1 Introduction and statements of results

All groups considered in this paper are finite.

The results of this article are based on a paper of Skiba [13]. There he generalised the concepts of solubility, nilpotency and subnormality introducing \(\sigma \)-solubility, \(\sigma \)-nilpotency, and \(\sigma \)-subnormality in which \(\sigma \) is a partition of the set \({\mathbb {P}}\), the set of all primes. Hence \({\mathbb {P}}={\bigcup }_{i \in I}{\sigma }_{i}\), with \({\sigma }_{i} \cap {\sigma }_{j}=\emptyset \) for all \(i \ne j\).

We note that in the special case that \(\sigma \) is the partition of \({\mathbb {P}}\) containing exactly one prime each, the definitions below reduce to the familiar case of soluble groups, nilpotent groups and subnormal subgroups.

From now on let \(\sigma \) denote a partition of \({\mathbb {P}}\). Given a natural number n, we denote by \(\sigma (n)\) the set of all elements of \(\sigma \) including the primes dividing n. Two natural numbers m and n are called \(\sigma \)-coprime if \(\sigma (m) \cap \sigma (n) = \emptyset \). We say that n is \(\sigma \)-primary if \(|\sigma (n)| = 1\), that is, if its prime factors all belong to the same member of \(\sigma \).

A group G is called \(\sigma \)-primary if |G| is a \(\sigma \)-primary number.

Definition 1

A group G is said to be \(\sigma \)-soluble if every chief factor of G is \(\sigma \)-primary. G is said to be \(\sigma \)-nilpotent if it is a direct product of \(\sigma \)-primary groups.

Note that if \(\pi \) is a set of primes and \(\sigma = \{\pi , \pi '\}\), then a group G is \(\sigma \)-soluble if and only if G is \(\pi \)-separable. In this case, G is \(\sigma \)-nilpotent if and only if G is \(\pi \)-decomposable. If \(\pi = \{p_1, \ldots , p_n\}\), and \(\sigma = \{\{p_1\}, \ldots , \{p_n\}, \pi '\}\), then G is \(\sigma \)-soluble if and only if G is \(\pi \)-soluble, and G is \(\sigma \)-nilpotent if and only if G has a normal Hall \(\pi '\)-subgroup and a normal Sylow \(p_i\)-subgroup, for all \(i=1, \dots , n\).

Many normal and arithmetical properties of soluble groups still hold for \(\sigma \)-soluble groups (see [13]). In particular, every \(\sigma \)-soluble group has a conjugacy class of Hall \(\sigma _i\)-subgroups and a conjugacy class of Hall \(\sigma _{i}'\)-subgroups, for every \(\sigma _i \in \sigma \).

The role of the class \({{{\mathcal {N}}}}_{\sigma }\) of all \(\sigma \)-nilpotent groups in \(\sigma \)-soluble groups is analogous to that of nilpotent groups in soluble groups. In particular, \({{{\mathcal {N}}}}_{\sigma }\) is a subgroup-closed saturated Fitting formation [13, Corollary 2.4 and Lemma 2.5] that is closely related to the subgroup embedding property of \(\sigma \)-subnormality.

Definition 2

Given a partition \(\sigma \) of the set of prime numbers, a subgroup X of a group G is called \(\sigma \)-subnormal in G if there exists a chain of subgroups

$$\begin{aligned} X=X_{0} \le X_{1} \le \cdots \le X_{n}=G, \end{aligned}$$

with \(X_{i-1}\) normal in \(X_{i}\) or \(X_{i}/Core_{X_{i}}(X_{i-1})\)\(\sigma \)-primary for every \(1 \le i \le n\).

To know that a non-\(\sigma \)-nilpotent group possesses a non-trivial proper \(\sigma \)-subnormal subgroup is equivalent to know that the group is not simple. Therefore criteria for the \(\sigma \)-subnormality of a subgroup may have some importance in the study of the normal structure of a group. The close relationship between \(\sigma \)-subnormal subgroups and direct decompositions of a group strongly supports that claim. The significance of the \(\sigma \)-subnormal subgroups in \(\sigma \)-soluble groups is apparent since they are precisely the \({{{\mathcal {N}}}}_{\sigma }\)-subnormal subgroups, and so they are a sublattice of the subgroup lattice of G. They are also important to analyse the structural impact of some permutability properties (see [14,15,16,17]).

In this paper, which is a natural continuation of [3], extensions of some well-known subnormality criteria are presented. For instance, according to a result of Wielandt (see [9, Theorem 7.3.3]), a subgroup X of a group G is subnormal in G if and only if X is subnormal in \(\langle X, X^{g}\rangle \) for all \(g \in G\).

