
The world is facing a monumental crisis at this period of time. Increases in levels of greenhouse gases along with rapid depletion of fossil fuels have led the world to an eminent energy crisis. This has drawn the attention of different countries to search for alternate avenues of fuels—biofuels [1]. In recent times, studies on biomass-based biofuels have gained importance. Among them, algal biomass is gaining importance for production of biofuels as they are rich in lipids and carbohydrates [2]. Lipid-rich microalgae are suitable for biodiesel production because these organisms have a very minimal nutritional requirement, greatest photosynthetic efficiency, and faster growth rate as compared to plants [3]. Biodiesel yield from microalgae is a factor of biomass concentration as well as oil content of the cells [4, 5]. Lipid productivities in microalgae vary from about 1–85 % of the dry weight. The productivity values increase to values of 40 % or higher when the cells are subject to stress conditions. But, the commercialization of the biodiesel production process from microalgae is still a distant dream because of the high cost of cultivation incurred. This can be solved by developing an efficient process with optimized parameters for growth and lipid production [6].

Optimization of different physicochemical parameters could improve the biomass productivity as well as the biochemical content of the algal cells [7]. Media compositions have a profound effect on increasing the growth rates and productivities as well as content of other bioactive metabolites in the algal cell [8]. Different physicochemical parameters such as nitrate concentration, phosphate concentration, pH, temperature, light intensity, and CO2 concentration significantly affect the growth of microalgae in autotrophic conditions. Micronutrients required for the growth of microalgae highly influence the biomass productivities as because they are cofactors of various enzymatic reactions [9].

The conventional methods for optimization of physiochemical parameters involve the variation of a single parameter responsible for the process keeping all the other factors constant. This leads to a specific set of levels of the parameters which are then tested for maximization of the product thus making the process laborious and time taking [10]. Different statistical methods for process parameter optimization have been employed by several researchers for maximization of their product yield [11, 12]. The interaction between the dependent variables of different factors is not clearly stated by the traditional single-parameter optimization experiments [13]. The Box-Behnken design of experiment has been widely used for the process evaluation of algal growth and lipid productivity [1416]. Nitrate concentration plays a very important role in the growth of microorganisms. Nitrogen assimilated in the form of nitrate accounts for 7–10 % of the cell biomass. It is an essential component of all the structural and functional proteins found in algal cells, thereby having a profound effect on the biomass production by microalgae [33]. Phosphate concentrations play a major role in the growth and biomass production of microalgae. Phosphorus is accumulated in the form of orthophosphates and accounts for almost 1 % ca of the dry cell weight of microalgae in nutrient replete conditions [17]. It is an important component of the cell as it is required for different mechanisms of growth and metabolic processes of the cell [18]. Therefore, it is also a determining factor for the final biomass concentration of microalgae.

Algae as well as submersed angiosperms shows a decreased tendency of accumulating inorganic carbon when the CO2 concentrations have been increased from 1 to 5 % [19, 20]. This can be attributed to the fact that there is a decreased tendency of carbonic anhydrase to assimilate inorganic carbon at high CO2 concentrations [21]. Reports on formation of pyrenoids in algal cells [22, 23] and carboxysomes in cyanobacteria [24] were available when algal biomass was grown using different CO2 concentration. Electron microscopic studies reveal an electron dense envelope of chloroplasts in low-CO2 containing cells than high-CO2 containing cells. The reverse has been observed for the thickness of plasma membrane of Dunaliella tertiolecta [23]. Thus, it can be said that CO2 concentration has a profound effect on the biochemical composition of the cell.

The present study focuses on the increase in biomass concentration of Chlorella sp. MJ 11/11 by optimizing the media parameters. Multiple parameters viz. nitrate concentration, phosphate concentration, and initial pH were optimized by the Box-Behnken model, and surface response plots were generated using the MINITAB software [25, 26]. The optimized parameters were then validated for maximum biomass production. Effect of different CO2 concentrations on the growth and lipid productivities was also studied. The lipid and fatty acid content as well as the variations in fatty acid composition were also investigated by varying the CO2 concentration.

