
Myrcia s.l. is a monophyletic group including three often currently accepted genera, Myrcia DC., Marlierea Cambess. and Calyptranthes Sw. (Lucas et al. 2011) and totalling more than 700 species (Govaerts et al. 2016). This group can be divided into nine monophyletic informal subgroups supported by molecular and morphological data (Lucas et al. 2011; Staggemeier et al. 2015). Based on this phylogenetic hypothesis, a formal subgeneric classification is in preparation (Lucas et al. 2017) in tandem with monographic revision of many of these subgeneric groups.

The Guianensis clade (clade 4 sensu Lucas et al. 2011) includes c. 30 species distributed throughout the Neotropics, mainly in the Cerrado and Atlantic Forest biomes of Brazil (Lucas et al. 2017, BFG 2015). Myrcia guianensis gives its name to the group and, in its broadest circumscription encompasses vast morphological variation. Multiple forms of this taxon have been described as new species or varieties since the publication of its basionym in 1828 and have resulted in unstable nomenclature and often unusable taxonomy. Nowadays, most of these names are treated as synonyms of M. guianensis (BFG 2015; Govaerts et al. 2016), producing an unusually high number of synonyms. Despite this confusion, the nomenclature and taxonomy of Myrcia guianensis and its allied names and species have never been studied as a whole.

During the preparation of a complete taxonomic revision of the Guianensis clade, names cited by an author based on more than one gathering were commonly found, as were situations where holotype material had been lost or destroyed. The 95 lectotypifications and five neotypifications required in these cases are provided here along with 36 new synonyms. Additional notes are provided for some species.

Materials and Methods

The following herbaria were visited: BM, BR, C, G, G-DC, HBR, K, P, SP, SPF, R, RB, U, UB and W (acronyms follow Thiers 2016); additional type images from other herbaria were seen online through JSTOR Global Plants ( or on the websites of individual herbaria. All specimens interpreted as duplicates are listed as isotypes or isolectotypes, even when the material is a fragment such as frequently found in F. Cited specimens indicated ‘[photo]’ denotes that digital images were viewed. In these cases, the selected lecto- or neo-type is the real specimen, not its image. Unless specified as ‘n.v.’, all specimens listed were seen and analysed, either personally or virtually. Although LE was not visited and many of its types were not available, possible holotypes from this herbarium are reported as ‘n.v.’ instead of designating a lectotype. Remaining syntypes are available in the protologues or on request from the first author. Lectotypes are designated even when an apparent holotype appears obvious following the recommendations of McNeill et al. (2012) who highlighted the uncertainty that a specimen at the author’s institution might have been the only material examined by that author at the time. Synonym lists include only names being lecto- or neo-typified and new synonyms. Other relevant observations and synonyms of particular common usage with their respective authorities are reported in ‘General notes’ at the end of the synonym list of each species. Complete synonym lists can be found in Govaerts et al. (2016) and BFG (2015) or on request from the first author. All illegitimate names and nomina nuda are reported for each accepted name or synonym dealt with here. Following McNeill et al. (2012), ‘nom. illegit.’ signifies either names based on the same type as an earlier legitimate name (here listed within the same paragraph, indicating homotypes) or that an earlier published epithet is repeated (here listed with the correct name, when available, within square brackets). To avoid repetition in the text, a general explanation of the rationale applied to names published by the most common authors of the group (Berg, de Candolle, Cambessèdes and Kiaerskou) is given below with specific cases discussed under each name.

Otto Berg provided most Guinaensis clade names during or after his treatment of Myrtaceae for Flora Brasiliensis (1857 – 1859). Several of these require lectotypification after destruction of the holotype in the B herbarium during WWII (Stafleu & Cowan 1976), or because Berg cited more than one gathering and/or herbarium in the protologue as syntypes. In each case the lectotype selected is the specimen bearing Berg’s handwriting that best matches the protologue. Alternatively, Berg described new species with two or more varieties and multiple syntypes, but without citing which of them is the typical variety and without linking the syntype to its respective taxon. In these cases, the typical variety is assumed to be the one with a more complete description, usually the first presented (designated by Berg by ‘α’). It is generally possible to recognise the likely type of each variety through Berg’s handwriting on the labels of the herbarium sheets.

According to Stafleu & Cowan (1976), de Candolle’s types are housed at G-DC. However, de Candolle cited Martius’ herbarium (‘v. s. in h. Mart.’) in the protologues of his Prodomus (1828). Although after his death most of Martius’s herbarium was sent to BR, his Brazilian collections remained in M (Stafleu & Cowan 1981). Thus, we consider the holotypes housed in M and the isotypes in G-DC. When there is more than one specimen in M, material bearing de Candolle’s handwriting is chosen as lectotype.

Cambessèdes based his treatment of Myrtaceae for Flora Brasiliae Meridionalis (1832) on Saint-Hilaire’s collections. According to Stafleu & Cowan (1976), Cambessèdes’ types are housed at MPU, but many duplicates bearing Cambessèdes’ handwriting are in P, indicating that he studied both duplicates. In such cases, lectotypification is necessary; the material selected as lectotype is the duplicate that best matches the protologue.

Kiaerskou’s types are in C (Stafleu & Cowan 1979). When lectotypification was considered necessary because of the presence of more than one duplicate, the lectotype selected is the one that best matches the protologue, often with an illustration of the leaf made by Kiaerskou attached to the herbarium sheet.

New typifications

1. Myrcia citrifolia (Aubl.) Urb. (Urban 1919: 150), non (Aubl.) D. Legrand (1961: 297). Myrtus cotini-folio Plum. (Plumier 1703: 19) nom. nud. Myrtus citrifolia Aubl. (Aublet 1775a: 513 [description], 1775b: 20 [name, #4]). Myrtus acris var. b Sw. (Swartz 1788: 79) nom. illegit. Myrtus coriacea Vahl (1791: 59) nom. illegit. Myrtus cotinifolia J. F. Gmel. (Gmelin 1791: 792) nom. illegit., non (Jacq.) Spreng. (Sprengel 1825: 481) [= Eugenia cotinifolia Jacq.], nec Poir. (Poiret 1798: 410) [= Pimenta racemosa (Mill.) J. W. Moore]. Myrcia coriacea (Vahl) DC. (de Candolle 1828: 243) nom. illegit. Aulomyrcia coriacea (Vahl) O. Berg (1855: 70) nom. illegit. Myrcia coriacea var. swartziana Griseb. (Grisebach 1860: 234) nom. illegit. Aulomyrcia citrifolia (Aubl.) Amshoff (1948: 531). Type: Plumier s.n. (specimen unknown). Plate in Pl. Amer., Fasc. 9: 203, t. 208, fig. 2 (Plumier 1759) (lectotype selected by McVaugh 1969).

Eugenia paniculata Jacq. (Jacquin April 1789: 108), non Lam. (Lamarck October 1789: 199) nom. illegit. [= Syzygium borbonicum J. Guého & A. J. Scott], nec Sieber ex C. Presl (1828: 274) nom. invalid. [= Myrcia ferruginea G. Don], nec Cambessèdes in Saint-Hilaire et al. 1832: 338) nom. illegit. [= Marlierea eugenioides (Cambess.) D. Legrand], nec Bello (1881: 271) nom. illegit., nec (Gaertn.) Britten (1899: 247) nom. illegit. [= Syzygium paniculatum Gaertn.]. Aulomyrcia jacquiniana O. Berg (1855: 69) nom. illegit. Myrcia coriacea var. jacquiniana (O. Berg) Griseb. (Grisebach 1860: 234) nom. illegit. Myrcia paniculata (Jacq.) Krug & Urb. (Urban 1895: 577). Myrcia paniculata var. jacquiniana (O. Berg) Duss (1896: 263). Myrcia citrifolia var. jacquiniana (O. Berg) Stehlé & Quentin (1949: 57). Type: [Martinique] ‘Martinica’, s.d., Aquart s.n. (lectotype W 0032556, selected here). notes. Jacquin described Eugenia paniculata without citing the herbarium, however his types are at BM, LINN and W (D’Arcy 1970; Stafleu & Cowan 1979). Berg (1855) described Aulomyrcia jacquiniana, an illegitimate name based on the same type of E. paniculata, indicating a single specimen, Aquart s.n., in W (‘herb. Vindob.’, W0032556). McVaugh (1969) mentioned this collection in W as a possible type of E. paniculata, observing that it is illustrated in Jacquin’s work (Tab. 5, Fig. 1). The W collection was the only one found and is selected as lectotype.

Eugenia acetosans Poir. (Poiret in Lamarck 1813: 125). Myrtus acetosans (Poir.) Spreng. (Sprengel 1825: 488). Aulomyrcia acetosans (Poir.) O. Berg (1861: 662). Type: [French Guiana, Cayenne] ‘dans la Guiane’, s.d., Richard s.n. (lectotype P 00547167, selected here; isolectotypes P 00798851, P 00798852, P 00798853, F 0065060 [photo]). notes. Poiret cited Richard s.n. as type of Eugenia acetosans, therefore housed in P (Stafleu & Cowan 1983), where a sheet of four gatherings was found, each with its own label and barcode. The material selected as lectotype is the more complete of these numbers, with leaves and inflorescences, and more information on its label.

Aulomyrcia triflora O. Berg (1855: 79). Type: [British Guiana] ‘Habitat prope Roraima, in Guiana Anglica’, 1843, Schomburgk 978 (holotype B†; lectotype K 000342677, selected here). notes. McVaugh (1969) proposed Aulomyrcia triflora as synonym of Myrcia citrifolia, although Govaerts et al. (2016) and BFG (2015) do not synonymise the name. The synonymy is maintained here as the diagnostic characters of A. triflora fall into the morphological range of M. citrifolia. McVaugh (1969) provided further discussion.