In [8, Question 19.84] (see also [16]), Skiba asked whether it is enough to know that X is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in \(\langle X, X^{g}\rangle \) for all \(g \in G\) to deduce that X is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in G. It is certainly true in the soluble universe by virtue of [2, Proposition 6.1.10 and Theorem 6.2.17] (see [3, Lemma 2]). Our first main result shows that the answer is also affirmative for \(\sigma \)-soluble groups.

Theorem A

Suppose that G is a \(\sigma \)-soluble group and X is a subgroup of G that is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in \(\langle X, X^{g} \rangle \) for all \(g \in G\). Then X is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in G.

Theorem A is not true for arbitrary groups. Therefore Question 19.84 in [8] is answered.

Example 1

Let \(\pi =\{2,3 \}\) and \(\sigma =\{ \pi , {\pi }' \}\). The simple group \(G = {\text {PSL}}_2(7)\) of order \(168 = 2^3\cdot 3\cdot 7\) has a unique conjugacy class of elements of order 2. Let x be an element of this class. Given \(g \in G\), the group \(\langle x, x^g \rangle \) is isomorphic to \(C_2\), to \(C_2\times C_2\), to \(\Sigma _3\) or to \(D_8\). Therefore \(X = \langle x \rangle \) is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in \(\langle X, X^{g} \rangle \) for all \(g \in G\) but X is not \(\sigma \)-subnormal in G.

Another important subnormality criterion asserts that if \(G = AB\) is a group which is the product of the subgroups A and B and X is a subgroup of G contained in \(A \cap B\) that is subnormal in A and B, then X is subnormal in G. This result was proved by Maier in [10] for soluble groups and then for arbitrary groups by Wielandt [17]. Applying Theorem A, we show that Maier–Wielandt’s result also holds for \(\sigma \)-subnormal subgroups not only in the soluble universe, but also in the \(\sigma \)-soluble one.

Theorem B

Let the \(\sigma \)-soluble group G be the product of two subgroups A and B. If X is a subgroup of \(A \cap B\) which is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in both A and B, then X is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in G.

Theorem B does not hold in general as the following example shows (see [7]).

Example 2

Let \(\pi =\{2,5 \}\) and \(\sigma =\{ \pi , {\pi }' \}\). The alternating group of degree five \(A_{5}\) is the product of the subgroups A and B, where A is the alternating group of degree 4 and B is a dihedral group of order 10. Then \(A \cap B\) is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in both A and B, but \(A \cap B\) is not \(\sigma \)-subnormal in \(A_{5}\).

On the other hand, Wielandt [17] conjectured that if X is a subgroup of G such that X is subnormal in \(\langle X,X^{g} \rangle \) for all \(g \in A \cup B\), then X is subnormal in G.

Wielandt’s conjecture was proved to be true in the soluble universe by Maier and Sidki [11] for subgroups X of prime power order and then for every subgroup X of a soluble group by Casolo in [4].

In [3, Theorem A], we show that the following \(\sigma \)-version of the aforementioned result holds.

Theorem 1

Assume that G is a soluble group factorised as a product of the subgroups A and B. Let X be a subgroup of G such that X is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in \(\langle X,X^{g} \rangle \) for all \(g \in A \cup B\). Then X is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in G.

A natural question to ask is now whether Theorem 1 holds for \(\sigma \)-soluble groups. Unfortunately we have been unable to answer this question; however, our third main result could be regarded as a significant step to solve it.

Theorem C

Assume that G is a \(\sigma \)-soluble group factorised as a product of the subgroups A and B. Let X be a subgroup of G such that X is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in \(\langle X,X^{g} \rangle \) for all \(g \in A \cup B\). Then X is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in G if one of the following conditions is true:

  1. (i)

    |G : A| and |G : B| are \(\sigma \)-primary.

  2. (ii)

    |G : A| is \(\sigma \)-primary and |G : A| and |G : B| are \(\sigma \)-coprime.

The proof of Theorem C strongly depends on the following extension of [6, Theorem 3].

Theorem D

Let G be a \(\sigma \)-soluble group, and A and X two subgroups of G such that X is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in \(\langle X, X^{a}\rangle \) for all \(a \in A \). If |G : A| is \(\sigma \)-primary, then X is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in \(\langle X,A \rangle \).

We shall adhere to the notation and terminology of [2, 5].

2 Preliminaries

Our first lemma collects some basic properties of \(\sigma \)-subnormal subgroups which are very useful in induction arguments.

Lemma 1

[13] Let H, K and N be subgroups of a group G. Suppose that H is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in G and N is normal in G. Then the following statements hold:

  1. 1.

    \(H \cap K\) is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in K.

  2. 2.

    If K is a \(\sigma \)-subnormal subgroup of H, then K is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in G.

  3. 3.

    If K is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in G, then \(H \cap K\) is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in G.

  4. 4.

    HN/N is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in G/N.

  5. 5.

    If \(N \subseteq K\) and K/N is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in G/N, then K is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in G.

