1 Introduction

The minimized costs of storage and processing technologies made the sudden growth of computing resources manufacturing (El Makkaoui et al. 2019). Recently, a novel computing model called cloud computing is developed to provide an on-demand network admittance to the network users through resource virtualization (Bhushan and Gupta 2019). In addition, cloud computing is utilized in many applications, so it needs a fault-tolerant model to provide uninterrupted communication (Ponmagal et al. 2020). Also, an effective scheduling mechanism in cloud computing has reduced the scheduling and execution time (Mukherjee et al. 2020). Thus, the cloud scheduling model is applicable in different sectors and many fields such as scientific appliances, data mining, artificial intelligence, and the internet of things (Qiang 2019). Due to its economical pay per use model, cloud computing was considered the most suitable computing frame model for large computational applications (Park 2018). In a cloud processing environment the customers or users outsource their statistics to the cloud, it performs the calculating operations and saves the results (Latiff et al. 2018). Thus the consistency is one of the greatest concerns in cloud computing. In cloud computing to process the job execution, initially, the tasks are divided and arranged based upon the priority. Moreover, cloud computing has a number of virtual machines to execute the allocated jobs (Tamilvizhi and Parvathavarthini 2019).

In addition, crossing the deadline of each task is considered a timing fault; in that case, the server migrates the job to another virtual machine that has the capacity to complete the task within a short time (Ahmad et al. 2019). Also, during the job execution, if the files are large, then it takes more time period for an execution (Wu et al. 2019a,b). Hence, the processing time of the virtual machine (VM) (Li et al. 2020) is an important research problem that is being actively carried by the researchers (Yan et al. 2019). The key limitation behind in cloud computing environment is allocating the available jobs (Rodriguez and Buyya 2014). Therefore an excellent scheduling algorithm with a monitoring frame is required to allocate the jobs in an appropriate way to reduce the execution time and complexity (Zhu et al. 2016). Moreover, the main goal of cloud computing is preserving service to the users or customers with a substantial cost; also, it was preserved the services through various frameworks. The failure occurred, when there are any faults in arranged hubs (Yao et al. 2020), like high power consumption, less capacity, etc. Thus the fault occurrence in cloud infrastructure is an unpredictable manner (Ding et al. 2017). So, the fault-tolerant process is required to continue the process without any interruption (Sarmila et al. 2019). Furthermore, the chief issue in the cloud paradigm is faults occurring, so a fault-tolerant mechanism was introduced to tolerate the software faults such as response, timing, and transmission fault during the execution of the process. Hence, if there is checkpointing in the cloud data transaction, then it avoids data loss during VM faults by saving the copy of all data. So, in this case, the processed data during the fault was recovered successfully.

Over the years, several researchers have focused on fault-tolerant workflow scheduling to end this task scheduling issue (Suliman et al. 2019). Some of the proficient techniques are introduced such as replication mechanism (Lee and Gil 2019), integrated scheduling mechanism (Wu et al. 2019a,b), maximum effective reduction (MER) (Lee et al. 2015), etc., but still, the issues are not solved. Because, if the fault occurs in one connected VM, then it disturbs the whole system process; also, data loss occurs. Hence, the occurrence of a fault can terminate the whole process. The reason for raising fault is one VM can be capable of maintaining multi jobs at a single time. So if the job is overloaded then, VM has lost its capacity. To optimize this problem, some optimization models such as hybrid genetic-particle swarm optimization (HGPSO) (Kumar and Venkatesan 2019), African Bee Colony (ABC) (Thanka et al. 2019), etc., were implemented in past, but the successive results are not found. Hence, the main drawbacks behind those optimization strategies are the restricted job allocation. In those cases, if the VM has less capacity then it gets damages. However, cloud-based virtualization has attracted many researchers by its advancement.

