
Interventions aiming to enhance cognitive functions are ubiquitous in mainstream society. In particular, techniques involving computerized cognitive training (CCT) and non-invasive brain stimulation (NIBS) are increasingly widespread for the treatment and prevention of cognitive decline. Drawing on the allure of neuroplasticity, such programs comprise a multi-billion dollar industry catering to researchers, healthcare professionals, educators, and individual consumers (SharpBrains 2013, 2016). Nevertheless, cognitive enhancement interventions remain highly controversial due to inconsistent reports of effectiveness and uncertainty regarding their mechanisms of action (Boot and Kramer 2014; Simons et al. 2016).

A major limitation in cognitive enhancement research and practice is the failure to account for expectations of outcomes, which can influence the degree to which participants improve over an intervention (i.e., the placebo effect). The few studies that have examined expectations in the context of cognitive training suggest they may represent an important factor (Boot et al. 2013; Foroughi et al. 2016). No standardized tool exists to measure expectations in the context of cognitive enhancement interventions.

Here, we sought to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Expectation Assessment Scale (EAS), a questionnaire we created and are using in our intervention research to measure the perceived effectiveness of CCT and NIBS. We report our analyses of participant responses elsewhere (Rabipour et al. 2017).

Materials and Methods

We developed the EAS in two steps: (i) we created an initial version of the EAS based on questions used by Boot et al. (2013); (ii) following an examination of responses on this initial version, we refined the questions to create the current scale (Rabipour and Davidson 2015). As previously described (Rabipour and Davidson 2015), the scale comprises seven items, representing expected outcomes for seven cognitive domains: (i) “general cognitive function,” (ii) “memory,” (iii)“concentration,” (iv) “distractibility,” (v) “reasoning ability,” (vi) “multitasking ability,” and (vii) “performance in everyday activities” (see Supplementary Material). All participants responded based on the same wording, with no additional information provided. Responses were recorded on a 7-point Likert scale.


We delivered a web-based version of the EAS probing expectations of either CCT (study 1) or NIBS (study 2). Participants were recruited from the student participant pool at the University of Ottawa (UO) and Florida State University (FSU), through ads and flyers (community recruitment), and via web-based recruitment, including Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk) and Qualtrics (Table 1). As previously reported (Rabipour et al. 2017), although the majority of participants were recruited solely to complete the survey, the 50 OA recruited from FSU participated in the context of a brain training intervention (Souders et al. 2017).

Table 1 Composition of participant samples (n women) in study 1 and study 2. As previously reported (Rabipour et al. 2017), 88 participants from study 2 did not report age or sex

Data Analysis

Item response theory (IRT) is a “model-based approach” to item and trait analysis (Embretson and Reise 2000). Compared to reliability statistics provided by classical test theory, IRT has numerous advantages, including better estimates of item- and test-level reliability through the marginal reliability for response pattern score. Importantly, it provides standard errors of measurement for each level of the examined trait (for discussion and examples, see Foster et al. 2017; Hays et al. 2000; Kim and Feldt 2010; Shu and Schwarz 2014). Moreover, compared to confirmatory factor analytic methods, IRT is more robust and informative when examining the equivalence of a particular scale (Meade and Lautenschlager 2004).

We first assessed uni-dimensionality using principal component analysis (PCA). We then assessed item properties with a uni-dimensional graded item response model (Samejima 1997). To determine model fit, we used the root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA) and chi-square (X2). RMSEA chooses optimal parameters estimates to examine how well the unknown model fits the population covariance matrix (Hooper et al. 2008). RMSEA values of 0.06 or lower indicate acceptable model fit. However, due to criticisms of the RMSEA and other fit indices (Hayduk et al. 2007; Squires et al. 2013), we have also reported X2 values for model fit.

We conducted our analyses using SPSS version 24, R Studio version 3.1.1, and IRTPRO version 2.1 (Cai et al. 2011).

Study 1: Expectations of Computerized Cognitive Training

We evaluated expectations of CCT outcomes on two separate occasions: (i) as part of our initial development of the survey, evaluating 422 participants (305 women; M = 29.67 years of age, SD = 19.76), and (ii) as a replication in 373 participants (229 women; M = 46.13 years of age, SD = 21.81). We excluded responses from 153 participants with incomplete or incomparable responses due to their completion of the initial version of the survey, as well as 23 outliers identified based on a Mahalanobis distance greater than 22.46, for a final sample of 619.

