Exopolysaccharide (EPS)

Exopolysaccharides (EPSs) are the polysaccharides of microbial origin that are secreted out of the cell [1]. Many microorganisms produce polysaccharides surrounding the cell which is made up of repeating sugar units. These are collectively termed as EPS, which is either tightly associated with the cell wall as capsular polysaccharides (CPS) or liberated into the medium as an unattached loose slime layer (ropy EPS) [2]. The biofilm-forming bacteria essentially produce EPS to combat the varying natural environmental conditions because they can get the nutrition and protection from the antibacterial agents and predators [3]. EPS attracts the attention of investigators as biofilm formers that can be used for onsite bioremediation of polluted sites [4]. The mucoid polysaccharides (EPS) that are released by bacteria have been shown to serve multiple functions including the promotion of the initial attachment of cells to solid surfaces; the development and continuance of microcolonies and mature long-lasting biofilm structures; water retention; the incorporation of exogenous organic compounds for gathering nutrients from the environment; and improved biofilm resistance to environmental strain and disinfectants [5, 6]. Irrespective of origin, EPSs are localized at or outside the cell surface of bacteria and are composed of organic macromolecules of varying high molecular weight compounds such as proteins, polysaccharides, phospholipids, and nucleic acids along with other non-polymeric constituents of low molecular weight [7]. They are best defined as bound and soluble EPSs on the basis of methods of extraction or separation rather than by their physical states [8]. The major constituents of EPS of microbial origin are carbohydrates and proteins [9]. However, some other organic compounds such as nucleic acids, uronic acids, and lipids as well as some inorganic compounds have been found in EPS [10,11,12,13]. Moreover, EPSs also contain divalent metal cations that act as ionic bridges linking adjacent polysaccharide chains. The acidic nature of the EPS is a result of the presence of uronic acids, pyruvate, and inorganic residues such as phosphate or sulfate [14,15,16,17]. Uronic acid plays an important role in metal binding [18]. The EPS composition varies with different microbial aggregates showing a heterogeneous nature [7]. This situation is related to many factors, such as extraction method, growth phase, culture environment, bioreactor type, process parameters, and analytical tools used [9, 19]. Many bacterial cultures produced different types of EPS during its life cycle like most bacteria which produce EPS in capsular form during the exponential growth phase while EPS of slime type during the stationary growth phase [7].

Types and Composition of EPS

Most of EPS-producing bacteria produce either homopolysaccharides or heteropolysaccharides. The homopolysaccharides contain repeating units of only one type of monosaccharide and include cellulose, dextran, mutan, alternan, pullulan, levan, and curdlan [20]. The heteropolysaccharides are composed of repeated subunits of different monosaccharides, derivatives of monosaccharides, or substituted monosaccharides [21]. The homopolysaccharides can be categorized based on linkage bond and monomer units present into β-d-glucans, α-d-glucans, polygalactan, and fructans. The heteropolysaccharide has d-glucose, d-galaxies, l-rhamnose, N-acetylgalactosamine or N-acetylglucosamine, or glucuronic acid as repeating units, and intermittently, there is the presence of non-carbohydrate substituents such as phosphate, acetyl, and glycerol [22].

Biosynthesis of homopolysaccharides requires specific substrates like sucrose which acts by a specific enzyme, for example, dextran, levan, or alternan, which are synthesized extracellularly by transglycosylases while the heteropolysaccharides are made intracellularly and then exported. The repeating sugar units are assembled by sugar-specific glycosyltransferases on the inner face of the cytoplasmic membrane from intracellular precursors and sequential transfer with isoprenoid glycosyl carrier lipids [23, 24].

The EPS has also been classified based on its function as sorptive, constructive or structural, surface-active, active, informative, redox-active, and nutritive [25]. The summary of some significant microbial EPS is described in Table 1.