So that, the hybrid optimization-based scheduling mechanism with a fault-tolerant strategy was proposed to enhance the job scheduling and a fault-tolerant mechanism of cloud computing. Also, the faults like VM failure faults, timing faults, and response faults were discussed in this present research. Also, the reliability of the system is analyzed by launching few attacks like wrong data injection attack (Liu et al. 2011), reply attack (Hosseinzadeh et al. 2019) and DoS attack (Bicakci and Tavli 2009). Moreover, different optimization algorithms are used in various applications for different purposes, such as stochastic optimization for load and cost prediction (Gao et al. 2019), general algebraic optimization for scheduling the power consumption of multi chiller (Saeedi et al. 2019), stochastic optimization for optimal renewable energy sharing (Abedinia et al. 2019), Pareto optimization for peak load management for industrial consumer (Khodaei et al. 2018), Shark smell optimization (SSO) for electricity load prediction (Ghadimi et al. 2018), information gap decision theory (IGDT) and robust optimization for risk assessment in photovoltaic wind battery (Bagal et al. 2018), etc. these reason has inspired this research towards executing the hybrid optimization in cloud paradigm for job scheduling and fault-tolerant process. Also, the chief highlight of this research article is the job migration strategy that can effectively improve the job allocation framework and has reduced job execution time. Also, the projected model is the broad framework that has the capacity to schedule and execute more tasks at a single time. The efficiency of the designed model is verified in the performance metrics comparison section. The key procedures of this research work are recapitulated as follows,

  • Initially, several VM’s are arranged for the job allocation and execution process in the java platform.

  • Consequently, develop a novel Scheduling and detection of fault mechanism as HGW–ALM.

  • The fitness function of the Grey Wolf model is utilized to assign the job based on the priority and the fitness of the Ant Lion model is used to find the fault in VM, such as VM failure faults, timing faults, and response faults.

  • Once the fault is detected then immediately a novel Fault tolerant mechanism as LSR is developed.

  • Also, the reliability of the system is analyzed by launching few malicious attacks like replay, fake data injection and DoS attacks.

  • The proposed model is elaborated in java and its key metrics are validated with existing models and attained better results by achieving less execution time, makespan time and so on.

The remainder of this research is itemized as follows, Sect. 2 describes recent literature related to energy management in wireless sensor networks, Sect. 3 defines problem statement, Sect. 4 deals proposed methodology, Sect. 5 enumerate result and discussion and Sect. 6 concludes the paper.

2 Related work

Few recent studies related to fault-tolerant workflow scheduling in cloud computing are as follows.

A set of jobs are available in cloud computing; thus the workflow of cloud computing is planned in order to handle the jobs in a narrow way. So that Lee and Gil (2019) presented a checkpointing, and Replication based on Clustering Heuristics (CRCH) to schedule the job and tolerate the fault in the cloud framework. Moreover, the results of this proposed model prove the efficiency of scheduling and fault-tolerant strategies. Furthermore, the CRCH mechanism has three modules such as checkpointing, replication, and clustering. But in the evaluation, it takes more time to complete the process.

Nowadays, the usage of a multi-agent system is increased with great demand, so the efficient fault-tolerant mechanism in cloud computing is more important. Also, the cloud environment is gaining popularity among applications that required high computational obligations. So, Wu et al. (2019a,b) proposed an improved integrated scheduling mechanism for workflow scheduling and fault-tolerant process. Moreover, the proposed mechanism could stabilize the obtained execution results but it has utilized more resources to complete the assigned jobs.

Scientific workflows are often utilized in a cloud environment to validate the effective score of the utilized technique by analyzing its key parameters. Therefore, Setlur et al. (2019) have developed a Heterogeneous Earliest Finish Time (HEFT) with the synchronized lightweight model and checkpointing paradigm to reduce data loss during data broadcasting. But, it has taken more duration to execute the process because of checkpointing strategy.

Kumar and Venkatesan (2019) have developed a hybrid genetic-particle swarm optimization (HGPSO) model to optimize the scheduling tasks and time duration. Moreover, it process by separating all the job scheduling tasks into different levels based on the priority task order. Subsequently, it distributes the time limit to each and every level. All levels finished the task within the sub-time limit; finally, it has optimized the execution time. But, during the process, if any fault was raised, then the whole process gets disturbed.

