
The BTB (broad-complex, tramtrack, and bric-a-brac) protein found primarily in Drosophila contains a highly conserved domain of approximately 115 amino acids (Zollman et al. 1994). Also known as the POZ (Pox virus and zinc finger) domain, the BTB domain is an evolutionarily conserved protein–protein interaction motif (Bardwell and Treisman 1994; Cheng et al. 2014). The BTB domain core structurally consists of five α-helices, with A1/2 and A4/5 forming α-helical hairpins and three β-strands forming a β-sheet (Stogios et al. 2005). In addition the BTB core domain, the different BTB subclasses include amino (N)- and carboxy (C)-terminal BTB extension regions that contribute to protein-specific functions (Chaharbakhshi and Jemc 2016).

BTB proteins have been widely studied in animals given its vital role in multiple developmental and disease contexts, including transcription repression (Ahmad et al. 2003; Melnick et al. 2000), protein ubiquitination/degradation (Furukawa et al. 2003; Geyer et al. 2003; Pintard et al. 2003; Wilkins et al. 2004; Xu et al. 2003), lymphocyte development, axon guidance, gonad morphogenesis, and leukemia (Ito et al. 2013; Ko et al. 2006; Lim 2014; Robinson and Cooley 1997; Siggs et al. 2012; Weyers et al. 2011). Recently, the BTB protein has been discovered to be crucial in plant development (Chevrier et al. 2014; Juranic et al. 2012; Robert et al. 2009; Xu et al. 2016), nitrogen use efficiency (Araus et al. 2016), germination (Kim et al. 2016), and biotic (Boyle et al. 2009) and abiotic stresses (Mandadi et al. 2009).

The BTB family proteins with DNA-binding domains suggestively regulate gene expression; however, the BTB domain also combines with other domains, thereby extending the functional range of the BTB protein family (Chaharbakhshi and Jemc 2016). Subclasses of zinc finger (ZF), Kelch, BTB and C-terminal Kelch (BACK), meprin and TRAF homology (MATH), ANK (Ankyrin repeats), PHR, and Ras homology (Rho) domains are common in some BTB proteins. With the presence of these domains, the BTB protein gene family can be divided into numerous subfamilies, including BTB-only proteins, BTB-ZF proteins, BTB-Kelch proteins, BTB-BACK proteins, BTB-BACK-Kelch proteins, MATH-BTB proteins, BTB-ANK proteins, BTB-BACK, BTB-PHR proteins, and Rho-BTB proteins (Cheng et al. 2014; Stogios et al. 2005).

Family members of the BTB protein gene are common in eukaryotes, endosymbiotic bacteria, and viruses, but are absent in other prokaryotic systems (Chaharbakhshi and Jemc 2016; Perez-Torrado et al. 2006). Genome-wide investigation of the BTB protein gene family has been performed in several species, including humans (Homo sapiens), nematodes (Caenorhabditis elegans), mice (Mus musculus), Arabidopsis thaliana, fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster), malaria mosquitos (Anopheles gambiae), and silkworms (Bombyx mori) (Cheng et al. 2014; Stogios et al. 2005). Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) is a nutritive vegetable and a model plant for research. However, abiotic stresses, such as drought, salinity, and extreme temperature, inhibit the growth, development, and productivity of crops, and have eventually become overwhelming with global climate changes (Hou et al. 2009; Mittler 2006). In our previous expression profiling of two drought-tolerant introgression lines (IL) derived from Solanum pennellii (wild drought-tolerant species, LA0716) and their recurrent parent S. lycopersicum (M82) (Gong et al. 2010), several BTB genes were differentially expressed in response to drought stress. Therefore, we identified all BTB members in the tomato genome to improve our understanding of the BTB genes in tomato. This present work identified 38 putative BTB genes and analyzed their gene classification, chromosome distribution, phylogenetic comparison, and exon–intron organization. Moreover, the expression patterns under various hormones and stress treatments were investigated. This study details the BTB gene family and provides a solid basis for the functional characterization of BTB genes in tomato.

