
Life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) evaluates the impact of a product or process from “cradle to grave”—from the extraction of the natural resources used to make the product to its disposal. A product or process usually generates particulate matter (PM) air pollution, either through the vehicular transport of the product or through the use of electricity from fossil-fueled power plants in the manufacture or use of the product. PM is classified as “primary” when it is emitted directly and “secondary” when it forms in the atmosphere due to secondary chemical reactions between other airborne substances. Whether primary or secondary, an accurate characterization factor for PM, defined as the disability-adjusted life years (DALY, or years of healthy life lost) per kilogram of particulate emitted, is critical to the analysis of health impacts in LCIAs.

Long-term epidemiologic cohort studies examining the association between PM and mortality in the US provide effect estimates preferable to those derived from animal studies for use in calculating a PM characterization factor. Many such studies, including the Harvard Six Cities Study (Laden et al. 2006) and the American Cancer Society Study of Particulate Air Pollution and Mortality (Pope et al. 2002), found increased mortality with increasing concentrations of PM (Hoek et al. 2013). These two studies in particular have informed the US Environmental Protection Agency’s National Ambient Air Quality Standards for PM, which are intended to protect population health.

In the specific LCIA context, Hofstetter (1998) provided an initial set of characterization factors for the primary and secondary PM impacts per kilogram emitted, in terms of DALY. The definition of a characterization factor was further formalized as the product of an intake fraction (Jolliet et al. 2003) multiplied by an effect factor that consists of a dose-response and severity factor, enabling the comparison of PM impacts with other organic and inorganic pollutants. Van Zelm et al. (2008) updated this framework, calculating a particulate characterization factor using results from epidemiologic studies of PM less than 10 μm in aerodynamic diameter (PM10)-associated health effects, some conducted in the US (Dockery et al. 1993; Pope et al. 1995), in conjunction with models of particulate exposure and demographic data from Europe.

Although that study significantly improved the quality of characterization factors used in LCIA, we have developed a new approach addressing three issues related to the key inputs to the characterization factor: the dose-response and severity factor (which together are basis of the effect factor), and the intake fraction. These three issues are:

  1. 1.

    Van Zelm et al.’s use of local European background mortality was not necessarily consistent with the US population background mortality from which the dose-responses were derived.

  2. 2.

    A new effect factor (the product of dose-response and severity factor) can be calculated using alternative methods of calculating the severity factor (DALY/death) that draw on the revised 2010 Global Burden of Disease Study (GBD) disease-specific DALY.

  3. 3.

    A set of new intake fractions, accounting for both the emissions source height and the “archetypal” emissions environment (urban, rural, or remote locations) and covering both primary and secondary particulates, calculated by Humbert et al. (2011), are now available.

This paper addresses these issues by developing updated components to the characterization factor, calculating a new characterization factor for PM, and assessing its performance, through the following five objectives:

  1. 1.

    Determine new PM2.5 dose-response factors (deaths/kg PM2.5 inhaled) by using age- and cause-of-death-specific results from Reanalysis of the American Cancer Society Study of Particulate Air Pollution and Mortality (the ACS Study (Pope et al. 2002)) and PM2.5 concentrations in 63 US Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas (SMSAs). Calculate the dose-response factors in terms of PM2.5 (as opposed to PM10), which is the fraction of PM10 with sufficient evidence to support a likely causal relationship with health endpoints (Humbert et al. 2011; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 2010).

  2. 2.

    Calculate new severity factors based on 2010 GBD disease-specific DALY and total effect factors for PM-related effects, in term of years of life lost (YLL) and DALY.

  3. 3.

    Combine the new dose-response and severity factors with the new intake fractions (Humbert et al. 2011) to calculate and recommend PM2.5 characterization factors that can be used for LCIA in different world regions.

  4. 4.

    Calculate the overall burden of disease attributable to PM in the US based on (a) ambient levels of PM2.5 and (b) emissions of primary and secondary PM2.5 using the revised intake fraction, and compare the results from these two methods to assess the new characterization factors.

  5. 5.

    Compare our estimate of the US burden of disease associated with PM to other estimates in the literature.