Materials and Methods

Microalgae and Culture Medium

The culture of Chlorella sp. MJ 11/11 was obtained from NCCUBGA, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi. The microalgae was grown in Tris Acetate Phosphate (TAP) medium whose composition is described below [27]. TAP media contained 2.42-g L−1 Tris base, 25-mL L−1 TAP salt stock solution (15.0 g L−1 NH4Cl, 4.0 g L−1 MgSO4 · 7H2O, 2.0 g L−1 CaCl2 · 2H2O, 0.375-mL L−1 PO4 stock solution (28.8 g per 100 mL K2HPO4, 14.4 g per 100 mL KH2PO4), 1-mL L−1 Hutner trace metals (21.6 g per 100 mL H2O EDTA: Titriplex II, 11 g per 50 mL H2O ZnSO4 · 7H2O, 5.7 g per 100 mL H2O H3BO3, 2.53 g per 25 mL H2O MnCl2 · 4H2O, 0.805 g per 25 mL H2O CoCl2 · 6H2O, 0.785 g per 25 mL H2O CuSO4 · 5H2O, 0.55 g per 25 mL H2O (NH4)6Mo7O24 · 4H2O, 2.495 g per 25 mL H2O FeSO4 · 7H2O), 1-mL L−1 vitamin stock solution (0.5 mg L−1 cyanocobalamin (B12), 100 mg L−1 thiamine HCl, 0.5 mg L−1 biotin), 1 mL L−1 glacial acetic acid. Glacial acetic acid was absent in TAP [-acetate] medium. Kumar et al. proposed a change in the composition of TAP [-acetate] medium by replacing NH4Cl with NaNO3 so as to counteract the pH drop during growth of microalgae in presence of CO2. This was called as modified TAP [-acetate] (mTAP [-acetate]) medium [28]. For the experimental studies, mTAP [-acetate] medium was used. The initial optimization studies were done with TAP medium where acetate is used as a carbon source; therefore, CO2 was not provided in those experiments. Once the optimized initial pH, nitrate, and phosphate concentrations were obtained, further studies were performed where CO2 was the sole carbon source.

Single-Parameter Optimization

From literature, it was found that biomass production depended on the nitrate concentration, phosphate concentration, and initial pH of the media [29]. Therefore, single-parameter experiments with different initial pH, nitrate, and phosphate concentrations were performed in 250-mL conical flasks with a working volume of 100 mL. The experiments were performed in a refrigerated illuminator shaker (INNOVA, New Brunswick, USA). The temperature and light intensity were adjusted to 30 °C and 100 μmol m−2 s−1, respectively.

Multiple Parameter Optimizations

For maximization of biomass production, the cumulative effect of three different factors viz. initial pH, nitrate concentration, and phosphate concentration was studied using multiple parameter optimizations. The variables so chosen were initial pH (X1), nitrate concentration (X2), and phosphate concentration (X3), and the corresponding response variable measured was biomass production (Y). A three-factor Box-Behnken design with 15 unique sets and a triplicate on the center point was used and coded, and actual levels of variables chosen for the statistical design of experiment are given in Table 1. The independent variables were coded according to the following equation:

Table 1 Coded and actual levels of variables chosen for the statistical design of experiment
$$ {x}_i=\frac{X_i-{X}_{i,mid}}{\varDelta {X}_i} $$

where xi represents the coded value of the ith independent variable, Xi represents the uncoded value of the ith independent variable, Xi,mid represents the uncoded value at the center point for the ith independent variable, and ΔXi represents the difference between any two consecutive point of the ith independent variable. Statistical software, MINITAB15, was used for modeling whereby the experimental data were fit into a second degree polynomial equation of the following form:

$$ Y={C}_1+{C}_2{X}_1+{C}_3{X}_2+{C}_4{X}_3+{C}_5{X}_1^2+{C}_6{X}_2^2+{C}_7{X}_3^2+{C}_8{X}_1{X}_2+{C}_9{X}_2{X}_3+{C}_{10}{X}_3{X}_1 $$

Response surface methodology (RSM) was used to determine the interactions between the variables. The MINITAB software generated 3D and contour plots which gave a graphical insight on the cumulative effect of the concerned variables. The resulting values for interacting were related to the output variable by Eq. (2) [11, 12].