Materials and methods

Plant materials

Tomato (S. pennellii LA0716 and S. lycopersicum cv. M82, referred to as “LA0716” and “M82”, respectively) plants were grown in a glasshouse with a 16 h light/8 h dark cycle. For the gene expression profiling analysis, identical five-leaf stage tomato plants, including LA0716 and M82, were subjected to various stresses or plant growth regulator treatments simultaneously. Tomato leaves were directly sprayed with 100 μM abscisic acid (ABA), 100 μM gibberellic acid (GA), 100 μM salicylic acid (SA), 1 mM ethephon (Eth), and 100 μM methylviologen (MV) until run-off. Salt stress was simulated by watering plants with 200 mM NaCl solution, and drought dehydration (DH) stress was simulated by placing detached leaves on filter paper under 70% relative humidity at 25 °C. Cold stress was imposed by transferring plants to a growth chamber and holding the plants at 4 °C. Control plants were mock-treated with water or no treatment. Untreated plants were used as corresponding controls to avoid the effects of the circadian clock on the differences in gene expression. Then, the leaves were harvested at 0, 1, 4, 6, 12, and 24 h, immediately frozen in liquid nitrogen, and stored at −80 °C. For all experiments, three biological samples were collected for further analysis.

Identification of putative tomato BTB proteins

The first complete cDNA sequence of the tomato BTB gene was isolated from different expression profiles between drought-tolerant ILs and their recurrent parent, M82 (Gong et al. 2010). To identify new BTB homologs in tomato, the amino acid sequences of BTB genes were subjected to BLASTP searches in the SOL Genomics Network (SGN: annotation group release 2.4 tomato proteins (2.40) (E value ≤1 × 10−5). Moreover, homolog searching was performed using “BTB” or “POZ” as a keyword in the SGN tomato database (Search Genes and Loci: Afterward, they were confirmed using BLASTN search against the SGN and National Center for Biotechnology Information database. Redundant sequences were removed after similarity comparison. The open reading frames were determined by Softberry FGENESH ( and homologous alignment.

Phylogenetic analysis and sequence alignment

Multiple sequence alignments of SlBTB proteins were performed using ClustalW (, and a phylogenetic tree was constructed using the neighbor-joining (NJ) method with MEGA (version 5.05) software (Tamura et al. 2011). Domains were identified with SMART (, pfam (, and InterProscan ( programs.

Chromosomal location, gene structure, and duplication analysis

The BTB genes were mapped to tomato chromosomes by identifying their chromosomal positions according to the SGN database (Consortium TG 2012). Accordingly, their cDNA sequences and the corresponding genomic DNA sequences of the BTB members were obtained; afterward, exons and introns were identified by comparing the genomic DNA and cDNA sequences using Gene Structure Display Server (GSDS; (Guo et al. 2007). MCScanX software ( was used to find potential tomato BTB gene duplicates. All tomato BTB genes were compared with themselves and others using the BLASTp program, with an E value <1 × 10−5. The BLAST search outputs were imported into MCScanX software using the default criterion.

Cis-element prediction for BTB gene promoter

The BTB sequences were used as BLASTN search queries against the tomato whole genome scaffolds (version 2.40) and S. pennellii WGS Chromosome data at the SGN website. Promoter sequences (1.5 kb upstream of 5′UTR) of all the annotated BTB genes were submitted to the PlantCARE database ( for cis-element prediction.

Tissue expression analysis of SlBTBs of tomato

To analyze the expression patterns of SlBTBs, we used RNA-seq data, as generated previously in S. lycopersicum cv Heinz and the tomato expression platform (Bostan and Chiusano 2015; Tomato Genome 2012). The data include reads from 20 collections of tomato representing two biological replicates from ten different tissues/stages, including leaf, root, flower, flower bud, 1, 2, 3 cm fruit, mature green fruit, breaker fruit, and fruit at 10 days. Gene expression level was defined based on the iTAG mRNA loci and was normalized by reads per kilobases per million (RPKM) for each tissue/stage, and the log2 transformation was selected from the platform (

RNA isolation and real-time RT-PCR

Gene expression patterns were examined by isolating the total RNA using the TRIzol reagent (Sangon, Shanghai, China). Approximately 1 μg of total RNA was reverse transcribed using a PrimeScript RT Reagent Kit with a gDNA Eraser (TaKaRa Dalian, China). Quantitative RT-PCR was performed on a CFX96 Real-Time PCR (Bio-Rad, USA) with Taq-HS PCR SYBR Green I Master Mix Kit (NOVA, China) using gene-specific primers (Supplementary Table S1), with β-actin (Solyc11g005330.1.1) transcripts as internal control. PCR amplification consisted of an initial incubation at 94 °C for 5 min, followed by 40 cycles of 94 °C for 10 s, 58 °C for 15 s, and 72 °C for 20 s. Data were gathered during the extension step. Melting-curve acquisition and analyses were performed on the cycler.