Materials and methods

Figure 1 provides an outline of our methods for estimating a characterization factor as well as the burden of disease for PM2.5 both within and outside the LCIA framework. We first used the intake fractions (kginhaled/kgemitted) estimated by Humbert et al. (2011) to assess exposures. Building on those fractions, we then estimated dose-response factors (cases/kginhaled) and severity factors (DALY/case), and multiplied these two quantities to estimate an age-adjusted effect factor (DALY/kginhaled). Next, we multiplied the effect factor with intake fractions to estimate the characterization factor (DALY/kgemitted). Finally, we estimated a US PM2.5 burden of disease based on these characterization factors and compared it to a PM2.5 disease burden based on directly monitored PM2.5 levels. The details of this process are provided below, and further details and derivations of the methods are provided in Appendix A.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Processes for estimating (1) a characterization factor (CF), (2) burden of disease based on observed air concentrations, and (3) burden of disease based on emissions for PM2.5

Concentration- and dose-response factors

We calculated concentration–response factors (CRF, PM2.5-associated annual mortality rate per μg/m3 PM2.5 inhaled) for mortality, for each age group and cause of death (cardiopulmonary disease, lung cancer, and all causes), as the population-weighted average of the CRF in each metropolitan area i:

$$ \mathrm{CRF}=\left(\mathrm{RR}-1\right){\displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^{63\;\mathrm{SMSAs}}\left[\frac{{\mathrm{MR}}_{\mathrm{total}, i}}{\left(\mathrm{RR}-1\right){\mathrm{C}}_i+1}\cdot \frac{{\mathrm{POP}}_i}{{\displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^{63\;\mathrm{SMSAs}}{\mathrm{POP}}_i}}\right]} $$

where MRtotal,i is the annual mortality rate for metropolitan area i in deaths/person/year, POP i is the population size of metropolitan area i in persons, C i is the PM2.5 concentration in area i_ENREF_11, and RR is the increased risk of mortality per unit increase in C i . We obtained RRs for four age groups (30 years and older, 30–59, 60–69, and 70 and older) (Appendix B Table 4) from the ACS Study (Pope et al. 2002). The ACS Study estimated the increased risk of death among adults 30 years of age and older due to all causes, cardiopulmonary diseases, and lung cancer associated with levels of ambient PM2.5 in cities across the USA. We based our final characterization factor on the cardiopulmonary and lung cancer mortality results, rather than the all-cause results, because of their plausibility of association with PM2.5, although we considered estimates using the all-causes RRs as well.

RRs are not very “portable” or generalizable from one population to another (Steenland and Armstrong 2006). Therefore, to provide the best estimate for our CRF, we used age-specific mortality rates from a population similar to that of the ACS study—a white, US population from the same time period as the ACS study (Intercensal Population Estimates by Age, Sex, and Race: 1980–1989 2009; National Center for Health Statistics 2010). Average PM2.5 concentrations for 63 SMSAs from 1979 to 1983 were obtained from Appendix D of Part II of the ACS Study (Krewski et al. 2000). It is important to note that several other cohort studies relate mortality to PM2.5 (Hoek et al. 2013). We chose to use the ACS study because of its large sample size, its broad distribution of cities across the USA, rigorous control for multiple confounders, and the availability of mortality rate and exposure data consistent with the study. Furthermore, in a meta-analysis of long-term air pollution exposure and cardiopulmonary mortality studies, the weighted mean of the RRs in the meta-analyses were similar to those of the individual ACS study RRs (Hoek et al. 2013), further validating our choice to use the ACS study RRs rather than RRs pooled across studies.

The dose-response factor (PM2.5-associated deaths per kilogram of PM2.5 inhaled) was then calculated as the CRF divided by the IH, where IH was the annual inhalation rate of an average individual, which was estimated at 4,745 m3/person (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1997).

Severity factors and effect factors

Severity factors relate the cases of death attributed to PM, determined by the above-described dose-response, to the corresponding number of disability-adjusted life years (DALY) (Murray and Lopez 1996) and are expressed in terms of DALY/death. The severity factors for cardiopulmonary and lung cancer deaths were calculated from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010, for the high-income North America region (Global Burden of Disease Collaborators 2013). We determined DALY/death and YLL/death based on the simplifying assumption that, e.g., the ratio of DALY/death for all causes (not just PM2.5) of cardiopulmonary mortality is equivalent to the ratio of DALY/death for PM2.5-associated cardiopulmonary mortality (Steenland and Armstrong 2006). For the all-cause severity factors, we used cardiopulmonary and lung cancer outcomes, assuming that these causes would more accurately reflect the severity of PM-associated disease.