Myrcia coriacea var. imrayana Griseb. (Grisebach 1860: 234). Myrcia paniculata var. imrayana (Griseb.) Duss (1896: 264). Myrcia citrifolia var. imrayana (Griseb.) Stehlé & Quentin (1949: 57). Type: Dominica, s.d., Imray 364 (lectotype K 000261747, selected here; isolectotypes GH 00071066 [photo], GOET 007312 [photo]). notes. The type of Myrcia coriacea var. imrayana, as well as other types of Grisebach’s Flora of the British West Indian Islands (1860) are deposited in K and GOET (Stafleu & Cowan 1976). The more complete K specimen is chosen as lectotype. In addition to M. coriacea var. imrayama, M. coriacea var. swartziana and M. coriacea var. jacquiniana, Grisebach also described M. coriacea var. reticulata Griseb. (Grisebach 1860: 182) and M. coriacea var. acutifolia Griseb. (Grisebach 1866: 86), all cited as synonyms of M. citrifolia by Govaerts et al. (2016). While the first three varieties are indeed synonyms of M. citrifolia, the last two are based on Wright’s collections from Cuba and comprise mixed collections here recognised as M. maestrensis (Urb.) Alain, Pimenta racemosa (Mill.) J. W. Moore and Calyptranthes sp.

general notes. The following names are also synonyms of Myrcia citrifolia: Eugenia marginata Jacq., Aulomyrcia coriacea var. parvifolia Pers., Myrcia vernicosa DC. and E. saviifolia Alain (BFG 2015; Govaerts et al. 2016). Further discussion of the nomenclature, typification and synonyms of Myrcia citrifolia (as Myrtus cotini folio) can be found in Veldkamp (2013: 120).

2. Myrcia glabra (O. Berg) D. Legrand (1961: 298). Aulomyrcia glabra O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 119). Type: [Brazil, São Paulo] ‘Habitat in fruticetis prov. S. Pauli’, s.d., Sellow s.n. (holotype B†; lectotype BR 0000005280605, selected here; isolectotypes F 0064720 [photo], K 000343995, LE 00007071 [photo], P 00163069, P 00163070, W 0032599).

Aulomyrcia acrantha O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 71). Type: [Brazil] ‘Habitat ad ripas prope Santo-Antonio-da-Patrulha in prov. Rio Grande do Sul’, s.d., Sellow s.n. (holotype B†). Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, May 1899, Reineck & Czermak 393 (neotype P 05291402, selected here; isoneotype P 05291403). notes. The holotype of Aulomyrcia acrantha was destroyed in B and no duplicates were found in other herbaria. The holotype is assumed to have been of fruiting material since flowers are not mentioned in the protologue. A. acrantha is recognisable by the puberulous young leaves which are glabrescent in maturity, coriaceous, oval-oblong, acute apex, attenuate base, flat midveined on the adaxial surface, short petioles, and compressed glabrous inflorescences; these features easily fit the circumscription range of Myrcia glabra. No further named material of A. acrantha was found, nor fruiting material with these features. Of the specimens identified as M. glabra, two flowering duplicates in P match the protologue of A. acrantha allowing one (Reineck & Czermak 393) to be specified as the neotype. The collection localities of the holotype of A. acrantha and Reineck & Czermak 393 are very close, with similar vegetation.

Aulomyrcia laxiflora var. latifolia O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 114), synon. nov. Type: [Brazil, São Paulo] ‘Prope villam Mogi das Cruzes in prov. S. Pauli’, s.d., Saint-Hilaire 654 (lectotype P 00161408, selected here; isolectotype P 00161407). notes. Berg described A. laxiflora var. latifolia based only on the description of the unnamed variety beta (β) of Cambessèdes (1832: 319). However, the type Saint-Hilaire 654 was probably not seen by Berg and does not match the morphology of the quite distinct Myrcia laxiflora; it does however match the collection of Myrcia glabra so justifying its synonymisation.

Myrcia citrifolia (Aubl.) D. Legrand (1961: 297), non (Aubl.) Urb. (Urban 1919: 150). notes. Legrand (1961) created a later isonym of Myrcia citrifolia and treated plants from southern Brazil as such. In 1969, the same author corrected the mistake and synonymised his Myrcia citrifolia under M. glabra (Legrand & Klein 1969).

3. Myrcia guianensis (Aubl.) DC. (de Candolle 1828: 245). Eugenia guianensis Aubl. (Aublet 1775a: 506). Myrtus guianensis (Aubl.) Ham. (Hamilton 1825: 45). Aguava guianensis (Aubl.) Raf. (Rafinesque 1838: 107). Type: [British Guiana] ‘Habitat in silvis propè montem Serpent dictum’, s.d., Aublet s.n. (holotype BM 000953654; isotype LINN HS883-22 [photo]).

Myrcia elegans DC. (de Candolle 1828: 251). Calyptromyrcia elegans (DC.) O. Berg (1855: 34). Myrcianthes elegans (DC.) Mattos (2009: 2). Type: [Brazil, Pará] ‘In Brasiliae prov. Paraensi’, s.d., Martius s.n. (lectotype M 0136868 [photo], selected here; isolectotype M 0136867 [photo]).

Myrcia exsucca DC. (de Candolle 1828: 247). Aulomyrcia exsucca (DC.) O. Berg (1855: 79). Myrcia queimadensis Mattos (2006: 4) nom. superfl. Type: [Brazil, Minas Gerais] ‘In Brasiliae campestribus desertis’ (in the protologue), s.d., Martius s.n. (lectotype M 0136858 [photo], selected here; isolectotypes G-DC, M 00136859 [photo]).

Myrcia lauriflora DC. (de Candolle 1828: 252). Aulomyrcia lauriflora (DC.) O. Berg (1855: 64). Type: [Brazil] ‘In Brasiliae prov. Pará’, s.d., Martius s.n. (lectotype M 0136962 [photo], selected here; isolectotypes G-DC, M 00136961 [photo], M 00136963 [photo]).

Myrcia leucadendron DC. (de Candolle 1828: 251). Aulomyrcia leucadendron (DC.) O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 115). Type: [Brazil, São Paulo] ‘In Brasilia’, s.d., Martius s.n. (lectotype M 0136958 [photo], selected here; isolectotypes M 00136957 [photo], M 00136959 [photo]).

Myrcia myoporina DC. (de Candolle 1828: 246). Aulomyrcia glandulosa var. obovata O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 139) nom. illegit. Myrcia glandulosa var. obovata (O. Berg) N. Silveira (1985a: 67) nom. illegit. Type: [Brazil] ‘Brasilia’, s.d., Martius s.n. (lectotype W-Rchb. 1889-0342000, selected here; isolectotype P 00161186). notes. De Candolle (1828) described flowers and fruits in the protologue of Myrcia myoporina, based on Martius’ collection in M. A single flowering gathering identified as such by himself exists in M, however this specimen is a misindentified Eugenia. Berg (1857) noted this confusion when describing the illegitimate Aulomyrcia glandulosa var. obovata, based on the same type specimen of M. myoporina. No fruiting material of M. myoporina was found in M or elsewhere. Two other Martius’ collections with flowers were found at W and P; they match the diagnosis of M. myoporina well and are respectively selected as lecto and isolectotype.

Myrcia crassicaulis Cambess. (Cambessèdes in Saint-Hilaire et al. 1832: 311). Aulomyrcia crassicaulis (Cambess.) O. Berg (1855: 74). Type: [Brazil, Minas Gerais] ‘In campis prope pagum Curaçao de Jesus in parte accidentali desertaque provinciae Minas Geraes quam vocant Certaó’, s.d., Saint-Hilaire 1944 (lectotype MPU 011015 [photo], selected here; isolectotypes F 0076585 [photo], P 00735115, P 00735116).

Myrcia hiemalis Cambess. (Cambessèdes in Saint-Hilaire et al. 1832: 332). Type: [Brazil, Minas Gerais] ‘In campis prope praedium S. Bento in parte deserta occidentalisque provinciae Minas Geraes’, s.d., Saint-Hilaire 1935 (lectotype P 00161436, selected here; isolectotypes F 0065494 [photo], MPU 011038 [photo], P 00161437).

Myrcia microcarpa Cambess. (Cambessèdes in Saint-Hilaire et al. 1832: 324). Aulomyrcia microcarpa (Cambess.) O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 81). Type: [Brazil, São Paulo] ‘In campis prope Capivarhy in provicia Sancti Pauli’, s.d., Saint-Hilaire 1336 (lectotype P 00161401, selected here; isolectotypes F 0065528 [photo], MPU 010946 [photo], P 00161400, P 00161402).

Myrcia suaveolens Cambess. (Cambessèdes in Saint-Hilaire et al. 1832: 315). Aulomyrcia suaveolens (Cambess.) O. Berg (1855: 78). Type: [Brazil, Minas Gerais and Goiás] ‘In campis provinciarum Minas Geraes et Goyaz haud infrequens’, s.d., Saint-Hilaire 908 (lectotype MPU 010967 [photo], selected here; isolectotypes F 0065576 [photo], P 00161364, P 00161365, P 00161366, P 00161367, P 00161368).

Aulomyrcia conduplicata O. Berg (1855: 76). Type: [British Guiana] ‘Habitat in savannis Guianae Anglicae’, s.d., Schomburgk 393 (holotype B†). British Guiana, Basin of Rupununi R., Yupukari, lat. about 3°40'N, 15 Oct. 1937, Smith 2274 (neotype K 000343168, selected here). notes. The holotype of Aulomyrcia conduplicata was destroyed in B and no duplicates have been found. Diagnostic characters of the species fit into the variation of Myrcia guianensis. Of the collections from British Guiana studied by us, Smith 2274 at K is chosen as neotype. This specimen is a good match for the description of A. conduplicata, presenting its main characteristics: obovate to oblong and conduplicate leaves, glabrous when mature, with obtuse to rounded apices and cuneate bases. Smith 2274 was also collected in savannah vegetation, as was the destroyed holotype.