  6. 6.

    If \(L \le K\) and K is \(\sigma \)-nilpotent, then L is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in K.

  7. 7.

    If |G : H| is a \(\sigma _i\)-number, then \(O^{\sigma _i}(H)=O^{\sigma _i}(G)\).

  8. 8.

    If N is a \(\sigma _i\)-subgroup of G, then \(N \le N_{G}(O^{\sigma _i}(H))\).

A standard induction argument using Lemma 1 allows us to prove the following result.

Lemma 2

Let X be a subgroup of a \(\sigma \)-soluble group G. Then X is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in G if and only if X is \(\mathcal{N}_{\sigma }\)-subnormal in G, that is, there exists a chain of subgroups

$$\begin{aligned} X=X_{0} \le X_{1} \le \cdots \le X_{n}=G, \end{aligned}$$

such that \(X_{i-1}\) is a maximal subgroup of \(X_{i}\) and \(X_{i}/Core_{X_{i}}(X_{i-1}) \in {{{\mathcal {N}}}}_{\sigma }\), for \(1 \le i \le n\).

The fact that \(\sigma \)-subnormal subgroups are \(\mathcal{N}_{\sigma }\)-subnormal in the \(\sigma \)-soluble universe allows us to prove some relevant properties of these subgroups which are crucial in the proof of our main results.

Lemma 3

Let X be a subgroup of a group G.

  1. 1.

    [2, Lemma 6.1.9 and Proposition 6.1.10] If X is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in G, then the \({{{\mathcal {N}}}_{\sigma }}\)-residual \(X^{{{\mathcal {N}}}_{\sigma }}\) of X is subnormal in G.

  2. 2.

    [2, Lemma 6.1.9] If X is subnormal in G, then X is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in G.

  3. 3.

    [2, Lemmas 6.3.11 and 6.3.12 and Example 6.3.13] \({{{\mathcal {N}}}}_{\sigma }\) is a lattice formation, that is, the set of all \(\sigma \)-subnormal subgroups of a \(\sigma \)- soluble group G forms a sublattice of the subgroup lattice of G.

  4. 4.

    [2, Theorem 6.3.3] If X is a \(\sigma \)-subnormal \(\sigma \)-nilpotent subgroup of a \(\sigma \)-soluble group G, then X is contained in \(F_{\sigma }(G)\), the \({{{\mathcal {N}}}}_{\sigma }\)-radical of G. In particular, if X is \(\sigma _{i}\)-group, then \(X \le {{\,\mathrm{O}\,}}_{\sigma _{i}}(G)\).

  5. 5.

    [2, Theorem 6.5.46] If \(G=\langle A,B \rangle \) is a a \(\sigma \)-soluble group generated by two \(\sigma \)-subnormal subgroups A and B, then \(G^{{{{\mathcal {N}}}}_{\sigma }}=\langle A^{\mathcal{N}_{\sigma }},B^{{{{\mathcal {N}}}}_{\sigma }} \rangle \).

Note that by Lemmas 1 (2) and 3 (2), subnormal subgroups of \(\sigma \)-subnormal subgroups of a group G are \(\sigma \)-subnormal in G. This fact will be applied in the sequel without further reference.

Our third lemma shows that the residual associated with the class of all \(\sigma _i\)-groups (also called \(\sigma _i\)-residual) respects the \(\sigma \)-subnormal generation of \(\sigma \)-soluble groups.

Lemma 4

Let \(\sigma _i \in \sigma \). If A and B are \(\sigma \)-subnormal subgroups of a \(\sigma \)-soluble group \(G=\langle A,B \rangle \), then \(O^{\sigma _i}(G)=\langle O^{\sigma _i}(A), O^{\sigma _i}(B) \rangle \).


Assume the result is false and let G be a counterexample of least order. Denote \(H=\langle O^{\sigma _i}(A),O^{\sigma _i}(B) \rangle \) and \(X=O^{\sigma _i}(G)\). Clearly \(1 \ne X\). Let N be a minimal normal subgroup of G such that \(N \le X\). Since G is \(\sigma \)-soluble, it follows that N is \(\sigma _j\)-group for some \(\sigma _j \in \sigma \). The minimality of G yields \(X=HN\) and \(Core_{G}(H)=1\).

On the other hand, by Lemma 3 (5), we have that \(G^{\mathcal{N}_{\sigma }}=\langle A^{{{{\mathcal {N}}}}_{\sigma }}, B^{{{{\mathcal {N}}}}_{\sigma }} \rangle \le \langle O^{\sigma _i}(A),O^{\sigma _i}(B) \rangle =H.\) Since \(G^{{{{\mathcal {N}}}}_{\sigma }}\) is normal in G and \(Core_{G}(H)=1\), it follows that G is \(\sigma \)-nilpotent.