Table 1 Summary of some significant microbial EPS

EPS Production and Metal Stress

Different species of microorganisms have been assessed in terms of their ability to produce EPS [49,50,51,52]. Bacteria, fungi, and aquatic algae are reported for EPS production, but a major emphasis is given on bacterial EPS in the present study [53]. EPS is produced by both Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria, and EPS producers can be found in many different niches. The size and composition of EPS polymers are diverse and are often strain-dependent. The screening of EPS-producing bacterial strains basically depends upon the development of mucoid characteristics of bacterial colonies. The more mucoidal form of colonies produces more EPS. The release of EPS is an interesting process for the bacterium, which comprises hydrophilic, high molecular weight polymer assembly in the cytoplasm and its traverse through the cell envelope, without affecting the critical barrier to transport. Even if there is a wide diversity of molecular structures of different EPSs, their biosynthesis pathway and release in most of Gram-negative bacteria have been followed by either of the pathways: (i) the Wzx–Wzy-dependent pathway, wherein the polymer monomeric units are accumulated at the inner face of the cytoplasmic membrane and polymerized at the periplasm. While in a case of (ii) the ABC transporter-dependent pathway, polymerization takes place at the cytoplasmic face of the inner membrane [54]. (iii) The synthase-dependent pathway involves complete polymer strand secretion across the membrane and cell wall as well as polymerization and translocation of homopolymers contacting only one type of sugar precursor by a single synthase protein and (iv) extracellular synthesis by use of a single sucrase protein. These first three pathways have a stepwise elongation of polymer strands which occurred by enzymatic transformation inside the cells while in extracellular production, the polymer strand is elongated by direct addition of monosaccharides by cleavage of disaccharides or trisaccharides [23].

After taking into account the pathway of biosynthesis, we move ahead to the genetics of biosynthesis. The structural genes involved in polysaccharide biosynthesis are clustered and present in a large number of Gram-negative organisms. The strategies concerned to find out the genes involved including indirect and direct approaches. The indirect approach was based on prior isolation of mutants, but the major problem was that screening can pick up mutants whose altered phenotype is not caused by mutations in structural genes. While the direct or probe-based approach included identification of genes relying on the availability of DNA sequence information. These can be obtained by sequencing the N-terminal portion of purified proteins encoded by a gene. This approach is powerful and leads to rapid identification of the whole cluster of genes and no confusing groups of mutation to reform [55].

Based on the structure–function relationship, large clusters of biosynthetic genes are involved in various bacteria, for instance, Lactobacillus rhamnosus 18.5 kb encoding 17 ORFs [56]; Acetobacter xylinum 35.5 kb genomic fragment [57]; Pseudomonas solanacearum 6.5 kb gene cluster [58]; Eschwinia stewartii 10 kb gene cluster for capsular polysaccharide [59]; and many more. Xanthomonas campestris was discussed as an excellent model system because it was the only complete system wherein both biosynthetic genes and their enzymatic products are known. It was used as a mechanistic model for biosynthesis of xanthan and reported as a first large-scale metabolic model [60]. This verified metabolic model is also the first model focusing on bacterial EPS synthesis [61]. A pCHC3 plasmid of 12.4 kb contained a xanthan biosynthetic cluster along with ketal pyruvate transferase which increased the yield of polymer, and this gene was cloned and sequenced [62].

The microbial production of EPS is significantly influenced by many environmental factors such as temperature, pH level, medium composition, oxygen concentration, salt concentration, and/or heavy metal concentration. In the presence of an excess of carbon source and limited nitrogen, potassium, or phosphate, the EPS synthesis is promoted [14]. Many putative roles have been proposed for these polymers, such as protection against dehydration or UV radiation, phagocytosis, and biomineralization. It is known that the production of EPS takes place because of cellular stress. Therefore, as expected, adding metal ions to the growth media increased bacterial EPS production [18, 63].