Effect factors were then calculated within each age group as the product of the dose-response factors and the severity factors. The overall effect factor for 30 years and older was calculated as the population-weighted mean of the age-specific factors (assuming an effect factor of 0 for ages 0–29) using either the US population as weights or the WHO World Standard Population for 2000–2025 ( As a sensitivity analysis, these effect factors were compared to the effect factors we calculated using available dose-response relationships in the literature for specific morbidity outcomes associated with PM, although we were skeptical of the breadth and quality of these available dose-response relationships (see Appendix C for further discussion).

Characterization factors—impact per kilogram emitted

Intake fractions from Table 3 in Humbert et al. (2011) were combined with the newly calculated dose-response factor and severity factors (described in Sections 2.1 and 2.2) to calculate updated characterization factors for primary and secondary PM2.5. The uncertainty around our characterization factors was then estimated as follows. Assuming uncertainties in intake fraction, dose-response, and severity factors were uncorrelated and assuming characterization factors have a log-normal distribution, the square of the geometric standard deviation (GSD2) of the characterization factor was estimated as:

$$ {\mathrm{GSD}}_{\mathrm{CF}}^2= \exp \sqrt{{\left( \ln {\mathrm{GSD}}_{\mathrm{iF}}^2\right)}^2+{\left( \ln {\mathrm{GSD}}_{\mathrm{DR}}^2\right)}^2+{\left( \ln {\mathrm{GSD}}_{\mathrm{SF}}^2\right)}^2} $$

Our 95 % confidence intervals around our point estimates were then (estimate/GSD2, estimate · GSD2), and our 90 % confidence intervals were (estimate/GSD1.6, estimate · GSD1.6).

Burden of disease—impact per year

Estimate using ambient concentrations

The county-specific PM2.5 concentrations were obtained from the EPA’s BenMAP 3.0 (Abt Associates Inc. 2008), and average annual population data for each county and age group (years 2005–2009) were obtained from the American Community Survey (U.S. Census Bureau 2010).

We calculated the burden of disease (DALY/year) in 2005 as the product of the concentration response factor (CRF, Eq. 1), the severity factor (SF), the population (POP), and the PM2.5 concentration (C), summed over each combination of cause of death (d), county (i), and age group (a).

$$ {B}_{\mathrm{disease}}={\displaystyle \sum_{d=1}^{\mathrm{cods}}{\displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^{\mathrm{counties}}{\displaystyle \sum_{a=1}^{\mathrm{ages}}{\mathrm{C}\mathrm{RF}}_{d a}\times {\mathrm{SF}}_{d a}\times {\mathrm{POP}}_{a i}\times {\mathrm{C}}_i}}} $$

This method differs from previous burden-of-disease estimates in that a constant baseline mortality rate is assumed in each county (for each age group and cause of death). An absolute increase in disease burden is then calculated using a concentration–response factor and population counts rather than multiplying the total mortality rate in that county by the attributable fraction. We therefore avoid misestimating the burden of disease as can occur when an attributable fraction is multiplied by a mortality rate that may be substantially elevated or diminished for reasons other than ambient particulate exposure, e.g., smoking. For comparison, we also estimated the burden of disease using an attributable fraction instead of a CRF:

$$ {B}_{\mathrm{disease}}={\displaystyle \sum_{d=1}^{\mathrm{cods}}{\displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^{\mathrm{counties}}{\displaystyle \sum_{a=1}^{\mathrm{ages}}\left(1-\frac{1}{e^{\mathit{\ln}\left({\mathrm{RR}}_{a d}\right)\cdot {\mathrm{C}}_i}}\right)\cdot {\mathrm{MR}}_{a id}\cdot {\mathrm{POP}}_{i a}}}} $$

where MR was the annual mortality rate based on 1980–1988 mortality and POP was the annual population from 2005 to 2009.

