1 Introduction

Voice activity detection (VAD) is an active research topic in the field of speech processing because it is a key factor that influences the performance of practical speech applications (Tanrikulu 1997; Freeman and Cosier 1989; Malah et al. 1999; Enqing et al. 2002). VAD is used in problems that must identify speech and non-speech regions in a given speech signal. In high quality recording conditions, methods based on energy in (Junqua et al. 1991; Tucker 1992) perform well because of the energy difference between speech and non-speech segments. However, it is difficult to distinguish between speech and non-speech segments when the signal is corrupted by noise or a low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). This is because human speech and non-speech signals have similar energy levels. Thus, energy-based VAD still remains challenging and requires a design with noise robustness.

Recently, machine-learning-based methods (Chang et al. 2006; Wu and Zhang 2011) have been proven to be effective at VAD. These methods have a strong theoretical basis that guarantees their performance under noisy conditions. To achieve state-of-the-art performance on VAD tasks, a VAD classifier and feature were investigated. There is a large amount of existing research on VAD classifiers. Kinnunen and Chernenko (2007) proposed a method to construct a support vector machine (SVM)-VAD that is based on a single frame classifier. In an evaluation on bus stop and lab noise, the SVM-VAD outperformed a short-term energy-based method, long-term spectral divergence method (Tong et al. 2006), and Gaussian mixture model (GMM)-based VAD. This is because the SVM-VAD captures speech-relevant information effectively. Zhang and Wu (2013a) proposed a deep belief network-based VAD. They showed that this VAD outperformed traditional VAD (e.g., G.729B (Benyassine et al. 1997) and Sohn VAD (Ying et al. 2011)) because of its robustness to noise, due to its multi-frame-based classifier. In Zhang and Wang (2016), a DNN-based classifier achieved the state-of-the-art performance on a VAD task. Therefore, SVM and DNN-based VAD were considered in our experiment. In addition, feature extraction is important for machine-learning-based VAD. The mel-frequency cepstral coefficient (MFCC) (Davis and Mermelstein 1980) is a feature derived from the magnitude spectrum that has been proven to be an effective speech feature because it captures the most relevant information for speech. Zou et al. (2014) proposed an SVM-based VAD using MFCC features. Their results showed that MFCC provides high performance for VAD. Ryant et al. (2013) proposed DNN-based VAD using MFCC. Their result showed that a DNN classifier-based on MFCC outperformed GMM-based VAD. However, a conventional feature maybe not effective under noisy conditions because of the corruption of the speech.

To improve conventional features, feature enhancements have attracted attention in many speech processing tasks (Ueda et al. 2015; Wang et al. 2014; Xia and Bao 2013; Lu et al. 2013; Ren et al. 2016). This is because of the better classifier performance obtained using the enhanced features. Deep neural networks (DNNs), which have been improved by the introduction of restricted Boltzmann machine (RBM)-based pretraining (Hinton and Salakhutdinov 2006), have become popular for feature enhancement. Zhang and Wu (2013b) proposed a DNN-based feature enhancement (called a denoising autoencoder) that we here call DNN-based feature enhancement for noise-robust VAD. Compared with traditional feature-based VAD, the VAD using a DNN-based enhanced feature improves performance because the nonlinear mapping function can predict clean features from corrupted features, hence making the VAD decision better. (Ueda et al. 2015) also applied DNN-based feature enhancement to speaker identification. Compared with the traditional method, the enhanced feature provided better speaker identification accuracy. However, the DNN-based feature enhancement has a weakness when evaluated on previously unseen data.

