
Fetus-in-fetu is a very rare condition, which was first described by Meckel in 1800. The incidence is about 1 in 500,000 births [1]. Less than 200 cases have been reported in the literature [2]. The most common location of malformed parasitic twin is in the abdominal cavity (most commonly in the retroperitoneum), although it has also been reported in other locations like posterior mediastinum, sacrococcygeal region and neck [2]. It is considered by some to be highly differentiated form of teratoma.

Case History

A 22-year-old female G1P1 came for routine antenatal ultrasound. The ultrasound showed intrauterine fetus corresponding to 35 weeks and 4 days gestation. A heterogeneous mass was seen in the fetal abdomen between the left kidney and the spleen. Several calcifications, some resembling osseous structures, were seen in this mass (Fig. 1). No other congenital anomaly was detected in the fetus. The provisional diagnosis of a teratoma was made and the patient was advised second ultrasound of the newborn after delivery.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Antenatal ultrasound images show heterogeneously echogenic mass with multiple calcifications in the fetal abdomen

The patient delivered a female baby at 39 weeks of gestation. Ultrasound of the infant was done on the same day of delivery. It showed a large complex mass measuring 9.0 x 6.5 cm in the fetal abdomen. It was lying between the left kidney and the spleen, and the left kidney was compressed pushed posteriorly by the mass. Severe calcifications and osseous elements resembling limb bones were seen in the mass (Fig. 2). The diagnosis of fetus-in-fetu was made with the second possibility of teratoma. CT sections (Fig. 3) were taken, which confirmed the diagnosis of fetus-in-fetu. On subsequent surgery, the mass was present in left upper retroperitnoeum. It was well encapsulated with vascular supply from the left renal artery. It was removed in toto. On examination, it was a malformed baby weighing approximately 450 g. It was anencephalic with a formed vertebral column and well-formed one upper and one lower limb (Fig. 4).

Fig. 2
figure 2

Postnatal ultrasound of the newborn shows linear echogenic structure resembling bone

Fig. 3
figure 3

Axial CT images show heterogenous mass in the retroperitoneum on the left side with multiple low attenuation areas representing fat and multiple high attenuation areas resembling bones (arrows in a and c) and vertebra (arrow in b)

Fig. 4
figure 4

Surgical image shows anencephalic malformed fetus


Fetus-in-fetu is a very rare condition with less than 200 cases reported in the literature. It is diamniotic monozygotic twin pregnancy in which the parasitic malformed twin resides within the body of the other fetus [3]. It is the result of defective embryogenesis at an early stage of development with separation of a totipotent cell mass, which is enclosed within the normally developing embryo. This cell mass gives rise to malformed parasitic twin inside the body of otherwise normally developing fetus. Usually there is only a single parasitic fetus, but it can be multiple with up to five fetuses reported in a single case [4]. These fetuses are classically anencephalic. Various fetal parts can be present like vertebrae (which can be dysplastic) and varying degree of developed limbs [2, 5].

Although it has been reported in adults, most of the cases are reported before the age of 18 months [2]. The antenatal diagnosis of this condition is difficult. The differential diagnosis of a calcified abdominal mass in a fetus or a new born includes teratoma, meconium pseudocyst and neuroblasoma. On prenatal ultrasound, the main differential diagnosis was teratoma. In fact fetus-in-feto can be considered a highly differentiated form of teratoma. However, there are differentiating features as pointed out by Willis [6] and Lewis [7]. They emphasised that fetus-in-fetu did not undergo malignant change and was more common in upper retroperitoneum, while teratoma can underdo malignant change and is more commonly seen in the lower abdomen. Willis further emphasised that the presence of the vertebral column strongly suggests the diagnosis of fetus-in-fetu, as it is not seen in teratoma. The demonstration of the vertebral column on routine radiography is difficult if it is underdeveloped and dysplastic [8]. In these cases, CT can help reach the definitive preoperative diagnosis by demonstration of the vertebral column. Moreover, CT can show well-formed limbs in fetus-in-fetu, which is not a usual feature of teratoma. Fetus-in-fetu should be considered in the differential diagnosis of any calcified intra-abdominal mass seen on antenatal ultrasound. It is said that fetus-in-fetu is characterised by peripheral non-septated fluid portion, which surrounds the central solid portion [9]. This appearance is different from multicystic mixed echogenicity mass seen in teratoma. This appearance was not identified in our patient and diagnosis was only suggested on postnatal imaging.