Identification of BTB genes in tomato

In this study, 38 BTB genes in the tomato genome cDNA release 2.40 were identified (Table 1). For consistency, we named these genes SlBTB1 to SlBTB38 based on their distributions and relative linear orders among their respective chromosomes. Detailed information of each SlBTB, including gene name, Soly ID, chromosome location, genomic position, length of coding sequence and protein, theoretical isoelectric point, and molecular weight are presented in Table 1. The 38 deduced proteins had divergent lengths, resulting in diverse isoelectric points and molecular weights. The sequence length of the deduced proteins ranged from 93 (SlBTB16) to 963 (SlBTB31). The tomato BTB genes encode proteins with predicted molecular weights of 10.5–107.6 kDa and theoretical isoelectric points from 4.67 (SlBTB15) to 9.41 (SlBTB6). Most tomato BTB proteins were predicted to be located in the nuclei and cytoplasm, but a few might be located in other subcellular compartments, such as the chloroplast and mitochondria .

Table 1 The detailed information of SlBTB members

Protein sequence, phylogenetic, and duplication analyses of the tomato BTB family

All identified tomato BTB proteins contained at least one BTB domain. Most BTB proteins consisted of 1 BTB domain, except for the SlBTB38, SlBTB31, and SlBTB21, which had 2 BTB domains, whereas the BTB10 contained 3 BTB domains. These domains were irregularly scattered on the amino acid, whereas some BTB domains were located in the N-terminal and some were in the C-terminal (Fig. 1). Among the 38 BTB proteins shown in the Fig. 1, 18 BTB domains were located in the N-terminal and 8 BTB domains were located in C-terminal. Moreover, the tomato BTB proteins contained other domains, such as the MATH domain in SlBTB1 and SlBTB12. Five members (SlBTB4, SlBTB8, SlBTB21, SlBTB29, and SlBTB30) contained two Ank domains. Four SlBTBs (SlBTB6, SlBTB7, SlBTB18, and SlBTB19) consisted of one TAZ (Transcription Adaptor putative Zinc finger) domain, two (SlBTB14 and SlBTB15) had one Skp1 domain, and the SlBTB14 contained four tandem Arm (Armadillo/beta-catenin-like repeat) domains (Fig. 1). The BTB proteins in tomato consisted of 1–3 BTB domains, with most containing a combination of one BTB domain and other domains, such as MATH, Ank, TAZ, and Skp1.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Structure of the tomato BTB proteins. Numbers indicate amino acid position of the corresponding conserved domains. Scale bar represents 100 amino acids. Domains were identified with SMART (, pfam (, and InterProscan ( programs

To explore the phylogenetic relationship and divergence of the BTB family in tomato, a phylogenetic tree was constructed using MEGA5 according to the aligned 38 BTB protein sequences. As shown in Fig. 2, the tomato BTB family was divided into four subfamilies based on the phylogenetic analysis. Group I comprised 24 BTB proteins, including potassium channel tetramerization domain-containing (KCTD) proteins (SlBTB23, SlBTB28, SlBTB36, and SlBTB37), TAZ (SlBTB6, SlBTB7, SlBTB18, and SlBTB19), IPR013089 Kelch-related (SlBTB11, SlBTB17, SlBTB32, and SlBTB33), MATH (SlBTB1, SlBTB2, SlBTB12, SlBTB26, and SlBTB34), NPR1-like protein (SlBTB4, SlBTB8, SlBTB29, and SlBTB30), and Arm (SlBTB20), according to the classification results of BTB domain proteins in 17 eukaryotes (Stogios et al. 2005). Group II comprised BTB-NPH3 proteins, SlBTB5, SlBTB9, and SlBTB13. Group III contained five BTB proteins, and Group IV consisted of the SKP1 (SlBTB14, SlBTB15, and SlBTB16) clade.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Phylogenetic analysis of the tomato BTB family. Trees were based on the protein sequence alignments with the full-length BTB proteins sequence. Different sharpness values of the circles indicate the different subfamily members according to sequence similarity annotation analysis, and red stars denote the BTB genes selected for expression. The phylogenetic tree was constructed using MEGA5 program using the neighbor-joining method at 1000 bootstrap replicates. (Color figure online)