Then \(G=X \times Y\) with \(Y=O_{\sigma _i}(G)\). If \(Y \ne 1\), then by the minimal choice of G, we have that \(G=X \times Y=H \times Y\), and therefore \(X=H\). Thus \(Y=1\) and so \(G = O^{\sigma _i}(G)\), \(A =O^{\sigma _i}(A)\) and \(B=O^{\sigma _i}(B)\). This contradiction proves the lemma. \(\square \)

Lemma 5

Let \(H^{*}\) denote either the \({{{\mathcal {N}}}}_{\sigma }\)-residual or the \(\sigma _i\)-residual of a subgroup H of a \(\sigma \)-soluble group G, for \(\sigma _i \in \sigma \). Let A be a subgroup of G. If H is a \(\sigma \)-subnormal subgroup of \(\langle H,H^{a} \rangle \) for all \(a \in A\), then H normalises \((H^{*})^{A}\).


Let \(a \in A\). Since H is a \(\sigma \)-subnormal subgroup of \(\langle H, H^{a^{-1}} \rangle \), it follows that \(H^{a}\) is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in \(\langle H^{a},H \rangle =\langle H, H^{a} \rangle \). By Lemmas 3 (5) and 4, we have \(\langle H,H^a \rangle ^{*}=\langle H^{*}, (H^{a})^{*} \rangle =\langle H^{*}, (H^{*})^a \rangle \), thus

$$\begin{aligned} {[}H,(H^{*})^a] \le [H, \langle H,H^{a}\rangle ^{*}] \le \langle H,H^{a} \rangle ^{*} \le (H^{*})^{A}. \end{aligned}$$

\(\square \)

Lemma 6

Let G be a \(\sigma \)-soluble group, X a \(\sigma _i\)-subgroup of G and H a Hall \(\sigma _i\)-subgroup of G. If X is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in \(\langle X, X^{h} \rangle \) for all \(h \in H\), then \(X \le H\).


Suppose that the result is false. Let G be a counterexample of the smallest possible order. Clearly the hypotheses of the lemma hold in \(G/O_{\sigma _i}(G)\). Therefore, if \(O_{\sigma _i}(G) \ne 1\), we have that \(XO_{\sigma _i}(G)/O_{\sigma _i}(G) \le H/O_{\sigma _i}(G)\) by minimality of G. Hence \(X \le H\), contrary to supposition. Thus \(O_{\sigma _i}(G)=1\). Let N be a minimal normal subgroup of G. Then N is a \(\sigma _j\)-group for some \(j \ne i\). Since \(X \le HN\) by the minimal choice of G, there exists \(n \in N\) with \(X^{n} \le H\). Let \(x \in X\) and \(h = x^{-n} \in H\). Then \([x,h]=[x,n][x^{-1},n] \in N\) and \([x,h]=x^{-1}x^{h} \in \langle x,x^{h} \rangle \). Hence \([x,h] \in N \cap \langle x,x^{h}\rangle \). Then X is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in \(\langle X,X^{h} \rangle \) by hypothesis. Since X is a \(\sigma _i\)-subgroup, we have that \(X \le O_{\sigma _i}(\langle X,X^{h} \rangle )\) by Lemma 3 (4). Therefore, \(\langle X,X^{h} \rangle = O_{\sigma _i}(\langle X,X^{h} \rangle )X^{h}\) is a \(\sigma _i\)-subgroup of HN. Thus \([x,h] \in N \cap \langle X,X^{h} \rangle =1\) and \([x,h]=1\). In particular, \([x,n]=[x^{-1},n]\) is a \(\sigma _i\)-element. Since N is a \((\sigma _i)'\)-group and \([x,n] \in N\), it follows that \([x,n]=1\) and \(X^{n}=X \le H\). \(\square \)

Lemma 7

Let H be a subgroup of a \(\sigma \)-soluble group G such that \(O^{\sigma _i}(H)= H\) for some \(\sigma _i \in \sigma \). Assume K is a normal \(\sigma _i\)-subgroup of G and \(k \in K\) such that H is a \(\sigma \)-subnormal subgroup of \(\langle H,H^{k} \rangle \). Then k normalises H.


Denote \(L= \langle H,H^{k} \rangle \). Let Z denote the normal closure of H in L. By Lemma 4, \(O^{\sigma _i}(Z)= Z\). Since \(O^{\sigma _i}(L/Z) = L/Z\), it follows that \(L = O^{\sigma _i}(L)Z\). By [2, Proposition 6.5.5], it follows that \(O^{\sigma _i}(L)=O^{\sigma _i}(L)O^{\sigma _i}(Z) = O^{\sigma _i}(L)Z = L\).