Study 2: Expectations of Non-invasive Brain Stimulation

We evaluated expectations of NIBS outcomes in 516 respondents (299 women; M = 32.22 years of age, SD = 17.48). We excluded 96 participants with inappropriate or incomplete responses, as well as 7 outliers based on a Mahalanobis distance greater than 20.52, for a final sample of 413. We probed expected outcomes for six cognitive domains (i.e., six items): “general cognitive function,” “memory,” “distractibility,” “reasoning ability,” “multitasking ability,” and “performance in everyday activities”; we dropped the “concentration” item due to a technical error leading to insufficient number of responses.

Because we have also used the EAS in studies of expectation priming (e.g., see Rabipour et al. 2017; Rabipour and Davidson 2015), we also examined the psychometric properties of the EAS when delivered under conditions where participants were primed to report high or low expectations of outcomes.


PCA confirmed the uni-dimensionality of both versions of the EAS, with a ratio of 3.5 and 3.62 between the first and second eigenvalues for the CCT and NIBS scales, respectively. Moreover, all items on each version of the EAS loaded strongly onto a single cognitive domain factor (Table 2). We therefore did not perform confirmatory factor analyses.

Table 2 Principal component analysis for the CCT and NIBS versions of the EAS. Factor loadings suggest all items load strongly onto a single cognitive domain factor

Expectations of Computerized Cognitive Training

The hypothesized IRT model for the CCT version of the EAS (EAS-CCT) showed good fit (RMSEA = 0.04; M2749 = 1563.26, P = 0.0001). Furthermore, item fit statistics demonstrated that all items fit well with the model (Table 3).

Table 3 Item fit statistics for the EAS-CCT

IRT analysis yielded a high reliability of 0.87 for responses on the EAS-CCT. The items with the highest discrimination (i.e., ability to discriminate between high and low expectancy traits) in expectations of CCT were “general cognitive function” (2.34), “memory” (2.27), and “concentration” (2.22); other items had lower discrimination (Table 4). The item information curves show that each item is reliable at each level of the trait, with higher peaks representing higher discrimination on the item (Fig. 1). For example, the “memory” item (Fig. 1b) is the most discriminating item with particularly good reliability at the lower end of the expectation spectrum. Conversely, the “multitasking” item demonstrates the lowest discrimination across all levels of expectancy (Fig. 1f). Comparing all the item information curves shows that the items with the lowest discrimination provide the same amount of information across all levels of expectancy. The total information curve shows that the EAS-CCT is more reliable at lower levels of expectancy.

Table 4 Item characteristics for the EAS-CCT. Item discrimination and threshold parameters for the EAS-CCT. Items demonstrate good model fit
Fig. 1
figure 1

Category characteristic and item information curves (dashed line) for the EAS-CCT. Results suggest the CCT version of the EAS discriminates responses well at all levels of the trait, for all included subscales (ag). Category characteristic curves show the best discriminability in the “general cognitive function” subscale (a)

Expectations of Non-invasive Brain Stimulation

The hypothesized model for the NIBS version of the EAS (EAS-NIBS) showed moderately good fit (RMSEA = 0.07; M2534 = 1470.68, P = 0.0001). Item fit characteristics demonstrate that all items fit well with the model (Table 5).

Table 5 Item fit characteristics of the EAS-NIBS

IRT analysis yielded a reliability of 0.91 for responses on the EAS-NIBS. The item with the highest discrimination in expectations of NIBS was “performance in everyday activities” (2.72), although most items had high discriminations (Table 6). The item information curves show that each item is reliable at each level of the trait, with higher peaks representing higher discrimination on the item (Fig. 2). For example, the “performance in everyday activities” item (Fig. 2f) discriminates best between respondents of high vs. lower expectancy trait, with particularly good reliability at the lower end of the expectation spectrum. This can be seen both in the table as well as in the height of the peaks in Fig. 2. Figure 2f demonstrates that the “memory” item discriminates well across all levels of the expectancy trait, with particularly high reliability at lower levels of the trait. Conversely, the “distractibility” item demonstrates the lowest discrimination across all levels of expectancy (Fig. 2c). Comparing all the item information curves shows that the items with the lowest discrimination provide the same amount of information across all levels of expectancy. The total information curve shows that the EAS-NIBS is more reliable at lower levels of expectancy.