Microorganisms respond to the presence of potentially toxic metal ions through several intrinsic mechanisms to regulate intracellular concentrations [64, 65], among which one of the important responses is EPS production. Toxic substances including heavy metals stimulated the production of EPS in Rhodopseudomonas acidophila but reduced the cell dry weight [66]. EPS is a non-living sorbent; as a result, it is preferred for its easy availability in the treatment process and avoidance of pathogenicity issues of the organism concerned [67]. The literature reported that fungi, algae, or bacterial cultures may remove toxic heavy metals through their EPS molecules [51, 68, 69].

Metal removal is independent of the colony size while dependent on the particular microorganism tested, the metal evaluated, and its concentration. The microbial affinity to metals in solid media was different from the removal in liquid media, probably due to metal distribution and availability [70]. Therefore, it is necessary to study the effect of individual factors on bacterial cells when used in bioremediation of toxic metals. Nevertheless, the scientific community has increased interest in the use of secreted EPS due to the abiotic nature of EPS and its manipulative nature to desired conditions at the metal contamination sites.

Current Approaches for Heavy Metal Removal

The phrase heavy metal is defined as metals and metalloids with an atomic density greater than 5 g cm−1. The term “toxic metal” is referred to the effect of these metals, particularly on the environment. Sometimes the term “toxic heavy metal” is used to emphasize the impact of these elements particularly on the biological system.

Heavy metals such as copper, zinc, and nickel are essential for life in low concentrations; these are also called as microelements or trace elements. Microelements play an important role in metabolic processes of living cells [64]. The raised levels of these metal ions are toxic to maximum prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms. The other non-essential heavy metals like mercury, cadmium, and lead resulted in severe damage to organisms even at very low concentrations [71].

Metal as a kind of resource is becoming scarce and also brings about serious environmental pollution, intimidating ecosystem and human health [72]. The three classes of heavy metals classified the metals as toxic metals (such as Zn, Ni, Hg, Cr, Pb, Cu, Cd, As, Co, Sn, etc.), precious metals (such as Au, Pd, Pt, Ag, Ru etc.), and radionuclides (such as Th, U, Am, Ra, etc.) [73]. Heavy metals are stable in nature and persist in the environment as a contaminant since they cannot be degraded or destroyed. Consequently, the metal toxicity stands major health and environmental problems that necessitate the severe pursuit for economical and efficient technologies for metal-contaminated site remediation. Metal pollution and bioaccumulation or biomagnifications of metals cause serious health and ecological risk. Environments contaminated with heavy metals pose a significant problem, mainly due to the toxic effects of these metals throughout the food chain [72].

The traditional techniques for metal remediation comprised general physicochemical precipitation, such as induction of electrochemical treatment, reverse osmosis, ion exchange, chemical coagulation, and ultrafiltration. Nevertheless, these processes also have shortcomings and need to find suitable places. Furthermore, a majority of these methods are out of industrial-scale applications. Besides these, there is an involvement of high capital and operational costs, high energy utilization, and production of large amounts of toxic compounds containing sludge, which are not environmentally safe [69]. Therefore, biotechnological approaches which are cost effective and eco-friendly with high potential of toxic metal remediation are noteworthy to empower [74] (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1
figure 1

Comparative illustration of remediation strategies for heavy metals

Bioremediation not only is a cost-effective solution but is also a safe and effective alternative. The microbial biomass proposes an attractive option for the removal and recovery of toxic but precious metal ions by the uptake and accumulation [75]. Bacteria among all forms of life have the superior competence to absorb metals from solutions due to highest surface-to-volume ratio [76]. Bacterial biosorbents have an effective metal sequestering property that can reduce the heavy metal concentration from the parts per million to the parts per billion level in a large volume of wastewater with very less metal ion concentration [73]. The excreted or derived microbial components from microbial cells have not given much attention instead of its important role in metal microbe interaction [77]. Therefore, it is time to go for the microbial components like EPS for heavy metal bioremediation.