Effect of CO2 Concentration on Biomass Yield and Lipid Content

The effect of different CO2 concentrations was studied on biomass productivity and lipid yields of Chlorella sp. MJ 11/11. The studies were performed in customized airlift photobioreactors which had an Ad/Ar ratio of 4.4 with a constant surface by volume (S/V) ratio of 0.57 cm−1. The inner draft tube had a diameter of 3 cm [26]. The working volume for the experiments in the photobioreactors was maintained at 1.4 L. A mixture of air-CO2 (v/v) was sparged inside the reactor with an air flow of 0.34 vvm. An assembly of rotameters was used for this purpose. The reactor was sparged with 0.03, 1, 2, 3, 5, and 10 % of air-CO2 mixture and was observed for 10 days. During the experiment, the temperature and light intensity were kept constant at 30 ± 2 °C and 100 μmol m−2 s−1, respectively.

Analytical Methods

Biomass Analysis

Algal growth in mTAP [-acetate] medium was obtained by measuring the optical density (OD) of sample on a daily basis at 681 nm using Double Beam UV–Visible spectrophotometer (Spectroscan UV 2600, Chemito). Dry cell weight of cells was determined by harvesting a known volume of algal culture by centrifugation at 6500 g for 10 min, and the pellets were washed twice with deionized water. The cell pellets were then dried at 60 °C for 24 h, and the final concentration was noted when the constant weight was observed [30].

Lipid Estimation

Total lipids were extracted from dried algal biomass using the procedure given by Bligh and Dyer [31]. The fatty acid profiles were analyzed by tranesterifying the obtained lipids with methanolic-HCl mixture at a temperature of 90 °C for 2 h [32]. The sample was analyzed using a gas chromatograph (Clarus 500, PerkinElmer) equipped with Omegawax 250 capillary column (30-m length, 0.25-μm film thickness, and 0.25-mm internal diameter, Sigma) and a flame ionization detector. The oven temperature was programmed from 50 to 240 °C at the rate of 4 °C min−1 and at the end held at 240 °C for 15 min. The carrier gas was nitrogen with the flow rate of 1 mL min−1. The chromatographic peaks were identified by comparing their retention times and fragmentation patterns with standards of fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) mixture (37mix, Supelco Inc., Bellefonte, PA)

Results and Discussion

Optimization of Biomass Production from Chlorella sp. MJ 11/11

TAP medium was chosen as the growth medium for Chlorella sp. MJ 11/11. Our comparative studies between BBM and TAP-acetate media showed higher biomass yield on using TAP-acetate (data not shown). This observation compelled us to use TAP-acetate media for further studies. The different parameters viz. initial pH, nitrate concentration, and phosphate concentration were optimized by single-parameter optimization in a batch process. The initial pH was varied in a range of 6–9 with an interval of 1 for the determination of optimal pH for maximum biomass. The nitrate and phosphate concentrations were kept constant at 0.375 g L−1 and 2.7 mM, respectively. The maximum biomass concentration of 0.8 g L−1 was observed at pH 7 with a decrease in biomass concentration at pH higher than 7 (Fig. 1). At lower pH, the biomass concentration of the microalgae decreased which ceased to grow at a pH below 6. Microalgae generally grow at a neutral or slightly alkaline pH. This is due to the fact that most of the enzymes associated with the growth of microalgae become inactive at lower pH [33]. The effect of nitrate concentration on the biomass production was also investigated. The microalgae was grown with different nitrate concentrations in a range of 0–0.75 g L−1 while the phosphate concentration and the optimized initial pH were kept constant at 2.7 mM and pH 7, respectively. The maximum biomass concentration of 0.89 g L−1 was observed at a nitrate concentration of 0.375 g L−1 (Fig. 1). As the nitrate concentration was increased, the biomass concentration also increased. A drop in biomass concentration was observed at lower nitrate levels. The results are in parity with Mallick et al. where a decrease in growth rates was observed with low nitrate concentration [34]. The phosphate concentration was also an important factor in determining the biomass concentration of the microalgae. The initial phosphate concentration was varied within a range of 0–5.4 mM. The maximum biomass concentration was observed at a phosphate concentration of 2.7 mM which corresponded to the value of 0.87 g L−1. The biomass concentration was observed to be comparatively lower at lower phosphate concentrations than higher concentrations (Fig. 1). The effect of nitrate and phosphate on growth was supported by Ryan et al., Frink and Machlis, and Sikka and Pramer [35].