Chromosomal localization, gene structure, and duplication

To determine the genomic distribution of tomato BTB genes, the genes were mapped onto the chromosomes of the published tomato genome (Fig. 3). BTB genes were distributed on all 12 chromosomes. Among them, only one BTB gene was distributed on chromosome 3 and 9; two on chromosomes 5 and 7; three on chromosomes 1, 2, 4, 8, and 12; four on chromosome 11; five on chromosome 10; and eight on chromosome 6. Among the tomato BTB genes, only eight were segmentally duplicated and one pair was arranged in tandem (SlBTB29 and SlBTB30) (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3
figure 3

Chromosome distribution and duplication events of tomato BTB genes. Chromosomal mapping was based on the physical position (Mb) in 12 tomato chromosomes. Chromosome number is indicated at the top of each bar. Positions of the tomato BTB genes in the chromosomes were obtained from Sol Genomics Network database (SGN, Four paralogous gene pairs connected with solid dotted lines represent segmental duplication. Solid blocks indicate the centromere positions in chromosomes. Scale represents 10 Mb chromosomal distance

As shown in the Fig. 4, the tomato BTB gene exon–intron organizations were diverse. Most of the BTB genes contained 1–5 introns, except for SlBTB14, SlBTB15, and SlBTB16, which had no introns; and SlBTB3, SlBTB9, SlBTB20, SlBTB27, SlBTB28, and SlBTB31, which contained 11, 8, 18, 10, 11, and 18 introns, respectively. However, the members of a subfamily showed structural similarities. All BTB genes in the MATH group (SlBTB1, SlBTB2, SlBTB12, SlBTB26, and SlBTB34) showed a 4-exon/3-intron structure, and the SKP1-type BTB protein (SlBTB14, SlBTB15, and SlBTB16) had no intron.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Gene structure of the tomato BTB family generated from GSDS. The yellow block indicates the coding sequence (CDS), the blue block refers to upstream or downstream of the genes, the solid line represents the intron, and the red underline separate the gene family into four groups according to the phylogenetic analysis. Scale bar indicates DNA sequence length. (Color figure online)

Cis-elements in the promoters of tomato BTB genes

Cis-elements participate in gene regulation by interacting with their corresponding trans-regulatory factors; therefore, studying the putative cis-elements would provide valuable information regarding the tomato BTB genes expression. Hence, the promoter regions of all the BTB genes were retrieved and submitted to the PlantCARE database for cis-element identification (Supplementary Table S2). A total of 27 cis-elements were identified in more than 15 BTB genes (Tables 2 and S3). As expected, conventional promoter elements (TATA-box and CAAT-box) were detected in all SlBTBs promoters. The remaining 25 cis-acting elements can be divided into four groups. A total of 13 cis-elements were light-responsive, namely, Box 4, G-box, circadian, G-Box, Box I, TCT-motif, Sp1, I-box, ATCT-motif, GAG-motif, AE-box, ACE and GT1-motif. Four cis-elements were hormone-responsive, namely, CGTCA-motif, TGACG-motif, TCA-element, and ABRE. Six cis-elements function as stress-responsive elements: TC-rich repeats, HSE, ARE, MBS, W box and Box-W1. The fourth group had two cis-elements (Skn-1_motif and CAT-box), which are required for endosperm and meristem expression and were identified in 34 and 16 BTB gene promoters.

Table 2 The cis-elements identified in the promoters of more than fifteen SlBTB genes

Expression profiles of BTB genes in tomato

To investigate the tissue-specific expression profiles of SlBTBs, transcriptome data were studied in ten tissues. As indicated in Fig. 5, most SlBTBs are constitutive and highly expressed in the tissues/stages, including SlBTB1, SlBTB2, SlBTB3, SlBTB4, SlBTB7, SlBTB9, SlBTB10, SlBTB12, SlBTB18, SlBTB28, SlBTB33 and SlBTB34. Conversely, the mRNAs of SlBTB5, SlBTB6, SlBTB8, SlBTB17, and SlBTB19 accumulated in the root and flower, but decreased during fruit development. Moreover, the SlBTB13, SlBTB20 and SlBTB24 were specifically expressed during fruit development. The raw read count in SlBTB14, SlBTB15, SlBTB16, SlBTB25, SlBTB36, SlBTB37, and SlBTB38 was 0, indicating low expression levels for the corresponding tissues/stages (Fig. 5).