Aulomyrcia dichroma O. Berg. (1855: 65). Type: [British Guiana] ‘Habitat ad ripas fluminis Moracca in Guiana Anglica’, s.d., Schomburgk 1491 (holotype B†; lectotype LE 00007052 [photo], selected here).

Aulomyrcia obtusa var. longipes O. Berg (1855: 67). Type: [Surinam] ‘Habitat in Guiana Batava, in arenosis prope Mariepaston’, s.d., Kegel s.n. (lectotype GOET 008252 [photo], selected here).

Aulomyrcia obtusa var. panicularis O. Berg (1855: 67). Type: Type: [Surinam] ‘Habitat in Guiana Batava, in arenosis prope Mariepaston’, s.d., Kegel s.n. (lectotype GOET 008251 [phoyto], selected here).

Aulomyrcia obtusa var. pauciflora O. Berg (1855: 67). Type: [Surinam] ‘Habitat in Guiana Batava, in arenosis prope Mariepaston’, s.d., Kegel s.n. (lectotype GOET 008249 [photo], selected here). notes. Berg created five varieties when transferring Myrcia obtusa to Aulomyrcia. For Aulomyrcia obtusa var. tenuifolia, A. obtusa var. pauciflora, A. obtusa var. panicularis and A. obtusa var. longipes he cited Kegel collections in ‘hb. Kegel.’, now at GOET (Stafleu & Cowan 1979). The types of these varieties are recognisable in GOET through Berg’s handwriting on the labels. Berg used the holotype of the basionym Myrcia obtusa (Kegel 1308) as type of A. obtusa var. tenuifolia; this therefore is the typical variety. There are no collection numbers on the other sheets and they differ slightly in their morphology. Each specimen bearing Berg’s identification matches the protologue closely and is selected as lectotype of the respective varieties.

Aulomyrcia angustifolia O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 135). Myrcia angustifolia (O. Berg) Nied. (Niedenzu in Engler & Prantl 1893: 76), non Glaz. (Glaziou 1908: 210) nom. nud. Type: [Brazil, Minas Gerais] ‘Habitat ad montes Serra do Lenheiro prov. Minarum prope S. João del Rey’, s.d., Sellow s.n. (holotype B†; lectotype K 000342611, selected here; isolectotypes BR 0000005236305, LE 00007021 [photo], P 00161484, P 00161485, W 0033192).

Aulomyrcia biformis O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 141) synon. nov. Type: [Brazil, Minas Gerais] ‘Habitat in montibus Serra de Itambé prov. Minarum’, s.d., Pohl s.n. (holotype BR [no barcode]). notes. Aulomyrcia biformis is an unplaced name in Myrcia based on a single collection from the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais. The author suggested similiarities to A. vaccinifolia, previously synonymised under Myrcia guianensis. Analysis of the type and protologue shows that A. biformis fits into the morphological variation of M. guianensis and the synonymisation is here proposed.

Aulomyrcia bimarginata O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 115) synon. nov. Type: [Brazil, Minas Gerais] ‘Habitat ad Piedade prov. Minarum’, s.d., Pohl 1031 (lectotype W 0032578, selected here; isolectotypes F 0064684 [photo], K 000342630, K 000342631, W 0032579]. notes. Aulomyrcia bimarginata is another unplaced name based on a single collection and recognised mainly by the two marginal veins instead of the usual single one in species of the Guianensis clade. Despite this, branches, leaves, inflorescences and flowers match the morphological variation of Myrcia guianensis. The type of A. bimarginata is from Minas Gerais, Brazil, where many forms of M. guianensis occur. We have not found further material with the features of A. bimarginata. The duplicate marginal vein appears simply to add to the huge morphological foliar plasticity of M. guianensis.

Aulomyrcia cassinioides var. glabrata O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 129). Type: [Brazil, Minas Gerais] ‘Habitat ad flumen Rio S. Francisci prov. Minarum’, s.d., Martius s.n. (lectotype M 0136770 [photo], selected here; isolectotype M 0136769 [photo]).

Aulomyrcia clausseniana O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 118) synon. nov. Type: [Brazil] ‘Rio de Janeiro, in M. Serra de Tinguá’, s.d., Schott 1032 (lectotype W 0032558, selected here; isolectotypes F 0064701 [photo], K 000342685, K 000342686, W 0032557). notes. Aulomyrcia clausseniana is based on Schott 1032 from Rio de Janeiro and Claussen 532 from Minas Gerais, Brazil. The leaves and inflorescences of the types are very similar to other names from the same geographical region already synonymised under Myrcia guianensis, such as M. fastigiata. Again, the characters used to distinguish A. clausseniana fit easily into the circumscription of M. guianensis.

Aulomyrcia decrescens O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 135). Myrcia decrescens (O. Berg) Mattos (2008: 4). Type: [Brazil, Minas Gerais] ‘Habitat ad Rio Preto et Caldas do Frey Raynaldo prov. Minarum’, s.d., Pohl 2003 (lectotype W 0032618, selected here; isolectotype F 0064706 [photo], W 0032617).

Aulomyrcia fragilis O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 117). Type: [Brazil, Bahia] ‘Habitat ad urbem Jacobina prov. Bahiensis’, s.d., Blanchet 3587 (lectotype LE 00007063 [photo], selected here; isolectotypes BM 000953617, BM 000953618, BR 0000005236633, F 0064713 [photo], G 00222301, K 000018553, MICH 1109833 [photo], NY 00386663 [photo], NY 00386664 [photo], P 00161339, P 00163086, P 00163087, P 00163088, P 00163089, P 00697224, U 0005129, W 0032595, W 0032596).

Aulomyrcia gardneriana O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 129), non Myrcia gardneriana O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 184). Aulomyrcia gardneriana var. virescens O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 130). Myrcia renatoana (O. Berg) Mattos (1966: 62). Type: [Brazil] ‘Habitat in provinciis Ceará et Piauhy’, s.d., Gardner 1625 (lectotype W 0032530, selected here; isolectotypes BM 001191669, BR 0000005269976, F 0064718 [photo], F 0064719 [photo], G 00222415, GH 00071095 [photo], K 000018492, K 000018493, MICH 1109831 [photo], NY 00386666 [photo], P 00163080, P 00163081, S 05-2437 [photo], W 1889-0116299).

Aulomyrcia gardneriana var. caerulescens O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 130). Type: [Brazil] ‘Habitat in provinciis Ceará et Piauhy’, s.d., Gardner 1621 (lectotype W 0032529, selected here; isolectotypes F 0064714 [photo], F 0064715 [photo], G 00222440, G 00222441, GH 00071094 [photo], NY 00386665 [photo], P 00163077, P 00163078, P 00163079, S 05-2436 [photo], US 00117778 [photo], W 1889-0116290).

Aulomyrcia glandulosa O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 139). Aulomyrcia glandulosa var. elliptica O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 139). Myrcia glandulosa (O. Berg) Kiaersk. (Kiaerskou 1893: 83). Type: [Brazil, Minas Gerais] ‘In Morro da Tapanhoacanga, in prov. Minarum’, s.d., Sellow s.n. (lectotype K 000343097, selected here; isolectotypes LE 00007072 [photo], P 00161261).

Aulomyrcia glandulosa var. longifolia O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 139). Type: [Brazil, Goiás] ‘Montes Serra dos Montes Claros, in prov. Goyaz’, s.d., Pohl 5764 (lectotype W 0032600, selected here).

Aulomyrcia hepatica O. Berg(in Martius et al. 1857: 132). Myrcia hepatica (O. Berg) Kiaersk. (Kiaerskou 1893: 86). Type: [Brazil, Minas Gerais] ‘Habitat ad villam do Presidio de S. João Baptista prov. Minarum’, 1837, Pohl 1074 (lectotype W 0032526, selected here; isolectotypes F 0064723 [photo], K 000343355, K 000343356, W 0032531).

Aulomyrcia lingua O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 130). Aulomyrcia lingua var. glabrata O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 130). Type: [Brazil, Minas Gerais] ‘In campis ad Colonel Gerealdo in prov. Minarum’, s.d., Sellow s.n. (holotype B†). Brazil, Minas Gerais, Jardim, 13 Nov. 1845, Widgren 795 (neotype BR [no barcode], selected here). notes. The apparently only gathering of the type of Aulomyrcia lingua was destroyed in B. The neotype selected, Widgren 795 in BR, presents Berg’s identification on its label as Aulomyrcia lingua var. rufa but it is a good match for the typical variety A. lingua var. glabrata as the varieties are poorly distinguished.

Aulomyrcia mansoni O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 121). Myrcia mansoni (O. Berg) N. Silveira (1985b: 1). Type: [Brazil, Mato Grosso] ‘Habitat prope urbem Cuyabá in prov. Matto Grosso’, s.d., Manso & Lhotzki 46 (holotype B†; lectotype HAL 0089700 [photo], selected here; isolectotype G 00222243).

Aulomyrcia nigropunctata O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 116). Myrcia nigropunctata (O. Berg) N. Silveira (1985b: 1). Type: [Brazil] ‘Habitat ad Rio de Janeiro prope Fazenda Lopez’, s.d., Pohl 1029 (lectotype W 0032474, selected here; isolectotype W 0032473).

Aulomyrcia obscura O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 132). Myrcia obscura (O. Berg) N. Silveira (1985a: 66). Type: [Brazil] ‘In Brasilia meridionali’, s.d., Sellow s.n. (holotype B†). Brazil, s.d., Claussen 163A (neotype BR [no barcode], selected here). notes. The type of Aulomyrcia obscura was destroyed in B and no duplicates have been found. The neotype selected, Claussen 163A, matches the protologue exactly.