Fig. 1
figure 1

Effect of different physicochemical parameters like initial pH, nitrate concentration and phosphate concentration on biomass concentration in a batch system

Maximization of Biomass Production by Multiparameter Optimization

The optimized process parameters obtained from single-parameter optimization helped in designing experiment for multiparameter optimization by a three-factor Box-Behnken design. Effect on biomass production by significant independent variables (initial pH, nitrate concentration, and phosphate concentration) was explored using Box-Behnken design.

Table 2 represents the design of matrix and experimental results. Fifteen unique sets of experiments and a triplicate on the center point were performed. Initial pH was varied from 6 to 8 in steps of 1 pH unit, nitrate concentration was varied from 0.187 to 0.5625 g L−1 in steps of 0.187 g L−1, and phosphate concentration was varied from 1.35 to 5.4 mM in steps of 2.7 mM and biomass production was observed. The above values were considered using single-parameter optimization.

Table 2 Design matrix and results of a three-factor Box-Behnken design

The theoretical model generated upon training the experimental data is as follows:

$$ \begin{array}{l}Y=-10.0190+2.5703{X}_1+5.8019{X}_2+0.6802{X}_3-0.1713{X}_1^2-5.9358{X}_2^2\\ {}-0.0565{X}_3^2-0.0746{X}_1{X}_2-0.0379{X}_2{X}_3-0.1734{X}_3{X}_1\end{array} $$

Regression analysis gave an R 2 value of 0.94 indicating that the model fails to explain less than 6 % of the variations observed. ANOVA for the response variable revealed 9 degrees of freedom and 5 error degrees of freedom. Fischer variance ratio (F) was found to be 32.50 which is greater than F0.05, 9.5 = 4.772 (significance level α = 0.05) which indicates that the data obtained is highly significant.

Using the Minitab software, the response surface curves described by the regression model were constructed (Fig. 2). In these figures, each response surface plot represents the effect of two independent variables on biomass production.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Response surface and contour plots on biomass production with respect to the effect of different process parameters and their mutual interactions: (a) and (d) Nitrate concentration vs phosphate concentration; (b) and (e) pH and phosphate concentration and (c) and (f) pH vs nitrate concentration

The response curve of nitrate and phosphate concentration on biomass production is shown in Fig. 2a. It shows that there was an increase in biomass production when both nitrate and phosphate concentrations were increased. This can be attributed to the fact that higher nitrate and phosphate concentrations in the medium account for more availability of organic nitrogen and phosphorus. The higher amount of nitrogen and phosphorus leads to increase in biomass production as because the essentials for growth of microalgae are in abundance. The cell machinery is at its peak, and thus, more biomass is produced. This could be an indication that the microalgae could be grown in wastewater containing high amounts of nitrate and phosphate which could in turn lead to bioremediation. But, at very high phosphate concentrations beyond 4 mM, the biomass concentration decreased significantly indicating the negative effect of high phosphate concentrations on biomass production [36]. The contour plot (Fig. 2d) confirmed the synergistic effect of nitrate and phosphate concentrations on the growth of microalgae. A significant interaction was shown by the contour plot suggesting the importance of nitrate and phosphate concentration.

Result obtained in Fig. 2b shows the response curve with respect to phosphate concentration and initial pH on biomass production. A significant increase in biomass production had been achieved by increasing the phosphate concentration from 1 to 4 mM, but a drastic fall in biomass concentration was observed when the phosphate concentrations was increased to higher values. But, an increase in initial pH did increase the biomass concentration which remained almost constant from neutral to alkaline pH. This suggested the stability of different metabolic enzymes of microalgae in neutral or alkaline pH range which may be the cause of higher biomass concentration at neutral pH. Figure 2e shows the interaction between pH and phosphate concentration. Phosphate is assimilated by algae as orthophosphate. This being a strong base, orthophosphate is available to microalgae at neutral and alkaline pH. Thus, the growth is significantly affected at higher pH with higher levels of phosphate.