While DNN-based feature enhancement has been applied to many speech processing tasks, noise-aware training (NAT) (Xu et al. 2015) was introduced to solve the problem of poor DNN-based feature enhancement performance on unseen test data in the speech enhancement task. In (Xu et al. 2014), NAT-DNN-based feature enhancement obtained significantly better performance than conventional DNN-based feature enhancement because it could better predict clean features from corrupted features owing to the addition of noise information during DNN training. Although NAT-DNN-based feature enhancement can provide better performance than DNN-based feature enhancement, we observe that phase information is discarded during feature enhancement training because of the inflexibility of phase computation. Therefore, NAT-DNN-based feature enhancement may be improved by phase-aware training.

In this paper, two conventional DNN-based feature enhancements (DNN- and NAT-DNN-based feature enhancement) are used as baselines for enhancing individual magnitude- and phase-based features for noise-robust VAD. Although both DNN and NAT-DNN-based feature enhancement may achieve good noise-robust VAD performance, they have a weakness in that phase information is discarded during feature enhancement training. To overcome this weakness, we propose adding phase-aware training into DNN- and NAT-DNN-based feature enhancement, which we call DNN-based joint phase and magnitude feature (JPMF) enhancement (JPMF with DNN), and NAT-DNN-based JPMF enhancement (JPMF with NAT-DNN). Moreover, we apply a combined score of the magnitude- and phase-based features to improve the VAD performance.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Sect. 2 describes DNN-based feature enhancement and NAT-DNN-based feature enhancement. Section 3 introduces the proposed JPMF enhancement. Section 4 briefly describes the magnitude and phase-based feature extraction for DNN input. The score combination approach is described in Sect. 5. The VAD experiments using several feature enhancement approaches are evaluated in Section 5. Finally, Sect. 7 summarizes the paper and describes future work.

2 Conventional DNN-based feature enhancement

2.1 DNN-based feature enhancement

Neural networks (NNs) are universal mapping functions that can be used for both classification and regression problems (Xu et al. 2015). Many researches have used NNs for feature enhancement for a quite some time. An NN with more than one hidden layer is usually called a deep NN (DNN). Recently, DNN has been improved because of the introduction of a pretraining algorithm (Hinton et al. 2006) based on the RBM. This is why the deep structure of a DNN enables a much more efficient representation of many nonlinear transformations. In the past several years, DNNs have been utilized in many speech processing tasks such as acoustic modeling and feature enhancement. In this paper, we use DNN to enhance the MFCC magnitude feature. Our aim is to utilize the flexibility of a DNN to model the highly nonlinear and complicated mapping from a distorted MFCC to the underlying clean MFCC. Note that we also apply DNN to map distorted phase features, the mel-frequency delta phase (MFDP), to clean them, and the basic concepts of both methods are the same. Hence, we use a unified description for both features here.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Structure of each feature enhancement type: a conventional DNN-based feature enhancement, b NAT-DNN-based feature enhancement, c JPMF with DNN, and d JPMF with NAT-DNN

The structure of the conventional DNN-based feature enhancement is shown in Fig 1a. On the left of the DNN in the figure, a sequence of feature vectors is generated from a noisy feature. To enhance the features, we use the MFCC as a magnitude feature and MFDP as a phase feature. To predict the clean feature of current feature (shown as gray in the figure), a sequence of features around the current vector is fed into the DNN. This allows the DNN to use context information to predict the clean feature vector. After the nonlinear transformation of the hidden layers, a linear output layer is used to predict the clean feature vector for the current frame.

To train the DNN for feature enhancement, parallel data comprising the clean and corrupted features of the same speech signal are required. The clean and corrupted feature vector sequences must be aligned accurately at frame level. We use clean and multi-condition data for training the DNN. The objective of training is to minimize mean square error (MSE) function between the output feature and the target features (Xiao et al. 2014).

$$\begin{aligned} E_r =\frac{1}{N}\displaystyle \sum _{{\eta }=1}^{N} ||\hat{X}((Y_{{\eta }-\tau }^{{\eta }+\tau }),W,b)-X_{{\eta }}||_{2}^{2}. \end{aligned}$$