The fault-tolerant mechanism is a key paradigm in cloud computing. So, Thanka et al. (2019) have been offered an enhanced Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) paradigm to schedule the task effectively in a priority manner. In addition, security measure is upgraded to protect the data from the third parties. Finally, by the validation, it was verified that the time cost was reduced considerably. One of the drawbacks of this model is it takes more time to execute the allocated jobs.

Ahmad et al. (2021) have developed awareness-based quality of service fault-tolerant work process management system to reduce the makespan time and resource cost. Finally, the designed framework is compared with other models, and its proficient score was estimated with the help of a scientific workflow model. In addition, 1000 tasks were taken to check the robustness and overhead of the projected model. By the validation, if the tasks are increased, then it takes more time to complete the process.

A wide range of computation power has been required to execute complex scientific tasks in cloud computing. Khaldi et al. (2020) have designed a clustering-based fault-tolerant mechanism for a real-time environment to check the competence of the developed model and maximum utilized power consumption. Finally, it has improved execution cost and makespan time. However, it has consumed more power.

Rezaeipanah et al. (2020) have planned to make the usual error detection framework in cloud computing. To process this function, initially, common errors are trained in the cloud environment. Consequently, fault analysis-based fuzzy logic was designed to detect the launched errors. Subsequently, the designed fuzzy model was applied in the cloud environment to validate the successive score of the designed model. By the validation, the designed model has diminished error occurrence and failure rate. But it takes more time to design the model. In another study, bidirectional long short term memory (Bi-LSTM) has proposed by Gao et al. (2020) to predict the failure in the cloud environment. At final, the Bi-LSTM model has reported 92% accuracy for predicting failure in the cloud data center, but it has consumed more energy.

Hence the comparison of related works with merits and demerits are elaborated in Table 1.

Table 1 Related literatures comparison

3 System model and problem statement

Cloud computing is the set of large tasks which is allocated to each available VM in the computing series. The key drawback of cloud computing is an occurrence of a fault, the fault happens because of several reasons such as heavy load, link failure, a large computational task in a short execution time.

If one of the intermediate hosts gets damaged then it stopped the entire works. The system model of job allocation and execution is shown in Fig. 1. Many researchers have been proposed several approaches towards fault-tolerant workflow scheduling in a cloud environment. However, each of the proposed solutions has its own limitations and challenges. These issues motivated this work towards the area of fault-tolerant workflow scheduling in a cloud environment.

Fig. 1
figure 1

System model with the problem in basic cloud-VM system

4 Proposed HGW–ALM with LSR

Usually, cloud computing is connected with a number of machines or devices for a particular process. The fault in the transmission link causes host failure; it tends to interrupt all other machines which are present in the series. So the proposed research aims to develop a novel HGWALM for the scheduling process and to detect different kinds of faults such as link failure faults, timing faults, and response faults. In addition, the development of the S-Guard Replication framework acts as a tolerant mechanism. Thus, the job is scheduled in an efficient manner using Grey Wolf (GW) fitness and a fault-tolerant mechanism is utilized to enhance the performance of the virtual machine. Moreover, if the server is failed then the work is shifted to another server by the load balancing strategy. The proposed work is shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Proposed HGW–ALM with LSR

Moreover, the faults VM are maintained by a novel fault-tolerant mechanism LSR. During the fault maintaining, the capacity of the node and its workload is checked if the workload is higher than the hub’s capacity then that particular job is migrated to the other hubs with the Ant Lion (AL) fitness.

4.1 General working process of HGW–ALM with LSR

In cloud computing, workflow or job scheduling is one of the complicated tasks. Because, different computers, and operating systems have different capacities to satisfy the user needs. Hence, an efficient scheduling strategy is required to use in the cloud environment. In this proposed scheme the job schedule mechanism should evaluate the following parameters such as, node energy, load balancing, task distribution, fault node monitoring, and approximate execution time which are detailed in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Complete proposed flow model