Table 6 Item characteristics of the EAS-NIBS. Parameter estimates and discrimination indices for the EAS-NIBS. Items demonstrate good model fit
Fig. 2
figure 2

Category characteristic curves and item information curves (dashed line) for the EAS-NIBS. Results suggest the NIBS version of the EAS discriminates responses well at all levels of the trait, for all included subscales (af). Category characteristic curves suggest the best discriminability in the “performance in everyday activities” subscale (f)

As predicted, we found substantial differences in the psychometric properties of both versions of the EAS under conditions of expectation priming. Specifically, despite good reliability under priming conditions, both versions of the EAS demonstrated poor fit with the hypothesized model under high (EAS-CCT: RMSEA = 0.31; M2749 = 45,088.54, P = 0.0001; EAS-NIBS: RMSEA = 0.24; M2534 = 13,051.28, P = 0.0001) and low (EAS-CCT: RMSEA = 0.26; M2749 = 32,120.61, P = 0.0001; EAS-NIBS: RMSEA = 0.16; M2534 = 6397.45, P = 0.0001) priming conditions.


Expectations may influence the outcomes of cognitive enhancement interventions, but remain unaccounted for in the majority of trials. Here, we demonstrate the reliability of a new tool, the EAS, designed specifically to measure expectations of outcomes in the context of cognitive enhancement interventions. Using IRT, we have found that the EAS has internal consistency and can serve as a reliable measure of participant expectations.

Our results further show good validity based on the internal structure of the EAS across all subscales, for both CCT and NIBS. Response patterns are comparable across multiple samples of young and older adults, and suggest that older adults may have higher expectations of CCT compared to young (Rabipour et al. 2017; Rabipour and Davidson 2015). Moreover, although current analyses of the EAS cannot determine the extent to which responses are truly reflective of expectations, the EAS appears sensitive to changes in reported expectations, relative to baseline, in response to information indicating high or low intervention effectiveness. Because no distinct expectation scale currently exists, we cannot perform an analysis of external validation. However, we would argue that the EAS has high face validity.

Of course, the reliability of the EAS does not necessarily indicate how participants might have interpreted the purpose of the study or the reasoning behind their expectation ratings. Similarly, our results do not provide any insight into how participants interpreted each cognitive domain (i.e., item) in the EAS; notably, the different discriminability of the “concentration” and “distractibility” items, intended to be mirror opposites, suggests that participants may have perceived them as diverging. However, these potential considerations hardly undermine the utility of the tool. The EAS aims to capture how the average person—in particular, non-experts interested in cognitive enhancement interventions but naïve to the scientific context of CCT and NIBS—would respond when reading freely available information supporting or criticizing CCT or NIBS programs (e.g., through advertisements, consumer reviews, or personal anecdotes). Such information, which often fuels people’s decision whether or not to pursue a particular program, formed the basis of our expectation priming messages (Rabipour and Davidson 2015). Determining how people would respond in this type of hypothetical scenario represents an important first step to understanding people’s motivations to pursue such interventions when presented with the opportunity.


A potential limitation is our inclusion of seven items in study 1 and only six in study 2. In addition, differential recruitment (i.e., lack of recruitment from FSU and from the Ottawa community for Study 2), as well as the inclusion of 50 OA recruited in the context of a brain training intervention in study 1, could potentially explain result patterns across our studies.


The EAS can serve as a reliable and valid tool to assess the face validity of cognitive enhancement interventions, while accounting for expectations of outcomes. Using the EAS may help interpret the results of cognitive enhancement trials and determine the effectiveness and appropriateness of individual approaches in different populations. Our data may serve as a reference point to create a standardized expectation scale, with external validation and population norms.

Future studies may refine or customize the structure of the EAS as relevant, based on individual program structure, and use alternative approaches (e.g., involving factor analytic methods) for validating the tool. One useful next step would be to compare intervention outcomes in people who receive the EAS before beginning a study vs. those who do not, as suggested by our reviewers. Alternatively, allowing a certain period of time to pass between administration of the EAS and the intervention might be a good way to avoid having the EAS influence outcomes in an unexpected or artificial way. In addition, as suggested by a reviewer, future research could examine the psychometric properties of the EAS in situations where participants are given a basis for discriminating among the likely outcomes (e.g., providing information about the implicated brain regions and their associated functions).

Assessing expectations with the EAS before, during, and after cognitive enhancement interventions will likely prove useful for explaining intervention outcomes, identifying differences between responders and non-responders, and better tailoring interventions to target users.