
Regional, national and international environmental regulations governing waste management are rapidly increasing in number. Usually, there is an implementation gap between the high-level policy ambitions related to environmental governance in the waste sector (as expressed in national policy frameworks) and local-level decision-making procedures and outcomes [14]. All of these policies propose a series of objectives and targets that must be evaluated and observed during implementation of the plans. These regulations also propose a series of actions to help to achieve these goals. It is necessary to closely monitor progress towards these objectives to assess the actions taken and to change the actions in cases where the objectives are not being met [5].

Furthermore, the Convention of Aarhus [6] on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters issued Directive 2003/4/CE [7] on public access to environmental information, which requires that all existing environmental information be publicly accessible. Environmental indicators are useful tools for spreading environmental information, reflect trends in the environment and monitor the progress made in realising environmental policy targets [2] (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1
figure 1

Need for environmental indicators

Decision-makers are living in a strange paradox: there is both too much and too little information. The vast amounts of information available are not meeting the needs of decision-makers. In addition, problems are perceived as more complex than ever, and more sophisticated tools are needed to feed information into decision-making. Indicators are seen as one solution to bridge this gap [8, 9].

An environmental indicator is a measurement that can be used to illustrate and to communicate a complex phenomenon in a simple way [14], including tendencies and changes through time. They have to fulfil scientific, functional and pragmatic requirements and many criteria as transparency, policy relevance, measurability, or robustness, between others [15]. There are different types of indicators that are useful in the context of supporting environmental policy: descriptive indicators, performance indicators and efficiency indicators [2].

A wide array of environmental indicators has been compiled by different international organizations and countries and many indicators sets are already available [14, 1621]. They are mostly focused on national or global scale and their approaches and objectives differ substantially at times [22, 23]. International, European and national organization focus their attention on the elaboration and selection of various set of indicators for measuring the actual situation [24]. On a regional level, the problems may be different and need tailored tools. However many regional indicator sets have failed to thrive, due shortcomings in their development process [9].

Indicators are often selected based on historical practices and regulations, or they are based on the “intuitive assessment of experts” [22, 25]. In addition, they are selected based on the degree to which they meet a number of criteria individually rather than on the basis of how they jointly provide an answer to our environmental questions. The scientific basis of the selection process of the indicators used in environmental reporting could be significantly improved. In many studies, no formal selection criteria are mentioned. Often, no formal criteria are applied regarding an analytical utility of indicator within the total constellation of a selected set of indicators. As a result, the indicator selection process is more or less arbitrary [26].

In the region of Cantabria, waste information management is carried out through two sets of indicators with different purpose: basic indicators and specific indicators. In a previous work [3], basic indicators have been used to allow a comparative evaluation of results obtained in different contexts. These indicators allow comparisons between the situation and evolution of waste production and management in Cantabria, and other regions, or whole countries. To obtain answers to more concrete policy questions and to identify priority actions, more detailed indicators are needed, and thus a set of specific indicators has been established [27]. These indicators assess the achievement of the objectives of the Regional Waste Plan which is derived of National and European policies. The indicators related to waste recovery i.e., indicators of reuse, recycling and other recovery like energetic valorisation, are presented in this paper.


In order to obtain the sets of indicators, two different methodologies were developed in previous work [3, 27]. A different methodology was necessary for each set of indicators, because each one has different purposes, and its indicators may have different properties. The methodologies for developing sets of indicators consist of four stages: synthesis, development, implementation and interpretation of results. The two methodologies developed differ only in the synthesis of the indicators stage.

First set, basic indicators, was developed with the purpose of allowing a comparative evaluation of results obtained in different contexts. To select the indicators for this set the methodology of Fig. 2 was applied.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Methodology for the selection of the basic set indicators

To select the indicators for basic set, a complete review of waste indicators used by different organizations, countries, and regions was accomplished. From this review a large list of indicators of waste was obtained, and the indicators more used by these organisms were selected. Then it was necessary to reduce the list of indicators applying other criteria.

A suitable indicator must fulfil criteria as [14, 28, 29]: relevant: related to goals, objectives and priorities; credible: based on complete and precise data; functional: useful in the decision making; quantifiable: measurable with relative facility; and comparable: at spatial and temporal different scale.