Moreover, different user’s requests are received by the cloud server for their basic needs and requirements. Furthermore, some task needs more computing time and resource utilization, also some other jobs need less computing time. So this research has focused on a heuristics algorithm to schedule the jobs and detect the faults during transmission. In addition, the work is assigned based on the priority which is to complete first; it’s evaluated by the HGWAL mechanism. In cloud computing, some VM has less workloads and some VM’s have more workloads, for that load balancing is one of the solution strategies in cloud computing. For the better allocation of resources, the outstanding strategy behind in cloud computing paradigm is load balancing. To enhance the system performance high resource estimation ratio is needed. The characteristics behind in load balancing approach is systemized as,

  • Distributed work consistently across the hubs

  • Enhancing the function of the system

  • Minimize reply time

  • To obtain high resource ratio utilization

If the communication delay is raised during the transmission, it may affect the balancing model. The complete flow of the work model is validated in Fig. 3.

4.1.1 A novel HGW–ALM scheduling model

In this current research work, Grey Wolf (Mirjalili et al. 2014) and Ant Lion (Mirjalili 2015) model is adopted to invent the new hybrid model. It is the arbitrary assignment model, here with the combination grey wolf and ant lion fitness, the hybrid optimization was developed for job scheduling and fault-tolerant process. In the initial phase, the grey wolf (Ahmad et al. 2021) fitness parameter is initialized as alpha \(\left( \alpha \right)\), beta \(\left( \beta \right)\), delta \(\left( \delta \right)\), and omega \(\left( \omega \right)\). Here the \(\left( \alpha \right)\) is to investigate all VMs and collect the status of node then the first priority based work is represented as \(\left( \beta \right)\) second priority job is represented as \(\left( \delta \right)\) and the fault detected node is represented as \(\omega\). In the cloud environment job assigning model is detailed in the Eqs. (1) and (2). Here, the span time is represented as job completion time, hence, the assigned and completion time determining function is defined using Eqs. (1) and (2).

$$K_{i}^{t} = work_{j}^{t} + \begin{array}{*{20}c} {span} & {time} \\ \end{array}^{t}$$
$$K_{i}^{t} = work_{j}^{t} + \begin{array}{*{20}c} {assigned} & {time} \\ \end{array}^{t}$$

The VM represented as \(K\), then \(i,j\) represents initialize and ending time, \(t\) denotes assigning time.

figure a

After the work is assigned to alpha it monitors the work schedule by its priority which is defined in Eq. (3). Here, \(E\) is the priority estimating parameter.

$$E_{{\dot{\alpha }}} = \left| {D_{1} \cdot Y_{{\dot{\alpha }}} - Y} \right|,\quad E_{{\dot{\beta }}} = \left| {D_{2} \cdot Y_{{\dot{\beta }}} - Y} \right|,\quad E_{{\dot{\delta }}} = \left| {D_{3} \cdot Y_{{\dot{\delta }}} - Y} \right|$$

Immediately \(\alpha\) collects the information of work deadline and first priority work is represented as \(\beta .\) Also, \(Y\) represents the deadline of each job and \(\delta\) is the second priority job. In this procedure works set are determined as D = {D1, D2, D3,…,Dn} that workloads possessions in a cloud environment,

Here, the deadline of each job is represented as \(Y\), before assigning a job, the capacity of VM should be evaluated using Eq. (4).

$$node_{i}^{t} = \frac{{r_{a}^{{}} + r_{e}^{{}} }}{2}$$

Here \(r_{a}^{{}}\) represent the capacity of VM and \(r_{e}^{{}}\) is the required resource to complete the task.

Here the work is scheduled under the priority-based model; once the alpha got all tasks of the work schedule then it monitors the network channel and collects the capacity of each VM. The capacity evaluation of each VM is detailed in Eq. (5).\(R\) is the available resource of each VM.

$$K_{{\dot{\alpha }}}^{t} = R_{{\dot{\alpha }}}^{t} + K^{t} ,\quad K_{{\dot{\beta }}}^{t} = R_{{\dot{\beta }}}^{t} + K^{t} ,\quad K_{{\dot{\delta }}}^{t} = R_{{\dot{\delta }}}^{t} + K^{t}$$