Why EPS for Heavy Metal Removal?

The studies on EPS recommended the customized efforts from a state of production to the application. EPS is a potential tool that can lead to the development of a sustainable, economic, and environmentally friendly system for the removal of heavy metals. The traditional methods are not efficient and cost-effective to detect very less concentration of heavy metal ions. Hence, there is a need of alternate material or development of a method for the purpose of remediation of heavy metal-contaminated land or aquatic area [78].

The EPS production is associated with biofilm formation, and biofilm EPS plays an important role in the heavy metal bioremediation process [79]. The EPS production is one of the protective strategies for biofilm-forming bacteria to survive and grow in a metal-contaminated environment [8, 80]. The secreted form of EPS has its own importance from several decades in biosorption [81, 82]. The benefits of microbial EPS in contrast to plants, crustacea, or algae are related to their physicochemical properties and their fermentative production, i.e., it is not subjected to instability due to crop loss, marine pollution, or climate change [83]. The external parameters such as pH, type of metal, biomass concentration, and ionic strength of ions affect the metal biosorption capacity of EPS [84].

The EPS-producing bacteria were present in diverse environmental conditions and have different reactant groups which can be specifically explored to remove varying organic pollutants like herbicides [85]. The EPS is a result of a metabolism-independent process composed of organic and inorganic molecules which work for the accumulation of metal ions [80, 86, 87]. The secreted form of EPS has been recommended as a surface-active agent [69, 88]. EPS has a significantly higher ability to remove heavy metals when compared with EPS producing biomass. The EPS production was higher in the metal-containing medium; hence, heavy metal addition in the culture medium is recommended for maximum EPS production [18]. The metal adsorptive capacity of EPS of Lyngbya putealis is compared to its dry or immobilized biomass; the superior metal binding capacity was observed for EPS which proposed EPS as an efficient biosorbent [63].

It has been observed that enhanced accumulation of metal is linked to the higher amount of EPS production [89, 90]. Kazy et al. [90] noted that the presence of Cu ions in the growth medium stimulates fourfold EPS production in copper-resistant strains. The binding capacity of EPS of copper-resistant strains was also greater (320 mg/g) than EPS of copper-sensitive strains (270 mg/g). Pseudomonas marginalis high MRL (maximum resistance level) in the presence of lead is accompanied with high EPS production [84]. The role of EPS in a creation of intracellular deposits was confirmed for nickel uranyl phosphate deposition associated with Citrobacter sp. [91].

The physicochemical interaction between metal cation and functional groups established on ion exchange, physical sorption, complexation, and/or precipitation comprised the biosorption process [51, 92,93,94,95]. Heavy metals which are toxic to the microbial cell lead to the production of microbial exudates, e.g., EPS, which is the protective response against the toxic effect of heavy metals [66, 96, 97]. Cell walls of microbial biomass offer particularly abundant metal-binding functional groups. Besides these, the peptidoglycan of cell wall and/or cell wall-associated EPS (capsules and slimes) or proteinaceous S-layers can constitute effective biosorption matrices [98].

The exopolymeric biomass entraps dispersed solids and binds dissolved metals which offer the microenvironment with high concentration of CO2 and alkaline pH which could be beneficial for metal precipitation [84].

Toxic metals bind to biofilm EPS which facilitates metal transport and emancipates metal toxicity. Accordingly, the binding of EPS with heavy metal ions is accounted to be an important mechanism of detoxification of metal-polluted areas by bioremediation [99, 100]. The further advancement of EPS-based bioremediation could be initiated by immobilization of EPS on the regenerative matrix [101].

Apart from dry and immobilized biomass, the dead bacterial cell wall or cell wall-associated EPS might be exploited for biosorption and it could even be preserved and reused which leads to sustainable development [102]. The dead bacterial cell is employed to work as an inert support without maintaining the condition parameters and without spreading the living microbes in the environment. The EPS could bind with metal ions in dilute solution so it has more sensitivity for metal bioremediation [54].