Aulomyrcia obtecta O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 117). Myrcia obtecta (O. Berg) Kiaersk. (Kiaerskou 1893: 89). Type: [Brazil, São Paulo] ‘Habitat in campis et fruticetis ripariis prov. S. Pauli’, s.d., Sellow s.n. (holotype B†; lectotype BR 0000005236961, selected here). notes. The holotype of Aulomyrcia obtecta, Sellow s.n., was destroyed in B. Sellow’s collections have been found in many other herbaria (BR, F, G, K, LE, P, W, U) identified as A. obtecta by Berg. However, they do not seem to be duplicates due to their morphological dissimilarities. The numbers on their labels, perhaps the herbarium numbers, are also mixed. The specimen deposited in BR is the best match for the protologue and is chosen as lectotype.

Aulomyrcia plumbea O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 142). Myrcia plumbea (O. Berg) Mattos (2008: 4). Type: [Brazil] ‘Habitat in Minas Geraes’, s.d., Pohl 1085 (lectotype W 0037137, selected here; isolectotypes BR 0000005230518, F 0064752 [photo], K 000344063, K 000344064, W 0037138, W 0037139).

Aulomyrcia pusilla O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 140). Myrcia pusilla (O. Berg) Mattos (2008: 2). Type: [Brazil, Minas Gerais] ‘Habitat inter Rio Jequetahi et Munda Fonza (?) prov. Minarum’, s.d., Pohl 1084 (lectotype W 0027991, selected here; isolectotypes F 0064759 [photo], K 000344083, W 0027990).

Aulomyrcia rotundifolia O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 123). Myrcia rotundifolia (O. Berg) Kiaersk. (Kiaerskou 1893: 89) synon. nov. Type: [Brazil] ‘Habitat in prov. Alagoas’, s.d., Gardner 1300 (holotype W 0037124; isotypes K 000018589, OXF 00067826T). notes. The morphotype of Aulomyrcia rotundifolia is widely distributed in restingas from northeastern Brazil. In that region, this species is poorly distinguished from Myrcia guianensis based on the ovate to orbicular leaves in A. rotundifolia (vs generally elliptic in M. guianensis). Many individuals however, present both leaf-shapes and other differences between these species are barely perceptible. Previous works have informally treated A. rotundifolia under M. guianensis (Lourenço & Barbosa 2012; Proença et al. 2013).

Aulomyrcia scrobiculata O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 137), non Myrcia scrobiculata O. Berg (1861: 668). Type: [Brazil] ‘Habitat in campis prov. Rio Grande do Sul’, s.d., Sellow 5297 (holotype B†; lectotype K 000344358 selected by Sobral et al. 2010). notes. Sobral et al. (2010) incorrectly indicated Aulomyrcia scrobiculata as basionym of M. scrobiculata. Berg described both species based on different types: Sellow s.n. from Rio Grande do Sul as A. scrobiculata and Claussen s.n. from Minas Gerais as M. scrobiculata. The descriptions of these species are completely different, indicating that they are not the same taxon. Although the type of M. scrobiculata has not been located, its description suggests that the species does not belong to the Guianensis clade (M. Sobral pers. comm.). As such, we maintain only A. scrobiculata in the synonymy list of M. guianensis.

Aulomyrcia suffruticosa O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 136) synon. nov., non Myrcia suffruticosa O. Berg (1857: 189). Myrcia paracatuensis Kiaersk. (Kiaerskou 1893: 99). Type: [Brazil, Goiás] ‘Habitat ad montem Serra dos Cristaes in prov. Goyaz’, s.d., Pohl 817 (holotype W 0040179). notes. Sobral et al. (2010) proposed Aulomyrcia suffruticosa as synonym of Myrcia parnahibensis (O. Berg) Kiaersk., but the analysis of the type material suggested that the species are morphologically different. A. suffruticosa has longer petioles, raised adaxial midvein, larger buds and 3-locular ovaries. In turn, M. parnahibensis has shorter pinkish petioles, channelled adaxial midvein, delicate inflorescences and 2-locular ovaries, not 3-locular as indicated in its protologue (verified in the holotype in W). Moreover, molecular data show clearly that M. parnahibensis and other 2-locular species emerge out of the Guianensis clade (Lima et al. in prep.). There is no consistent difference between A. suffruticosa and the very variable M. guianensis, despite the tendency for narrower leaves in the former. Leaf width varies greatly along the distribution of M. guianensis; other species with narrow leaves (i.e. A. angustifolia, A. cymosa, A. torta) have already been synonymised under M. guianensis. A. suffruticosa is here added to that list.

Aulomyrcia bracteata O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1859: 554). Myrcia didrichseniana Kiaersk. (Kiaerskou 1893: 82). Type: [Brazil] ‘Habitat in collibus siccis prope S. Domingo, prov. Rio de Janeiro’, Feb. 1822, Riedel 749 (lectotype LE 00007028 [photo], selected here; isolectotypes F 0093807 [photo], F 0093808 [photo], G 00222575, G 00222575, K 000342830, LE 00007029 [photo], LE 00007030 [photo], LE 00007031 [photo], M 0136777 [photo], P 00546179, P 00546180, S 05-2408 [photo], U 0005104, W 0033245).

Aulomyrcia cymosa O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1859: 552). Myrcia cymosa (O. Berg) Nied. (Niedenzu in Engler & Prantl 1893: 76), non (O. Berg) Nied. (Niedenzu in Engler & Prantl 1893: 76) nom. illegit. [= Calyptromyrcia cymosa O. Berg]. Type: [Brazil, Minas Gerais] ‘Habitat ad ripam rivulorum in montibus Serra da Lapa prov. Minarum’, Nov. 1824, Riedel 973 (lectotype LE 00007045 [photo], selected here; isolectotypes F 0064705 [photo], G 00222529, GH 00071086 [photo], K 000342775, LE 00007046 [photo], LE 00007047 [photo], NY 00386658 [photo], P 00161293, P 00161294, P 00161295, U 0252956, W 0033251). notes. When transferring Aulomyrcia and Calyptromyrcia species to Myrcia, Niedenzu (1893) created the same name Myrcia angustifolia for both Aulomyrcia angustifolia and Calyptromyrcia angustifolia. This case of homonyms of equal priority was clearly explained and resolved by Nic Lughadha (1994) who accepted Myrcia cymosa (= Aulomyrcia cymosa) and rejected M. cymosa (= Calyptromyrcia cymosa) following the recommendations of the ICBN.

Aulomyrcia desertorum O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1859: 556). Myrcia desertorum (O. Berg) N. Silveira (1985b: 1). Type: [Brazil, Minas Gerais] ‘Habitat in deserto inter Alegres et Andrequecé prov. Minarum’, Sept. 1834, Riedel 2575 (lectotype LE 00007049 [photo], selected here; isolectotypes G, LE 00007048 [photo]).

Aulomyrcia jequitinhonhensis var. glauca O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1859: 560). Type: [Brazil, Minas Gerais] ‘In campis siccis prope S. Luzia prov. Minarum’, Oct. 1824, Riedel s.n. (lectotype LE 0007077 [photo], selected here).

Aulomyrcia maritima O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1859: 553). Type: [Brazil] ‘Habitat in silvaticis arenosis maritimis prov. Rio de Janeiro’, Oct. 1832, Riedel 1019 (lectotype LE 00007096 [photo], selected here; isolectotypes F 0064739 [photo], G, K 000344009, LE 00007097 [photo], P 00163100, P 00163101, U 0005132).

Aulomyrcia obscura var. genuina O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1859: 556). Type: [Brazil, Minas Gerais] ‘In silvis prope Barra do Jequitiba’, s.d., Riedel 828 (lectotype LE 00007105 [photo], selected here; isolectotypes G, K 000343992, LE 00007106 [photo], P 00161180, P 00161181, U 0005128).

Aulomyrcia obscura var. longipes O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1859: 556). Myrcia obscura var. longipes (O. Berg) N. Silveira (1985a: 66). Type: [Brazil, Minas Gerais] ‘In collibus siccis umbrosis prope Caetité prov. Minarum’, Oct. 1824, Riedel 617 (lectotype LE 00007008 [photo], selected here; isolectotypes LE 00007007 [photo], LE 00007009 [photo], P 00161182).

Aulomyrcia regeliana O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1859: 557). Aulomyrcia regeliana var. oppositifolia O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1859: 557). Myrcia camapuana Mattos (2006: 2). Type: [Brazil] ‘Habitat in campis arenosis prope Camapuan prov. Mato Grosso’, Oct. 1826, Riedel 634 (lectotype LE [no barcode] [photo], selected here).

Aulomyrcia regeliana var. sparsifolia O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1859: 557). Type: [Brazil] ‘Habitat in campis arenosis prope Camapuan, prov. Mato Grosso’, Oct. 1826, Riedel 634 (lectotype LE [no barcode] [photo], selected here). notes. Berg based Aulomyrcia regeliana and its varieties on Riedel collections in LE. Two specimens of Riedel 634 that match A. regeliana were found in LE. These specimens bear Berg’s handwritten identification as A. camapuanensis, a name which was never published. One of the sheets bears the complete locality (‘in campis arenosis p. Camapuan’) and morphological notes (‘suff. erectus et procumbus. Fol. glabr. Florib. terminalib. albis’), reproduced exactly as in the protologue of the typical variety A. regeliana var. oppositifolia. This specimen was selected as lectotype of the latter variety. The second sheet bears only ‘Brasilia: Camapuan’ on its labels, but matches the description of A. regeliana var. sparsifolia well; it is therefore designated as lectotype of this variety.