Here, \(E_r\) is the MSE, \(\hat{X}((Y_{{\eta }-\tau }^{{\eta }+\tau }),W,b)\) and \(X_{{\eta }}\) denote the estimated and reference normalized feature at sample index \({\eta },\) respectively, N represents the mini-batch size, \(Y_{{\eta }-\tau }^{{\eta }+\tau }\) is the input feature, which is spliced at \(\pm \tau\) context frames, W denotes the weight matrices, and b indicates the bias vector. The DNN parameters are then estimated iteratively by stochastic gradient decent (Lu et al. 2013) using the updated equation below.

$$\begin{aligned} \Delta ( W_{{i}+1},b_{{i}+1}) = -\lambda \frac{\partial E_r}{\partial (W_{{i}},b_{{i}})}-\kappa \lambda (W_{{i}},b_{{i}})+\omega \Delta (W_{{i}},b_{{i}}). \end{aligned}$$

Here, i denotes the number of update iterations, \(\lambda\) indicate the learning rate, \(\kappa\) is the weight decay coefficient, and \(\omega\) is the momentum coefficient. This supervised training step is often called fine-tuning. Before the MSE step, the DNN is initialized by a pretrained RBM, which uses unsupervised training, and hence only a corrupted version of the speech is required. When the DNN is trained, it is expected to handle corrupted features well.

2.2 NAT-DNN-based feature enhancement

In conventional DNN-based feature enhancement, the training is off-line because only a single magnitude feature is used for the regression function (Xu et al. 2015), as shown in Fig. 1a. Although the mapping function can effectively deal with a previously seen noisy condition, an evaluation of mismatched noise types might affect the generalization capabilities of a non-speech segment owing to unseen noisy speech whose distortion characteristics are not similar to those of the training data. To solve this problem, NAT-DNN is applied to enable noise awareness. In this process, DNN is fed with a feature augmented with its corresponding estimation of the noise using a conventional minimum MSE (MMSE)-based noise estimation (Hendriks 2010). Hence, the DNN can use additional on-line noise information to improve the prediction of the clean feature. The input vector of the DNN with the noise estimate is constructed as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} \hat{Y}_{{\eta }-\tau }^{{\eta }+\tau }=[A_{{\eta }-\tau },\hat{Z}_{{\eta }-\tau },\ldots ,A_{{\eta }},\hat{Z}_{{\eta }}, \ldots ,A_{{\eta }+\tau },\hat{Z}_{{\eta }+\tau }] \end{aligned}$$

where \(A_{{\eta }}\) represents the magnitude-based feature vector of the current noisy speech frame \({\eta }\), where the window size is \(2*\tau +1\), and \(\hat{Z}_{{\eta }}\) is the noise estimation based on MMSE (Tong et al. 2006). In this procedure, the DNN is trained from the parallel data of the reference feature consisting of magnitude-based feature samples (MFCCs), like the traditional DNN and noise corrupted feature input vector \(\hat{Y}_{{\eta }-\tau }^{{\eta }+\tau }\) of Eq. (3). The features are aligned at frame level. After training, the trained network can predict the underlying clean features when given noisy features, as shown in Fig. 1b.

3 Proposed JPMF enhancement

In the methods described in the previous section, phase information is discarded during most of the feature enhancement training because of the inflexibility of phase computation. In this section, we propose integrating phase-aware training into two conventional DNN feature enhancements. By applying phase-aware training, the DNN-based feature enhancement is augmented with phase information during training, which is the proposed JPMF with the DNN method. Similarly, NAT-DNN-based feature enhancement can also be augmented with phase information during training, and this is the proposed JPMF with NAT-DNN method. The additional phase-aware training is expected to achieve better performance when compared with the conventional DNN feature enhancements described in Sect. 2.