Fig. 5
figure 5

Sources of samples were as follows: leaf, root, flower (Fl), flower bud, 1, 2, 3 cm fruit, mature green (MG) fruit, breaker (Br) fruit, and fruit at 10 days. Blank indicates no raw reads detected in the RNA-seq data

Heat map representation of BTB genes in various tissues/stages. The RNA-seq expression data of ten tissues were used to re-construct expression patterns of SlBTB genes.

The expression patterns of BTBs under multi-abiotic stresses between LA0716 and M82

LA0716 is tolerant to drought and salt stress, whereas the cultivated tomato M82 is sensitive to stress (Bolger et al. 2014). A previous study indicated the possible involvement of BTB genes in the drought response of tomatoes (Gong et al. 2010). To determine the expression differences of BTB genes between the wild LA0716 and cultivated tomato M82, cis-elements in the promoter region of each BTB gene were analyzed, as well as the expression patterns of the representative BTB genes under drought treatment (Supplementary Table S2, Fig. 6). Every BTB gene of LA0716 and M82 carried different cis-elements in their promoter regions (Supplementary Table S2). The major different cis-elements of the whole family were related to light, hormone, and stress responses. For instance, LTR and TATC-box elements were identified in the SpBTB3 promoter but were deficient in the SlBTB3 promoter of M82, where these elements are involved in low-temperature and GA responses, respectively.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Expression profiles of tomato BTB genes under different abiotic stresses and exogenous hormones in Solanum pennellii LA0716 (P) and S. lycopersicum cv. M82 (M). Numbers 1, 4, 6, 12, and 24 indicate the time (h) after treatments. Plants without stress at the same time served as controls. All samples were collected at the indicated time intervals from three biological replicates of each treatment. Error bars indicate ±SE of the means (n = 3)

Gene expression patterns can provide important clues for gene function; therefore, we performed quantitative RT-PCR to characterize the gene transcription profiles of the tomato BTB genes under different abiotic stresses, including cold, high salinity, dehydration drought, and oxidative stress. Describing the expression profiles of all tomato BTB genes is exhaustively difficult; therefore, only five members (SlBTB3, SlBTB5, SlBTB12, SlBTB18 and SlBTB31) covering four superfamilies of tomato BTB genes were assessed (Figs. 2, 6). As shown in Fig. 6, the SlBTB3 was induced by cold, high salinity, and dehydration drought stresses in M82 and LA0716, but displayed different expression patterns between LA0716 and M82. The increase of SlBTB3 was dramatic and slight in LA0716 and M82, respectively, under cold, high salinity, and dehydration drought stresses. However, under MV oxidative stress, the increase of SlBTB3 was slight and dramatic in LA0716 and M82, respectively. The expression levels of SlBTB5 and SlBTB31 were similar under abiotic stresses between LA0716 and M82. Moreover, SlBTB5 and SlBTB31 levels decreased in M82 but dramatically increased in LA0716 under cold, high salinity, and dehydration drought stresses. Under MV stress, the SlBTB5 and SlBTB31 levels showed no significant changes after 1, 4, 12 and 24 h in both LA0716 and M82. However, SlBTB5 and SlBTB31 levels dramatically increased in both genotypes after 6 h of treatment. The expression of SlBTB12 was inhibited by cold, high salinity, and dehydration drought stresses in M82 and LA0716, but displayed different expression patterns between LA0716 and M82. The SlBTB12 level was slightly decreased in LA0716 but was dramatically increased in M82 under cold, high salinity, and dehydration drought stresses. However, under MV oxidative stress, the SlBTB12 remained constant at 1, 4, 12 and 24 h in both LA0716 and M82, and dramatically increased in LA0716 and M82 after 6 h of treatment. The increase in SlBTB18 levels were dramatic and slight in LA0716 and M82 under cold and high salinity stresses, but the degrees of increase in SlBTB18 levels reversed in LA0716 and M82 under dehydration drought stress. Under MV oxidative stress, the SlBTB18 levels were constant at 1 and 12 h in both LA0716 and M82, but dramatically increased in M82 upon 4 and 6 h treatments and significantly increased in LA0716 after 24 h of treatment. All results indicated that BTB gene expressions are responsive to multi-abiotic stresses, but displayed different expression patterns between the cultivar species M82 and the wild species LA0716.

