation of a segregated double-conductive network in the composite by the well-dispersed CNTs and the CB on the particle surface. Figure 10c shows the schematic diagram of the segregated double-filler network inside the PLA/xC@yB composite. In the PLA/xC composite masterbatch, the 0D CB filler forms a segregated structure by enveloping composite particles and lapping with the CNTs with high aspect ratios to create more and better conductive paths. Thus, high electrical conductivity can be achieved in the PLA/xC@yB composites at low-hybrid nanofiller loadings. Figure 10d compares the electrical conductivity of PLA/1C@1B and PLA/2C@1B composites prepared in this study to that of PLA-based composites containing different conductive fillers reported previously. [11, 23, 35, 42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50] The results show that the composites prepared in this work can achieve relatively high electrical conductivity with low-filler contents, primarily because they contain successfully constructed segregated double-filler conductive networks.

Fig. 10
figure 10

Electrical conductivity of pure PLA and PLA/xC@yB composites (a, b), a schematic diagram of the segregated double-conductive network in PLA/xC@yB composites (c) and comparison of electrical conductivity with other previous works (d)

4 Conclusions

In this study, PLA and 1D CNT fillers were melt-blended and sieved to obtain masterbatches with a size less than 200 μm. The obtained masterbatches were mechanically mixed with 0D CB filler. Finally, a segregated double-filler network structure was constructed in the PLA composites at low hybrid filler content. This structure increased the electrical conductivity of the composites. For example, the electrical conductivity of the PLA/1C@1B composite was more than 12 times higher than that of pure PLA with the addition of only 1 phr CNTs and 1 phr CB. The lower amount of filler can prevent filler agglomeration, which can also contribute to the maintenance of the composite's mechanical properties. The prepared PLA/1C@1B composites had tensile strength, flexural strength, and impact toughness of 70.1 MPa, 91.3 MPa, and 2.8 kJ/m2, respectively, which is as good as pure PLA. Owing to the segregated double-filler conductive network, the PLA-based composites showed high electrical conductivity, good mechanical properties, and low preparation cost, making them ideal for application as electronic components and safety protection in the future.