The resources set are considered \(R = \left\{ {R1,R2,R3,R4,RD\} } \right.\) which is defined as input of the cloud; it is in the form of \(D < R.\) If the job and resources are assigned to each VM then the AL model initiates the fitness function by checking the deadline of each job. Moreover, if there is any deadline crossed work then the AL model transfers it to the VM which has sufficient resources to complete that task and it must be a lighter node. The lighter node selection is processed in Eq. (6).

$$K_{\alpha } = D_{{\dot{\alpha }}}^{t} + K_{1}^{t} ,\quad K_{{3\dot{\beta }}} = D_{{\dot{\beta }}}^{t} + K^{t} ,\quad K_{{\dot{\delta }}} = D_{{\dot{\delta }}}^{t} + K^{t}$$

While searching for a light VM to complete the task, if any one of the VM has \(K = 0\) then it is a fault detected VM then immediately fault-tolerant process is initiated, which is illustrated in Algorithm 1 and Fig. 3.

In the cloud computing framework, the resources are offered based on their priority. Moreover, the priorities of various jobs are compared in an independent manner. Here, the normal work resource process is defined as \(\delta\) and the priority-based significant work is arranged in a beta parameter.

Moreover, the task is assigned alpha continuously monitor the weight of nodes, if any one of the nodes drained its energy then the fault-tolerant mechanism replaced it with tuples to maintain the work without disturbance. The flow of work is modeled in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Flow model of HGW-ALM with LSR

4.2 Fault tolerant-LSR

After detecting the fault node using HGWALO that output is fed into a fault-tolerant mechanism subsequently the process of fault-tolerant mechanism is processed. Moreover, the secondary user does not send any output data downstream. It just logs those tuples in output queues instead. Fake tuples are identified by adding the second pair of input-tuple pointers towards each tuple. Then the tuple is represented as \(T(u)\) also the input stream is termed as \(S\) then its identifier or detector became \((S,v)\), it is the most modern tuple which contributes the creation of \(T(u)\). These identifiers are also termed as a high watermarks. Though the message is sent between secondary and primary nodes, the watermark is set among downstream and upstream nodes in Fig. 4.

figure b

In addition, replication (also named as clustering) is a method to offer high accessibility in distributed and parallel databases. High availability is planned to ensure a continuous service process. Moreover, high availability has two phases. In one phase, it affords a fault-tolerance mechanism by developing redundancy in the way of replication. This means it has multiple replicas or copies of the data from different sites. In some cases the data copies might be crashed, so to maintain the data accessibility and availability is needed to reintroduce the data replicas, thus introducing the new replicas are in a consistent fashion. Subsequently, the transmission process shifts to new replicas and carry on the process. If the heuristics mechanism \(E_{\alpha }\) reports fault occurrence then the replication scheme is processed on the basis of the following steps. Here \(M_{a}\) receives the acknowledgement from the downstream link and new tuples from the link upstream. Hence, the filter functions \(S_{1} [800]\) and creates \(F[500]\).

Moreover, \(M_{a}\) spruces its outcome queues at \((T,50)\) while approaching fresh tuples \(T(146)\) and \(T(147)\) downstream. This kind of backward plotting is organized by the cause function \(((T,u),S) \to (S,v)\) where \((S,v)\) represents the detector of the tuple \(S[u]\). Moreover, the process of replication is to store the data in another site or another node for the recovery process while the transmission node became a fault during the process, which is designed using Algorithm 2. Also to overcome the failure of host the checkpoint strategy is utilized as a rollback mechanism. Moreover, the checkpoint is updated regularly and it has all the copies of processed jobs. Thus, if any host is failed it retrieves the information through its checkpoint.

5 Result and discussion

The proposed research is elaborated in java programming language running in the windows 10 platform. Cloud computing has attracted users with its advancement and great extent; however, due to data security and reliability issues, the users are still afraid of porting tasks to cloud architecture. The users are frightened to post the work in the cloud because of fault occurrence. However, in a cloud computing environment, several hosts and VMs are available to add redundancy in the system, therefore one can migrate the task from the host showing fault to another host. The parameters taken for the proposed work are described in Table 2. Here, multi instructions per second (MIPS).