Aulomyrcia androsaemoides O. Berg (1861: 661). Myrcia androsaemoides (O. Berg) Krug & Urb. (Urban 1895: 579). Type: [French Guiana] ‘Habitat in Insula Cayenne’, s.d., Richard s.n. (lectotype P 00163123, selected here; isolectotype P 00163124).

Aulomyrcia buxizans O. Berg (1861: 664). Type: [British Guiana] ‘Habitat in ripis inundatis fluvii Kourou Guyanae Gallicae’, s.d., Richard 50 (lectotype P 00163121, selected here; isolectotypes F 0064691 [photo], F 0064692 [photo], P 00163122).

Myrcia cymosopaniculata Kiaersk. (Kiaerksou 1893: 90). Type: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Corcovado, 26 Sept. 1880, Glaziou 11986 (lectotype C 10015838, selected here; isolectotypes A 00071087 [photo], ASU 0019287 [photo], BM 000953626, BR 0000005239184, BR 0000005238866, C 10015839, F 0065473 [photo], F 0065474 [photo], G 00222570, K 000342776, K 000342777, LE [photo], P 00161287, P 00161288, P 00161289, R 000008994).

Myrcia fastigiata Kiaersk. (Kiaerksou 1893: 92). Type: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Alto Macahé, 22 Sept. 1888, Glaziou 17677 (lectotype C 10015842, selected here; isolectotypes C 10015843, F 0065483 [photo], F 0065484 [photo], F 0065508 [photo], G 00222407, LE 00007157 [photo], P 00161265, P 00161266).

Myrcia yungasensis Rusby (1893: 27). Type: Bolivia, Yungas, 1890, Bang 293 (lectotype NY 00405494 [photo], selected here; isolectotypes BM 001191677, BR 0000008551993, E 00433030 [photo], G 00222413, GH 00071139 [photo], K 000261049, M 0136973 [photo], MIN 1001840 [photo], NY 00405493 [photo], PH 00018867 [photo], US 00048596 [photo], US 00048597 [photo], WIS v0255104 [photo]). notes. Rusby did not cite a herbarium in the protologue of Myrcia yungasensis, however his types are mainly housed in NY and MICH (Stafleu & Cowan 1983). Two duplicates were found in NY, and the most representative is selected as lectotype.

Myrcia androsaemoides var. parvifolia Krug & Urb. (Urban 1895: 579). Type: [Trinidad and Tobago] Trinidad, in sylvis ad Caroni, Nov. 1883, Eggers & Rensch 1137 (lectotype P 00161252, selected here; isolectotypes P 00161251, P 05259079). notes. The authors of Myrcia androsaemoides var. parvifolia cited the syntypes Eggers & Rensch 1137 and Eggers & Toepffer 1096. Types of the flora of the West Indies studied by Krug and Urban were deposited in B (Stafleu & Cowan 1979) and destroyed. The most complete remaining duplicate is designated as lectotype.

Myrcia lehmannii Hieron. (Hieronymus 1895: 65) synon. nov. Type: [Colombia] Columbia: crescit in silvis camporum sabanas dictorum prope Frontino, civitatis Antioquia, alt. s.m. 1200 – 1700 m., s.d., Lehmann 7241 (lectotype K 000261046, selected here; isolectotypes K 000330329, F 0065517 [photo], GH 00071106 [photo], S 05-2457 [photo], PH 00018864 [photo], US 00117758 [photo]). notes. Examination of the type and protologue of Myrcia lehmannii shows that it is a synonym of M. guianensis. The author compares M. lehmannii to Aulomyrcia poeppigiana, previously synonymised under M. guianensis, highlighting leaves with more glands and larger flowers of the former, characters that are very variable throughout the distribution of M. guianensis. M. lehmannii is from the Colombian Amazon and is particularly similar to collections of M. guianensis from there. Hieronymus’ types were deposited in B (Stafleu & Cowan 1979) and subsequently destroyed during WW2. The duplicate in K bearing the author’s handwriting is chosen as lectotype.

Calycorectes maracayuensis Barb. Rodr. (Barbosa Rodrigues in Chodat & Hassler 1907: 807) nom. nud., synon. nov.

Myrcia divaricata Barb. Rodr. (Barbosa Rodrigues in Chodat & Hassler 1907: 803) nom. nud., synon. nov., non (Lam.) DC. (de Candolle 1828: 243) [= Myrcia splendens (Sw.) DC.], nec (O. Berg) Lemée (1954: 146) nom. illegit. [= Myrcia rufipila McVaugh].

Myrcia cochleata Barb. Rodr. (Barbosa Rodrigues in Chodat & Hassler 1907: 803) nom. nud., synon. nov.

Myrcia daphnoides var. nervosa Glaz. (Glaziou 1908: 218) nom. nud., synon. nov.

general notes. The following names also belong to the synonymy of Myrcia guianensis: Myrtus pyrifolia J. St.-Hil. in Duhael., Myrcia cassinioides DC., M. daphnoides DC., M. elaeodendra DC., M. pallens DC., M. schrankiana DC., M. spixiana DC., M. torta DC., M. obtusa Schauer, M. alternifolia Miq., M. surinamensis Miq., Aulomyrcia cuneata O. Berg, A. obtusa var. grandifolia O. Berg, A. roraimensis O. Berg, A. schomburgkiana O. Berg, A. alagoensis O. Berg, A. botrys O. Berg, A. emarginata O. Berg, A. jequitinhonhensis O. Berg, A. jequitinhonhensis var. grandifolia O. Berg, A. pallens var. ovata O. Berg, A. pallens var. subcordata O. Berg, Aulomyrcia scrobiculata O. Berg, A. vaccinifolia O. Berg, A. velhensis O. Berg, A. uaupensis O. Berg, M. roraimae Oliv., M. adpressepilosa Kiaersk., M. dermatophylla Kiaersk., M. diaphanosticta Kiaersk., M. fastigiata var. coriacea Kiaersk., M. rhabdoides Kiaersk., M. arimensis Britton, M. incisa D. Legrand, Myrcianthes terminalis Mattos & D. Legrand, and Myrcia stemmeriana D. Legrand (BFG 2015; Govaerts et al. 2016).

Molecular data (Lima et al. in prep.) has demostrated that all 2-locular species previously considered synonyms of Myrcia guianensis (BFG 2015; Govaerts et al. 2016) belong to Myrcia sect. Aulomyrcia (O. Berg) Griseb. That section corresponds to clade 9 of Lucas et al. (2011) and were treated as such (Lucas et al. 2016). This is the case for Myrcia dictyophylla (O. Berg) Mattos & D. Legrand, M. heringeriana Mattos, M. myrtillifolia DC., M. pallida (O. Berg) N. Silveira, M. rorida (O. Berg) Kiaersk., M. rubella Cambess. and M. taubatensis Kiaersk.

BFG (2015) and Govaerts et al. (2016) treated Myrcia collina S. Moore, M. corumbensis Glaz. and Myrciaria silveirana D. Legrand as synonyms of M. guianensis, however, their protologues and types do not match the morphology of the Guianensis clade. The morphology of these species suggests Myrcia collina may instead be assigned to clade 5, while M. corumbensis and Myrciaria silveirana are assigned to clade 8 (Lucas et al. 2011).

4. Myrcia hypericoides Cambess. (Cambessèdes in Saint-Hilaire 1832: 317). Aulomyrcia hypericoides (Cambess.) O. Berg (1855: 62). Type: [Brazil, Minas Gerais] ‘In campis prope Campo Alegre, in parte deserta occidentalique provinciae Minas Geraes’, s.d., Saint-Hilaire 536 (lectotype P 00161434, selected here; isolectotypes F 0065498 [photo], P 00161435).

Aulomyrcia orthophylla O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1859: 549). Myrcia orthophylla (O. Berg) Kiaersk. (Kiaerskou 1893: 90). Type: [Brazil, Goiás] ‘Habitat in campis editis graminosis siccis super Chapada de S. Marcos prov. Goyazensis’, Aug. 1834, Riedel 2492 (lectotype LE 00007111 [photo], selected here; isolectotypes G 00222017, K 000344024, LE 00007112 [photo], LE 00007113 [photo], P 00161167, P 00161168, P 00161169, S 05-2470 [photo], U 0005134, W 0070602).

5. Myrcia laricina (O. Berg) Burret ex Luetzelb. (Luetzelburg 1926: 201). Aulomyrcia laricina O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 61). Type: [Brazil, Piauí] ‘Habitat in prov. Piauhy’, Nov. 1939, Gardner 2875 (lectotype W 0032527, selected here; isolectotypes BM 000953606, F 0064735 [photo], G 00222234, GH 00071105 [photo], K 000001882, K 000001883, P 00163106, W 1889-0116275).

6. Myrcia laxiflora Cambess. (Cambessèdes in Saint-Hilaire et al. 1832: 319). Aulomyrcia laxiflora (Cambess.) O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 114). Aulomyrcia laxiflora var. angustifolia O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 114). Type: [Brazil] ‘In sylvis primaevis ad ripas flimunis Parahyba in provincia Rio de Janeiro’, s.d., Saint-Hilaire C-14 (lectotype P 00161412, selected here; isolectotypes F 0065516 [photo], MPU 010943 [photo], P 00161409, P 00161410, P 00161411). notes. Although Cambessèdes cited ‘provincia Rio de Janeiro’ in the protologue of Myrcia laxiflora, all duplicates of Saint-Hilaire C-14 bear ‘province de Minas Geraes’ on their labels. Indeed, the precise collection locality was ‘Rio Parahyba’ (Paraíba do Sul River), at the border between the Brazilian states of Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro, which may have been misunderstood.

Calyptromyrcia costata O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 56). Myrcia batistana Mattos (2009: 3). Type: [Brazil, Minas Gerais] ‘Habitat ad Praesidio de S. João Baptista in montibus Serra do Mar in prov. Minas Geraes’, s.d., Sellow s.n. (holotype B†; lectotype LE [no barcode] [photo], selected here).