Expression of BTB genes in response to exogenous hormones

Hormones play vital roles in plant growth and development. To examine the effects of various hormones on the expression of the tomato BTB gene family, qRT-PCR was used to analyze the transcriptional levels of all BTB genes under GA, ABA, SA, and Eth treatments (Fig. 6).

As shown in the Fig. 5, the expression of SlBTB3 was induced by GA, ABA, SA and Eth in M82 and LA0716. The increase in SlBTB3 levels was dramatic and slight in LA0716 and M82, respectively, under ABA and GA treatment, but their degrees of increase reversed in the two genotypes under SA and Eth treatments. Moreover, the expression levels of SlBTB5 and SlBTB31 were similar in response to exogenous hormones between LA0716 and M82. The expression levels of SlBTB5 and SlBTB31 decreased in M82 but dramatically increased in LA0716 under GA, ABA, and Eth treatments. Under SA treatment, both SlBTB5 and SlBTB31 showed no significant changes except for the dramatic up-regulation of SlBTB5 after 6 h in the M82, whereas SlBTB31 was down-regulated after the 12 h in LA0716. The SlBTB12 was inhibited by GA and ABA in all time intervals and was induced by SA and Eth after 6 h of treatment in LA0716; however, it displayed no significant difference after GA, SA, and Eth treatments and was up-regulated to approximately threefold in M82. The SlBTB18 was induced by GA, ABA, and SA but was inhibited by Eth in both M82 and LA0716, with different response times between LA0716 and M82. For instance, after 1 h treatment of ABA, SlBTB18 rapidly increased by approximately 42-fold in M82 but did not show any response in LA0716. However, the SlBTB18 levels dramatically increased by 3.8-fold in LA0716 and decreased by 0.3-fold in M82 after 1 h of SA treatment. These results indicated that BTB genes respond to hormones, but display different expression patterns between M82 and LA0716.


BTB proteins are widespread in various species and not conserved proteins

The present study characterized the structure, phylogenetic relationship, duplication events, and expression profiles of the BTB gene family in tomatoes. We found 38 and 34 BTB genes in cultivated tomato M82 and in wild tomato species (S. pennellii), respectively, and the differences in the number of BTB genes is caused by long-term evolution. The propensity of gene loss during evolution seems to be a direct reflection of its biological importance (Krylov et al. 2003); therefore, the genes lost in LA0716 (SlBTB17, SlBTB18, SlBTB19 and SlBTB20) may have biological functions in M82.

As reported, the numbers of genes belonging to the BTB family vary greatly among species. A total of 183 BTB proteins were found in H. sapiens, 178 in the C. elegans, 195 in the M. musculus, 77 in the A. thaliana, and 5 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Stogios et al. 2005). The difference in the number of BTB genes was large and the BTB gene composition varied among species. In our study, all BTB genes isolated from the tomato contained at least one BTB/POZ domain in the protein structure (Fig. 1), which is consistent with previous reports (Bardwell and Treisman 1994; Zollman et al. 1994). With the exception of the BTB/POZ domain, the BTB protein consisted of several other domains, including the MATH domain, Ankyrin repeat, NPR1/NIM1-like defense protein C-terminal, the NPH3 family, TAZ zinc finger, BACK, Skp1, and Arm. However, the enrichment of BTB-ZF (Zinc finger) proteins in vertebrates cannot be found in tomatoes and is consistent with the absence of BTB-ZF in Arabidopsis (Stogios et al. 2005). Through searching the SGN genome annotation database, we found 28 and 17 BTB/POZ genes present in the genomes of pepper and potato, respectively (data not shown), which are similar with the low number (38) of BTB genes in the tomato, as opposed to 77 in A. thaliana. Moreover, the total number of BTB protein genes in the tomato genome and the other four Solanaceae species surveyed were not similar, indicating that expansion has occurred in the BTB protein gene family during Solanaceae evolution. Similar findings showed that BTB protein genes have undergone a lineage-specific expansion in vertebrates compared with the fruit fly and malaria mosquito (Stogios et al. 2005).