Table 2 Parameters of proposed work

5.1 Case study

Let us assume the jobs which were submitted to the cloud grid in priority based order. The assumed jobs have different computational time, execution time, deadline, resource utilization, and different file size. The jobs in VM are carried out by a lot of instructions and rules.

Here the priority-based jobs are identified by the \(\beta\) parameter.

Step 1: Initially \(\alpha\) checks the priority work by its work deadline and execution time.

Step 2: The first priority work is represented as \(\beta\) and normal jobs are represented as \(\delta\).

Step 3: Then \(\alpha\) checks the conditions of all present VM in a cloud environment.

Step 4: Based on the priority, the resources are allocated for each job.

Step 5: Consequently, the deadline and execution time of each job is trained to the AL model.

Step 6: It checks the completed jobs and incomplete jobs based on their particular deadline.

Step 7: If the jobs are not completed by their deadline then it checks free VM and transfers it to that free VM as \(K_{1}\). The \(K_{1}\) must have sufficient resources to complete the specified task.

Step 8: If \(K\) have more workloads than its capacity, then it is distributed to the other lighter VM.

Step 9: While checking for free VM, if any \(K = 0\) then the fault is detected it initiates the tolerant mechanism.

The stable state process in cloud computing is a checkpoint which deals with job and fault consistency. It automatically helps the VM to roll back the client request at any time. Moreover, the checkpoint can update frequently for every few seconds of time, it is more helpful at the time of data recovery. Manual checkpoints are initiated by users to control the date and time. In addition, the parameter alpha monitors the functions of VM regularly, if any one of the VM has more workload than its resource, then it makes the alarm; immediately the fault-tolerant process is initiated. Then the alpha is predicted by the VM and distributed the loads to another lighter VM, which is detailed in Fig. 5. In addition, the fault-tolerant mechanism helps to form the new tuple to maintain the failed host.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Check point with fault-tolerant SLR

The results of the case study are obtained in Fig. 6a describes job versus throughput in the millisecond it is based upon job transferring rate. Before assigning the job to one VM its workload and execution time must be evaluated, it is more helpful to assign the priority-based work to the specified VM.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Validation of confidential rate

After the job migration process, the attacks such as fake data injection, DOS and reply attack was launched in the job transmission VM channel to estimate the reliability of the system. But, the VM channel remains secure because of the ant lion fitness function in the designed proposed model. Here, the VM and user information’s are already monitored by the ant lion, so if any attacks have been interrupted in VM’s medium then it immediately blocks that VM or users by their hunting fitness.

Thus the proposed HGW-ALM with LSR has gained the finest privacy range, which is detailed in Fig. 6.

5.2 Performance metrics

The present research developed an efficient scheduling and fault-tolerant mechanism by hybrid algorithm models, the graphical representation proved the efficiency of the proposed method by achieving a better result. In addition, to evaluate the efficiency of the proposed strategy some of the recent existing approaches are adopted such as maximum effective reduction (MER) (Lee et al. 2015) and checkpointing replication based on clustering heuristics (CRCH) (Lee and Gil 2019), heterogeneous earliest finish time (HEFT) (Setlur et al. 2019).

HEFT is a heuristic model and provides a better result for the scheduling process. This process is utilized to reduce the job execution time and maximize resource utilization. MER minimized the execution time and resource usage by the consistent workflow schedule. The job is scheduled by the nearer VM selection, thus it reduces the complexity in job execution. Moreover, it is applicable in all environments and deals with all workload conditions.

The CRCH mechanism has three modules such as checkpointing, replication, and clustering. The clustering phase calculates the computation time of each job. The replication module is utilized to replicate CRCH the data in cloud computing. To compare the performance of the current research model some of the important parameters should be evaluated such as execution time, response time, delay time, makespan time, and distributed function.

5.2.1 Execution time

The execution time for each job is different because each job has different workloads. Thus the execution time is defined as taken to complete the assigned task. Moreover, the performance of the VM is evaluated using its execution time. The assumption of job execution time is initially calculated by the grey wolf and ant lion mechanism based on that the jobs are assigned. Before the job allocation, the presence of each VM or node is calculated with the chief parameter as node weight and distance.