3.1 JPMF with DNN

The DNN-based feature enhancement in Sect. 2.1 is only trained with magnitude information, hence phase information is missing during training. A complex spectrum includes the magnitude spectrum and phase spectrum. In (Williamson et al. 2016a, b), the authors proposed a monaural speech separation in the complex domain. The experimental results show that complex traditional ratio masking outperforms ratio masking in the magnitude domain. That is, the results indicate that jointly enhancing the real and imaginary components can be better than enhancing the magnitude and phase independently. Joint enhancement of the magnitude and phase can improve speech quality, and is expected to enhance features well for VAD. To improve DNN-based feature enhancement, we propose JPMF with the DNN, which uses both the magnitude and phase information in one NN, which is expected to provide more accurate prediction than the DNN-based feature enhancement. In the training process, the input vector of the DNN is augmented using phase information as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} \bar{Y}_{{\eta }-\tau }^{{\eta }+\tau }=[P_{{\eta }-\tau },A_{{\eta }-\tau },\ldots ,P_{{\eta }},A_{{\eta }},\ldots ,P_{{\eta }+\tau },A_{{\eta }+\tau }] \end{aligned}$$

where \(P_{{\eta }}\) represents the phase-based feature vector of the current noisy speech frame \({\eta }\), where the window size is \(2*\tau +1\). The DNN is trained on parallel data consisting of the reference feature with a clean JPMF and the input vector of the corrupted feature \(\bar{Y}_{{\eta }-\tau }^{{\eta }+\tau }\). After training, the enhanced phase and magnitude features were derived separately from the jointly enhanced phase and magnitude information predicted by the trained network. Fig. 1c briefly shows the concept of JPMF enhancement.

3.2 JPMF with NAT-DNN

The NAT-DNN-based feature enhancement described in Sect. 2.2 was introduced to solve the problem of DNN-based feature enhancement when the testing and training data do not match (Xu et al. 2014; Seltzer et al. 2013). However, phase information is discarded during the NAT-DNN-based feature enhancement training because of the complexity of the phase computation. Therefore, we introduce phase-aware training into traditional NAT-DNN-based feature enhancement. This is the proposed JPMF with the NAT-DNN method that uses magnitude information, phase information, and noise estimation in the DNN training. This method is expected to achieve more accurate prediction than the NAT-DNN-based feature enhancement. In the training process, the input vector of the NAT-DNN is augmented using phase information as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} \check{Y}_{{\eta }-\tau }^{{\eta }+\tau }=[P_{{\eta }-\tau },A_{{\eta }-\tau },\hat{Z}_{{\eta }-\tau },\ldots ,P_{{\eta }},A_{{\eta }},\hat{Z}_{{\eta }},\ldots ,P_{{\eta }+\tau },A_{{\eta }+\tau },\hat{Z}_{{\eta }+\tau }] \end{aligned}$$

Figure 1d briefly shows the concept of the JPMF. The DNN is trained from the parallel data of the reference feature with the clean feature of Eq. 5, \(\check{Y}_{{\eta }-\tau }^{{\eta }+\tau }\), and the input vector of the corrupted JPMF feature. After training, the enhanced phase and magnitude features are derived separately from the jointly enhanced features of the phase and magnitude information predicted by the trained network.

4 Magnitude and phase-based feature

In this work, we use two feature extraction methods to utilize both magnitude-based MFCC and phase-based MFDP.

4.1 MFCC

MFCC is a popular magnitude-based feature for speech processing, including VAD. We used MFCC as a magnitude-based feature for the DNN input.