On the other hand, \(L=L \cap HK=H(L \cap K)\). By Lemma 4, \(L=O^{\sigma _i}(L)=O^{\sigma _i}(H)O^{\sigma _i}(L \cap K)=H\). Thus \(L=H\) and \(H^{k}=H\). \(\square \)

3 Proofs of the main theorems

Proof of Theorem A

Suppose the result is not true and let G be a counterexample with \(|G| + |X|\) minimal. Then \(G^{{{\mathcal {N}}}_{\sigma }} \ne 1\). Let N be a minimal normal subgroup of G contained in \(G^{{{\mathcal {N}}}_{\sigma }}\). Then N is a \(\sigma _i\)-group for some \(\sigma _i \in \sigma \). Note that XN/N is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in G/N by the minimality of the pair (GX). If XN were a proper subgroup of G, then X would be \(\sigma \)-subnormal in XN. By Lemma 1, X would be \(\sigma \)-subnormal in G, contrary to our assumption. Hence \(G=XN\). Assume that X is a \(\sigma _i\)-group. Then G is a \(\sigma _i\)-group, and X is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in G. This contradiction implies that X is not a \(\sigma _i\)-group, and so \(O^{\sigma _i}(X) \ne 1\).

Assume that \(O^{\sigma _i}(X) < X\). By minimality of (GX), it follows that \(O^{\sigma _i}(X)\) is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in G. By Lemma 1 (8), N normalises \(O^{\sigma _i}(O^{\sigma _i}(X))=O^{\sigma _i}(X)\). Hence \(O^{\sigma _i}(X)\) is a normal subgroup of G. The minimal choice of G implies that \(X/O^{\sigma _i}(X)\) is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in \(G/O^{\sigma _i}(X)\) and then X is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in G by Lemma 1 (5). This is not possible. Thus \(X=O^{\sigma _i}(X)\).

If \(n \in N\) then X is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in \(U_{n}=\langle X,X^{n} \rangle =(U_{n} \cap N)X\) by hypothesis. By Lemma 1 (7), we have that

$$\begin{aligned} O^{\sigma _i}(U_{n})=O^{\sigma _i}((U_{n} \cap N)X)=O^{\sigma _i}(X)=X. \end{aligned}$$

In particular, X is normal in \(U_{n}\). Consequently, X is normal in \(V=\langle X^{n}: n \in N \rangle \). Since V is normal in G, we have X is subnormal in G, and we have reached the desired contradiction. \(\square \)

Proof of Theorem B

Assume the result is false and let G be a counterexample such that \(|G:A| + |X|\) is minimal. Suppose that M is a maximal subgroup of G containing A. Then \(M=A(M \cap B)\) and X is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in both A and \(M \cap B\) by Lemma 1 (1). By minimality of G, X is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in M. On the other hand, \(G=MB\). If \(|G:M| < |G:A|\), we have X is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in G, which is a contradiction. Therefore \(A=M\) is a maximal subgroup of G. Let \(K={{\,\mathrm{Core}\,}}_{G}(A)\). If \(K \ne 1\), then XK/K is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in G/K by the minimal choice of G. By Lemma 1 (5), XK is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in G. Moreover \(X \le XK \le A\). Thus X is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in XK by Lemma 1 (1). Thus X is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in G. This contradiction yields \(K=1\) and G is a primitive group. By Lemma 3 (1), \(X^{{{\mathcal {N}}}_{\sigma }}\) is a subnormal subgroup of A and B. Applying the result of Maier–Wielandt, we have that \(X^{{{\mathcal {N}}}_{\sigma }}\) is a subnormal subgroup of G. By [9, Lemma 7.3.16], \(X^{{{\mathcal {N}}}_{\sigma }} \le {{\,\mathrm{Core}\,}}_{G}(A)=1\). Hence X is \(\sigma \)-nilpotent. By Lemma 1 (6), every subgroup of X is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in X. Therefore every proper subgroup of X is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in A and B by Lemma 1 (2). The minimal choice of X implies that every proper subgroup of X is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in G. By Lemma 3 (3), X is cyclic of prime power order. Assume X is a \(\sigma _i\)-group. Since X is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in A, by Lemma 3 (4), X is contained in \(O_{\sigma _i}(A)\). Then \(X^{A}\), the normal closure of X in A, is a \(\sigma _i\)-group. Analogously, \(X^{B}\) is a \(\sigma _i\)-group. According to [1, Lemma 1.3.2], there exist Hall \(\sigma _i\)-subgroups \(A_{\sigma _i}\) of A and \(B_{\sigma _i}\) of B such that \(A_{\sigma _i}B_{\sigma _i}\) is a Hall \(\sigma _i\)-subgroup of G. Then \(\langle X^{A}, X^{B} \rangle \) is a \(\sigma _i\)-group because it is contained in \(A_{\sigma _i}B_{\sigma _i}\). Let \(g=ab \in G\) with \(a \in A\) and \(b \in B\). Then

$$\begin{aligned} \langle X, X^{g} \rangle =\langle X^{b^{-1}},X^{a} \rangle ^{b} \le \langle X^{B},X^{A} \rangle ^b. \end{aligned}$$