BTB genes may play various functions in plants

BTB proteins are present in poxviruses and many eukaryotes and have diverse functions, ranging from transcriptional regulation and chromatin remodeling to protein degradation and cytoskeletal regulation. Functionally, the BTB domain acts as a protein–protein interaction module capable of both self-association and interaction with non-BTB proteins (Stogios et al. 2005). Two prominent mechanisms mainly govern BTB protein functions (Perez-Torrado et al. 2006): BTB domain-based protein–protein interactions (Bonchuk et al. 2011; Weber et al. 2005) and transcriptional regulation by DNA binding domains, such as zinc finger domains (Cho et al. 2012; Korutla et al. 2005; Liu et al. 2011; Qi et al. 2006). In this study, several other types of functional domains, including KCTD, MATH, Kelch, ANK, NPR1, NPH3, TAZ, BACK, Skp1, and Arm, were present in some tomato BTB proteins (Fig. 1). These additional domains in BTB proteins confer diverse functions, suggesting the multiple roles of BTB protein genes in plants.

The KCTD contain proteins that are involved in fundamental biological processes, including protein ubiquitination and degradation, suppression of proliferation or transcription, and human genetic disease risk (Smaldone et al. 2016). The BTB-containing KCTD proteins represent an emerging class of proteins involved in fundamental physiopathological processes (Liu et al. 2013; Skoblov et al. 2013). The SlBTB23, SlBTB28, SlBTB36, and SlBTB37 from the KCTD family have conserved N-terminal regions (Supplementary Fig. S1), indicating the involvement of the tomato KCTD BTB proteins in physiopathological ubiquitination.

MATH domains share a conserved region of approximately 180 residues (Sunnerhagen et al. 2002) and are involved in plant responses to abiotic stress (Kushwaha et al. 2016). The BTB conjunction with the MATH domain protein, MATH-BTB, is important in ABA signaling and other developmental processes (Lechner et al. 2011). The AtCUL3a and AtCUL3b in Arabidopsis can assemble with BTB/POZ-MATH proteins to form functional E3 ligases (Weber et al. 2005). The MATH-BTB gene MBA1 in maize forms homodimers, interacts with the E3 ubiquitin ligase component, Cullin 3a (CUL3a), and regulates spindle length and nuclei identity (Juranic et al. 2012). The BTB/POZ-MATH proteins can interact with members of the ERF/AP2 transcription factor family and respond to multi-abiotic stresses (Weber and Hellmann 2009).

NPR1 contains two distinct protein–protein interaction motifs: ankyrin repeats and a BTB/POZ domain (Boyle et al. 2009). The ankyrin repeat domain consists of 33 residues that are repeated in tandem that mediates protein–protein interactions (Michaely and Bennett 1992; Mosavi et al. 2002). The genes of the ANK protein family in tomato respond to biotic and abiotic stresses and are crucial for plant growth and development (Yuan et al. 2013). NPR1 is a key transcriptional co-regulator of immunity and physiology in many plant species (Caldwell and Michelmore 2009; Mukhtar et al. 2009; Withers and Dong 2016). The tomato NPR1 SlBOP genes (SlBTB8, SlBTB29 and SlBTB30) interacted with the TERMINATING FLOWER (TMF) protein to control the inflorescent architecture (Xu et al. 2016). The SlBTB4, SlBTB8, SlBTB29, and SlBTB30 are classified under the NPR1 subfamily and are highly similar to each other (Supplementary Fig. S1), implying the possible importance of the classified SlBTB4 in plant development.

The NPH3 is apparently specific to higher plants and acts as a key component in blue light-mediated phototropic responses (Motchoulski and Liscum 1999). Recently, NPH3 has been revealed to interact with the blue light receptor phot1 and functions as a substrate adapter in a CULLIN3-based E3 ubiquitin ligase (Roberts et al. 2011). In our study, SlBTB5, SlBTB9, and SlBTB13 belong to the NPH3 subfamily and, thus, may function during blue light-mediated phototropic responses.