4.2 MFDP

MFDP was proposed by McCowan and Dean (2011). It can be computed from the phase spectrum difference of the short-time discrete Fourier transform (STFT) between neighboring frames. The STFT of an input speech signal sequence is formulated as

$$\begin{aligned} X_{{m}}(k)=\displaystyle \sum _{n={-\infty }}^{\infty } w(n-mD)x(n)e^{{-jw_kn}} \end{aligned}$$

where m is the frame index, w(n) is a causal window of length T (i.e., zero-valued outside the range \(0 \le n \le T-1),\) D is the number of samples between successive analysis frames (the step size, where \(D \le T\)), and \(w_k=\frac{2 \pi k}{L}\) , where L is the number of analysis frequencies being considered in the discrete Fourier transform (with \(L \ge T\)). The short-time delta phase spectrum \(\bigtriangleup \phi _m(k)\) is designed to avoid some of the phase unwrapping problems and is given as the time-derivative of the short-time phase spectrum as follows,

$$\begin{aligned} \bigtriangleup \phi _m(k)=arg[X_m(k)X_{m-1}{(k)}^* e^{-jw_kD}] \end{aligned}$$

where \((.)^*\) indicates the complex conjugate. We then take advantage of the delta phase spectrum based on (McCowan and Dean 2011) to yield MFDP features by applying the mel filter bank to the absolute delta phase spectrum, followed by taking the logarithm of the filter bank energies and performing a discrete cosine transform to obtain the MFDP feature. Here, we use MFDP as phase information, using a rectangular window with a length of 25 ms instead of the common length of 256 ms because the longer length includes excess speech and non-speech segments in each window.

5 Score combination

Fig. 2
figure 2

Flowchart of the VAD system

In the previous section, both magnitude and phase feature are exploited in our method. Therefore, we propose a combination of the phase and magnitude feature scores to take advantage of the different benefits of these features. This technique is briefly described in this section. A flowchart of the VAD system is shown in Fig. 2. The SVM or DNN is used as a typical two-class classification for VAD. The decision about whether a given segment is speech or non-speech is based on the difference in probability that the segment is speech or non-speech.

$$\begin{aligned} \wedge (O)=p(O|\lambda _{speech})-p(O|\lambda _{non{\text {-}}speech}), \end{aligned}$$

where O is the feature vector of the input speech and \(\lambda _{speech}\) and \(\lambda _{non{\text {-}}speech}\) are the models (SVM or DNN) of the speech and non-speech segments, respectively. Here, MFCC and MFDP are both used as feature vector. To combine the scores, the probabilities obtained from the different features are combined by the following equation.

$$\begin{aligned} {p(O_{comp}|\lambda _{j})=\alpha p(O_{MFCC}|\lambda _{j})+(1-\alpha ) p(O_{MFDP}|\lambda _{j}).} \\ \nonumber \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} {\alpha =\frac{p(O_{MFCC}|\lambda _{j})}{p(O_{MFCC}|\lambda _{j})+p(O_{MFDP}|\lambda _{j})}}. \end{aligned}$$

where \(p(O_{MFCC}|\lambda _{j})\) and \(p(O_{MFDP}|\lambda _{j})\) are the probabilities based on MFCC and MFDP. Here, \(j \in \{1,2\}\) corresponds to class of speech or non-speech. In addition, \(\alpha\) denotes the weighting coefficient.

6 Experiment

6.1 Experimental setup

Our experiments were conducted on the CENSREC-1-C database (Kitaoka et al. 2009). The speech data were sampled at 16 kHz and finally downsampled to 8 kHz. The details of recording condition, utterances, and speaking style are the same as in CENSREC-1(AURORA-2J). To create the noisy speech, the samples were corrupted by two noise sets A and B, as shown in Table 1. Each noise set includes four different noise environments with SNRs from \(-5\) to 20 dB in increments of 5 dB.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Overview of the VAD system based on different feature enhancement approaches: a raw feature-based approach, b conventional DNN-based feature enhancement, c NAT-DNN-based feature enhancement, d JPMF with DNN, and e JPMF with NAT-DNN