Calyptromyrcia cymosa O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 58) synon. nov. Aulomyrcia cymosa var. major O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 58). Myrcia cymosa (O. Berg) Nied. (Niedenzu in Engler & Prantl 1893: 76) nom. illegit., non (O. Berg) Nied. (Niedenzu in Engler & Prantl 1893: 76) [= Aulomyrcia cymosa O. Berg]. Myrcianthes cymosa (O. Berg) Mattos (2000: 1). Type: [Brazil, São Paulo] ‘Habitat in prov. S. Pauli’, s.d., Sellow s.n. (lectotype BR 0000005239191, selected here).

Calyptromyrcia cymosa var. minor O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 58) synon. nov. Type: [Brazil, São Paulo] prov. S. Pauli, s.d., Sellow s.n. (lectotype K 000913130, selected here). notes. Calyptromyrcia cymosa was listed as synonym of Myrcia guianensis by BFG (2015), but our study indicates it to be a synonym of M. laxiflora. Calyptromyrcia cymosa and M. laxiflora share chartaceous leaves, few-flowered inflorescences, very short calyx lobes, almost indistinguishable in the buds, and hypanthium tearing slightly at anthesis. Their types are from the same vegetation in southeastern Brazil, where Myrcia laxiflora is very common. Berg did not cite a specific type for each variety. Materials identified as types of C. cymosa were located at BM, BR, F, G, K, P, U and W; however, they do not seem to be duplicates of the same gathering. The material selected as lectotype best matches the protologue and bears Berg’s handwriting. The other sheets are not considered as isolectotypes. The homonym Myrcia cymosa of Niedenzu (1893) is disussed in the notes of Myrcia guianensis (Aulomyrcia cymosa) and by Nic Lughadha (1994).

general notes. The following names are also synonyms of Myrcia laxiflora: Calyptromyrcia paniculata O. Berg, C. paniculata var. opaca O. Berg, and Myrcia lateriflora Kiaersk. (BFG 2015; Govaerts et al. 2016). Aulomyrcia laxiflora var. latifolia is proposed as a synonym of M. glabra (see notes on M. glabra for further details).

7. Myrcia nivea Cambess. (Cambessèdes in Saint-Hilaire et al. 1832: 332). Aulomyrcia nivea (Cambess.) O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 103). Aulomyrcia nivea var. andromedaefolia O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 103). Type: [Brazil, Minas Gerais] ‘In dumetis vulgo Carrascas prope praedium vulgo Fazenda do Riberão in parte provinciae Minas Geraes dicta Minas Novas’, s.d., Saint-Hilaire 1751 (lectotype P 00161393, selected here; isotypes F 0065535 [photo], MPU 010950 [photo], P 00161394, P 00161395).

Aulomyrcia nivea var. rosmarinifolia O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 103). Myrcia nivea var. rosmarinifolia (O. Berg) Mattos (1975: 3). Type: Brazil, s.d., Helmreichen s.n. (lectotype BR 0000005236992, selected here).

Myrcia cambessedesiana O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 202). Type: [Brazil, Minas Gerais] ‘Habitat inter Estrema vicum et Vieira do Mattos praedium in prov. Minarum’, s.d., Pohl 1002 (lectotype W 0032624, selected here; isolectotypes K 000262446, K 000262447, W 0032625).

Myrcia tomentosa Glaz. (Glaziou 1908: 213) nom. nud., synon. nov., non (Aubl.) DC. (de Candolle 1828: 245). notes. Analysis of the types showed no morphological difference between Glaziou’s Myrcia tomentosa (Glaziou 21556) and M. nivea; the former name is therefore synonymised here.

8. Myrcia obovata (O. Berg) Nied. (Niedenzu in Engler & Prantl 1893: 761). Aulomyrcia obovata O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 122). Eugenia crassifolia Miq. (Miquel 1846: 439) nom. illegit., non DC. (de Candolle 1828: 266) [= Siphoneugena crassifolia (DC.) Proença & Sobral], nec Ant. Molina (1953: 169) nom. illegit. [= Eugenia hondurensis Ant. Molina], nec Viell. ex Brongn. & Gris (Viellard ex Brongniart & Gris 1865: 469) nom. illegit. [= Eugenia brongniartiana (Vieill. ex Brongn. & Gris) Guillaumin]. Myrcia crassifolia (Miq.) Kiaersk. (Kiaerskou 1893: 89). Type: [Brazil, Minas Gerais] ‘Habitat in prov. Minarum’, 1840, Claussen 1526 (lectotype U 0005127, selected here; isolectotypes BM 001191660, MO 313632 [photo], P 00550998, W 0033297).

Aulomyrcia atrovirens O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 121). Type: [Brazil, Minas Gerais] ‘Habitat in prov. Minarum’, s.d., Pohl 1060 (holotype B†, lectotype W 0032513, selected here; isolectotypes BR 0000008551443, K 000342613).

Aulomyrcia pallens var. petiolaris O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 123) synon. nov. Type: [Brazil, Minas Gerais] s.d., Saint-Hilaire s.n. (lectotype P 00163128, selected here; isolectotypes P 00163126, P 00163127). notes. Berg made a mistake when citing Laruotte as collector of the type of Aulomyrcia pallens var. petiolaris. He described this variety based on the description and material cited by Cambessèdes (1832) as ‘in provincia Minas Gerais. Ab indefesso Laruotte lecta’, which is Saint-Hilaire’s collection bearing a note made by Laruotte on its label. Berg probably did not see the collection, as it is deposited in P. Morphological analysis indicates A. pallens var. petiolaris to be a synonym of M. obovata, unlike the other varieties that are synonyms of M. guianensis. A. pallens var. petiolaris presents glabrous obovate leaves with conspicuous glands and attenuate bases somewhat decurrent on the petiole. There is no substantial difference between the two taxa.

9. Myrcia retusa (O. Berg) Nied. (Niedenzu in Engler & Prantl 1893: 76). Aulomyrcia retusa O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 142). Type: [Brazil, probably São Paulo] ‘Habitat in campis ad Rio das Pedras prov. Minarum’, s.d., Sellow s.n. (holotype B†; lectotype BR 0000005232475, selected here; isolectotypes F 0064802 [photo], K 000344159, P 00161118, P 00161119, W 0032450).

Myrcia obcordata Mattos (1964: 1) synon. nov. Type: Brazil, São Paulo, Santo André, Paranapiacaba, 5 Dec. 1961, Mattos 10588 (holotype SP 001367; isotypes C, HAS n.v., RB 00542155, RB 00557165, SPF 00067432).

general notes. Myrcia retusa was treated as synonym of M. guianensis by BFG (2015) and Govaerts et al. (2016). These species can be easily distinguished by the consistently smaller leaves with retuse apex and inflorescences always reduced to three flowers in the former. M. retusa is limited to eastern São Paulo state, occurring in the forests or campos of the Serra do Mar. Berg wrongly cited ‘prov. Minarum’ when indicating the type of M. retusa. According to Sellow’s itinenary (Urban 1906), the precise locality ‘Rio das Pedras’ is actually in ‘prov. S. Paulo’, the same region where M. retusa has frequently been collected. M. obcordata has identical morphology to M. retusa. Mattos described 2-locular ovaries in the protologue of M. obcordata. We have not checked the locularity of the type collection, but all other examinated specimens present 3-locular ovaries, as does M. retusa and the other Guianensis clade species.

10. Myrcia rufipes DC. (de Candolle 1828: 247). Aulomyrcia rufipes (DC.) O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 131). Aulomyrcia rufipes var. bracteata O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 131). Type: [Brazil, Minas Gerais] ‘In Brasiliae prov. Minarum’, s.d., Martius s.n. (holotype M 0137031 [photo], isotype G-DC).

Myrcia campestris DC. (de Candolle 1828: 247) synon. nov. Aulomyrcia campestris (DC.) O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 128). Aulomyrcia campestris var. rufa O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 128). Type: [Brazil, Minas Gerais] ‘in Brasiliae campis prov. Minarum’, s.d., Martius s.n. (lectotype M 0136772 [photo], selected here; isolectotypes G-DC, M 0136771 [photo]). notes. Myrcia campestris and Aulomyrcia campestris var. brunnea (below) were listed as synonyms of M. guianensis by BFG (2015) and Govaerts et al. (2016) but the current study indicates them to be synonyms of M. rufipes as previously suggested by Kawasaki (1989). As M. rufipes, they have rufous trichomes on the branches, leaves, inflorescences and flowers. The leaves are coriaceous and strongly revolute, similar to some forms of M. rufipes (= Aulomyrcia crassifolia).

Myrcia rimosa Cambess. (Cambessèdes in Saint-Hilaire et al. 1832: 333) synon. nov. Type: [Brazil] ‘In pascuis partis desertae occidentalisque provinciae Minas Geraes dictae Sertão’, s.d., Saint-Hilaire s.n. (lectotype P 00798917, selected here; isolectotypes F 0065560 [photo], MPU 010961 [photo], P 00798918, P 00798919). notes. Myrcia rimosa is a poorly understood species with few specimens identified as such in herbaria. It has the characteristics cited above, although the leaves are more congested than usual for the species. As a result, M. rimosa may be recognised as M. rufipes and thus we propose the synonymy.

Aulomyrcia campestris var. brunnea O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 128) synon. nov. Type: [Brazil, Minas Gerais] ‘Ad Engenho do Mato in eadem prov. (Minarum)’, s.d., Pohl 5769 (lectotype W 0032628, selected here; isolectotypes F 0064697 [photo], W 0032627).