Estimate using emissions inventory

We obtained county-specific emissions of primary PM2.5, SO2, NOx, and NH3 from the EPA’s 2005 National Emissions Inventory (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 2005). US-specific characterization factors were then calculated using intake fractions from Table S1 and equations S11–S16 in Humbert et al. (2011).

In LCIA, where ambient pollutant concentrations resulting from a specific product or process are usually not known, the impact or total burden can be calculated by multiplying the characterization factor and the emission mass due to a functional unit of this product over its life cycle. Likewise, using characterization factors, the overall national burden of disease from PM due to all products and processes can be calculated by multiplying the emissions by the effect factor and the intake fraction (the characterization factor: iF · EF), and summing over each combination of county (i), pollutant (j), and stack height (h).

$$ {B}_{\mathrm{disease}}={\displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^{\mathrm{counties}}{\displaystyle \sum_{j=1}^{\mathrm{pollutants}}{\displaystyle \sum_{h=1}^{\mathrm{stack}\;\mathrm{heights}}\left[\mathrm{i}{\mathrm{F}}_{h j}\cdot \mathrm{E}{\mathrm{F}}_i\cdot {\mathrm{M}}_{\mathrm{emitted}\kern0.5em hji}\right]}}} $$

where M emitted hji is the yearly mass of pollutant j emitted from stack height h in county i (kgemitted year−1). For this calculation, an effect factor weighted by the US population in each age group was generated for each county.

The emission-based burden of disease of Eq. 5 can be directly compared to the concentration-based burden of disease of Eq. 3 to test its validity. Because we used identical effect factors (DALY per kg PM2.5 inhaled) for each county, this method essentially compares the intake (kg PM2.5 inhaled) calculated using emissions to the intake calculated using ambient concentrations.


PM2.5 dose-response factor

The population-weighted average of PM2.5 concentration across the 63 SMSAs was 21.2 μg/m3 (Table 1). Age-adjusted cardiopulmonary and lung cancer mortality rates ranged widely across SMSAs, from 580 to 870 deaths per 100,000 population. The mean age-adjusted attributable fraction for PM2.5 ranged between 6.6 and 19 % for cardiopulmonary causes of mortality, with an average of 12 % among individuals aged 30 years and older. The attributable fraction was as high as 23 % for lung cancer mortality in the 60–69 age group (Appendix B Table 5), with an average of 8.6 % for 30 years and older (Table 1).

Table 1 Characterization factor inputs: means and ranges (minimum, maximum) for PM2.5 concentration; total, non-PM, and PM2.5-attributable mortality rates; attributable fractions; concentration–response factors; dose–response factors; severity factors and effect factors standardized to the World Health Organization (WHO) World Standard Population

We estimated a combined dose-response factor of 4.2 deaths per kg PM2.5 inhaled for cardiopulmonary and lung cancer mortality and an equivalent concentration-response factor of 2.0 deaths per 100,000 population per μg/m3 PM2.5 inhaled (Table 1). The concentration-response factor may be used when ambient concentrations are known.

PM2.5 severity factors and total effect factors

For cardiopulmonary and lung cancer, the severity factor of 19 DALY is dominated by YLL as opposed to YLDs which account for only four additional DALY (Table 1).

Our default factor for LCIA of 78 DALY per kg PM2.5 inhaled (Table 1), based on the total WHO World Standard Population, is lower than our US-specific effect factor (110 DALY per kg PM2.5 inhaled) due to the fact that the WHO standard population is younger than the US population. Our WHO-population effect factor based on the RR for all-cause mortality is higher (110 DALY per kg PM2.5 inhaled).

Combining effect and intake factors to determine characterization factors

Table 2 combines the effect factor of 78 DALY per kg PM2.5 inhaled with the set of default intake fractions provided for various conditions by Humbert et al. (2011). Most life cycle inventories and LCIAs are still performed without knowledge of the source type and location of PM emissions. In these cases, a default, emission-weighted average characterization factor of 1.2E−03 DALY/kg primary PM2.5 emitted would be used (gray cells in Table 3). When the type of emission source and its location are known for foreground processes (i.e., the processes directly evaluated in the LCIA), the characterization factor for the respective source and location should be used.