Understanding the Interaction of EPS Producers with Heavy Metals

There are many numbers of studies that have been reported for use of microbial cell (living or dead) for the purpose of removal and recovery of metal ions [53, 88, 103, 104]. The metal binding mechanism has also been investigated up to a certain extent for the whole microbial cell [105]. Conversely, microbial excreted material or derived product has not been noticed much for its role in metal interaction or binding [106]. The metal binding generally occurs at the cell surface by producing various metabolites like polysaccharides or by some cell-derived products which are capable of uptake and accumulation of metal ions [76, 86, 87, 107]. Many scientists have reported the application of extracellular capsular polysaccharides from a microbial cell for their high adsorption capacity for metal ions [108, 109]. The exopolysaccharides (EPS) are the major constituents of exopolymers composed mainly of repeating sugar subunits. It is accepted that metal biosorption involves a physicochemical interaction between metal cation and functional groups established on ion exchange, physical sorption, complexation, and/or precipitation mechanisms [93]. The anionic property of EPS is due to the presence of negatively charged ionizable phosphate, carboxylate, acetate, amine, and more rarely sulfate groups, which in turn react with positively charged metal ions [92, 109]. The characteristics of the functional groups present on EPS from varying microorganisms are unique and need to be considered to understand the mechanism of metal chelation by EPS [63]. Amino functional groups in the polysaccharides contribute to the binding of heavy metals [108, 110]. The carboxyl or hydroxyl groups are moreover involved in the metal binding process by forming coordination bonds that give stability to metal ion polymer complexes [111]. The electrostatic interactions are involved in binding of cations to negatively charged functional groups, for example, uronic acid and phosphoryl groups associated with membrane components and carboxylic groups of amino acids. In addition to electrostatic interactions, cationic binding by positively charged polymers or coordination with hydroxyl groups may be present [112] (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2
figure 2

Schematic representation of the mechanism of EPS interaction with heavy metals

The role of EPS has some disagreement: in its role as a protective barrier for external metal load and that it adsorbs a significant amount of metal ions in the vicinity of the cell membrane. Consequently, it needs a detailed study to confirm the role of EPS, may be by varying the EPS proportion [113].

The resistance to heavy metal in microbes may be the result of avoidance, i.e., prevention of ability to uptake. The metal resistance is attained as a result of avoidance of entry of metal inside the cells by the adsorption of metal ions with cell components and/or cell wall-associated material at the cell surface [114,115,116,117,118], or the secreted form of metal-binding organic compounds like EPS to the surrounding environment [119,120,121]. Metal tolerance might be the consequence of an ability to cope with high amounts of heavy metals inside the tissues (tolerance), an active process that involves the entrance, uptake (absorption), and accumulation of the metal ions inside the cell.

The metal resistance is the surface phenomenon while the tolerance is the uptake and accumulation of metal inside the cell. The dual biosorption involved both secreted EPS and the cell wall or cell wall-associated EPS as observed in the case of Lysinibacillus sp. strain HG17 cultivated in the presence of 100 μM HgCl2 [102].

Exopolysaccharides and other biopolymers exhibit excellent metal-binding properties with a distinct degree of specificity and affinity; for example, cadmium may have a higher affinity for EPS than copper and zinc [64]. Even though EPSs have different affinities for different metals, the modification could be observed in EPS confirmation. The solution of multiple metal ions previously sorbed on the biomass exerts a strong hindrance to the entry of other ions at the adjacent adsorption sites by an alteration in the EPS confirmation [122,123,124]. The synergistic action between metals could also be explained the same way as sorption of high-affinity metal ions which induced an amendment of the specific binding sites for the lowest-affinity metal ions, thereby increasing their sorption ability [125]. Panwichian et al. [126] assumed that the metal ions bind to secreted EPS and hence not accumulated in the cells and so could be used as biosorbent to remove metal ions and justify the use of EPS for metal removal and protection of producing a microbial cell. The selectivity for metal binding sites of some EPS is being influenced by the level of acetylation [127]. In the presence of more than one metal, the process of metal binding to the cyanobacterial EPS can be non-interactive, synergistic, or competitive, depending on the metal ions and characteristics of the polysaccharide [128].