Fig. 4
figure 4

Overview of the VAD system with score combination

Figure 3 shows an overview a VAD system using the different kinds of feature enhancements introduced in Sects. 2 and 3. The VAD system is fed with either MFCC or MFDP features. In Fig. 4, the MFCC and MFDP features are separately enhanced with the same type of enhancement method, as shown in Fig. 3 then their scores are obtained from the VAD classifier, which are then combines as described in Sect. 5. For the VAD detector, there are two classifier methods including SVM and DNN. Both classifier methods were trained using set A of the CENSREC-1-C database (artificially noisy speech segments with 19.39 h were derived from subway, babble, car, and exhibition noise) and tested with set B of the CENSREC-1-C database (artificially noisy speech segments with 19.39 h were derived from restaurant, street, airport, and station noise). For testing, the equal error rate (EER) is used as a measure of VAD performance. The result was evaluated using a broad range of SNR levels that were divided into three groups: high SNR, medium SNR, and low SNR. High SNR speech files were only corrupted by a small amount of noise and have SNR values of 20 and 15 dB. Medium SNR files have SNR values of 10 and 5 dB. To test the worst case scenario, the low SNR group was evaluated with SNR values of 0 and \(-5\) dB.

Table 1 Noise environment in the CENSREC-1-C database
Table 2 Analysis conditions for MFCC and MFDP

To train the DNN, the multi-condition speech data of set A of the CENSREC-1-C database was used. Both MFCC and MFDP under the analysis conditions shown in Table 2 were tested. The input features consisted of seven spliced frames. A sigmoid type hidden layer was used for all layers except the input layer, where a linear hidden unit was used. To train the model for the feature enhancement approach we performed unsupervised RBM pretraining before supervised fine-tuning. To speed up the training, we performed RBM pretraining first. The Kaldi toolkit (Povey and Ghoshal 2011) was used for the pretraining task. The layers were trained in a layer-wise greedy fashion to maximize the likelihood over the training sample. The pretraining only requires a corrupted version of the utterance. For the back propagation to train the DNN, parallel data consisting of clean and distorted versions of the same utterance were used. The objective of this training is to minimize the MSE between the features. A stochastic gradient decent algorithm was used to improve the MSE error function. In the fine-tuning stage, the learning rate was 0.01, the weight decay coefficient was 0.5, and the momentum was 0.5.

6.2 Experimental result

To evaluate the proposed JPMF enhancements for noise-robust VAD, this section presents the results compared with two conventional DNN-based feature enhancements.

6.2.1 Results for the SVM classifier

In this subsection, SVM was used as a VAD to consider the performance of a single frame-based classifier which was based on (Kinnunen and Chernenko 2007). To rapidly optimize the support vectors, we used the publicly available LIBLINEAR tool (Fan et al. 2008), which considers linear kernels for our experiment.

First, the results of VAD using unenhanced features (raw feature-based VAD) shown in Fig. 3a are first compared. The EERs are shown in Table 3 for MFCC and Table 4 for MFDP (rows highlighted by gray). Next, the VAD using different DNN of feature enhancement configurations (shown in Fig. 3b–e) were computed to achieve better performance. The DNNs of the enhanced features are trained using the parameters described in the subsection. The number of layers was one or three, and the number of nodes in each hidden layer was varied from 512 to 2048. The results of each layer and node were specified using 30 fine-tuning iterations. The EER results of the DNN for each feature enhancement method are shown in Fig. 5 and show performance for MFCC (Fig. 5a), and MFDP (Fig. 5b). The results show that feature enhancement using a DNN with three layers did not perform well according to our expectations when unseen noise was used in the VAD evaluation. This might be because training data are not sufficient. However, when the data were limited to seen noise, feature-enhanced VAD with all DNN configurations achieved better performance for both MFCC and MFDP than the VAD based on raw features (Tables 3, 4). We selected the configuration with the best results for later experiments from Fig. 5.