Table 2 Characterization factors for primary PM2.5 and secondary PM2.5 (precursor pollutants are SO2, NOx, and NH3) for the World Health Organization World Standard Population based on the cardiopulmonary and lung cancer effect factor
Table 3 Comparison of US PM burden of disease estimates

The uncertainty around our characterization factor estimates was great. The GSD2 of the emission-weighted intake fraction has been evaluated to be 5.3 (Humbert et al. 2011). Given that the majority of the uncertainty in the dose response factor is due to the (RR – 1) term in the numerator, the GSD2 of the dose response factor was roughly estimated as 2.2 based on RR point estimates as low as 1.03 and as high as 1.13 per 10 μg/m3 increase in PM2.5 for all causes of mortality in sensitivity analyses of the ACS Study conducted by Krewski et al. (2009). The GSD2 of the severity factor was qualitatively estimated as 1.4 given de Hollander et al.’s earlier estimate of 10 DALY per death (de Hollander et al. 1999) compared to our estimate of 19 DALY per death. According to Eq. 2, the world primary PM2.5 emissions-weighted characterization factor of 1.2E−03 therefore has a GSD2 of 6.5 and a 95 % CI of (1.8E−04, 7.6E−3).

Contribution of PM2.5 to annual US burden of disease

Human health damage based on annual US ambient PM concentrations

Comparison with Global Burden of Disease US estimates and EPA estimates

We estimated a PM burden of disease for the entire US in 2005 of 130,000 deaths and 2 million DALY, without considering any minimum threshold concentration, and we compared our burden of disease estimates to those of the GBD and the US EPA for two different minimum thresholds of PM2.5 (Table 3). We used methods similar to those used by the US EPA in estimating the US burden of disease—RRs from the ACS Study and county-level air quality inputs. When using attributable fractions (as the EPA did) in conjunction with background mortality from an earlier time period (1982–1988), we estimated a higher burden of disease of 150,000 deaths compared to the 110,000 annual deaths estimated by the EPA. Estimates based on cardiopulmonary and lung cancer mortality were almost identical to estimates based on all-cause mortality. When we used our age-specific concentration-response functions instead of attributable fractions, our estimate dropped to 130,000 deaths annually.

Above a background concentration of 4 μg/m3, our estimates of 52,000 deaths and 960,000 DALY, adjusted to the World Health Organization Standard Population, were much lower than the Global Burden of Disease US estimates of 103,000 deaths and 1,800,000 DALY.

Comparison of our estimate of PM2.5 effects on life expectancy to Pope et al.(2009)

Based on a regression of national mortality statistics and PM concentrations for 51 US metropolitan areas, Pope et al. (2009) have estimated the increase in life expectancy for each 10 μg/m3 decrease in PM2.5 to be 0.61 (95 % CI, 0.22–1.0)  years. For adults over 30 years of age, we estimated 0.00037 deaths (all-cause) per person per 10 μg/m3 inhaled per year (concentration-response factor adjusted to the US 2000 population) and a severity factor of 17 YLL per death (Table 1). Multiplying these two factors by a healthy life expectancy of an additional 52 years after age 30 per person (Mathers et al. 2006b), we estimate an increase in life expectancy of 0.33 years per person for each 10 μg/m3 decrease in PM2.5. Our result falls within Pope et al.’s 95 % confidence interval.

Human health damage based on annual US primary and secondary pollutant emissions and characterization factors

Using 2005 US emissions and urban and rural characterization factors, we estimated the annual intake of PM2.5 as 38,000 kg PM2.5, which was 2.2 times higher than the estimate based on actual ambient concentrations. Figure 2 plots the logarithm of the PM2.5 intake estimated using ambient concentrations vs. the intake estimated using the emissions inventories and characterization factors in order to examine the concordance between the intake and burden of disease calculations by county. We would not expect the two values to match for each county because the “emissions” intake is based on the intake due to the county emissions without regard to the location of the affected population (not just the population within that county). The S-shaped scatterplot reflects this, where the emissions-based intake is lower than the ambient concentration-based intake in counties with low emissions and higher than the ambient concentration based intake in counties with high emissions. Nevertheless, the two estimates are within a factor of 10 for 91 % of the counties, with closer agreement among the counties with a population density less than the median of 15 persons per km2 (for the log-transformed values, t = −24, p < 0.0001).