Aulomyrcia crassifolia O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 128), non Myrcia crassifolia Kiaersk. (Kiaerskou 1893: 89). Myrcia irwinii Mattos & D. Legrand (1975: 4). Type: [Brazil, Minas Gerais] ‘Habitat inter Viera do Mattos et Calumbão prov. Minarum’, 1837, Pohl 1075 (lectotype W 0032565, selected here; isolectotypes K 000343442, W 0032566).

Aulomyrcia crenulata O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 141) synon. nov. Aulomyrcia crenulata var. hirta O. Berg in Martius (1857: 141). Myrcia crenulata (O. Berg) Mattos (2008: 3). Type: [Brazil] Brasilia, Minas Novas prope Rio de S. Francisco’ (label), Martius s.n. (holotype M 0136756 [photo]).

Aulomyrcia crenulata var. glabrata O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 141) synon. nov. Type: [Brazil, Minas Gerais] ‘Inter Calumbão et Barreiros in prov. Minarum’, s.d., Pohl 1086 (lectotype W 0033203, selected here; isolectotypes F 0064703 [photo]; K 000342744, K 000342745, W 0033203, W 0032567). notes. Aulomyrcia crenulata and its varieties were also listed as synonyms of Myrcia guianensis by BFG (2015) but they have the same pattern of indument and revolute leaves of Myrcia rufipes. The synonymy of the former into the latter is here proposed.

Aulomyrcia rufipes var. grandiflora O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 131). Myrcia rufipes var. grandiflora Kiaersk. (Kiaerskou 1893: 95). Aulomyrcia pilantha var. grandiflora O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1859: 556). Type: [Brazil, Minas Gerais] ‘Inter Arrayal Nossa Senhora da Piedade et Villa do Fanado v. Cidade de Minas Novas prov. Minarum’, s.d., Pohl 1082 (lectotype W 0037119, selected here; isolectotypes K 000344312, K 000344313, W 0040186).

Aulomyrcia rufipes var. latifolia O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 131). Type: [Brazil, Minas Gerais] ‘In prov. Minarum’, 1840, Claussen 308 (lectotype BR 0000005233212, selected here; isolectotype BM 001191666, G 00222039).

Aulomyrcia ternifolia O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 134) synon. nov. Type: [Brazil, Minas Gerais] ‘Habitat in prov. Minarum’, July 1840, Gardner 4659 (lectotype W 0042738, selected here; isolectotypes BM 001191665, G 00222001, K 000344638, K 000344639, W 1889-0116251). notes. Aulomyrcia ternifolia is an unplaced name in Myrcia known only from the type collection. It has rufous trichomes throughout, verticillate leaves and short petioles, characters that place it within the variation of Myrcia rufipes.

general notes. The following names are also synonyms of Myrcia rufipes: Aulomyrcia rufipes var. angustifolia O. Berg, A. rufipes var. dives O. Berg, A. pilantha O. Berg, A. pilantha var. longifolia O. Berg, A. pilantha var. latifolia O. Berg (BFG 2015; Govaerts et al. 2016).

11. Myrcia subalpestris DC. (de Candolle 1828: 250). Aulomyrcia subalpestris (DC.) O. Berg (1855: 73). Type: [Brazil, Minas Gerais] ‘In Brasiliae prov. Minarum’, s.d., Martius s.n. (holotype M 0137008 [photo], isotype G-DC).

Aulomyrcia corymbiflora O. Berg (1855: 127) synon. nov. Type: [Brazil] ‘In monte vulgo Serra de Curumatahi in prov. Minarum’, s.d., Saint-Hilaire 2031 (lectotype P 00161343, selected here; isolectotypes P 00161344, P 00161345). notes. BFG (2015) treated A. corymbiflora as synonym of Myrcia vestita, probably due to the dense hairs in the young leaves. Our study however, found Aulomyrcia corymbiflora morphologically indistinguishable from Myrcia subalpestris.

Aulomyrcia subverticillaris O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 124) synon. nov. Aulomyrcia subverticillaris var. incanescens O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 124). Myrcia subverticillaris (O. Berg) Kiaersk. (Kiaerskou 1893: 88). Type: [Brazil] Brasilia, s.d., Sellow s.n. (lectotype K 000344445, selected here).

Aulomyrcia subverticillaris var. rufa O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 124) synon. nov. Type: [Brazil, Minas Gerais] ‘aliisque locis ejusd. prov. [Minarum]’, Sept. 1840, Gardner 4664 (lectotype W 0040181, selected here; isolectotypes BM 001191651, G 00227999, K 000344443, K 000344444, W 1889-0116271).

Aulomyrcia subverticillaris var. angustifolia O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 124) synon. nov. Type: [Brazil, Minas Gerais] ‘aliisque locis ejusd. prov. [Minarum]’, s.d., Martius 1232 (lectotype M 0137006 [photo], selected here; isolectotypes BM 001191652, BR 0000005233229, BR 0000005233557, BR 0000005232574, F 0064775 [photo], GH 00395030 [photo], HAL 0089803 [photo], K 000344449, M 0137007 [photo], NY 00386694 [photo], P 00161042, S 05-2523 [photo], W 0040174, W 1889-0341991). notes. Comparison of the protologues and types of Myrcia subalpestris and Aulomyrcia subverticillaris and its varieties found the species to be morphologically indistinguishable. These species are shrubs or trees with leaves densely covered on the abaxial surface by brown or rufous hairs that turn grey and fall at maturity. Petioles are generally long and relatively thin, adaxial leaf venation is inconspicuous (at least in young leaves) and the ovaries are mostly glabrous. Berg listed several syntypes when describing the varieties of A. subverticillaris but did not specify which type corresponds to the respective variety. The types were recognisable through identification on the labels in Berg’s hand. Materials that best match the protologues are selected as lectotypes.

Aulomyrcia bicudoensis O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1859: 557) synon. nov. Myrcia bicudoensis (O. Berg) Mattos (2009: 4). Type: [Brazil] ‘Habitat in desertis prope Bicudo prov. Mato Grosso’ (protologue), prov. Minas [Gerais] (label), Nov. 1834, Riedel s.n. (lectotype LE 00007025 [photo], selected here; isolectotype LE 00007026 [photo]). notes. Aulomyrcia bicudoensis is morphologically indistinguishable from M. subalpestris, although BFG (2015) treated it as synonym of M. vestita. In the protologue of A. bicudoensis, Berg cited ‘habitat ad desertis prope Bicudo prov. Mato Grosso’ as the collection locality, but the herbarium labels bear ‘p. Bicudo, prov. Minas [Gerais], Nov. 1834’. According to Urban (1906), Sellow visited Minas Gerais between 1833 and 1835 indicating a mistake by Berg. No information regarding the precise locality of ‘Bicudo’ was found. M. subalpestris is common in southwestern Minas Gerais, São Paulo and southeastern Mato Grosso do Sul.

Aulomyrcia daphnoides var. ochracea O. Berg (1861: 663) synon. nov. Type: [Brazil, Minas Gerais] ‘Habitat in campis prope Caldas prov. Minarum in Brasilia’, 25 Sept. 1854, Lindberg 314 (holotype BR 0000013473792). notes. Aulomyrcia daphnoides var. ochracea shares the diagnostic features of M. subalpestris. A. daphnoides var. ochracea is quite distinct from its typical variety, which is a synonym of M. guianensis.

12. Myrcia tortuosa (O. Berg) N. Silveira (1985a: 67). Aulomyrcia tortuosa O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1859: 558). Type: [Brazil, Goiás] ‘Habitat in campis editis super Chapada de S. Marcos prov. Goyazensis’, Aug. 1834, Riedel 2497 (holotype LE n.v., isotypes F 0064777 [photo], G 00222008, P 00161056, P 00161057).

Aulomyrcia linguiformis O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 125). Myrcia linguiformis (O. Berg) N. Silveira (1985a: 66). Type: [Brazil, Goiás] ‘Habitat ad Porto Real in prov. Goyaz’, s.d., Pohl 1065 (lectotype W 0032542, selected here; isolectotypes F 0064737 [photo], K 000343727, K 000343728, M 0136956 [photo], W 0032543).

Aulomyrcia pachyclada O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 133). Aulomyrcia pachyclada var. spathulata O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 133). Myrcia pachyclada (O. Berg) N. Silveira (1985b: 2). Myrcia pachyclada var. spathulata (O. Berg) N. Silveira (1985b: 2). Type: [Brazil] ‘In campis prope Itararé’, s.d., Sellow s.n.; ‘ad S. Ignacio prov. Paraná’, s.d., Sellow s.n. (syntypes B†). Brazil, Mato Grosso do Sul, Três Lagoas, Faz. Floresta prop. Joaquim Queiros, 17 Sept. 1964, Gomes Jr. 2139 (neotype UB 6670, selected here). notes. The neotypification of Myrcia pachyclada is necessary since its syntypes were destroyed and no duplicates were found. The specimen selected as neotype was collected on the border between the states of São Paulo and Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, from where one of the syntypes was registered, and it is a good match for the protologue.

Aulomyrcia pachyclada var. elliptica O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 134). Type: [Brazil, Goiás] ‘Ad urbem Natividade, in regione boreali prov. Goyaz’, s.d., Pohl 1019 (lectotype W 0037117, selected here; isolectotypes F 0064746 [photo], K 000344033, W 0037118).

general notes. Aulomyrcia pachyclada var. prolifera O. Berg is a further synonym of Myrcia tortuosa (Govaerts et al. 2016). BFG (2015) treated M. tortuosa as synonym of M. vestita. Nevertheless, these species are distinguished by the indument on the buds, absent or very sparse in the former and dense in the latter (Rosa 2015).

