The Al-Mo phase diagram in [Massalski2] (1990) was based on the evaluation issued later by [1997Sau]. In the meantime, [1991Sch] reported a more detailed partial phase diagram for the range 0-28 at.% Mo. [2000Oka] updated the Al-Mo phase diagram by combining [1991Sch] and [1997Sau].

[2006Eum] re-evaluated the Al-Mo phase diagram with particular attention to phase equilibria among intermediate phases and homogeneity range of each phase by using various means such as DTA, EPMA, X-ray diffraction, and microanalysis. The result is shown in Fig. 1. [2010Cup] attempted to assess this system thermodynamically and calculated the Al-Mo phase diagram. According to their result, the Al-Mo phase melts congruently unlike the peritectic type shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Al-Mo phase diagram [2006Eum]

Table 1 shows Al-Mo crystal structure data summarized in [2000Oka] with additional information from [2006Eum].

Table 1 Al-Mo crystal structure data