The response surface plot based on independent variables, i.e., initial pH and nitrate concentration on biomass production, is shown in Fig. 2c. A significant increase in biomass production could be achieved by increasing nitrate concentration from 0.187 to 0.5625 g L−1 which remained almost constant at higher nitrate concentrations. This suggested that nitrate concentration is a very important factor for the biomass production in the organism. It also suggested that an increase in the nitrate concentration from the specified end limit of nitrogen concentration could increase the biomass production that provided other parameters that remain constant. This observation could be of use as because the organism could be grown on wastewater containing high amount of dissolved nitrogen and it could easily thrive in those environments. An increase in initial pH from 6 to 7 increased the biomass concentration to a significant level which decreased when the pH increased above 8. This suggests that the maximum rate of photosynthesis at neutral or slightly alkaline pH for microalgae might correspond to higher activity of metabolic enzymes. The parameters showed a nonsignificant interaction as suggested by the contour plot (Fig. 2f). Similar results for biomass concentration under various levels of nitrate and phosphate were observed by Fan et al.. They observed marked increases in the total lipid content under nitrogen deficiency with a reduction of biomass concentration. The different enzymes involved in the de novo fatty acid biosynthesis might be regulating the lipid content in the microalgae. This could be used as a platform for genetic modification of the microalgae for enhanced biofuel production [37].

Thus, optimized value of process parameters, i.e., initial pH, nitrate concentration, and phosphate concentration, came out to be pH 7, 0.375 g L−1, and 2.7 mM, respectively, with maximum biomass concentration of 0.89 g L−1. The mathematical model given by Eq. (3) gave the maximum point of the model at 1.266 g L−1 corresponding to nitrate concentration of 0.399 g L−1, phosphate concentration of 3.027 mM, and pH 7.07. Thus, the theoretical value came concurrent with the experimental values. Biomass production increased by 22 % as compared to single-parameter optimization. The cumulative effect of process parameters, i.e., initial pH, nitrate concentration, and phosphate concentration, in multiparameter optimization gave an increased biomass yield as compared to single-parameter optimization.

Effect of CO2 Concentration on Biomass Production

The effect of CO2 concentrations on the biomass production was observed with the optimal culture conditions. The experiments were performed in a customized airlift reactor. The optimal values of media components were used for the studies. Kumar et al. suggested the change in media composition by changing the nitrate source from NH4Cl to NaNO3 because he had observed a certain drop in pH when the media was sparged with a mixture of air-CO2 (v/v) [28]. Therefore, the media components were varied accordingly, and the initial experiments were performed with NaNO3 as a nitrogen source in place of NH4Cl. Using the optimized values for media components, the organism was grown in presence of air, 1, 2, 3, 5, and 10 % air-CO2 mixtures (v/v). As shown in Fig. 3a, the maximum biomass of 4.0 g L−1 was obtained at 5 % air-CO2 mixture (v/v). Net-specific growth rate in mTAP [-acetate] medium were 0.84, 1.13, 1.45, 1.26, 1.1 day−1 at air, 2, 5, 8, 10 % air-CO2 gas mixture (v/v), respectively, while the maximum biomass concentration corresponded to 1.8, 2.2, 2.8, 3.3, 4.0, and 2.2 g L−1. The microalgae was also grown under high CO2 concentrations, but it yielded lower biomass yields whose data was not shown here. This also suggested that the microorganism could grow at very high CO2 concentrations which in turn could help in biological sequestration of CO2. CO2 mitigation by microalgae can be combined with biofuel production strategies for increasing the yield of the product. Different factors determine the CO2 mitigation by microalgae. One of the major factors includes the photobioreactor configuration and its mixing characteristics. Studies by Fan et al. 2008 reiterated the fact that efficient mixing strategy and bioreactor configuration may be utilized for higher biomass concentration. In addition to this, other factors such as initial pH of the medium and temperature also influence the CO2 sequestration capacity of the microalgae. Process parameters need to be optimized for high rate algal biomass production with efficient biomitigation of CO2 [38].