The execution time of an assigned job is detailed in Fig. 7 and Table 3. Moreover, the job execution time is based on the job scheduling mechanism. Here heuristic algorithm is used to schedule the jobs based on priority wise, thus the accurate and proficient job scheduling process results in good execution (less) time. Hence the figure illustrated the distributed jobs with execution time. The time taken by the proposed model is 1000s for 0.85 distributed functions. Here, job completion time is considered as execution time, here the execution time gets differed in Fig. 7, this is because of delay limit and fault.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Execution time (s) assessment

Table 3 Distributed function versus execution time

5.2.2 Response time

After the job allocation, the first reply is considered as response time. It is based on the time taken by VM to initiate the process. The time taken to initiate the process by the current proposed model is 5s. In a cloud computing framework, the response time is calculated based on the amount of interval from when a request was submitted till the first reply was produced that is elaborated in Fig. 8 and Table 4.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Response time validation

Table 4 Response time comparison

One of the chief aspects in the cloud task scheduling model is a load balancing strategy. The task load is equally shared to other VM then it increases the resource efficiency and reduces the response time. In this present research work, the task load is evaluated by the finest function of the GW model then the task is shared by the nearer neighboring node by Ant Lion fitness. Here, the response time was varied based on the different workloads; if the job count was less then short time is sufficient for the response.

The fitness function of the HGW–AL model is utilized to investigate the status of servers and to allocate the job in a priority manner, also if any issues are present in the VM then it alert that a specific VM is in trouble. Usually, the task allocation strategy is created to reduce the job execution time and to save the balance energy of nodes to maintain the network lifetime and load to ensure the job wouldn’t be cracked by a sudden failure of hubs.

5.2.3 Makespan time

Makespan is demarcated as the time taken to complete the specified task from the beginning to end for all assigned jobs. In addition, for the multi-target appliance, there are several targets are assigned to monitor the specified area. Once the target is assigned, reliable tracking is needed to track the job handling hubs because if the node energy is drained new tuples want to be created to continue the task without any interruption. So the calculation of job weight is an important parameter for assigning the job. Depends upon the delay limit, the makespan time can be varied. Thus Fig. 9 has shown the variation in makespan time.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Assessment of delay time vs. makespan time

The determination of work starting and ending time is termed as makespan time also the deadline crossed work is validated under delay limit in Fig. 9 and Table 5. Thus, the makespan time with delay time comparison is elaborated in Fig. 9, here the proposed strategy attained a delay limit as 420s.

Table 5 Delay time vs. makespan time

5.2.4 Resource usage

In the cloud network, tasks are tangible-time independent jobs without any model constraints, because the jobs which have model constraints are correspondent to independent jobs by arriving periods and deadlines of the specified tasks. All the hubs have backup copies to retrieve the information when any one of the nodes is failed.

The process needs some resources to complete the task which is validated as resource usage; it is graphically shown in Fig. 10 and Table 6. The proposed scheme consumed less CPU utilization compared to existing approaches that means HGWALM has consumed CPU utilization ratio as 0.5 % (max). Based upon the delay limit of each work completion, the resource utilization gets varied. If the method has taken more time to complete the process then it has required more resources.

Fig. 10
figure 10

Average resource usage

Table 6 Delay limit versus resource usage

5.2.5 Scheduling time

The task scheduling time is defined as the total execution time divided by specified work execution time \(t\) it is defined by Eq. (7) the scheduling time is calculated on the basis of work assigning time to each VM or hub.

$${\text{Scheduling time}} = \frac{Total\;execution\;time}{t}$$

The cloud process of end users can reduce the available sources, as per the demands for each specified application. Moreover, the cloud is the service provider that means any time any user can capable to request the services. Thus the scheduling process is described in Fig. 11 and Table 7. Based upon the algorithm robustness, the scheduling time gets varied.