The binding of the metal ion to EPS which avoids entry of metals into the cell influences the metal homeostasis. The effect was explained by Pearson’s hard–soft acid base theory in which the biosorbent acts as a Lewis base and the metals act as a Lewis acid. The theory has classified the metal ions as class A (hard acids), class B (soft acids), or borderline, according to their affinity for different ligands [129, 130]. The electronegativity and radius of metal ion influence its affinity for the EPS-binding sites [131, 132].

The structural and compositional variations among EPSs from diverse microbial cells and aggregate biopolymers from planktonic cells, biofilms, activated sludge and biomass, and biogranules in metal biosorption and/or transformation are discussed by Pal and Paul [8] which in turn affect the EPS–metal interactions. Moreover, enzyme activities in EPS also help in the detoxification of heavy metals by transformation followed by precipitation in the polymer mass. In the case of aquatic microorganisms, bound EPSs chelate the metals and bind it to the cell surface [133]. The EPSs of aquatic microorganisms work as polyanions by forming a salt bridge with negatively charged carboxyl groups particularly EPSs containing uronic acid or electrostatic interactions with hydroxyl groups on neutral carbohydrates. The selectivity of EPSs to bind with specific metals does not have the obligation on the use of a type of macromolecule in metal binding as either proteins or nucleic acids or acidic amino acids or uronic acid may be involved in electrostatic interaction with cations [134]. Proteins rich in acidic amino acids, like aspartic and glutamic acids, are also responsible for the anionic properties of EPS [135] while the nucleic acids are polyanionic, as a result of the phosphate residues in the nucleotide moiety of EPS. Even uronic acids, acidic amino acids, and phosphate-containing nucleotides are probably involved in electrostatic interactions with multivalent cations [136]. Apart from this, the bacterial ability to transform metal into a less toxic form or dissolution of the mineral substrate also worked as a supportive mechanism.

In the case of microalgae, biosorption of metal ions is a biphasic process [137, 138]. The understanding of the metal binding mechanism will be useful for the development of a strategy for metal bioremediation. The first phase is adsorption by extracellular material, which is metabolism-independent and works in living as well as dead cells [76, 114, 115, 117, 139, 140]. While the second phase is absorption and accumulation inside the cell which is a slow process, composed of active transport, binding to proteins, and intracellular components. The second phase is metabolism-dependent and affected by temperature, energy sources, inhibitors, and uncouplers and hence occurs only in live cells [141]. However, high metal concentration and extreme pH are limiting factors for the use of live bacterial cells as a tool for bioremediation.

Potential Applications of EPS for Heavy Metal Bioremediation

There is a remarkable increase in the number of publications (research papers and reviews) dealing with the use of exopolysaccharide for heavy metal removal since the 1990s. [105]. It is accepted that naturally occurring biological methods are beneficial rather than the physicochemical techniques for remediation of lethal heavy metal ions. Exopolysaccharide-producing microbes are abundant in the environment with remarkable ability to take up and accumulate heavy metals from their surrounding environment.

At our laboratory at North Maharashtra University, India, we were involved in the screening of exopolysaccharide-producing isolates which were explored for heavy metal removal potential. The rhizospheric isolate was found effective for metal tolerance and biosorption of a number of heavy metals such as mercury, copper, cadmium, chromium, arsenic, silver, and lead (100 mg/L). The study for the representative metal, arsenic, is shown in Fig. 3. We also observed the morphological variation at the cell surface level under metal stress and confirmed that production of EPS was increased in metal stress conditions compared with untreated EPS production (unpublished).