Fig. 3
figure 3

(a) Cell growth and (b) pH profiles of Chlorella sp. MJ 11/11 in modified TAP [-acetate] medium using different air–CO2 (v/v) gas mixture

The pH profile was observed during the growth. It was observed that as soon as the medium is sparged with air, the pH increases from an initial of 6.5 to a pH of around 8.4. A higher CO2 concentration enables the carboxylase activity of ribulose-1, 5 bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBisCo) thereby enhancing the carbon capturing mechanism of microalgae. But, at lower concentrations of CO2, RuBisCo shifts toward oxygenase activity thereby lowering the carbon capture [39].

Effect of CO2 Concentration on Lipid Yield and Fatty Acid Composition

The effect of CO2 concentration was studied on the lipid yield and fatty acid composition of Chlorella sp. MJ 11/11 (Fig. 4). The biomass obtained at different CO2 concentrations was air-dried and were subjected to lipid extraction. The maximum lipid content was observed with the 2 % air-CO2 mixture (v/v) sparged sample which corresponded to a value of 24.2 % lipids (w/v). The lipid content of the cells grown in air, 1, 2, 3, 5, and 10 % air-CO2 mixture (v/v) was 19.13, 24.6, 10.53, 7.19, 5.6, and 4.8 % (w/v), respectively. It was observed that with an increase in CO2 concentration, the lipid content of the cells decreased rapidly. The improvement in lipid productivity might be attributed to the fact that the bicarbonates obtained due to externally supplemented CO2 may have played a role in carbon metabolism of the algal cells leading to carbohydrate accumulation. The presence of CO2 for microalgae growth might lead to the storage of lipids under stress microenvironment. Given the stress conditions, the algal cells divert their total lipids into forming neutral lipids rather than forming phospholipids for membrane function and growth [40]. The biomass concentration was higher at higher CO2 concentrations but with lower lipid yields. On the other hand, lower CO2 concentrations corresponded to higher lipid levels in the algal cells lending them a good candidate for biodiesel production. Thus, a compromise is to be reached in order to have a high rate algal biomass production which could be utilized for biodiesel production.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Lipid yields and maximum biomass concentrations in different air–CO (v/v) gas mixture

The fatty acid composition was also studied in different CO2 levels (Table 3). Major fatty acids in Chlorella sp. MJ 11/11 were palmitic (16:0), palmitoleic (16:1), and oleic (18:1) acids. Myristic (14:0), hexadecadienoic (16:2), stearic (18:0), linoleic (18:2), and arachidic (20:0) acids were also found as minor components (Table 3). An increase in the concentration of unsaturated fatty acids was observed with increased CO2 levels. The results are confirmed by H Zheng et al. [41]. The level of unsaturated fatty acids determines the quality of the biodiesel produced. Biodiesel with high levels of saturated fatty acids has a very good oxidative stability. The fatty acids obtained had a carbon chain length of C14–C22. This range of carbon chain length has been reported to be suitable for biodiesel production [42]. In Table 4, a comparison regarding various biomass and lipid yields reported in literature using microalgae was done. In the present study, a yield of 4.0-g L−1 biomass has been found to be comparable with the earlier study done with Chlorella vulgaris under mixotrophic growth conditions. The lipid yield of 34 % (w/w) was higher as compared to the present study possibly due to the mixotrophic mode of growth [45].

Table 3 Fatty acid compositions of Chlorella sp. MJ 11/11 under different CO2 concentrations
Table 4 Comparative study on biomass and lipid yield in different microalgae


Physicochemical parameters for growth of Chlorella sp. MJ 11/11 were optimized. A statistical method was employed for multiparameter optimization for improvement of biomass production. Box-Behnken design was adopted to screen the key process parameters and identify optimal values that contribute maximum biomass production. The results suggested that the statistical experimental design is an effective tool for optimization of process parameters on biomass production. Experimental results show that initial pH, nitrate concentration, and phosphate concentration had significant influence on biomass production. Under optimized conditions, an increase in biomass concentration was observed. This was enhanced when the organism was grown on 5 % air-CO2 mixture (v/v). The lipid yields at different air-CO2 mixtures (v/v) were also studied with a maximum lipid yield with 2 % air-CO2 mixture (v/v). The fatty acid compositions suggested that Chlorella sp. MJ 11/11 could be a feedstock for high-quality biodiesel production.