Fig. 11
figure 11

Comparison of scheduling time

Table 7 Scheduling time

5.2.6 Turnaround time (ms)

The failure that occurs during transmission is defined as turnaround time, which is evaluated by the difference of job execution time and arrival time in Eq. (8),

$$Turnaround\;time = execution\;time - arrival\;time$$

During the process, the host failure occurs then LSR maintains the host by creating the new tuple. Thus, the proposed method achieved less failure time as 10s for 1000 jobs. Finally, the scheduled job execution time achieved by the proposed work and their comparisons are detailed in Fig. 12 and Table 8. The turnaround time is dependent on the algorithm rapidity for the scheduling and fault-tolerant process. Thus, the proposed model has attained less execution time than other models. Also, when the job size was increased then execution time also get vary from the initial stage.

Fig. 12
figure 12

Execution time comparison

Table 8 Comparison of turnaround time (s)

5.2.7 Average resource wastage

The additional usage of resources, which are taken to complete the process is termed as resource wastage. The resource wastage is calculated on the basis of extra resources needed to complete the specified task. Based on the algorithm complexity, the resource wastage has differed. By the validation, the proposed model has reported very less resource wastage because of algorithm flexibility. If the workloads are increased then the resource wastage measure also increased from the previous one.

The graphical representation shows that MER attained the maximum resource wastage as 2400, CRCH pertained 2100 resource wastage, HEFT attained 1750 and the proposed model achieved less resource wastage as 900, which is described in Fig. 13 and Table 9.

Fig. 13
figure 13

Average resource wastage

Table 9 Average resource wastage

5.3 Discussion

So the proposed model enhanced the performance of job scheduling and fault-tolerant scheme in a cloud environment. The obtained throughput ratio for our developed model is shown in Fig. 14. Moreover, the high throughput measure attained a better data transmission rate.

Fig. 14
figure 14

Throughput ratio (bps)

The response time in the cloud paradigm is validated by the time taken to accept the request after the job allocation. Thus the response and execution time of the proposed approach is shown in Fig. 15. On the other hand for the performance evaluation, Hybrid Genetic and Particle Swarm Optimization and Artificial Bee Colony model also taken for an evaluation, which is detailed in Table 10.

Fig. 15
figure 15

Execution and response time (s)

Table 10 Performance comparison

Thus the outcome of the projected methodology proved that the cloud is enhanced and capable to process all kinds of works.

5.3.1 Computation complexity

In most cases, the effective score of the proposed model was depended on its time complexity. The complexity of time is calculated by noting the run time of each algorithm with its own functions.

Here, the scheduling time is validated using a hybrid optimization model as HGW–ALM, and the time of fault-tolerant was evaluated using the LSR strategy. Moreover, the methods which have offered the best solution in a short duration are termed as appropriate models. Hence the time utilized for scheduling and the fault-tolerant process is shown in Fig. 16.

Fig. 16
figure 16

Time complexity

The computation model is calculated to verify the successive score of the proposed model; here, the proposed model has diminished the cloud services space. Hence, the comparison of computation cost is detailed in Fig. 17.

Fig. 17
figure 17

Comparison of computation cost

Furthermore, comparison validation with several parameters proved the efficiency of the proposed work in an efficient way. Moreover, job migration and checkpoint strategy have reduced the average resource wastage in a tremendous way. Thus the proposed strategy is suitable for job allocation and fault-tolerant strategy.

6 Conclusion

Job scheduling and fault-tolerant in the cloud environment is more crucial, this current research focuses on a novel Hybrid heuristics algorithm as HGWALM for scheduling purposes and a novel hybrid fault-tolerant mechanism LSR is developed to tolerate the fault during the job running or processing time. Moreover, the fault-tolerant strategy is more important in the scheduling process because one server can handle a huge number of jobs at a single time. During the process, if any one of the program modules fails it tends to delay and spoil all the jobs which are currently in the process. So the effective tolerant mechanism as LSR scheme is used to tolerate the faults, simultaneously if any fault occurs then the current process is migrated to another server by HGWALM. In addition, the robustness of the proposed algorithm is checked against different attacks like fake data injection, replay attack and DoS. Moreover, the comparison results proved the efficiency of the proposed work, by showing the improvement of 95% scheduling time reduction. Hence, the consumed maximum job execution time is 400 s for 1.8 distributed functions.