The second set, special set, was developed with the purpose to obtain answers to more concrete policy questions and to identify priority actions. These indicators evaluate the achievement of objectives of Waste Plans. The methodology to obtain the special indicators set is showed in Fig. 3 [27]. The policy objectives and targets identified in the waste policies were the starting point for developing a set of indicators on waste. In the synthesis of the indicator, the methodology carry out in the European topic centre on waste and material flows [30] were used. The methodology, get started from specific objectives of waste policies. The local policy objectives are shared out in four groups: prevention objectives, recycling and reusing objectives, incineration objectives and disposal objectives.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Methodology for the selection of the specific set indicators

To each objective or group of objectives, was necessary to find the policy question that generate it, and the single indicator that answer this policy question. The policy question was essential to give a complete view of the matter. The indicator not only evaluates a specific target, but evaluates a complete matter. These single indicators can be combined, if two or more evaluates different parts of the same matter, to get a key indicator. With key indicators the number of indicators decreases and gives a fast vision of the policy achievement, instead of complicate the analysis with a great amount of data and trends. These three steps establish the indicator synthesis.

Once both sets of indicators were defined, it was necessary to obtain data for their development and selecting the contents for the factsheets of the indicators. These factsheets collect the information required to understand its trend, information about the issue of the indicator, policy objectives, or legislation among others.

The application step was divided in two sections, the calculation of the indicator, and the development of the Factsheet information. The application stage consists of calculating the indicator from data obtained in the previous step and then completing the contents of an indicator factsheet.

Finally, the interpretation of results was different in each set of indicators. In basic set the interpretation consists of answering the following question: Is sustainable the trend of the indicators? This question can be answered comparing the results of the indicators with other regions. In the specific set the question was: Are we achieving the policy objectives? The question can be answered comparing the results with the objectives planned in the policies. The possible answers to these questions are presented in Table 1 [31].

Table 1 Interpretation of results

Results and Discussion

The synthesis step of both methodologies were applied and two different sets of indicators were made [3, 27]. The results obtained are two sets of indicators that are grouped according to the different types of management proposed by the European Union [10]: prevention of waste, preparing for reuse, recycling, other recovery like energetic valorisation and disposal. The indicators on which this work is focused are related to waste valorisation (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4
figure 4

From indicators sets to indicators of waste valorisation

The set of indicators obtained is divided into two categories depending on the kind of waste: municipal solid waste or special waste (Table 2).

Table 2 Indicators of waste valorisation

The second step is the development of the indicator. In order to calculate the value of the indicators, it was necessary to obtain data. To search the data source, it is indispensable to define the scope of the indicator and the number and kind of variables and data that are needed.

A. Treatment of municipal solid waste This indicator takes into account the percentage of total municipal solid waste managed in each kind of treatment. This consists of four variables: the percentage of waste sent to (i) landfills, (ii) composting, (iii) recycling and (iv) energetic valorisation. Monitoring the quantity of waste sent to each management technology per year helps ensure that the environmental management is according to European policies. Also, monitoring may reduce the waste sent to landfills and incineration (especially without energy recovery) in favour of composting and selective collection, in which materials are reused and recycled.

B. Recycling of glass packaging The glass recycling rate is calculated as the ratio between the amount of glass collected for recycling and the amount consumed. The amount of glass collected comes from selective collection in street containers, recycling and composting plants, and selective collection point, and it is equivalent to glass from households. The amount of glass consumed is equivalent to the quantity of glass packaging that the factories have sold with their products.

C. Recycling of paper and cardboard The paper and cardboard recycling rate is calculated as the ratio between the amount of paper and cardboard collected for recycling and the amount consumed. The amount of paper and cardboard collection comes from selective collection in street containers, recycling and composting plants, selective collection points, and door to door collection from shops. The quantity of paper and cardboard collected for recycling takes into account both printed paper and cardboard packaging. The amount of paper and cardboard consumed is equivalent to the quantity of paper and cardboard produced minus the difference between the quantity exported and the quantity imported.

D. Valorisation of light packaging The light packaging recycling rate is calculated as the ratio between the amount of light packaging collected for recycling and the amount consumed. The quantity of light packaging collected comes from selective collection in street containers, recycling and composting plants and selective collection points, and the quantity of different packaging material in the selective collection containers and the losses due to the packaging separation process are subtracted.