Fig. 2
figure 2

Intake of PM2.5 (kg) based on emissions vs. intake based on ambient concentrations for each county plotted on a log scale to visualize the associations in the counties with lower burdens. The solid line is the 1:1 line, and the dotted lines are 10:1 lines


We present here an updated methodology to characterize the disease burden associated with particulate air pollution exposure for application in LCIA that addresses several issues in previous work. The newly calculated characterization factors are based on age- and cause-of-death-specific data and are based on the US population background mortality from which the PM2.5 dose-responses were derived as well as the revised disease-specific severity factors from the 2010 GBD. By combining our updated effect factors with the new intake fractions of Humbert et al. (2011), we calculated revised impact per kilogram of primary and secondary particulate emitted for a default region as well as for specific world regions. Below, we compare our dose-response factor, effect factor, severity factor, and characterization factor calculations as well as our burden of disease calculations to previous calculations.

Assuming that PM2.5 is approximately 1.67 times more toxic than PM10 (European Commission 2005), our dose-response factor is 27 % lower than the PM dose-response factor calculated by Van Zelm et al. (2008) who estimated a dose-response factor of 5.76 deaths per kg PM10 inhaled (Appendix C Table 8). Consequently, in term of YLL, the estimate of 64 YLL per kg PM2.5 inhaled we obtained is also 33 % lower than the 96 YLL due to PM2.5, obtained by Van Zelm et al. (2008). However, our estimate of morbidity due to PM2.5 of 14 YLDs per kg PM2.5 inhaled (Table 1) is much higher than that estimated by Van Zelm et al. of 0.055 YLDs per kg PM2.5 inhaled (Appendix C Table 8). Therefore, our resulting effect factor of 78 DALY per kg PM2.5 inhaled is only 19 % lower than the Van Zelm et al. effect factor of 96 DALY per kg PM2.5 inhaled (after converting from PM10 to PM2.5, Appendix C Table 8).

Our severity factors are higher than a previous estimate by De Hollander et al., who calculated the environmental burden of disease in the Netherlands and estimated weight factors for various causes of morbidity attributed to PM (de Hollander et al. 1999). De Hollander et al. estimated 10.1 YLL per death. The YLL severity factor in the present study is higher (15 YLL/death). The additional 5 YLDs/death in the present DALY severity factor represent morbidity due to cardiopulmonary diseases including chronic bronchitis, which accounts for 37 % of the cardiopulmonary YLDs in the high income North America region (Global Burden of Disease Collaborators 2013). Nevertheless, our severity factor remains dominated by death, yielding an overall factor of 19 DALY per death due to PM2.5.

For primary PM2.5, our characterization factor of 1.2E−03 (Table 2) is 2.7 times higher than Van Zelm’s factor of 4.3E−4, as converted from the PM10 estimates accounting for the respective proportion of PM10 emitted as PM2.5 for the primary and secondary PM (Humbert et al. 2011). This results from higher intake fractions (3.1 times higher) multiplied by lower effect factors (27 % lower as discussed above), obtained using US mortality rate inputs, age-group specific RRs, and chronic morbidity due to PM2.5. Our characterization factors for secondary PM2.5 due to SO2 and NH3 of 6.9E−5 and 1.3E−4 are virtually the same as Van Zelm’s factors of 6.9E−5 and 1.4E−4, while our characterization factor for secondary PM2.5 of 1.4E−5 due to NOx is lower than Van Zelm’s factor of 6.2E−5 due to our use of a lower intake fraction.

The factors suggested in this paper update the factors provided by Humbert (2009) which are currently recommended by the European Commission in its Production and Organization Environmental Footprint methodologies (Wolf et al. 2012). The factors suggested in this paper are about a third lower than the factors provided by Humbert (2009) for primary PM2.5 and secondary PM from SO2 and are about the same for secondary PM from NOx and NH3. The correspondence between our revised characterization factors and previous ones suggests that conclusions used in previous LCIA using those methods would still be largely valid.

Our estimate based on ambient concentrations is 2.2 times lower than our estimate based on PM2.5 emissions inventories and characterization factors in the US, and this difference is due to the additional assumptions about intake required when using emissions inventories and characterization factors instead of known ambient concentrations. In county-by-county comparisons, the two intake estimates differed by less than a factor of 10 for 91 % of the counties. The intake fraction is heavily dependent on assumptions about the density of the population near the emissions source, so it was not surprising that the uncertainty in the intake fraction is larger for counties with higher population densities. The general concordance of the emissions and characterization factor-derived results with the ambient concentration results supports the use of these characterization factors for LCIA.