13. Myrcia variabilis DC. (de Candolle 1828: 254). Myrcia variabilis var. intermedia DC. (de Candolle 1828: 254). Aulomyrcia variabilis (DC.) O. Berg (1855: 62). Aulomyrcia variabilis var. intermedia (DC.) O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 106). Type: [Brazil, Minas Gerais] ‘In Brasiliae prov. Minarum’, s.d., Martius s.n. (lectotype M 0136979 [photo], selected here; isotype G-DC).

Myrcia variabilis var. ovalifolia DC. (de Candolle 1828: 254) Aulomyrcia variabilis var. ovalifolia (DC.) O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 106). Type: [Brazil, Minas Gerais] ‘In Brasiliae prov. Minarum’, s.d., Martius s.n. (lectotype M 0136981 [photo], selected here; isotype G-DC).

Myrcia variabilis var. nummularia DC. (de Candolle 1828: 254). Aulomyrcia variabilis var. nummularia (DC.) O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 106). Type: [Brazil, Minas Gerais] ‘In Brasiliae prov. Minarum’, s.d., Martius s.n. (lectotype M 0136983 [photo], selected here; isotype G-DC). notes. De Candolle described Myrcia variabilis and its varieties based on Martius’ collections. Of the Martius s.n. specimens of this species in M, only one bears de Candolle’s identification; this sheet is therefore selected as lectotype of the typical variety. Other materials, named as M. variabilis var. ovalifolia and M. variabilis var. nummularia, match the protologues perfectly and are selected as lectotypes of the respective varieties.

Myrcia dealbata DC. (de Candolle 1828: 254) synon. nov. Aulomyrcia dealbata (DC.) O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 102). Aulomyrcia dealbata var. glaucescens O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 102). Type: [Brazil, Minas Gerais] ‘In Brasiliae prov. Minas-Geraes’, s.d., Martius s.n. (holotype M 0136877 [photo], isotype G-DC). notes. The type collection of M. dealbata is recognisable as M. variabilis, in particular sharing compressed glabrous branches, cordate, glabrous leaves with well-marked venation on both sides and calyx lobes pubescent internally. M. dealbata has generally smaller dimensions than M. variabilis but is still acceptable under the morphological variation of the latter. Since they were described at the same time, we choose to maintain the more frequently used name M. variabilis.

Myrcia cordata Cambess. (Cambessèdes in Saint-Hilaire et al. 1832: 330). Type: [Brazil, Goiás] ‘In campis petrosis prope tuguria vulgo Sitio do Ribeirão in parte australi provinciae Goyaz’, s.d., Saint-Hilaire C1-907 (lectotype P 0161453, selected here; isolectotypes F 0065466 [photo], MPU 011013 [photo], P 0161453, P 0161455).

Aulomyrcia amethystina O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 108) synon. nov. Aulomyrcia amethystina var. pulchra O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 108). Myrcia amethystina (O. Berg) Kiaersk. (Kiaerksou 1893: 90). Myrcia amethystina var. pulchra (O. Berg) Kiaersk. (Kiaerksou 1893: 90). Type: [Brazil, Minas Gerais] ‘Ad praedium Olho-d’Agua prope vicum Contendas in desertis prov. Minarum’, s.d., Sellow s.n. (holotype B†; lectotype LE 00007020 [photo], selected here; isolectotypes BR 000000523115, K 000342602).

Aulomyrcia amethystina var. dealbata O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 108) synon. nov. Myrcia amethystina var. dealbata (O. Berg) Kiaersk. (Kiaerksou 1893: 90). Type: [Brazil, Minas Gerais] ‘Ad villam S. João d’El Rey prov. ejusdem [Minarum]’ s.d., Pohl 1073 (lectotype W 0033191, selected here; isolectotypes BR 000000530402, K 000342606, K 000342607).

Aulomyrcia intermedia O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 107) synon. nov. Myrcia intermedia (O. Berg) Kiaersk. (Kiaerskou 1893: 90). Type: [Brazil, Goiás] ‘Habitat ad Formiga Oliveira et Rio de S. Francisci et Parnahyba in prov. Goyaz’, 1837, Pohl 1030 (lectotype W 0032482, selected here; isolectotypes BR 000005280643, F 0064727 [photo], K 000343436, K 000343437, W 0033014).

Aulomyrcia dealbata var. pallida O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 103) synon. nov. Type: [Brazil, Minas Gerais] ‘In parte ejusdem provinciae, dicta Minas Novas’, s.d., Martius s.n. (holotype M 0136876 [photo]).

Aulomyrcia ovalis O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 107). Myrcia ovalis (O. Berg) N. Silveira (1985b: 2). Type: [Brazil, Minas Gerias] ‘Habitat in prov. Minarum’, 1840, Claussen 529 (lectotype BR 0000005304684, selected here).

Aulomyrcia trifolia O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 107) synon. nov. Type: [Brazil, Minas Gerais] ‘Habitat ad Pompeo in parte occidentali prov. Minas Geraes’, s.d., Sellow s.n. (lectotype BR 0000005304370, selected here). notes. Aulomyrcia amethystina, A. intermedia, A. ovalis and A. trifolia are poorly delimited species grouped together in Berg’s treatment (1857) and characterised by short petioles, glabrous to slightly puberulous branches and leaves, blades with well-marked venation and conspicuous glands on both sides, delicate inflorescences with thin peduncles and calyx lobes pubescent within. This morphotype, although not presenting a markedly cordate leaf-base, easily fits within the variation of M. variabilis. Kiaerskou (1893) suggested A. amethystina and A. intermedia as possible varieties of M. variabilis. BFG (2015) treat A. amethystina and A. intermedia as synonyms of M. guianensis, but the characters described above distinguish the former two species from the latter.

general notes. Aulomyrcia variabilis var. suffruticosa O. Berg is a further synonym of Myrcia variabilis (BFG 2015; Govaerts et al. 2016).

14. Myrcia vestita DC. (de Candolle 1828: 248). Aulomyrcia vestita (DC.) O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1859: 127). Aulomyrcia vestita var. parviflora O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 127). Myrcia vestita var. parviflora (O. Berg) Kiaersk. (Kiaerskou 1893: 97). Type: [Brazil, Minas Gerais] ‘In campis editis ferruginosis prov. Minarum Brasiliae’, s.d., Martius s.n. (holotype M 0136975 [photo]; isotype G-DC).

Aulomyrcia thyrsiflora O. Berg (1855: 74). Aulomyrcia thyrsiflora var. genuina O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 126). Myrcia thyrsiflora (O. Berg) Mattos (2008: 4). Type: [Brazil] ‘Habitat in provincia Minas Geraes’ (protologue); ‘ad Fazenda Bom Retiro’ (label), s.d., Pohl 1049 (lectotype W 0032442, selected here; isolectotypes BM 001191658, K 000344846, K 000344847).

Aulomyrcia thyrsiflora var. laterifolia O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 126). Type: [Brazil] ‘Ad Rancho de Francisco da Paula’, s.d., Pohl 5761 (lectotype W 032440, selected here).

Aulomyrcia thyrsiflora var. obtusifolia (DC.) O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 126). Type: [Brazil, Minas Gerais] ‘Prope pagum Chapada, in parte proviciae ejusdem dicta Distrito dos Diamantes’, s.d., Martius s.n. (lectotype M 0136974 [photo], selected here).

Aulomyrcia thyrsiflora var. petiolaris O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 126). Type: [Brazil, Minas Gerais] ‘In prov. Minarum’, s.d., [Sellow, crossed out] Pohl s.n. (holotype B†; lectotype W 0032441, selected here). notes. We recognised and selected the respective lectotypes of Aulomyrcia thyrsiflora and its varieties through the presence of identifications in Berg’s hand on the labels. Berg cited Sellow, deposited and destroyed at B (‘v. in hb. Berol.’), as type of A. thyrsiflora var. petiolaris. Material in W was found bearing ‘Sellow’ crossed out and replaced by ‘Pohl’ in Berg’s handwriting. This material matches the original description, with the confusion likely due to a misunderstanding in the protologue; it has already been considered as type material (Garcia et al. 2015) and designated here as the lectotype.

Aulomyrcia vestita var. grandifolia O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1857: 127). Myrcia vestita var. grandifolia (O. Berg) Kiaersk. (Kiaerskou 1893: 97). Type: [Brazil, Minas Gerais] ‘In eadem provincia haud infrequens’, s.d., Saint-Hilaire 2354 (lectotype P 00161346, selected here; isolectotype P 00161347).

Aulomyrcia chapadensis O. Berg (in Martius et al. 1859: 554), non Myrcia chapadensis S. Moore (1895: 355). Type: [Brazil, Goiás] ‘Habitat in campis editis lapidosis supra planitiem altam Chapada de S. Marcos prov. Goyazensis’, Aug. 1834, Riedel 2498 (lectotype LE [no barcode] [photo], selected here; isotypes F 0064699 [photo], F 0064700 [photo], G 00301846, K 000342652, P 00161304, P 00161305).

Atomostigma mattogrossense Kuntze (1898: 76) synon. nov. Type: [Brazil, Mato Grosso] Mattogrosso, July 1892, Kuntze 880 (holotype NY 00418571 [photo]). notes. Atomostigma is a monospecific genus originally described in Rosaceae, but that is in fact Myrtaceae. We are grateful to D. Mabberley (pers. comm.) who kindly shared this information with us. Careful study of the protologue and the type image of Atomostigma mattogrossense show that this specimen is indistinguishable from M. vestita; it was collected in the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso, where M. vestita is very common.

Myrcia decaisneana Glaz. (Glaziou 1908: 221) nom. nud., synon. nov. notes. Myrcia decaisneana is a nomen nudum created by Glaziou and its related material matches perfectly the morphology of the typical M. vestita.

general notes. Myrcia vestita var. obtusifolia DC. is a further synonym of M. vestita (BFG 2015; Govaerts et al. 2016).