Fig. 5
figure 5

EERs of each enhancement system shown in Fig. 3b, e: a using MFCC and b using MFDP

Table 3 EER (%) of the SVM classifier based on MFCC: None is the result of the system in Fig. 3a, Conv-DNN is the result of the system in Fig. 3b, NAT-DNN is result of the system in Fig. 3c, DNN with JPMF is the result of the system in Fig. 3d, and NAT-DNN with JPMF is the result of the system in Fig. 3e

Table 3 shows the equal error rates (EERs) of SVM classifier using a magnitude-based feature (MFCC). By applying the feature enhancement with noise-robust VAD, the EERs were improved from the raw MFCC-based VAD in (Zou et al. 2014). Similarly, the EERs were also improved from the raw MFCC-based VAD by applying the NAT-DNN-based feature enhancement. This is because of the enhanced MFCC using DNN. Moreover, the results show that the proposed feature enhancement, which uses both magnitude and phase information in one NN, provides better performance than conventional DNN-based feature enhancements. Using JPMF with DNN, the EERs were better than those of the DNN-based feature enhancement. In same way, the EERs of JPMF with the NAT-DNN were better than those of the NAT-DNN-based feature enhancement. This is because these methods better predict features, as the training input contains phase information to make DNN more efficient.

Table 4 EER (%) of the SVM classifier based on MFDP

Table 4 shows the EERs of SVM classifier using the phase-based feature (MFDP). The abbreviations of the methods are the same as those in Table 3.

By applying the DNN-based feature enhancement and the NAT-DNN-based feature enhancement, the EERs were improved compared with those of the raw MFDP. Therefore, we can confirm that the DNN enhancement was also effective for phase features. Moreover, applying JPMF with DNN and JPMF with NAT-DNN have the same tendency as for the magnitude feature. This is because the DNN can use both magnitude and phase information for the enhancement, and hence more accurate clean features can be estimated.

6.2.2 Result of DNN classifier

In this section, the DNN was used as VAD detector to consider the effect of a multi-frame-based classifier. SignalGraph (Xiao 2016) was used to train the DNN. The DNN has one layer containing 512 neurons. The input feature for the DNN contains nine frames, and cross entropy was used. The learning rate started from 0.1 and was changed to 1 for the second epoch. It then decayed by a factor of 0.5 each time the cross entropy on a cross validation set between two consecutive epochs increased. The features used were the same as those used by the SVM classifier.

Before using feature enhancements, we investigated the DNN configurations with 1, 2 and 3 layers, each using raw MFCC as the input (Ryant et al. 2013). The results are shown in Table 5. DNN-VAD-based on more hidden layers did not perform according to our expectations. It might not be effective to do this if we simply consider VAD as a binary-class classification problem with the noisy speech and the background noise as the two classes. Therefore, we selected the DNN-VAD-based on one hidden layer with feature enhancements.

Table 5 EER (%) of DNN classifiers with different numbers of layers
Table 6 EER (%) of the DNN classifier based on MFCC
Table 7 EER (%) of the DNN classifier based on MFDP: Avg is short for average

Table 6 shows the EERs of the DNN classifier using MFCC. When applying the most feature enhancement, the EER results did not perform to our expectations. This is because multi-frame-based classification requires significantly enhanced features. However, JPMF with NAT-DNN could provide better performance than the other features because of its significantly enhanced feature.

Table 7 shows the EERs of the DNN classifier using MFDP. When feature enhancement is applied, the results have the same tendencies as the SVM classifier. This is because the DNNs significantly contribute to the performance of the phase-based feature.

6.2.3 Result of score combination

Table 8 EER (%) of SVM classifier based score combination of MFCC and MFDP
Table 9 EER (%) of DNN classifier based score combination of MFCC and MFDP

This section reports the results of combining the MFCC and MFDP scores. Table 8 shows the results of score combination based on the SVM, and Table 9 shows the results of score combination based on the DNN. We can see that the VAD based on the combined score outperformed the systems using individual feature. This is because it takes advantage of the combination of different decisions of the systems.