Our US burden of disease estimates based on ambient levels of PM2.5 fall in the range the estimates derived by the US EPA in 2010. When using a CRF, which provides an estimate of risk on an absolute scale, as opposed to the direct use of an attributable fraction for each county which estimates risk relative to the baseline mortality in that county, our results did not change substantially. This is not surprising given that we made this comparison using a population similar to that used to derive the RRs. Pope et al.’s (2009) life expectancy estimate was also similar to ours, which again, is not surprising considering that a similar study population was used. Our results reinforce that US health-based air quality standards that are based on previous burden of disease and life expectancy estimates are robust to the methodologic differences we addressed here. The advantage of using a CRF is that it produces results for other countries and regions that are less dependent on background mortality, and this method is more relevant to instances when epidemiologic evidence from one population is applied to another, as in LCIA.

Our burden of disease estimate falls below the GBD estimate, likely due to the higher RRs used in the GBD, which were modeled from multiple cohort studies of ambient air pollution as well as secondhand tobacco smoke, indoor solid cooking fuel and active smoking (US Burden of Disease Collaborators 2013). The RRs in the GBD modeling were allowed to vary by exposure concentration (Burnett et al. 2014), although any possible biological mechanisms explaining the resulting non-linear dose-response relationships were not proposed. For the purposes of LCIA a linear, no-lower-threshold dose-response curve is often assumed. Although the health effects of PM2.5 may actually be attenuated in countries with higher background PM2.5 levels (Ostro 2004), a linearity assumption may still be appropriate in LCIA applications in which one would not want an inter-regional comparison of the additional adverse health effects due to a process to be influenced by the background PM2.5 levels in those regions. On the other hand, in indoor settings, our characterization factor would possibly overestimate PM-attributable health effects considering much higher concentrations of PM are often observed indoors, and more research is needed to quantify the health effects of indoor PM (Smith and Peel 2010). Even solely among studies of mortality and ambient air pollution, considerable heterogeneity in the effect estimates exists (Hoek et al. 2013), and some of this heterogeneity may be due to differences in baseline mortality risk from study to study. Additional research needs in refining estimates of PM-related health effects as well as limitations of the present study are listed below.

PM regulations and epidemiology studies typically focus on PM mass. If and when PM number, surface area and composition are shown to be important and robustly quantifiable in dose-response relationships, it will be necessary to reevaluate results presented here.

The ACS Study did not control for other air pollutants or noise pollution. There is a demand for improved health effects modeling of multiple, correlated air pollutants simultaneously, and techniques for addressing this challenge are being developed (Dominici et al. 2010). In the meantime, the effects of PM reported in this paper should be applied cautiously considering that some of the effect attributed to PM may be due to other air pollutants. In LCIA, because PM health effects are often much higher than the effects of other air pollutants, the PM health effects serve as a proxy for the environmental health effects of air pollutants generated by that product or process.

Our simplified severity factor calculation attempts to avoid the gaps in knowledge regarding PM-associated morbidity. However, Appendix C Table 8 suggests that our severity factor could still be underestimating PM-associated morbidity due to chronic bronchitis. Also, the effect factor recommended here uses only dose-response information based on adults. The influence of PM inhalation on low birth weight (Bell et al. 2008) and asthma among children and expressing this influence in terms of DALY also deserves further attention.

We have updated the PM characterization factor so that future LCIAs may have more precise comparisons of the health burden of PM from various products or processes. However, our uncertainty intervals are still relatively wide, and advances in modeling the intake fraction are needed. For both LCIA and estimates of the burden of disease due to PM, a better understanding of the mechanisms behind a potentially non-linear dose-response relationship and sources of heterogeneity in effect estimates is needed. Nevertheless, the PM2.5-attributable fractions for cardiopulmonary disease as well as lung cancer were high (9–12 % on average) indicating that PM2.5 represents an important exposure contributing to mortality in the US and is fundamental to our understanding of the health impacts of PM throughout a product or process’s life cycle.