Consequently \(\langle X,X^g \rangle \) is a \(\sigma _i\)-group and then X is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in \(\langle X, X^g \rangle \) for every \(g \in G\) by Lemma 1 (6). Applying Theorem A, X is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in G, a contradiction. \(\square \)

Proof of Theorem D

Suppose that the result is false. We choose a counterexample G with \(|G| + |X|\) minimal and proceed to derive a contradiction. The minimal choice of G and Theorem A show that \(G=\langle X,A \rangle \) and X is not contained in A. Suppose that |G : A| is a \(\sigma _i\)-number for some \(\sigma _i \in \sigma \). Then A contains a Hall \(\sigma _{i}'\)-subgroup of G.

If \(C = {{\,\mathrm{Core}\,}}_{G}(A) \ne 1\), then XC is a \(\sigma \)-subnormal subgroup of G by minimality of G. Moreover, by Theorem A, X is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in XC. Thus X is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in G by Lemma 1 (2). This contradiction shows that \({{\,\mathrm{Core}\,}}_{G}(A) = 1\).

Let N be a minimal normal subgroup of G. Then N is a \(\sigma _j\)-group for some \(\sigma _j \in \sigma \). If \(i \ne j\), then N is contained in every Hall \(\sigma _{i}'\)-subgroup of G. In particular, N is contained in A, a contradiction. Therefore N is a \(\sigma _i\)-group, \(O_{\sigma _i}(G) \ne 1\), and \(O_{{\sigma _i}^{'}}(G)=1\).

Suppose that X is not \(\sigma \)-nilpotent. Then \( 1 \ne X^{\mathcal{N}_{\sigma }}\) is a proper subgroup of X which is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in \(\langle X,X^{a} \rangle \) for all \(a \in A \). The choice of the pair (GX) yields that \(X^{{{{\mathcal {N}}}}_{\sigma }}\) is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in \(\langle X^{{{{\mathcal {N}}}}_{\sigma }},A \rangle \). Hence \(X^{{{{\mathcal {N}}}}_{\sigma }}\) is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in \((X^{\mathcal{N}_{\sigma }})^A\). By Lemma 5, X normalises \((X^{\mathcal{N}_{\sigma }})^A\). Therefore \((X^{{{{\mathcal {N}}}}_{\sigma }})^A\) is a normal subgroup of G and \(X^{{{{\mathcal {N}}}}_{\sigma }}\) is a \(\sigma \)-subnormal subgroup of G. Since X is not a \(\sigma _i\)-group, it follows that \(1 \ne O^{\sigma _i}(X)\). Moreover, since \( 1 \ne X^{\mathcal{N}_{\sigma }}\) is a \(\sigma \)-soluble group, it follows that \(F_{\sigma }(X^{{{{\mathcal {N}}}}_{\sigma }}) \ne 1\). Thus \( F_{\sigma }(X^{{{{\mathcal {N}}}}_{\sigma }}) \ne 1\) is a \(\sigma \)-nilpotent \(\sigma \)-subnormal subgroup of G. By Lemma 3 (4), \(F_{\sigma }(X^{{{{\mathcal {N}}}}_{\sigma }}) \le F_{\sigma }(G)=O_{\sigma _i}(G)\) and then \(1 \ne O_{\sigma _i}(X^{{{{\mathcal {N}}}}_{\sigma }}) \le O_{\sigma _i}(G)\). Hence \(Z = X \cap O_{\sigma _i}(G) \ne 1\) and \(Z^{A}\) is a \(\sigma \)-subnormal \(\sigma _i\)-subgroup of G. Let \(a \in A\). Then X is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in \(\langle X, Z^{a} \rangle \) and so \(O_{\sigma _i}(\langle X,Z^{a} \rangle )\) normalises \(O^{\sigma _i}(X)\) by Lemma 1 (8). Since \(Z^{a} \le O_{\sigma _i}(\langle X,Z^{a} \rangle )\), it follows that \(Z^{a}\) normalises \(O^{\sigma _i}(X)\). Therefore \(Z^A\) normalises \(O^{\sigma _i}(X)\).