6.2.4 Analytic illustration of noise suppression

To better visualize the enhanced magnitude and phase-based feature described in the previous sections, this section displays the spectrogram of the enhanced MFCC and MFDP features and their scores.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Spectrograms and VAD score of each enhancement method based on the MFCC feature: a the speech waveform, where the blue line is clean speech and the green line is stationary noise at SNR = 0, b noisy MFCC, c clean MFCC, d DNN-based enhanced MFCC, e NAT-DNN-based enhanced MFCC, f enhanced MFCC using JPMF with DNN, and g enhanced MFCC using JPMF with NAT-DNN

Fig. 7
figure 7

Spectrograms and VAD scores of each enhancement method based on the MFDP feature: a the speech waveform, where the blue line is clean speech and the green line is stationary noise at SNR = 0, b noisy MFDP, c clean MFDP, d DNN-based enhanced MFDP, e NAT-DNN-based enhanced MFDP, f enhanced MFDP using JPMF with DNN, and g enhanced MFDP using JPMF with NAT-DNN

Figure 6 shows MFCC feature spectrograms of an utterance example corrupted by stationary noise at SNR = 0. The spectrograms of noisy MFCC, clean MFCC, and MFCCs enhanced by the conventional DNN, NAT-DNN, JPMF with DNN (the first proposed method), and JPMF with NAT-DNN (the second proposed method) are shown in Fig. 6b–g. Comparing Fig. 6b with Figs. 6d–f, the spectrograms using feature enhancement provide better speech/non-speech segment boundaries than those of the raw feature. This is because of DNN enhancement. To observe how the proposed method works, the spectrogram of Fig. 6d can be compared with that of Fig. 6f. It is clear that the enhanced MFCC using JPMF with the DNN provides a better boundary between the speech segment than that using the conventional DNN. The same tendency can be found for NAT-DNN. This is because of the phase-aware training. Hence, we confirmed that introducing JPMF in both conventional DNN and NAT-DNN training improves noisy MFCC features.

Figure 7 shows the MFDP spectrograms of an utterance example corrupted by stationary noise at SNR = 0. The spectrograms of noisy MFDP, clean MFDP, and MFDP enhanced by the conventional DNN, NAT-DNN, JPMF with the DNN (the first proposed method), and JPMF with NAT-DNN (the second proposed method) are shown in Figs. 7b–g. Comparing Fig. 7b with Fig. 7d–f, spectrograms using feature enhancement provide better speech/non-speech segment boundaries than those using the raw feature. Again, this is because of DNN enhancement. To observe the proposed method, the spectrograms of Fig. 7d with Fig. 7f can be compared. Clearly, the enhanced MFCC using JPMF with DNN provide better boundaries between speech segments than those using conventional DNN and the same tendency can be found for NAT-DNN. This is due to introducing the magnitude information during DNN training.

7 Conclusions and future work

In this paper, we proposed a DNN-based JPMF enhancement called JPMF with DNN and a NAT-DNN-based JPMF enhancement called JPMF with NAT-DNN for noise-robust VAD. Moreover, to improve performance of feature enhancement, a combination of the scores of the phase- and magnitude-based features was also applied. MFCCs and MFDP were used as magnitude and phase features. The experimental results show that the proposed feature enhancement significantly outperforms the conventional magnitude-based feature enhancements (DNN and NAT-DNN-based feature enhancements) under both SVM and DNN-based VAD. Furthermore, a combined score of the enhanced MFCC and MFDP features (using JPMF with NAT-DNN) further improved the VAD performance.

In the future, we plan to extend the generation capabilities of the DNN to enable it to handle non-stationary noise conditions. We will try to use other efficient noise estimator to estimate non-stationary noise. Moreover, we will investigate and combine other magnitude-based and phase-based spectral features such as linear prediction cepstral coefficients, power-normalized cepstral coefficients, and relative phase information (Kim and Stern 2012; Nakagawa et al. 2012; Wang et al. 2010; Wang et al 2015).