E. Energy produced from municipal solid waste This indicator assesses the strategies implemented in the region by which energy is obtained from municipal solid waste. The indicator is calculated as the quantity of energy produced by biogas from landfills and from incineration of municipal solid waste.

F. Treatment of construction and demolition waste (C&DW) This indicator takes into account the quantity of construction and demolition waste sent to each kind of treatment. This indicator consists of three variables: the percentage C&D waste sent to recycling, environmental restoration and landfills.

G. Used tyres management (UT) This indicator take into account the quantity of used tyres sent to each kind of treatment. This indicator consists of three variables: the percentage of used tyres sent to recycling and reuse, energetic valorisation and disposal.

H. Production and disposal of municipal wastewater sewage sludge (MWSS) This indicator assesses the strategies implemented in the region for the management of municipal wastewater sewage sludge. This indicator consists of three variables: the percentage of MWSS sent to energetic valorisation, landfills, and used in agriculture.

I. Collection and management of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) This indicator assesses the quantity of WEEE collected and the quantity of these wastes sent to reuse, recycling and energetic valorisation.

The number and kind of variables and data that are needed for the development of the special waste indicators is summarized in Table 3.

Table 3 Data needed to develop the special indicators

In order to show the elaborated indicators, an indicator factsheet has been designed [23]. This factsheet presents the evolution over time of the indicator data, as well as another series of information that help to explain why the indicator follows that trend over time and whether it is the wished one. The information selected for the indicator factsheet is summarised in Table 4.

Table 4 Information of indicators factsheet

Next step is the application: calculation the indicator and complete the factsheet; e.g. the calculation of the indicator Energy produced from municipal solid waste consists in the addition of the quantity of energy produced by biogas from landfill and incineration plant. The Factsheet developed for this indicator, with the graphical evolution of the data and other information is summarized in Table 5.

Table 5 Factsheet information for the indicator energy produced from municipal solid waste

Finally, in the step of interpretation of results, the indicators are compared with the situation of other regions or with the policy objectives. The results obtained are summarized in an icon, which shows the degree of achievement of the indicator (Table 6).

Table 6 Interpretation of results

Waste recovery in Cantabria, according to indicators developed, is good. Seven of the indicators have an icon of good tendency: treatment of municipal solid waste, recycling of glass packaging, recycling of paper and cardboard, valorisation of light packaging, energy produced from municipal solid waste, used tyres management and production and destination of municipal wastewater sewage sludge, but with three of them, it is not enough to achieve the objectives. Two of the indicators, treatment of construction and demolition waste and collection and management of waste electrical and electronic equipment, have a bad tendency.


In order to evaluate the waste management activities planning in the region of Cantabria and to spread all the information related to waste, a set of indicators has been developed. On the one hand, these indicators assess the achievement of a series of objectives and targets purposed in regional and national waste plans, and on the other hand, summarize all the information of the regional waste production and management and make this information publicly accessible.

The methodologies for developing sets of indicators consist of four stages: (i) synthesis of the indicators set, (ii) development, obtaining data and selecting the contents for the factsheets, (iii) implementation, calculation the indicator, and development of the factsheet and (iv) interpretation of the results.

The indicators, on which this work is focused, are related to waste valorisation, that is to say, they are indicators of reuse, recycling and other recovery like energetic valorisation. The result obtained is a set with the following indicators: treatment of municipal solid waste, recycling of glass packaging, recycling of paper and cardboard, valorisation of light packaging, energy produced from municipal solid waste, treatment of construction and demolition waste, used tyres management, production and destination of municipal wastewater sewage sludge and collection and management of waste electrical and electronic equipment. Each indicator has a factsheet with information like, the policy objectives that this indicator assesses, the progress over time, or the actions proposed in the Waste Plan to achieve the objectives, among others. Furthermore, an icon is attached to each indicator like a summary of its progress. This icon represents the result obtained of comparing the evolution of the indicator with the planned target.

Waste recovery in Cantabria, according to indicators developed, is good. Seven of the indicators have an icon of good tendency and only two, treatment of construction and demolition waste and collection and management of waste electrical and electronic equipment, have a bad tendency.

The methodology developed and applied is a good tool for the evaluation of waste management activities at Cantabria regional level, and would be useful to be applied in other regions. The set of indicators developed is useful too to measure the improvements in the management aspects that have shown a bad tendency.