Applying Lemma 5, it follows that X normalises \((O^{\sigma _i}(X))^{A}\). Hence \((O^{\sigma _i}(X))^{A}\) is a normal subgroup of G. Assume that \(O^{\sigma _i}(X)\) is a proper subgroup of X. By minimality of the pair (GX), we have that \(O^{\sigma _i}(X)\) is a \(\sigma \)-subnormal subgroup of \(\langle O^{\sigma _i}(X), A \rangle \). Therefore \(O^{\sigma _i}(X)\) is a \(\sigma \)-subnormal subgroup of \((O^{\sigma _i}(X))^{A}\), and so \(O^{\sigma _i}(X)\) is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in G. By Lemma 1 (8), \(O_{\sigma _i}(G)\) normalises \(O^{\sigma _i}(O^{\sigma _i}(X))=O^{\sigma _i}(X)\) and hence \(XO_{\sigma _i}(G)\) normalises \(O^{\sigma _i}(X)\). Then \(X/O^{\sigma _i}(X)\) is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in \(XO_{\sigma _i}(G)/O^{\sigma _i}(X)\). Thus X is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in \(XO_{\sigma _i}(G)\) which is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in G by minimality of G and Lemma 1 (5). Lemma 1 (2) yields that X is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in G, contrary to assumption. Hence \(O^{\sigma _i}(X)=X\) and so \(Z^A\) normalises X. In addition, \([Z^A, X] \le [{{\,\mathrm{N}\,}}_G(X) \cap O_{\sigma _i}(G), X] \le X \cap O_{\sigma _i}(G) = Z \le Z^A\). Hence \(Z^A\) is normalised by X and so it is a normal subgroup of G. Again the minimality of G and Lemma 1 (5) imply that \(XZ^A\) is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in G. Since X is normal in \(XZ^A\), we have that X is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in G. This contradiction shows that X is \(\sigma \)-nilpotent.

Suppose that \(O^{\sigma _i}(X) \ne 1\). Since X is \(\sigma \)-nilpotent, it follows that either X is a \(\sigma _i^{'}\)-group or \(O^{\sigma _i}(X)\) is a proper subgroup of X. Assume that X is a \(\sigma _i^{'}\)-group. Then, by Lemma 6, X is contained in A. Hence \(G = A\) and X is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in G by Theorem A, which is not possible. Suppose that \(O^{\sigma _i}(X)\) is a proper subgroup of X. By minimality of (GX), \(O^{\sigma _i}(X)\) is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in \(\langle O^{\sigma _i}(X), A \rangle \), and, by Lemma 5, X normalises \((O^{\sigma _i}(X))^{A}\). Therefore \(O^{\sigma _i}(X)\) is a \(\sigma \)-subnormal subgroup of \(O^{\sigma _i}(X)^{A}\) which is a normal subgroup of G. Consequently \(O^{\sigma _i}(X)\) is a \(\sigma \)-subnormal \(\sigma \)-nilpotent subgroup of G. By Lemma 3 (4), \(O^{\sigma _i}(X)\) is contained in \(F_{\sigma }(G) = O_{\sigma _i}(G)\). Hence X is a \(\sigma _i\)-group, contrary to supposition.

Consequently, \(O^{\sigma _i}(X) = 1\) and X is a \(\sigma _i\)-group. Since every minimal normal subgroup N of G is a \(\sigma _i\)-group, and XN is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in G, it follows that X is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in G. This final contradiction proves the theorem. \(\square \)

Proof of Theorem C

Suppose that the theorem is false and let G be a counterexample for which \(|G|+ |X| + |G : A| + |G : B|\) is minimal. Note that every proper \(\sigma \)-subnormal subgroup Z of X satifies the hypotheses of the theorem. Therefore Z is a \(\sigma \)-subnormal subgroup of G by the choice of (GX).

We proceed in a number of steps.

Step 1. IfXis not contained inA, then\(G = \langle A,X \rangle \)and |G : A| is not\(\sigma \)-primary.

Let \(A_{0}=\langle A,X \rangle \). We have that \(A_{0}=A_{0} \cap AB=A(A_{0} \cap B)\) and \(G=A_{0}B\). If \(A_{0} \ne G\), then \(A_{0}\) is not a counterexample to the theorem. Then X is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in \(A_{0}\), and the 4-tuple \((G, X, A_0, B)\) satisfies the hypotheses of the theorem. The minimal choice of (GXAB) implies that X is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in G. Consequently, \(G=\langle A,X \rangle \). If |G : A| were \(\sigma \)-primary, then we would have X is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in G by Theorem D. This is not the case. Thus |G : A| is not \(\sigma \)-primary.

Step 2. Assume thatXis contained inAand |G : A| is\(\sigma \)-primary. IfXis not contained inB, then |G : A| and |G : B| are not\(\sigma \)-coprime.

Assume that X is not contained in B and |G : A| and |G : B| are \(\sigma \)-coprime and derive a contradiction. Let \(B_{0}=\langle X,B \rangle =B(B_{0} \cap A)\). Then B is a proper subgroup of \(B_0\) and \(G = AB_0\). Then \((B_0, X, B_{0} \cap A, B)\) satisfies the hypotheses of the theorem. Suppose that \(B_{0}\) is a proper subgroup of G. Then the theorem holds in \(B_0\), and hence X is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in \(B_0\). Applying Theorems A and B, we conclude that X is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in G. This contradicts the choice of G, however, and we conclude that \(G = \langle X,B \rangle \).