Fig. 3
figure 3

EPS-producing isolate for heavy metal removal (at NMU laboratory)

The exopolysaccharide produced by Bacillus firmus was reported for the removal of copper, lead, and zinc from aqueous solutions [99] and Serratia sp. for cadmium removal [142]. EPS plays an important role in chromium (VI) tolerance and may also enhance chromium (VI) removal according to a study of Ozturk et al. [143].

Priester et al. [144] illustrated the increased level of extracellular carbohydrates, protein, DNA, and EPS sugars particularly N-acetylglucosamine, rhamnose, glucose, and mannose in Pseudomonas putida under chromium stress. Further, it was also confirmed that the cell lysis due to chromium toxicity is the reason for improved EPS production. In the cyanobacterial strain Synechocystis sp. BASO672 study, toxic chromium (VI) encouraged the microbial EPS production [143]. There were some reports on copper (II) and lead (II) adsorption by the EPS of cyanobacterial strains like Nostoc and Cyanospira [145] and Gloeocapsa gelatinosa [146], respectively.

When the EPS production by the mixed microorganisms in wastewater treatment systems from activated sludge was conducted to investigate the adsorption mechanism of EPS and its adsorption capacities on various heavy metals, subsequently it showed that more metals were removed by the EPS than by the activated sludge process despite the higher metal concentrations. This type of EPS contains large quantities of proteinaceous exoenzymes entrapped in the EPS matrix of the microorganisms in the activated sludge [11, 147]. These results suggested the feasibility of recovering EPS from waste sludge for use as adsorbent [148]. Bacteria of the genus Ochrobactrum have been reported to display metal biosorption properties through the production of exopolysaccharides which supports the mechanism of biosorption by secreted EPS [109]. Mokaddem et al. [149] projected the lead adsorption from aqueous solutions on agar beads with EPS produced from Paenibacillus polymyxa. Paenibacillus jamilae is able to use toxic olive-mill wastes as the fermentation substrate for EPS production which interacts with a number of heavy metals like lead, cadmium, cobalt, nickel, zinc, copper, and iron [150]. Thus, there is growing interest in EPS utilization for heavy metal removal. Some representative EPS producers with their metal binding potential are presented in Table 2.

Table 2 Representative EPS producer with metal binding ability

Challenges and Future Prospects

Microbial exopolysaccharide is a versatile biomaterial. EPS and EPS-producing microbial species particularly bacteria in live or dead form were greatly explored for bioremediation of heavy metal as a fast, competent, sensitive, and economic system. Biosorption with EPS is a complex phenomenon. Many scientist and groups worked on individual metal removal efficiency of EPS while some tried for the metal solution in combination. But in order to apply for the actual field conditions where varying heavy metals and its forms are present, a thorough study is needed to understand the specificity and selectivity of heavy metals by EPS. The ionic nature, charge, and size of metal ions are responsible for its binding with EPS. The electrostatic binding of metal with EPS needs to be understood in depth. The biosorption is a physical, metabolism-independent mechanism which is affected by the physicochemical conditions; hence, these parameters should be taken into consideration. The studies considering these factors will lead to screening of a specific EPS-producing metal accumulator.

The reuse of EPS necessitates desorption after every use which may limit its use for not many times, as the efficiency may decrease on each use. EPS is complex in nature and is made up of protein, carbohydrate, and various other components. The exact role of each component and the interaction among the components need to be investigated for the metal binding potential. In order to bring the potential of EPS into application at the field, the study from the laboratory level to large volumes of metal-contaminated areas needed upscaling. The mechanism of interaction of EPS and metal ions should be investigated with diverse microbial sources and types of EPS. In conclusion, microbial exopolysaccharide snatches the amazing dive on the way to become an economic, sustainable, and environment-friendly biomaterial for bioremediation of heavy metals.