The BTB and TAZ domain (BT) proteins in Arabidopsis have divergent functions. In Arabidopsis, five members of the BT protein subfamily (BT1–BT5) have a typical domain structure only observed in land plants. The BT family members perform a non-essential function; or, alternatively, that functional redundancy exists among BT family members during Arabidopsis development (Robert et al. 2009). BT2 has a negative role in ABA response and acts as a central component of an interconnected signaling network that detects and responds to nutrients, stresses, and hormones (Mandadi et al. 2009). The BT gene family members (BT1 and BT2) in rice act as conserved negative regulators of nitrate uptake genes (Araus et al. 2016). As shown in Supplementary Fig. S1, the amino acid sequences of SlBTB6, SlBTB7, SlBTB18, and SlBTB19 contain a conserved TAZ domain in the C-terminus, indicating that these genes probably have similar functions in the plant.

The BACK domain in the majority of proteins contains both the BTB domain and Kelch repeats. The Kelch repeats in the BACK proteins form a beta propeller that interacts with actin filaments (Stogios and Prive 2004). The BACK constitutes a novel conserved domain, which is an adaptor and/or a chaperone in the ubiquitin–proteasome protein-degradation pathway and functions during the assembly of Cullin3-based E3 ligase complexes (Canning et al. 2013; Friedman et al. 2009). The SlBTB11, SlBTB17, SlBTB22, and SlBTB33 have a C-terminal Kelch-conserved domain and share high similarity with each other (Supplementary Fig. S1); therefore, they may be involved in plant ubiquitin degradation.

As a critical component of the Cul1-based SCF complex, Skp1 forms the structural link between Cul1 and substrate recognition proteins (Stebbins et al. 1999), which serve as adaptors that simultaneously binds sequences near the N-terminus of Cul1 (cullin-RING ligase 1) and the F-box motif of an F-box protein during ubiquitin degradation (Zhuang et al. 2009). The tomato SlBTB14, SlBTB15, and SlBTB16 contain the Skp1 structure (Fig. 1) and consequently has possible functions in the ubiquitination pathway.

The SlBTB20 contains four tandem Armadillo (Arm) repeats in its N-terminus and a BTB domain located in its C-terminus. The Arm is a 42-amino acid protein–protein interaction motif that was first identified in the Drosophila segment polarity gene armadillo (Peifer et al. 1994; Riggleman et al. 1989). Animal Arm-repeat proteins function in various processes, including intracellular signaling and cytoskeletal regulation (Hatzfeld 1999). A subset of these proteins is conserved across eukaryotic kingdoms. Some Arm-repeat proteins in higher plants function in intracellular signaling, similar to their mammalian counterparts, and have other novel functions (Coates 2003). The Arabidopsis ARIA (armadillo repeat protein interacting with ABF2) protein contains armadillo repeats and a BTB/POZ domain and affects ABA-regulated gene expression, seedling growth, ABA sensitivity, and stress tolerance of plants (Kim and Choi 2006), whereas the ABAP1 (Armadillo BTB Arabidopsis protein) participates in a negative feedback loop that regulates mitotic DNA replication during plant leaf development by repressing gene transcription (Masuda et al. 2008). These functions help in the exploration of Arm-BTB protein SlBTB20 function in tomato.

BTB domain-containing proteins are present in the proteins of poxvirus and other eukaryotes, including zebrafish, mouse, and human (Chaharbakhshi and Jemc 2016); however, plant BTBs, especially in model plants, need further studies. In this study, five representative BTB genes responded to abiotic stresses (cold, salt, drought, and oxidative stress) and hormones (GA, ABA, SA, and Eth) and show different expression patterns in LA0716 and M82 (Fig. 6). LA0716 is a stress-tolerant wild tomato accession (Bolger et al. 2014), whereas the cultivated tomato M82 is stress-sensitive. These five genes possessed at least one of the stress response cis-elements (HSE, TC-rich, MBS, and ARE) in their promoter regions, thereby implying their potential roles in stress response. These BTB genes might be involved in hormone signaling as transcriptional regulators that modulate plant tolerance responses to abiotic stress.


In this study, 38 SlBTB genes in the tomato genome were comprehensively analyzed, covering the gene structure, subcellular localization predication, phylogenetic and duplication analyses, and cis-regulatory elements prediction. Moreover, the BTB subclass domain were classified, and the transcription of some SlBTBs were revealed to be induced by hormones, abiotic stress, or differential expressions between LA0716 and M82, which possibly indicate the vital functions of these BTB genes in physiological activities. Data from this present study should be considered in future studies for genetically improving agronomic traits and/or stress tolerance in tomatoes and other Solanaceae plants.