By hypothesis, |G : A| is a \(\sigma _i\)-number, for some \(\sigma _i \in \sigma \). Since |G : A| and |G : B| are \(\sigma \)-coprime, it follows that |G : B| is a \(\sigma _i^{'}\)-number. Therefore B contains a Hall \(\sigma _i\)-subgroup of G.

Let N be a minimal normal subgroup of G. Then N is \(\sigma \)-primary. Assume that N is a \(\sigma _j\)-group, where \(j \ne i\). Since |G : A| is \(\sigma _i\)-number, then \(N \le A\). By the choice of G, XN is a \(\sigma \)-subnormal subgroup of G. Moreover, \(XN \le A\). Therefore X is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in XN and then in G, a contradiction. Consequently, every minimal normal subgroup of G is a \(\sigma _i\)-group and \(F_{\sigma }(G)=O_{\sigma _i}(G)\). Moreover, \(R = O_{\sigma _i}(G)\) is contained in B.

Suppose that X is not \(\sigma \)-nilpotent. Then \(O^{\sigma _i}(X) \ne 1\). Suppose that \(O^{\sigma _i}(X)\) is a proper subgroup of X. Then it is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in G. By Lemma 1 (8), \(O_{\sigma _i}(G)\) normalises \(O^{\sigma _i}(O^{\sigma _i}(X))=O^{\sigma _i}(X)\) and hence \(XO_{\sigma _i}(G)\) normalises \(O^{\sigma _i}(X)\). Then \(X/O^{\sigma _i}(X)\) is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in \(XO_{\sigma _i}(G)/O^{\sigma _i}(X)\). Thus X is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in \(XO_{\sigma _i}(G)\) which is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in G by minimality of G and Lemma 1 (5). Lemma 1 (2) yields that X is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in G, contrary to supposition. Thus \(O^{\sigma _i}(X)=X\).

On the other hand, since X is not \(\sigma \)-nilpotent, \(1 \ne X^{{{{\mathcal {N}}}}_{\sigma }}\) is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in G. Therefore \(1 \ne F_{\sigma }(X^{{{{\mathcal {N}}}}_{\sigma }})\) is a \(\sigma \)-nilpotent \(\sigma \)-subnormal subgroup of G contained in \(F_{\sigma }(G)=O_{\sigma _i}(G)\) by Lemma 3 (4). In particular, \(O_{\sigma _i}(X) \ne 1\). Applying Lemma 5, we conclude that X normalises \((O^{\sigma _i}(X))^{B}\). Hence \((O^{\sigma _i}(X))^{B}\) is a normal subgroup of G. Write \(Z = X \cap O_{\sigma _i}(G)\). Then \(1 \ne Z\) is a \(\sigma \)-subnormal \(\sigma _i\)-subgroup of G. Let \(b \in B\). Then X is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in \(\langle X, Z^{b} \rangle \) and so \(O_{\sigma _i}(\langle X,Z^{b} \rangle )\) normalises \(O^{\sigma _i}(X) = X\) by Lemma 1 (8). Since \(Z^{b} \le O_{\sigma _i}(\langle X,Z^{b} \rangle )\), it follows that \(Z^{b}\) normalises X. Therefore \(Z^B\) normalises X. Then \([Z^{B},X] \le X \cap O_{\sigma _i}(G)=Z \le Z^{B}\) and \(Z^{B}\) is normal in G. By the choice of G, it follows that \(XZ^{B}\) is a \(\sigma \)-subnormal subgroup of G and then X is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in G, a contradiction.

Thus X is \(\sigma \)-nilpotent. By assumption every proper subgroup of X is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in G. Applying Lemma 3 (3), X is a cyclic p-group for some prime \(p \in \sigma _j\), for some \(\sigma _j \in \sigma \). Assume that \(i = j\). Then XN is a \(\sigma \)-subnormal \(\sigma _i\)-subgroup of G. Consequently, X is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in G, which contradicts our assumption that G is a counterexample. Thus \(i \ne j\) and \(O^{\sigma _i}(X)=X\). By Lemma 7, \(R=O_{\sigma _i}(G)\) normalises X, and so X is normal in XR. Since XR is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in G by minimality of G and Lemma 1 (5), we conclude that X is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in G, which is not the case.

Step 3. We have a contradiction

Assume that either |G : A| and |G : B| are \(\sigma \)-primary or |G : A| is \(\sigma \)-primary and |G : A| and |G : B| are \(\sigma \)-coprime. Then, by Steps 1 and 2, \(X \subseteq A \cap B\). Then, by Theorem A, X is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in A and B. Therefore X is \(\sigma \)-subnormal in G by Theorem B. \(\square \)